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Under Pressure [GR Dominion of Bimmisaari/Charros IV]

Location: Bimmisaari
Objective: E - Purchase of furniture
Post: 7/25
Allies: GR and friends
Enemies: N/A

"I understand that we cannot have 12 extra chairs of the same model as we have for the dining room, but what have we here?"

The furred Bimm showed Charzon around the merchandise listed in the wishlist of the Hosnian Prime office. China cabinet, buffet, secretary desks, chairs and, of course, the table included in the dining room set, which is already priced at 4,000 credits. Two dining tables, and she tacks on an extra 1,500 credits to the bill. Charzon hoped that the expanded Hosnian Prime team will actually be more productive once the furniture ordered by the boss has been delivered. Since she will be delivering the stuff herself, with, hopefully, one of the trucks being test-driven to Lanever Villecham Starport, either for servicing or for a client pondering a new-build purchase of the Ocktor. But the furniture shop didn't even have 20 secretary desks: some of the desks are just run-of-the-mill desks with a computer socket in it for one to install a computer in them.

"Do you like what you see?"

"Yes, why?"

"Before we can finalize the bill, I would like to inquire about shipping, since it is destined for off-world use"

"I have a ship: can you deliver the order to docking bay 103?"
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

It seemed to Safiriel, who had been making an effort to remain out of the center of politics, that the Republic was quite stepping up their game, or rather in this instance, Sasori. Perhaps it was time she re-entered the galaxy, once again took part in it's happening. And with this woman as a contact, or even a friend, it might prove quite valuable to keep in touch. "Well this is all quite relieving to hear, I might have some more questions for you in private, once you've had a chance to relax though of course. I can only assume your day has been long and strenous, you look like quite the busy woman, my lady senator"

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

"Oh yes it can be quite busy with all fo the major works we have been doing but my office and communications are always open for people to contact me." She had tried to maintain the open look but well droids were there for security purposes with her open lines just in case, she still tried to answer or message everyone she could sometimes to a detriment if they asked questions but it wasn't an all day thing and it wasn't something she would shun away from. Much like Kay she needed and wanted to present a superior level of openness to the citiens of the republic who were working their hardest to bring about changes. "Well this has been nice, come and meet me on Denon or on Deneba when and if you get the chance. I will have some news for you."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

She was being dismissed it seemed, not that she could blame her. Safiriel was growing uncomfortable with being in public like this anyway "Of course, my lady Senator. I will take my leave of you then, and find you upon your office at some later day. I wish you much luck in your endevours" She said with another gentle bow, before she touched her fingers to her lips and then her brow in a traditional symbol of parting before she walked away. She had much to think on
Location: Bimmisaari
Objective: E - Purchase of furniture
Post: 8/25
Allies: GR and friends
Enemies: N/A

"Local shipping is free given the amount of furniture"

"Then how much is the whole order for?"

"21,000 credits"

"I believe the terms are fair, draft an invoice to be billed to the Ringovinda Motors dealership on Hosnian Prime: I will deliver it in person on Hosnian Prime"

The Ringovinda Motors dealership on Hosnian Prime will be outfitted with luxury furniture: if they kept to the furniture shops on Hosnian Prime, they would have spent so much less but they wouldn't get eco-sensitive furniture to show for it. Oh, I can see how Ringovinda Motors would have to sell four or five Ocktors and equally many Math 25000s to recoup their expenses, but they will make it back in very little time, knowing Hosnian Prime. It's an highly active planet, trucking-wise, and even the stair trucks may find favor among fire services if Ringovinda Motors could actually get a fire hydrant socket fitted on the stair truck so that they can also sell fire engines, both for spaceport use and for non-spaceport use.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi gave her a bow as she was heading out to join her ship and handle the rest of the things. Tey had been doing plkenty fo work here and now it was time to go home and talk with Mako about what she could do to maybe help the girl out. THe pale pale echani girl who had been observing everything mind you. Which wasn't such a bad thing when she rejoined the droids and they were reporting from the facilties that salavge was being broken down and converted to specifications of the new designs for Sasori's large project they were planning and designing. She didn't want to jinx it but why really waste the chance when she knew that the intent and the design suffered only from a lack of vision by others.
Location: Bimmisaari
Objective: E - Purchase of furniture
Post: 9/25
Allies: GR and friends
Enemies: N/A

"Load up the following order into the truck: we want the order to arrive at docking bay 103 by nightfall"

Although it is by no means a rush order, Charzon had the confirmation that the whole deal was completed before she could leave the planet. Even though the furniture shop was within walking distance of the docking bay, she feels a little strange that she would need delivery for an order like that one. Then again, many furniture shops had free shipping when the total order exceeded some amount, and the delivery site was within some radius of the shop itself; this is a common tactic when dealing with bulky goods. And also, the fried chicken was going cold by that point: she had to have some fried chicken re-heated before she could eat it again: she didn't like cold fried chicken, and neither did her staff left on Ringo Vinda or Hosnian Prime. After a few minutes of walking, she returned to docking bay 103, only to find that the door of the docking bay was closed. A security droid inspects her:

"Your name please?"

"Charzon Loulan: my ship, a Neimoidian Yacht registered on Ringo Vinda, is parked in there and I'm waiting for a delivery of furniture"

"Stay at the door until the furniture is delivered"
Charros IV
Objective D
4/20 teehee

The Xi Charrian representative returned less than a hour later. They agreed to negotiate exclusively with the Republic and it's allies. What remained was to settle upon exact figures. It was agreed upon in principle so his mission had been a success.

Shaking hands was out of the picture. Dune rose from his makeshift chair and bowed formally. He thanked the representative before turning to leave for the space sport. It was time to report his success to Republic officials....
Location: Bimmisaari
Objective: E - Purchase of furniture
Post: 10/25
Allies: GR and friends
Enemies: N/A

A few moments later, Charzon sees the truck loaded with furniture arrive at docking bay 103, just as she prepares to depart the planet. That was fast, she thought, while the manager of the furniture shop she just purchased 21,000 credits of furniture from was driving the truck, arriving at Charzon's docking bay loaded with merchandise. And mover droids to unload the truck they just loaded moments ago. The manager flashes a waybill for Charzon to sign.

"Open the door: we have a ship to load with furniture!"

"Make way for the furniture delivery!" the security droid screamed.

Charzon retreated to the confines of her ship to inspect the merchandise before she could actually sign the waybill flashed by the manager. When it appears that the merchandise is in order, then she signed, paid the docking bay usage rights, and then she reheated another serving of fried chicken in the onboard Roto-Rooter. That, before she prepared the pre-flight sequence leading the furniture to Hosnian Prime.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
With Safireil leaving and heading out it was time for Ayumi to do much of the same. She had worked to secure a small foothold for the projects they needed to work on and collecting waste and salvage to be broken down in the converters to make the raw materials for conversion and shaping into the materials needed for the project was in her mind far better as a victory then some might be able to get with. It allowed her to walk back towards the ship and take a few more notes while running over with her hand the bigger things they had on the agenda like moving on to Deneba and Denon's later works that were being pushed forward. "Alright take us home and lets get things set up for what is happening next."

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