Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Under Pressure [GR Dominion of Bimmisaari/Charros IV]

Objective: B
Allies: CSAF, The Galactic Republic military
[member=Commander Lusk]
Enemies: USS military

Post: 2/20
Notes: Thread will be serving as development for Improvised Designs LAAT-gunship and MAT-TE tank.

CSAF came in hard, and it came in fast. Alena was standing in the troop bay of an A-10 Larty Gunship breaking through the atmosphere of the planet under a hail of anti-aircraft fire trailing from the blockade in orbit. Quickly, the fire from behind died down and the fire from below heated up as the dirtside USS defense forces began recognizing CSAF's signatures in the sky. T-70 X-wings boosted ahead of the gunships and drew firing solutions along the landscape ahead of [member=Commander Lusk] and his forces, dropping payloads of proton torpedoes into enemy ranks along the city's outskirts. The USS hardpoint 2 kilometers from Lusk's position was relayed from his forces to CSAF's, and a second wave of T-70's broke for the position as the first looped back around to fend enemy fighters off the rear of the gunship formations.

Alena was reviewing the holodisplay showing the battle below that stretched for dozens of miles around the city. The entire planet as far as the eye could see was besieged by Republic forces, and CSAF was looking to pick up the slack and fill in the gaps in the assault. Swiftly designating a handful of target landing areas, one of them in direct support of Commander Lusk and his forces, Alena doled out orders and the incoming CSAF formations split accordingly. Three groups broke away to the East and West along the front lines, and Alena's own continued on track toward Lusk.

Reaching out to the man on comms, Alena announced their arrival. ::Commander Lusk this is CSAF Lord Commander Alena Reckar, en route to assist at your location. Cargo includes four MAT-TE walker tanks, one-hundred-and-twenty pax, four Aye-Ten gunships and numerous support machines. Tee-Seventies are en route to raze the location ahead of your pos, giving you a clear path to the objective. If you will hold position momentarily to provide security for our arrival at your grid I would much appreciate it, over.::
Alena snapped her helmet over her head and sealed it, listening to the series of hisses and clicks that told her her soldiers were following suit. "Gods I wish Ali were here..." Alena muttered out loud to herself within the confines of her helmet. Currently the other woman was being held trial for crimes she couldn't possibly have been involved in. Alena wanted to follow the trial via holonet, but information was sparse and she had other things occupying her time. ::Come on folks, nari ner shebse!:: She barked. Move your asses!

The side doors to the gunship cracked open and began sliding back; Alena pushed herself to the opening and grasped the handrail over her head, hefting the Verpine assault carbine hanging from her shoulder. ::See below? That's our landing zone, you can see Lusk and his signatures cropping up on the Net just ahead of it. Looks like they've got some resistance...let's crush it for them!:: As if on cue the gunship dove, its doors resealing as Alena slapped the release button. Dust swirled around the vehicle as it dropped too low for anti-aircraft weaponry to track, zipping at high speed over the earth. At either side were two more of the vehicles, the carrier gunships hefting the MAT-TE's slowed to a halt behind Lusk's forces and deployed their vehicles before taking off for safety away from the battle. Ahead of Alena's gunships a squadron of T-70 X-wings soared through the sky at high speed, unleashing a slew of laser cannon fire and torpedoes into the enemy lines barring Lusk's entry to the USS focal point. The attack subdued nearly 500 meters of resistance.
Behind them, Alena's A-10's exacted clean-up operations, using composite beam cannons to cut down enemy heavy weapons, and repeating cannons to blast out unprotected fighting positions. After a minute or so of operation, the gunships turned back and dropped toward the landing zone to deploy on the ground.

[member=Commander Lusk] | [member=James Mathison] | [member=Ander Wyne] | [member=Mantic Dorn]
Location: Capital City
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Commander Lusk"] [member="Alena Reckar"] GR
Enemies: USS

James stayed alongside the unit led by Commander Lusk, while incoming blaster fire made their trek difficult. So his target was a building, about 2 clicks from here, a schoolhouse. How low can these radicals stoop? Using a school for shelter, that's barbaric. The Wandering Scholar Jedi, ironically named for this situation, wouldn't allow a place of knowledge be defiled by tyrants.

