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Rules Update Update Concerning Use of Real Life Extremist Imagery

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The General Rules have been updated with the following:

12. Iconography or depictions of real-world extremist political groups, such as Nazis, KKK, ISIL, etc. are prohibited.

All members must remove any such iconography from anything posted on this site including bios, profiles, submissions, IC or OOC posts or anything else posted on this site.

If you have any questions or uncertainty contact an admin for clarification.
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Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor that's regarding the discussion/debate/etc of IRL politcs/religion/events/etc. This is to eliminate the imagery of RL groups and depictions of them in RP, which I mean I sort of think most people would have just assumed were against the rules in the first place but I guess there's always someone who needs a sign.
That makes sense. I suppose I fall into the group that made that assumption lol. Either way, good on the staff for drawing the line!

Caehl Ren

Unfortunately, I do believe this has come up due to my bringing this character back to the board, and the use of a very old Avatar from four years back.

The previous and original Avatar that I used to use, depicted Ralph Fiennes in a military uniform. I wasn't familiar with the fact it was from the movie Schindlers List. There was no insignia of any sort depicted within the Avatar, however, it has since been removed as soon as I was informed.
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Don't mean to be a wet blanket, but wouldn't that mean the new order Eternal Empire or any version of the galactic empire

Would have to be taken down as all have some semblance of nazi dipictions in them as the original trilogy based the galactic empire off of them, the stormtroopers named after the nazi stormtroopers. The New order just a Recreation I'm the sequel trilogy

And Eternal Empire basically being space Nazi's?
Don't mean to be a wet blanket, but wouldn't that mean the new order Eternal Empire or any version of the galactic empire

Would have to be taken down as all have some semblance of nazi dipictions in them as the original trilogy based the galactic empire off of them, the stormtroopers named after the nazi stormtroopers. The New order just a Recreation I'm the sequel trilogy

And Eternal Empire basically being space Nazi's?
None of the canon or EU empire spin-offs (or derivatives) used actual IRL iconography and imagery or depictions of real life groups. You got an idea that they were intended to be a group that could be the star wars version of a government capable of the kinds of things those real life groups did because they blew up planets and wore military attire to appear fascist.

They didn't use symbols and images from those groups, nor did they try to mirror them in any way beyond being big and bad and having a charismatic leader (which is a hallmark of any dictatorship).

Factions have came and gone that never touched real life group iconography and didn't try to depict themselves as star wars inserts of those groups, it isn't that difficult for the Eternal Empire to do the same, if they are using RL icons & depicting themselves as such.
Where in any Star Wars media is there actual nazi or other fascist regime imagery of any sort WISCOM WISCOM ? Answer:There isn't. There are aesthetics that are similar, but even minor details such as rank insignias, or other things that would easily be missed are not present. As Ellie Mors Ellie Mors noted there are many instances of utilizing a very uniform system of dress to impress upon the viewer how oppressive the Empire, First Order, Sith, et al truly are. But nowhere are the symbols of past or present extremist groups utilized in any Star Wars media.
Where in any Star Wars media is there actual nazi or other fascist regime imagery of any sort WISCOM WISCOM ? Answer:There isn't. There are aesthetics that are similar, but even minor details such as rank insignias, or other things that would easily be missed are not present. As Ellie Mors Ellie Mors noted there are many instances of utilizing a very uniform system of dress to impress upon the viewer how oppressive the Empire, First Order, Sith, et al truly are. But nowhere are the symbols of past or present extremist groups utilized in any Star Wars media.
If you use real life imagery of hate groups, you took an L. I can maybe see if you used like... Wolfenstein or something, but even then that game almost literally is based on Nazi propaganda (albeit you're also murdering Nazi's by the droves, which is always nice).

What gets me is the ISIS-ISIL / KKK. Now why... Bruh why would you?

. <-----
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

We were under investigation by the staff, about this topic when Tacitus was the FO, the site staff did not find any problems with the EE mentality or IC views nor the graphics what Tacitus made for us. And we don’t use any RL fascist symbols. Fact, Helghast is a fasist nation in the Killzone, but another game, fiction universe and not RL.

But of course, if the staff thinks the Killzone symbols are offensive as well, we’ll look for something else instead.

Caehl Ren

The Avatar of mine was a shoulder-up view of an Actor wearing a military uniform.

Due to the movie that the image was from, I presume is the reason why I was asked to change it, as to me it didn't seem any different from any other countries military uniform really. No visible badges or insignia were visible, nothing obvious aside from the connection to the movie.

I suppose it's a matter of perspective. The movie was fictional, same as a game, but I'm not in any way going to argue or try to justify something this clone to the line. I myself am a Social Worker, the last thing I want to promote is hate and extremist groups.

As far as this was concerned, when I was messaged I was a little shocked as it hadn't occurred to me that it was crossing the line. I had it changed immediately. At the very least, it's a matter of considering other peoples.
What about images of weapons used by world war two factions? Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris ?

I ask because one of my weapon subs, The Zealot's Eye had the FG-42 as its depiction. This is a prototype rifle developed in ww2 from which The American M60 is descended.

For context, The Valken Rifle is also based off the FG-42. For context, many of star wars guns are mixed up parts of ww2 weapons
Weapons shouldn't apply. Han's blaster, the DL-44 is just a Mauser with extra greeblies.
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