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Approved Tech Valkyrie Spear

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  • Classification: Staff/ Polearm
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Light Weight
  • Vibro-Blade - The blade of this Polearm weapon, whilst made of Beskar, is also fitted with a Ultrasonic generator that allowed this lethal weapon to become a steel ripping, flesh tearing weapon that any skilled hunter would use to take down a Rancor
  • Mono-Molecular Edge - Whilst working on taking down foes such as the Acklays, Lazrea found that a sharper edge was needed, so she used equipment that a weaponsmith used for high grade clients to make her weapon's blade "Mono-Molecular Edge" classed.
  • Handle - The semi large handle of this weapon is made from a special tree's wood that has been declared to be as strong as metal, with the added bonus that it weights the same as ordinary wood rather than steel.
  • Launcher Pommel - When Melee isn't possible, a device was fitted to the end of this weapon, allowing medium range grenade launching. It was modified so that two grenades can be loaded at a time, with the ease of use allowing for rapid reloading before firing again. The Varity of grenades fired can range from Thermal Detonators, EMP Grenades, CryoBan Grenades and even extremely powerful sedation darts fired 4-5 at a single time for maximum chance of successful hits.
  • The blade is lethal enough to take down creatures covered in metal such as Durasteel, or thick hides/ Carapaces. The generator and edge allowed this blade to even cut through thick trees with ease.
  • The wood used for the handle is strong enough to equal Durasteel or similar compositions of equal durability. This allows the weapon to be hit by immense forces without denting or shattering.
  • The launcher at the base is quick to reload and allows a vast variety of ammunition. The weapon can easily be used to stun organic foes, disable electronics and even freeze escaping targets.
  • Due to the size of this weapon, the recoil from the launcher is actually nullified completely. This allows Lazrea to reload and fire again almost instantly compared with other launchers
  • The weapon's overall design is dependent on close combat range with the blade being the most lethal part of it. This makes it useable only in such situations which can often place the user's life at risk.
  • The handle durability to lightsabers or equally plasma based weaponry that cuts through metal or wood can damage the pole. Whilst it can be replaced, it cannot be done so in the middle of a fight, making the weapon into an offhand launcher and make shift Vibro-Sword.
Standing above a large beast, its hide thick and coarse, Lazrea looked down at it, activating the generator. The Rancor roared at the Huntress, but was silenced with a quick flash along its neck, leaving it dead. The launcher remained inactive, having just been used to close off a cave entrance that smaller carnivorous creatures were coming from. Some were fried with a thermal detonator, whilst some were frozen before being smashed apart.

This weapon is based on the same polearm weapons her people used decades ago, before metal and technology reached them to make bows and similarly advanced armour. Lazrea uses her with extreme modifications to become the most lethal and efficient Prey Seeker her Tribe has ever known.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Lazrea Visara Lazrea Visara

Very cool and creative. However it is a ranged weapon as well, so please add this to your template:
  • Classification: (Blaster, Disruptor, Ion/EMP, Slugthower, Rail/Coil/Gauss, Etc.)
  • Size: (Please choose a size between Extremely Large, Very Large, Large, Average, Small, Very Small, Extremely Small.)
  • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extremely Heavy, Very Heavy, Heavy , Average, Light, Very Light, Extremely Light.)
  • Ammunition Type: (List the ammunition type: Power cell, gas canister, slugs, etc.)
  • Ammunition Capacity: (List the ammunition capacity. The more powerful and lighter the weapon, the lower the magazine capacity is likely to be. Please choose a size between Extremely Small, Very Small, Small, Average, Large, Very Large and Extremely Large. You may also include a number with the Rating)
  • Effective Range: (Effective range in relation to the weapon type. Remember that a carbine will have a longer range than a pistol, an assault rifle longer range than a carbine, and a sniper rifle longer than an assault rifle. Choose from None, Point Blank, Personal, Average, Long Range, Battlefield, and Extreme. Battlefield and Extreme will require justification in strengths and weaknesses.)
  • Rate of Fire: (How quickly the weapon fires. Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extremely High. Very High and Extreme will require justification in the strengths and weaknesses.)
  • Damage Output: (How powerful the weapon is, in relation to its class. Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extreme. Very High and Extreme will require justification in strengths and weaknesses.)
  • Recoil: (How much recoil does the weapon have? Generally speaking, the lighter the weapon and the more damage output it has, the more recoil it will have. Also, certain types of weapons will not have recoil. Choose from Extreme, Very High, High, Average, Low, Very Low, and None.)
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