"I'll cover your flank commander. Looks like our overhead is covered as well." James looked up in time to see a squadron of Republic friendly gun ships pepper the enemy line ahead of the advancing forces.

James boosted ahead and leapt onto a building, there were enemy units scattered in alleyways and side streets, aiming to flank the Republic troopers. What they weren't expecting, was the Jedi who'd seen them coming from blocks away. Diving down through the walls of the next office building, Phasing actually, James walked through the solid duracrete walls, slashing and Force Blasting a clear path for the clones.

"Commander, looks like they've got snipers on the perimeter of the schoolhouse. Keep to the side streets, see if you can't sneak around them. I'll take care of them in the mean time." James couldn't 'see' them, but he could feel their locations. Single units scattered throughout the outer blocks near the school. That read sniper all over.

Using less devious tactics, James leapt up the side of a building and made himself known to the enemy sharpshooters. The first one was a wild shot, reactive and sloppy. But the next few seemed more deliberate and methodical. That meant there was a rookie in the midst. Dodging and deflecting the incoming shots, James moved openly from rooftop to rooftop, gaining as many eyes as he could. Shouldn't be too hard, he was carrying two bright orange beacons that screamed JEDI.
Location: Bimmisaari Capital
Objective: Take the capital
Allies: The Republic [member="James Mathison"] [member="Alena Reckar"]
Enemies: USS Forces

"Roger that, overwatch. Proceeding to objective!" Lusk said responding on his comms to the pilots above.

The clones ran through back allies and streets crossing the distance as Jedi and pilots covered them from various threats that they believed they could handle, which they could of, but why let pride get in the way of efficiency.

"Man that guy must be stupid or crazy!" One of the Isard troopers shouted out to the squad.

"Who the hell is he?!" Another Mantis Trooper asked.

"He's the guy whose covering our ass right now! So lock it down and run faster!" Lusk said barking out orders.

The clones kept running and soon cleared the two kilometers until they hit Bravo Company's staging area, hopefully the Jedi didn't die because Lusk was beginning to think they were going to need him. The staging point for bravo company was a large home improvement store a block away from the school. Inside a few hundred clones were set up, some attended wounded, others had communications set, and others were just resting from the drop and getting ready to proceed in. Lusk approached the unit's commander and gave him a quick handshake and pat on the back. He was one of the alpha series clones like himself.

"Siclet, nice to see you again brother." Lusk said with a genuine smile.

"You too brother. We're getting ready to mobilize, command wants that school out of their hands and we're looking at a hell of a fight to take it. They got E-Webs in the windows and gun emplacements below. I wish Commander Ticon was still with us, she'd know what to do." Siclet said with a sigh afterwards.

"I miss her too, Siclet. But we have to learn to make due with what we have. From what I'm seeing on the map is our only option is to hit them up the main roads. It's about fifty meters of charging. School is a no bomb zone, get the mortar men in the rear and have them pop some smoke. We'll advance under cover with shield generators activated." Lusk said as he pointed to the holo map of the area.

"Just like old times, eh?" Siclet said with a chuckle as he placed his helmet on.

"Just like old times." Lusk cocked back his rifle and gave his brother a nod.
Objective: C
Location: Bimmisaari's Orbit
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Post: 2/20

By now Ravaj was sure the Republic starfighters wouldn't shoot him. As he gazed on at the planet, 3 USS Command Ships blockaded his enterance.
"Well damn," he thought "How are we getting through that?"

Just as Ravaj finished his thoughts, a group of about 5 or 6 X-Wings flew past him. The seemed to be heading for the same direction he was going. 'Hey Ket?" "Yah?" "We're going to be following these X-Wings, get ready for anything on all sides."
Location: Bravo Company Staging Area
Objective: B
Allies: CSAF, The Galactic Republic military
[member=Commander Lusk]
Enemies: USS military

Post: 3/20
Notes: Thread will be serving as development for Improvised Designs LAAT-gunship and MAT-TE tank.

