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Approved Species Ursidaans

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  • Intent: To elaborate on the Ursidaans, an anthropomorphic race of bears, who hand been featured in a thread or two Needan.
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Ursian, Bearon, Ursine Setting, Bearkin
  • Name: Ursidaes // Ursidaans
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Needan
  • Average Lifespan: 50 - 80 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: These creatures are massive and move with effortless grace, possessing formidable claws that seem capable of slicing through even the strongest of metals. Their bodies are heavily muscled and enveloped in a dense coat of fur, which serves as insulation against the extreme conditions of their arctic habitat. They are capable of moving on all fours when the need arises. Based on their ancestry, they are apex predators and possess the strength and ferocity to match.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.4m
    • Females: Up to 2.8m
    • Males: Up to 3.2m
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin Color: N/A
  • Hair Color: Ursidaans and Arctines have a small range of fur colors, below is a sample of those colors followed by their commonality. Ursidaans have spots or stripes, never both.
    • Ursidaans
      • Base Fur - Very Common (#f2f3f4) | Spots/Stripes - Very Common (#c1c1c1)
      • Base Fur - Common (#fffdf5) | Spots/Stripes - Common (#a4a192)
      • Base Fur - Uncommon (#e1e0dd) | Spots/Stripes - Uncommon (#7a7a7a)
    • Arctines
      • Base Fur - Very Common (#7a6b5d) | Spots/Stripes - Very Common (#8e7d78)
      • Base Fur - Common (#9b694a) | Spots/Stripes - Common (#eec185)
      • Base Fur - Uncommon (#ad7860) | Spots/Stripes - Uncommon (#d7b68d)
  • Distinctions: They have unique coloration patterns, such as white or gray fur with dark stripes or spots, which help them blend into the snowy landscape and also, make them easily recognizable.The Ursidaans, the ones in the north, have adaptations specifically for living in the arctic north, such as thicker and denser fur, and retractable claws for better grip on ice and snow. This is at least for the Ursidaans (Maritima) living in the frigid North. Their cousins the Arctus or Arctines live in a warmer climate. Their fur color for example is either brown or reddish-brown instead of white, with lighter stripes or spots. They have a leaner body shape than the Ursidaans to help them regulate their body temperature in warmer climate, and are generally smaller than their Maritima cousins.
  • Races:
    • Maritima // Maritimaians [Featured]
      • Arctus // Arctines [Featured]
    • Thibetani // Thibetanioans [Not Featured]
      • Amerius // Ameriusinos [Not Featured]
  • Force Sensitivity: High
  • Strong and resilient: Ursidaans are physically powerful creatures, capable of taking on formidable opponents and withstanding harsh conditions.
  • Adaptable: Whether on two legs or four, Ursidaans can navigate diverse terrain with ease.
  • Natural hunters: Ursidaans possess keen senses and a predatory nature, making them formidable hunters.
  • Intimidating presence: Standing over seven feet tall and weighing up to 800 pounds, Ursidaans can be quite intimidating to potential foes.
  • Powerful Physicality: Ursidaans are incredibly strong and have a muscular build, allowing them to deliver devastating blows and overpower opponents in combat. Their thick fur also provides natural armor against attacks, making them difficult to injure.
  • Adaptability: Ursidaans are highly adaptable and can quickly adjust to changing combat situations. They can easily switch between fighting on two legs and running on all fours, giving them increased speed and maneuverability. Additionally, their ability to communicate telepathically with each other in battle allows for coordinated attacks and better strategy.
  • Slow-moving: Ursidaans are not known for their speed, making them vulnerable to fast-moving enemies.
  • Vulnerable to heat: Due to their thick fur, Ursidaans can struggle in warmer climates.
  • Limited agility: While strong and powerful, Ursidaans may struggle with more acrobatic movements in combat.
  • Stubbornness: Ursidaans can be very set in their ways and slow to change their tactics, which can make them predictable in combat.
  • Slow-moving: Ursidaans are not known for their speed, making them vulnerable to fast-moving enemies.
  • Vulnerable to heat: Due to their thick fur, Ursidaans can struggle in warmer climates.
  • Limited agility: While strong and powerful, Ursidaans may struggle with more acrobatic movements in combat.
  • Stubbornness: Ursidaans can be very set in their ways and slow to change their tactics, which can make them predictable in combat.
  • Diet: The Ursidaans are primarily carnivores, although they are known to supplement their diet with plants and berries found in their arctic environment. Their diet consists mainly of fish, seals, and other marine mammals that they hunt in the frigid waters of Needan's oceans. However, they also have been known to scavenge from the carcasses of other animals and occasionally hunt land-based animals such as caribou or polar bears. Overall, their diet reflects their status as apex predators in their environment.
  • Their smaller brethren the Arctines are omnivores and consume berries, fruits, vegetables, and roots, as well as insects, meat, and fish. The diet of the Arctines depends largely on where they live, those by the coast will have more of a fish and shellfish diet. While those more inland might rely more on their foraging for fruits, berries, roots, and wild vegetables.
  • Communication: Ursidaans communicate with each other through a series of low-frequency vocalizations that are below the range of human hearing. These vocalizations could be used to convey complex messages, such as warnings about incoming danger or the location of food sources. They also use a system of body languages, such as specific movements or postures, to communicate with one another. As a species that evolved in a harsh arctic environment, they may have developed unique ways of communication to ensure their survival in a challenging environment. Arctines communicate using a combination of vocalizations, body language, and scent marking. Their vocalizations include growls, grunts, and roars, as well as a range of other sounds that they would use to convey different messages. They also use body language such as posturing and gestures to communicate their intentions and emotions to one another. Additionally, Arctines use scent marking to communicate their presence and territorial boundaries to others of their kind. This is usually done by rubbing their bodies against trees or other objects. They only use this type of communication when marking territorial boundaries.
  • Technology level: Before meeting the First Order, the Ursidaans had a relatively low level of technology, mostly limited to simple tools and weapons made from natural materials like stone and bone. They also had some knowledge of basic metallurgy, allowing them to make crude metal weapons and tools.

