Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Underground] Gun Running, the Ol' Fashion Way.

She still had it.

Even with the apparent fact that she had seemingly been ejected some 800 years into the galaxies future Andrasta couldn’t help but feel that perhaps things would now be easier.
Any obligation she had owed to Carn had ended with her blaster to his head and any possibility of some grunt taking revenge had all but disappeared thanks to an overly large black hole.

Of course it had taken some getting used to, this galaxy seemed overly occupied with many governments vying for complete control, which while more complex to keep up with kept one part of Andrasta happy, the opportunity to get credits. Nothing beat up the cost of simple jobs better than a cold war and nothing made Andrasta happier than easy credits.

All her previous methods of finding work remained intact, bartenders still whispered gossip and the holonet seemingly hadn’t advanced much in the last eight centuries. Yes the cartel was gone, Vaago’s criminal empire laying in dust somewhere along with her inner-circle status, which although a step down it was nice to have no real responsibilities anymore.

She had managed to gain word of gun running jobs that were being funded by a group of anonymous benefactors, another source indicated that most who went on the gun runs ended up reaping in credits soon after, which to Andrasta was like music to her ears.

Several attempts to gain one of these contracts had seen her have to pursue more aggressive means until finally through sheer dum luck she had found herself in the possession of one such contract which involved running guns to Ithor, seemed odd running guns to those peace loving lot, but eh who knew what had changed in all these years.

The Kestrel, which had seemingly seen the end of its life after the time anomaly was sat within some dry dock she had managed to batter for on the familiar backdrop of Nar Shaddaa, meaning she currently had no ship.

A problem she was about to remedy…
“You’ll be looking for Netik.” The bartender wasn’t the most attractive of humans, but damn had he been helpful. “Usually comes in here about eight for a meal, he’s approachable.”
Andrasta leant back on her stool and took another swig from the bottle held firmly within her hand. The question had been for a pilot looking for a crew, the answer had been exactly the type she was looking for.
“For your trouble.” She slid a credit chip towards the keep who simply smiled and removed it with a large grease covered hand. “You’ll point him out when he walks in yeah?”
“For you darl’, I’ll make sure he’s wearing a large holographic arrow pointing to him.” He had a chortling laugh, one that carried across a space and got everyone’s attention, it also made his chins jiggle.
“Might be overkill, but the thought is nice.” She swivelled slightly to take a look at the combined assortment within the small cantina, the usual Nar Shaddaa scum mixed with a few she had nearly deemed appropriate targets. Seem’s her ‘honest’ years had impacted on her pirating talents. This left her with only one choice, waiting for this Netik and hoping the barkeep’s tongue was worth the credits. “Better top me up.” She said absently tapping at her bottle.
It was going to be a long night.

Andrasta was rustled out of her daze by a thick finger tapping at her shoulder.
“What?” She slid her face up to look at the bar tender who gave the door a convenient nod and then went back to polishing his glasses.
Turning on the stool the Kiffar suddenly realised how busy the place had become. They definitely hadn’t been exaggerating when they said that the cantina was flush with dock workers. It wasn’t them she was interested in though, instead her eyes fell upon the trio that had just walked on into the cantina and were loitering at the door looking to see if thee was a place for them to sit.
Netik, or Andrasta assumed was the handsome looking Twi’lek stood in the centre, his attire seemed to radiate shipping captain and the two flanking him, a human and a Gotal just didn’t have the same vibe.
Letting them find a booth and sit Andrasta took the time to observe her marks, Netik was proud in his stance, his greying blue skin shimmering against the harsh light that swung above their chosen table, the human was a simple man by first inspection, yet something gave Andrasta pause about jumping to fast to that conclusion and the Gotal, well he seemed to be the closest thing the Twi’lek captain probably had to a first mate, or at least the expensive gold broach on his left chest indicated as much.