Alena's gunship touched down just as she stepped off and into the street outside the hardware business where the Republic forces had a company holed up. The target school was a long block away, several hundred meters down the road. Already road blocks were forming as vehicles were left in destroyed heaps and aircraft crashed into the ground from above. Fires were lit throughout the city as USS forces demolished their own infrastructure in segmented retreats to harass Republic forces in pursuit.
Alena pulled off her helmet and shook out her hair as she waited for the Republic guards to check her ID Chit and give her permission to enter with Gaunt at her side. She followed directions from a Republic soldier to Commander Lusk, who was speaking with another officer. Alena caught the end of his plan and interrupted just long enough to offer an idea of her own as she looked over the holomap displayed. "Excuse me, Commander." Alena offered her own gauntleted hand and smiled. "Alena Reckar, CSAF Lord Commander, we spoke not long ago, I'm glad to see you made it across the kill field."
Looking to the map, she nodded, "I just dropped off a handful of MAT-TE walkers that will need the main roads to make their approach through the city. They would make a mighty fine distraction for your footsoldiers, take enemy eyes off the buildings." She pointed and drew through a line of buildings that separated the hardware store from the school. "You could advance your troops through the buildings themselves, all you'd have to do is demo each opposing wall. You could come up right on top of them while they're busy engaging my tanks. If you prefer to stick to the roads, that's fine, but I'll only be able to provide limited air support."

[member=Commander Lusk] | [member=James Mathison] | [member=Ander Wyne] | [member=Mantic Dorn]
Location: 1 Block from Schoolhouse
Objective: B / Take the city
Allies: [member="Commander Lusk"] [member="Alena Reckar"]
Enemies: USS forces

James came up a sloped roof to find a sniper watching the scene before him, waiting for the Jedi to pop up. The only thing was, James was a member of the Jedi Shadows. Stealth force of the Jedi. As crumbled as the Order was, he still practiced their tactics. Force Stealth and Mind Trick, useful against narrow minded soldiers. He placed an illusion on the troopers mind, thinking the Jedi slipped into cover and was awaiting the opportunity to take a shot at the Illusionary Jedi.

James then severed the connection between the spinal cord and the cerebellum, ending all thought processes and physical activity of the brain. Turning him into a vegetable with a single stab of his Lightsaber. James may be a member of the Republic, but he was far from the normal Jedi seen amongst their ranks. If anything, James walked the line between dark Jedi and light. His tactics were lethal and never under performed. The standard issue Republic Jedi had his/her code, but the Wandering Scholar let no code dictate his actions. He did what was necessary to complete his mission. Probably the reason he hadn't been invited into the Order after the downfall of the Jedi.

He could sense the massive forces gathered in the nearby hardware store, the familiar signature of the one called Commander Lusk was there. With the last of the snipers taken care of, James snagged the dead snipers comm and phased through the walls and entered the storefront with the clones he'd just worked alongside.

He walked up to one of the Isard troopers and whispered into his ear so only the trooper could hear. "I'm neither crazy nor stupid, but a hybrid of all. There's more than one way to skin a Cathar."

Approaching the Chiss female and the one called Lusk, "I obtained one of their radios, maybe this could help your plan. I'm no tactician, but where ever you need me, I will support you as best as I can."
Location: Objective-C Fleet Staging Area
Objectives: Neutralize USS Fleet (C), Test New Capital Ship Design (E)
Allies: [member="Ravaj Jaricck"] @Reen
Lorgon [member="Thane Drexel"]
Post: 1/20

Elements of the
Kiribian expeditionary group originally
sent to patrol Yutan had been diverted to Charros IV for a large-scale joint operation involving the Galactic Republic and its allies. The Kiribian contribution to the fleet was in the form of several corvettes and frigates, all carrying flights of nimble droid interceptors. Accompanying the capital ships was an independent wing of droid starfighters that traveled under their own power.

Among the collection of droid ships, there was a lone black vessel of indiscriminate design, about the size of the flanking frigates. Aside from a series of small turrets that dotted the exterior of the hull, there weren't obvious signs of capital gun batteries or launchers to be seen. However, at the front of the ship, there were six holes in a diamond pattern. Unlike the other ships powered by some form of ion engine, this one gave off no detectable contrails of engine emissions. There wasn't even emissions for shielding systems or communications. It was like a ghost.
Location: Bimmisaari Capital
Objective: Take the capital
Allies: The Republic [member="James Mathison"] [member="Alena Reckar"]
Enemies: USS Forces

"queen do I know you?" Was the first and only thing to come out of the Isard troopers mouth. It seemed what with them being clones James had approached the wrong clone and whispered creepily into her ear, it was awkward, he should be embarrassed.

