Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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'Unofficial' Threads

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Sorry to bother you about this, but, I have just a quick question to check something, because I'm the type of person who'll stress myself out over this. So, if we are doing an unofficial thread do we just start it off in the Omega forums by starting a new topic ourselves? I know that you probably addressed this earlier on, but, as I said, I'm a bit of a worrier.


Eternal Padawan
So, I'm trying to think of somewhere to hit. I'm thinking with the recent conquest of Coruscant there would still be some stuff there.

Wondering if as a former OS territory it's fair game for the Omega thread for an adventurous young Sith to find stuff? I imagine the GA is busy after all.
[member="Irtar"] Probably, though you might want to touch base with someone in the OS. While I can speak for things directly related to the Omega event, that's outside my jurisdiction.


Eternal Padawan
[member="Irajah Ven"] Yep. Just wanted Admin approval that I was still in bounds of things before chasing after people. I fired off a word towards someone I was pointed to in the GA to get their approval before I go digging on one of their worlds.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] Will do. Was planning on finding artifacts an apprentice can handle without going insane. As entertaining as it would be to find Marka Ragnos' codpiece, it shall have to wait for a later day.

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