Waiting for the three to order before she made her move, Andrasta approached the table from a clear angle and with the most inviting smile she could muster. Placing both hands down on the flat surface she gave each of them a stare and a polite nod.
“Can we help you?” The Gotal said with the slightest of Coruscanti in his accent.
“I’m hoping so.” She replied, fixing her stare on Netik.
“Well we’re eating, get lost.” This time it was the human who spoke, his hand to close to his belt for Andrasta’s liking, but it was no time to back out of this.
“What? You won’t even hear me out first?” There was no panic in her voice, only stubbornness that refused to budge.
“I would prefer if we didn’t have to, but go on.” Finally Netik himself spoke, his tone bored yet intrigued enough for Andrasta to realise she was in.
“I heard you lot are involved in the freight business.” She slid a nearby stool over and took a seat at their table which seemed to annoy the human to no end. “I just so happen to be looking for a job and the bar tender said I should speak to you.”
“We’re not hiring.” The human blurted out with his beady eyes focused on Andrasta. “So go away.”
“Now, now Jes.” Netik placed his hand up to calm his other down slightly. “She’s shown more initiative than any of the other hands just by approaching us. I’ll hear her out.”
“Thank you.” She gave the Twi’lek a smile before continuing. “I’m a decent pilot and I know my way around an engine bay, give me a list and I’ll do it, even if I have to clean the refreshers. I just need some credits right now and Freighting is all I know.”
It was time to put on the sweet eyes.
“I’m not looking for anyone particularly at the moment.” Netik said after a moments silence. “However, I can offer you a temp spot until the next port?” He was trying to be nice, exactly what Andrasta was hoping for.
“The next port being?” She inquired.
“Oh we don’t know yet, we’re technically a tramp freighter, we usually collect our schedules each morning of release.” Netik said politely, “Is that a problem?”
“No not at all.” Andrasta said with a smile, “So I’m hired?”
“Yes, for now. Docking bay ninety-three at first light tomorrow morning. If you’re there you’ve got yourself a job.” Netik nodded and went back to his dinner as Andrasta said her thanks and departed the table.
It was all too easy.
Docking bay ninety-three was a hole in the wall considering some of the loading bays on this planet. Several under-paid technicians ran around the area at least making it look semi-professional among the magnitude of rodents and scavengers that called the bay home, creating the illusion that perhaps ninety-three wasn’t usually in use for true docking of freighters as it was now.
“So you actually made it.” Netik shouted from near the open hatch where he was leaning lazily upon a crate as others were being loaded by a pair of rusty hauler droids that looked so ancient that Andrasta swore probably came from the Clone Wars. “I had my doubts you see.”
“I told you, I need the credits.” Andrasta answers as she came into line beside the Twi’lek who offered her a smile.
“Always a good incentive.” His eyes turned to his ship, a large rusty rectangle with a window and some engines. “The Flying Box we call it, not much but we can fit enough cargo in her to provide for our credit wants.”
“She’s…” Ugly, hideous, falling apart, useless, disappointing; which word would fit best? “…beautiful.” Andrasta tried to hide her turn of lip as she said it, she had to be nice after all. “So we know where we’re going yet?”
“Just waiting on the authorisation.” Netik lifted a small data pad, “the office will send through the destination then we’ll head off.”
“Digitally issued, makes it easy huh?” Andrasta eyed the data pad, an idea springing into her mind. “Mind if I ‘er, have a look around while we wait?”
Netik shrugged, “Go for it, just don’t mess up the droids paths, they cant handle curves very well.”
“Roger.” Andrasta turned and headed up the cargo ramp towards the mainhold of the ship.

“A console, a console…” Andrasta ran her eyes across the walls of the cargo bay in search of a console that she could use. “Where the frak is the console.” Sliding between crates and assorted junk that had gathered enough dust to be called part of the ship the Kiffar continued to search for some form of computer.
“Can I help you?” Andrasta nearly jumped out of her skin as she rose from behind one of the crates to see the face of Netik’s Gotal crew member, his eyes looking slightly surprised to see her there.
“Ahhh, yes.” She feinted a look of shocked relief. He seemed gullible enough. “I need a console I can get holonet access on. I’ve lost my datapad and really need to contact my family to send them goodbyes.” The Gotal looked slightly suspicious, but other than that he was buying it. “You know in case anything happens.”
He was silent for a while before giving her a smile. “My cabin is that door there, you can use my data-console. Just don’t be too long, we’re dispatching soon.”
“Thank-you…eh…what’s your name?”
“Eddderith’gar’torest. Or Ed for short.” He returned his eyes to the cargo. “Like I said, be quick.”

Ed’s room wasn’t as messy as some others she had been in, but damn she wished the Gotal would learn the value of picking up some clothes once in a while. She practically had to peal a pair of undergarments away from the chair at the computer unit before she could sit down.
“Okay now…let’s get to work.” Opening the unit she connected to the internal systems and began to slid through the files in search of what she needed, a firewall blocked several areas, but she managed to break through them with some old tricks.
“Bingo.” A couple of codes later and the data was switched to how Andrasta needed it to be. Now she just had to wait and see if it worked.
Removing herself from the chair she headed back out into the cargo hold.

“We’ve got our dispatch.” Netik was within the hold now along with his two other crew, Andrasta joining them to make four. “We’re heading to Corellia with this lot, but first we have a stop over to pick up some cargo before heading to Ithor.”
“Hold on isn’t Ithor under siege?” The human who showed little like towards Andrasta asked.
“I don’t know, but the orders state that is what we have to do to get paid, so let’s stop worrying about it and get it done. Understood.”
“Yes boss.”
Andrasta smiled to herself, this was all too easy.

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