As for Lusk he was approached by some blue chiss and the Jedi from earlier both of which were making suggestions that wouldn't really help them out. Command wanted that school intact and he was pretty sure the USS knew that, the whole hearts and minds deal. And plus bringing tanks up would only make things more congested, and going through the buildings was a damn good way to get yourself bottlenecked. So the best solution would to be take the main roads up, activate shield generators and steadily advance and swarm with the tanks suppressing the enemy.

"Lord Commander, nice to meet you." Lusk said as he looked over to the woman.

With his helmet off and in his hand with his pulse rifle placed against the briefing table he combed a hand through his warrior mohawk and would lay out the plan of attack to take the school.

"The best plan we have is to take the main roads, Siclet's combat engineers have assured us they aren't booby trapped, so our best option is to take the two main roads and charge them with the tanks on fire support and mobile cover. Hit the school from the two angles and move in to sweep and clear. We're expecting anywhere from a hundred to a hundred fifty men inside so it'll be a tough fight. But that's the least of our worries." expanding the map outwards the hologram showed a larger structure a good ten kilometers north.

"The school is a COP for sector five's enemy FOB which is this large park area. They've retrofitted it into a base and our goal is to take it. Now once we push the school they are likely to counter attack to try and take it back. We'll be needing those tanks then Commander. Now our mission is to take this school and potentially hold for a counter attack. Then if we're all alive we'll be linking up with third battalion for a push on the FOB. It's unlikely that we'll be seeing each other much after we get to stepping, so if anyone has any question comments or concerns now would be the time." Lusk laid it all out for everyone and hoped they could get rolling soon.
Objective D


The Tower of Law was the governmental building on Bimmisaari. Much like the Senate buildings on likes of Coruscant or Denon, the tower was where the ruling body of the Bimms convened to discuss governmental matters. That was until Bimmisaari had been occupied by the USS forces, who had capitalized on the plight of the Bimms to take control of their homeworld. Weakened by the Four Hundred Year Darkness and the catastrophic event known as the Netherworld crisis, the USS had done what many had in the past eight years. With the Bimms unable to match their military prowess, they had no choice but to surrender.

But the Galactic Republic had returned to the Saari Ha system to liberate the Bimms from the USS and help Bimmisaari find it's place back on the Galactic Senate. The war with the One Sith forced the Republic to neglect it's other duties, such as stopping the annexations of peaceful systems. But the new strategy of the Senate coincided with the liberation of the Bimm. Before Togoria fell, the Republic would secure it's connection to it's northern territories, in the event that the Togoria system was lost.

Jedi Knight Ella Nova, recently returned to service, had been assigned to the Tower of Law to protect it and the remnants of the Bimm governmental body whilst the Republic secured the Saari Ha system and the planet. Landing the Sochi Ru outside of the Tower of Law, Ella hopped out of the cockpit and turned her shoulder to Arsix. "Arsix, bring the Sochi Ru back to the fleet."

Bleeping an affirmative, the astromech closed the cockpit and the Sochi Ru took off back into the skies. Turning, Ella made her way to the tower.

Objective D

Ella turned as the Sochi Ru lifted up, guided by Arsix and his navigation. The rumble of it's impulse engines became distant, drowned by the background noises of battle. The market district that the Tower of Law stood in had been engulfed in fighting. Bimms fought against the USS forces, with the odd civilian either trapped or joining in on the Bimms side. Ella concluded that they were the anti resistance forces that she had learned about in her mission briefing. Drawing her lightsaber into her hand, she ignited the blue light from the hilt and begun to walk forwards, to assist the Bimms against the USS forces before her.
Location: Bravo Company Staging Area
Objective: B
Allies: CSAF, The Galactic Republic military
[member=Commander Lusk]
Enemies: USS military

Post: 4/20
Notes: Thread will be serving as development for Improvised Designs LAAT-gunship and MAT-TE tank.

Alena nodded, acknowledging the Commander's plan. "All I ask is you give my tanks time to make the initial approach on the school. They'll handle any armor, as well as take the brunt of any air support they may have on stand by. It'll be safer for your footsoldiers to move then. We set a cordon, you clear, and then we head for the FOB. Does that work for you, Commander?" Alena asked.