    However, after the Ursidaans joined the First Order, they gained access to advanced technologies such as blaster weapons, starships, and other high-tech equipment. The First Order provided the Ursidaans with the resources and training needed to develop their own technological capabilities, leading to a significant advancement in their technology level. Despite this, the Ursidaans still rely heavily on their traditional skills and knowledge of the land, and often prefer to use natural materials and techniques whenever possible.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Believers in a “Great Hunt” the Ursidaans view their life and survival in the harsh arctic environment as part of a grand hunt, where they are constantly searching for food, shelter, and resources to sustain themselves and their community. They see themselves as hunters, with a variety of fish being their primary prey, to them these fish symbolize strength and resilience. Their religion involves rituals and ceremonies to honor the spirits of the animals they hunt, as well as the spirits of their ancestors who have passed on. They believe in a creator who oversees the hunt and provides them with the resources they need to survive. Their religion emphasizes the importance of community and working together, as the Ursidaans rely on each other to survive in such a harsh environment. They might have communal ceremonies to mark important events such as successful hunts, births, and marriages, and would place great value on sharing and generosity within the community.
  • The Arctines meanwhile have a great reverence for their earth and the mountains and worship them. They believe much of their land, especially mountains to be sacred, they believe in a “Great Mother” and believe that this goddess not only created them but their lands. Thus they believe that in order to ascend the Great Mountains to the heavens, they need to take care of the land. They believe she is a powerful force that they must respect and appease through offerings and rituals.
  • General behavior:
    • Ursidaans: They are patient and methodical in their actions, but can become fiercely protective of their family and community when threatened. They value strength, resilience, and adaptability, as these are important traits for survival in their harsh environment. They have a hierarchical structure with leaders and followers but also value cooperation and working together to achieve common goals.
    • Arctines: They are highly intelligent, independent, and resourceful. They have a strong sense of family and community, with a social structure based on hierarchies and cooperation. They are skilled hunters and foragers, able to adapt to different environments and food sources. Due to their warm climate, they have a more relaxed demeanor compared to the Ursidaans, but they are still likely to be fiercely protective of their territory and loved ones. Overall, they are seen as resilient and adaptable beings, capable of thriving in a variety of environments and situations.
Before the rise of the First Order, there was little information available about the Ursidaans, due to their isolation in the frigid arctic north of Needan. However, the First Order eventually established contact with the Ursidaans and worked to establish a peaceful accord with them. During the Ssi-Ruuk invasion and the Nutaaq Snowstorm, the Ursidaans proved to be invaluable allies to the settlers in Needan's arctic north. Their massive size and fighting skills allowed them to swiftly attack the invaders, buying valuable time for the settlers to prepare their defenses. The Ursidaans also helped save countless lives during the devastating snowstorm.

Today, the Ursidaans are highly respected by the native Needaines and are considered the leaders of Needan due to their physical prowess and even-tempered nature. They advocate for peace and cooperation among all creatures in the region, and their contributions to the defense and survival of Needan have not been forgotten. As the First Order fell and the Commonwealth formed, the Ursidaans continued to help their fellow Needaines. Referring back to their Great Hunt and overall cultural roots of putting community first. This became quite influential in how many of Needan’s northern cities operated. Such was their influence that a humble group of force users referred to themselves as “Bear Knights” no matter how often this made them the butt of many jokes within the Guild. They briefly changed their name to the “Bear’s Path” however the local community preferred Knights, so they reverted back.

The Ursidaans are a formidable force within the Commonwealth's Guild, known for their sensitivity and strength in the Force. They bring a unique perspective and set of skills to the Guild, which has proved invaluable in many missions. Their traditions and belief in the Great Hunt also play a significant role in their contributions. The Ursidaans have developed a set of Force techniques that draw on their cultural roots, allowing them to tap into their connection with the natural world and enhance their hunting abilities. These techniques are highly sought after by other Guild members, who recognize their effectiveness in both combat and survival situations. Additionally, the Ursidaans' physical prowess and natural instincts make them excellent trackers and scouts, providing valuable intel on mission targets. Overall, the Ursidaans' contributions to the Guild are invaluable, and their unique perspective and skills continue to make them an asset to the Commonwealth.

Karmuk, is the force user group or order that many if not all Ursidaans especially in the north are a part of. Karmuk is reflective of their belief in the Great Hunt and the idea that the Force can be harnessed to aid them in their pursuit of prey. It also signifies their respect for the Force and their understanding that it can be used for more than just combat, but also in the pursuit of survival and sustenance.
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