Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unity at last.

Vulpesen smiled as he sat at the head of the Tenevi Banquet table. All around him, the capitol city had finally been reconstructed and reparations were continued throughout the planet. However, today was not one of building or construction. Today was a day of fellowship. All around the planet, Vulpesen had gotten word out for work to be completely optional. A holiday of sorts.

With the recreation of the Tenevi Order and its subsequent joining into the Vitae Alliance, the Valde had seen plenty of reason to celebrate, and as such had prepared a feast for those who had shown an interest in the alliance.

The hall for the feast was certainly a grand one, made for occasions such as this, as well as any lesser thing. Of course, there was also the fact that it was built by the Zorrens. A close knit(though by no means, Xenophobic) society that could eat more in a mean than many humans could in two.

With this grand venue, Vulpesen had spared no expense, the tapestries of the temple had been hung to display the banner that he and others would fight under. The best food the people could afford(without tanking the local economy) had been set out, and the entire hall had been prepared to keep as light and enjoyable a feel as possible.

Abygail Ericson


It was very impressive, almost more so than Hapes was, but Abygail felt a bit . . . out of place among all these Zorrens. The other members of the Order of the Grey would be arriving soon . . . but she still hadn't really done much to help them. She still hadn't had many lessons in controlling the Force and felt it wasn't doing much good for her.

Still, she would stay with this new alliance and maybe learn a thing or two eventually. At least she might get a huge meal out whatever was going on right now. Sitting in a corner by herself, she tried to stay out of the way of those getting the banquet all set.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Abygail Ericson"] [member="Vulpesen"]

Alexandra smiled as she moved into the room wearing the same pure white robes she had worn long before she was pregnant. It had been a while in the fabric was a welcome memory as she looked around the room and smiled before letting her eyes rest on the two that she recognized. With a smile still on her face she made towards the woman off in the corner. Once near Abygail she spoke. "Mind if i sit here Abygail?"

Abygail Ericson

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"Uh, sure Alex, by all means," Abygail replied, shifting so there was more room. "Sorry if I've been . . . distant, I'm just not sure how or what to do right now."

She fell silent again and sighed, not blaming the woman here at all. The Order was constantly on the move right now, still settling into their new home, but it just seemed . . . chaotic to her. She guessed she was use to the stability of Hapes, and maybe she was a little home sick.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Abygail Ericson"]

"To be honest im not too stable about our moving around too..." She already knew alot of members did not like the moving around and more so found those that did not want to join in with the alliance, but a few had and that was all she could ask for. "I know its alot and if i had my way i would be back at Alderaan with the galaxy's wars a distant memory and simply there to enjoy the world and its beauty... but i can't. The wars will never stop and just like our home they never stop moving. Look Abygail, trust me when i say that i will do anything to help you if you need it, in any way. Got it?" She smiled at the girl she had brought to the order a few months back, smiling at her with a soft and kind expression.
Hakora entered the halls wearing his former robes from his padawanship that his sister had made for him. He wore on his hips two normal lightsabers as his younger sister had his lightsabers. Hakora made his way to [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] and gently kissed the top of her head, "I apologize for my absence." He then made his way over and sat next to @Vulpesen. His words were none at first. Hakora took some food to eat and his body showed signs of his previous fight with the technobeasts. Once Hakora had some food in him he spoke tot he leader. "You left me. I am sure the reason was because of my memory wipe, but you cannot argue that my past was holding me back, but the memory wipe was pointless as it is broken. I have served you since the beginning. I have wanted power and have tried taking it by force, but you are a stubborn one. Now that I remember, I want to know what you want to do with me. Since the death of Alderaan all I have seen I have seen it me be pushed aside ether by my own actions or others, but enough is enough and it is time I become the warrior you want and not who I want. So I am your humble servant."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

Her head turned and she just looked at him for a moment before rubbing her forehead and laughing as she looked at her brother and motioned too him as she had heard his words just slightly and spoke to him. "Hakora, stop worrying about the past and have some fun. Talk shop some other time." She stood and walked over to him before reaching out and bringing her brother into her arms and sighing. "And if you ever leave us all again, im going to skin you." She said this with a cheerful and eerie smile.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"I never really left you, merely followed in your foot steps and got a memory wipe." Hakora smiled playfully at his sister giving her a hug back as he once again turned his attention to the leader. "While rest is good, we are now a known force to the Galaxy and our numbers are growing. It is best I put all my cards in the table now." Hakora wasn't being completely hinest as he was keeping one card left unturned which was a wild card of sorts, but Hakora's words and intentions were true so this card was purely hypothetical.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

She stared at him and patted him on the head as she took a seat by the two with a grin. "You are a real comedian Hakora, you know that right... Shame nicole is off somewhere else instead of hearing your great jokes mister." With that she looked back over at [member="Abygail Ericson"] waved for the girl to come over and sit beside Alex, no reason to leave her student alone.

Abygail Ericson

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

After Alex had gone off to see the other man, Abygail just sat there again, thinking about what Alex had said. She was truly appreciative towards the white haired Echani for helping her, and making her a part of something bigger. And yet, she could still feel a yearning to go visit Hapes again. Maybe she would go visit once this banquet was done.

Seeing Alex gesturing for her to come join her and the other man, she got up and made her way over, dodging around people and tables with the grace of a dancer before stopping near her.