[member=Commander Lusk] | [member=James Mathison] | [member=Ander Wyne] | [member=Mantic Dorn]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: D
Enemies: USS


The library. It was as beautiful as it was dangerous. Soldiers stood at each entryway and one couldn't help but feel watched. It was as though one was determined to be against the ruling body just by whatever books they pulled from the shelves. That was why volumes on the Law Elders and others were never destroyed. They were there as bait for the rebellious ones.

Kay wandered the rows, both in awe of the collection as well as trying to best determine how to go about her mission of finding those that she sought. She pulled out a couple of heavy volumes on the history of Bimmisaari and then found herself a table to sit at, setting the books down gently so as to not draw attention to herself.


Minutes later, after she had begun searching through the first book, she heard a voice of a man nearby. He spoke even though he hardly moved, looking more as though he was in deep thought over what he was reading. "Never seen you here before. The book you have opened there could be very dangerous. Turn to page 467 and pretend to study it. We are being watched but not listened to. Count to one hundred in your head, and then answer this question: What are you looking for?"

Kay did as she was instructed, turning the pages of the book to where he had indicated. It was on failed military strategies. But whether or not she had wanted to answer his question truthfully was another matter, as she didn't know as of yet as to who's side he was on.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Location: Library
Posts: 2/20

Ayumi remained at the ready with a bow of her head walking up the stairs to go and see some of the people that are there. She was finding this planet rather nice and peaceful when she sensed something. [member="Lady Kay"] was there and she had only met the woman in passing at best but she was semi famous or infamous... depending on who you talked with. Really she was more enjoyable to listen about then the latest thing here or there. Ignoring some of the other things as she entered and bowed looking at some of them offering a smile. "Thank you for having me." A look from some of them when she was standing in there and looking around.
Objective B
Post 5/20

There was no answer from [member="Grey Lunara"] and for a brief moment Mantic felt troubled. The Jedi knight had an affinity with the shadows and as such her skills would have been invaluabel to the Republic Knights. But regardless of her reasons not to get back to him he had to keep moving.

The assualt was happening and this USS was not going to hand over the city without some persuasion.

Mantic bent his knees slightly and pressed upward. It gave him a good five meter high leap unto the nearest rooftop. Darting over it he tumbled over the next street landing on a second roof and stopped.

While he could hear distant gunfire that was not what had caught his attention. Instead his mind was wide open searching for movement and that was what he had detected. Another patrol rushing to find their posts.
With that he rolled off the roof to land anew on a street.

The blaster-shots did not wait for him this time...

Just a general bump ;)
[member="Ravaj Jaricck"][member="Ella Nova"] [member="Commander Lusk"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Rex Power Colt"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Max Nero"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="James Mathison"]

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Location: Library
Posts: 3/20

Ayumi was looking in the library now and had some things, mostly agriculture books and some for force manuals. She wanted to get what she could about the sciences before letting the other artisan's and researchers work on the back end. Setting up the comlinks to talk with the jedi she worked with for the research projects. She could get a few things done and set up while they were here testing the new upgrades to the bodyglove. An official helmet for recording and playback as well as added protection. her guards were wearing it with their bodygloves and the sections of armored chainmail to give them a distinct look instead of the others there with all of it. "[member="Leina Snowfire"], this information should help you with the agricorps research into enhancing the soil and adding this stuff into it." She was sending it to Leina and looking at the soldiers who were reviewing the books to get as much information for recording and playback as they could with the facemasks.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: D
Enemies: USS

Kay did as the mysterious man suggested. Her book was already opened and she casually turned it to the page. It was part of a chapter on the Law Elders and what they stood for. She didn't count in her head. Instead she just read the two pages.

Footsteps were heard nearby and she looked up from the book to see [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] walking by. She had soldiers with her, though they weren't like the other soldiers that Kay had seen on this world. So who was that woman? But more importantly, why was she here?

Kay still had to answer the man's question. Surely it was about a hundred seconds by now. Maybe even more than that. So she answered quietly. "I am seeking freedom for those under oppression. It was here, but dark hearts have taken over the lands. Perhaps the answer is written in these pages."

The man gave a knowing smile, yet his eyes remained on the book that he was reading. After a minute or two he replied, "Perhaps the answer is underneath your feet. Tread softly and meet me outside of the east wing in ten minutes." He got to his feet and put the book back in it's place. He too looked to the woman with the soldiers and raised a brow. At least they would prove a good distraction. Moments later he was on his way out of the building.
Objective B
Post 6/20

His saber ignited in just the blink of an eye before the shot would have hit him. Mantic was not used to the power of his new saber and it took him a moment to adjust. The first two shots therefore flew wild around them before he could sense the flow of the crystal in the hilt connect fully to him. the third shot was deflected straight into the shots chest and he fell backward with an emtpy gasp. The fourth shot conjured the same result.

There was a brief moment of hesitation and the two remaining soldiers seized fire. Mantic felt their tense nervousness. Part of them did not want to belive it, this was not by the rules they knew and part of them felt utter and complete helplessness, how could they combat something like this.

The moment gave the jedi master what he needed, time to end this with as little death as possible. He pulled them both in, the yank made one soldier drop his weapon while the other screamed and tried a shot at the jedi, but Mantic dodged it and tossed the soldier to the wall with a sound thud. the body collapsed to the ground having lost consciousness.

To his surprise the last disarmed soldier started to jab at him, a straight jab, a left hook... Mantic dodged and blocked, keeping his swordarm behind his back.
After a few attacks, too easily blocked by Mantic the soldier had started to loose his breath. Mantic tilted his head.

"May I suggest that you take a rest?" he pointed down the road toward the Republican advancement.

"Carry something white and they will take you in."

The soldier did not need to reply, Mantic sensed his intention and fatigue. With that he unlit his saber and strapped it to his belt and started to walk passed the soldier that started to walk toward the Republic custody.


The Only Black Jedi in the galaxy
Objective B
Post 1/20

"Now R2!" Jordun yelled as he undid his safety belt. R2 opens the ships cockpit and Jordun jumps out to the nearest rooftop. R2 then flies the ship back into space as Jordun puts on his helmet and whips out his blaster. In his newly colored republic armor, He leaps from roof to roof on his way to the center of the battle. As he jumps, a small group of USS soldiers spot him and one yells, "It's one of them, blast him!"

"Oh Boy" Jordun says to himself, as he ducks from the gunfire. Darko then takes a grenade off his belt and tosses it towards the soldiers. Soon, a large boom happens and Jordun gets up to run. The whole city was in ruins and republic gunships, along with USS ships are in the skies firing at one another. As he runs on a roof, the ruins of a gunship races down towards him. Jordun then jumps from the roof to avoid the explosion and falls to the street. As he groans in pain. Jordun runs accidentally in a squadron of USS soldiers. "Oh Come On!"
Objective B
Post 7/20

He had expected the Republic troops to be filling up the streets by now but it seemed the USS had put up a better fight than expected. Having hid behind a dumster in a near by alley Mantic had seen USS patrols rush by, they were on high alert everywhere of course. Somewhere Mantic could not help but suspect that there was more to thhis regime then first met the eye. How could they have mustered such a well trained and loyal army in such a short time?

Wether it was paranoia or truth to the idea remained to be seen however and as the last patrol sweep past Mantic stepped out and hurried further down the streets toward the more heavily USS populated areas.

He could not take the city but he could be a nuissance and aid the Republic troops in their advance. That was his simple goal for this mission.
Location: Bimmisaari Capital
Objective: Take the capital
Allies: The Republic [member="James Mathison"] [member="Alena Reckar"]
Enemies: USS Forces

"That's a negative commander. Enemy forces know we are here and are planning to hit us from the COP once they arrive. We need to hit them now." Captain Siclet said as he readied his pulse rifle.

"Siclet, let's give the tanks a chance, move in from their rear and advance under covering fire. Force Recon isn't picking up any enemy armor but it never hurts to be safe. I don't want to lose any more brothers and sisters than we have to. Mom put us in charge of them and it's our job to make sure they stay alive." Lusk gave his orders to his brother and he nodded in understanding. He would then face the commander to give the go ahead.

"We'll begin forming up. You have ten mikes to get your tanks going otherwise we have to move. Siclet ready the men to move." Lusk slapped on his helmet and turned off the holo map.

Walking off to go and gather up his troops he had given the ball to Commander Reckar and hoped she wouldn't drop it.

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