"Yes?" she asked, a little timidly. She had no idea who this man was, and she was naturally a little uneasy about him.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Abygail Ericson"] [member="Hakora Rhapsodos"] [member="Vulpesen"]

Alexandra smiled as she looked at the girl and spoke to her, introducing her to Vulpesen and Hakora. "Abygail, these are Vulpesen and Hakora, the one with the tail is Vulps while Hakora is my brother. Might as well make sure everyone knows each other before one of us randomly thinks the other has no place her no? Hakora, Vulps, this is Abygail Ericson, a talented woman i found on Coruscant, shes studying to control the abilities the force gave her."
Vulpesen's ears flicked as Hakora talked. His words were odd for someone associated with the Vitae Alliance and the Valde simply couldn't help but speak up. "To seek total obedience to any person, is not our way. Life, Freedom, Unity." The stress on the second word was obvious. "With us, your service to the galaxy above all others. The same is true of us." As Alexandra introduced Abigail, he smiled and placed a clawed hand over his heart in the zorren gesture of respect. "Salutations." Despite the semi-solemn words of only moments before, he held a wide smile and wrapped an arm around Alexandra before kissing her cheek. "You forgot to mention that we're engaged."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Abygail Ericson"]
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]
"Freedom can be in different forms. While traditionally freedom is seen as rule less and to be your own man, simetimes rules or serving another can free you from yourself and focus the freedom; that is all I mean." Hakora turned to the lady that Alexandra was introducing him too. "Nice to meet you Miss. Abygail, if you ever need some sparing training or force training beyond what Alex can show..." Hakora turned to Alex as he paused, "I should ask, can you still not use the Force?" Hakora was unsure of what had transpired since his memory wipe and then asked Alex again, "Where is Nicole and why is she not with you?" Hakora didn't really pay much attention to Vulps comment on engagement as he found it silly. They had been a couple for years and had children so Hakora only saw as them as a pair dragging their feet. His biggest concern was his little sister. If need be he would hunt her down and train her himself.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Abygail Ericson"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Abygail Ericson"]

"I can very much so use it now, my small break from the force was a bit of a strain on my psyche."She let her hands press one on top of the other and smiled as she turned her head to look at the certain tailed man and sighing. "No need to be all mushy right now Vulpesen." Her hands turns and moved to sit in her lap.

Abygail Ericson

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Hakora Rhapsodos"] [member="Vulpesen"]

"Uh, thanks? I'll be sure, to maybe, take you up on that offer," she said, uncertainly. She wasn't sure what to make of either man, but they at least seemed nice. "I guess congratulations are in order for you two. When's the big day?"
Hakora raised an eyebrow to her hesitant words, "I am not going to force you to learn from me, merely a friendly jester. Quite frankly, I have never had much luck with padawans so I am reluctant to teach." He then looked at his sister, "you are avoiding the question, where is Nicole and Eric?"
[member="Abygail Ericson"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]


In time all foul things come forth
Dalur marveled at the extravagance of the banquet. Not since his last true home had he seen such noble and fulfilling standards, the meals on the ship his people had taken refuge in being nothing but rations. Dressed in a glistening silver outfit covered slightly by a crimson red cloak and with his wooden crown upon his head, the Eldorai walked slowly along the hall. His eyes had caught the gathering that included the Vitae's leader, and he intended to make his way to that group.

Members of his own group, both Eldorai and Half-Blood, had begun filing into the hall. They too stood in awe whilst observing the hall, yet they stuck to themselves. Mingling with others had been something they were used to a while back, but not now.

As Dalur reached the Vitae's recognizable members, he performed a small bow of respect. "A fine feast, Lord Vulpesen." He addressed the Alliance's leader, his gaze purposely yet subtly avoiding that of his half-breed family.

[member="Hakora Feanor"] [member="Abygail Ericson"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Vulpesen"]
[member="Dalur"] [member="Abygail Ericson"] [member="Lady Hel"] [member="Vulpesen"]

Hakora sat laughing and enjoying the company when the air in the place seemed to change. A man with a slender face, pointy ears like Hakora's and sticks in his hair that were shaped like a crown. Hakora wondered what he was king of, maybe King of the sticks? That seemed silly, but so did the crown so Hakora found it hard to think of any other meaning. He then once again looked over his features and notice his features were stronger than Hakora's to suggest he was more of a Eldorai than Hakora or a pure blood. Hakora saw the look of Arrogance and that of superiority towards Hakora and Alex which Hakora wondered if it was because he could tell they were only half Eldorai. Hakora turned his attention back to the meal as being fully Eldorai was not something Hakora would want as he had the force of te Eldorai race an Exhani and was most likily a better fighter which Hakora neede to be so it mattered not if the King of the Sticks would feel sustain towards him as long as unity was still achievable.
Vulpesen smiled and flicked his tail at Abigail's question. "We're still planning that. Up til now, our lives have been more than a little chaotic, so we'll have to have a bit of time too breath before we do any major planing." With that question answered, he turned to give a small nod to Dalur. "Salutions. And of course it is. Zorrens tend to have large appetites, so I suppose a feast if one of the best ways we know to socialize and party."

[member="Hakora Feanor"]
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexndra's eyes ran over the table as the others talked with a smile at this place, she was happy to see that the Vitae would succeed under Vulpesen and with that smile her eyes turned to look over to the side and cut through the people before settling again. "Vulpesen, ill be back, do try and not cause a fight while im gone foxbrain..." She sent the words through Daeda as she stood up wordless and straightened her robes to head for the fresh air and breathed in to smile as the air entered her lungs.

[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Hakora Feanor"][member="Dalur"] [member="Abygail Ericson"]

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