Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unconventional Justice


Well-Known Member
Dirty cops.

You know what I like about dirty cops? No one misses them. The good cops don’t miss them, the crooks they bring in when they’re pretending not to be dirty don’t miss them. The crooks they deal with don’t miss them because guess what? We take them out too.

Oh, don’t mistake us for good Samaritans, this is not a cleaning house job or anything like that. In fact, under even slightly different circumstances, we might have even had folks like these on our payroll. But, as it happens, this is how the dice fell.

And here we are.

I have had this fighting ring on my radar for some time. This wasn’t some selfless crusade for good—oh no, nothing so grand. This was business, the fact that we were rescuing innocent animals from a life of torture and servitude to evil masters is completely irrelevant… whatever you heard, I’m not that soft.

No, we are posturing. The cops can’t touch this ring, they’re too good. Everything is just legal, or cleaned up before evidence can be collected. The authorities are frustrated, angry, at the end of their rope… and suggestible.

So that’s where we come in. The Family, a few willing and able folk who happen to be in the area, knowledgeable of the crime, and poised to act. Maybe this will be our only interaction here… maybe the cops will owe us a favour in the future. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

I stood outside the building with the Family members I’d gathered. Hale had collected a few men of his own to cover as many of the other exits as he could, but we knew if it came to that, we’d have lost. Around us, steam coiled up from the grates, the durasteel jungle extending forever in every direction. It was dark, not raining currently but the air was damp. Dark clouds overhead hid the darkened sky, the only lights coming from the fluorescent neon signs in the distance. A few pieces of scrap and garbage that hadn’t collected in the gutters blew across the glistening rain-covered streets, kicked around by the chilling wind.


Stood to my left. Ironic, perhaps, that they stood on that side, although none but myself would know why. They were the shadows of this operation; the deceivers, the keys to get us through. All those who had a penchant for subtlety, who wore the shadows like a cloak and whose tongues dripped with delicious lies stood in this group in the rain. It was their job to get us through, to deliver the swift and violent hand of the Family upon this vile den.


Stood to my right. The infiltrators were to get us inside, but once there, it was the executioners’ job to take over. Everyone who wielded weapons as an extension of themselves, those whose hearts were black with murder, or who had tasted violence and become addicted, stood in this group. Once we were in, they were there to deliver as violent a message as they possibly could; there is one group here, that group is The Family. All others shall be squashed and forgotten.

I turned to face both groups, shrouded as ever by the black hat atop my head. Now or never.

[member="Aleph"] [member="Arlen Rossi"] [member="Arnie Isaktalus"] [member="Aspri"] [member="Atlas"] [member="Candez Stoon"] [member="Colin Ransik"] [member="Corran Conner"] [member="Dano Dil"] @Dayne Inck'a [member="Drogh"] [member="Dyxraa"] [member="Equinox"] [member="Hal"] [member="Hard Luck Frank"] [member="Ivory Stroud"] [member="Jade Isara"] [member="Kreus"] [member="Kyushu Tsukasa"] [member="Lycaon"] [member="Lyell Pavish"] [member="Mallick Rel"] [member="Mason"] Lidell [member="Nico Akirian"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Nicodemus"] [member="Priscilla Utorna"] [member="Rapax"] [member="Sebastian Thel"] [member="Seras Goto"] [member="Shaun Castanic"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Vereshin"] [member="Vorkaliin Barass"] [member="Zoe Rosella"]
Factory Judge

The dies had been cast, and the call had been heard. Of course the personal executioner of the Donna would be part of the team that filed in to bring down the proverbial ax down upon their heads. Only this time, The Gardener would be carrying his massive claymore. My claymore. A weapon built to lop of heads and limbs. Likely the heaviest weapon here. Donning my armor and mask, "Auberon" stood to the direct right of the "Mistress in Black." While I did have a broken blade attached to my belt, simply being held in by a rather short sheath, the claymore rested gently over my shoulder. Making sure that no one stood directly behind me.

A single cut with this weapon could quite literally take your soul. Looking over to the donna, One could hardly ever see the true shapes of her face. While it was angular, and pale white of a woman who never walked into the sun, I had a feeling that she may have been Echani, but it was wrong. I knew her to be something... much more. Secondly, I had seen black hair many times upon her head. While not seeing the roots, I had seen the strands as they folded over her gently.

The aura around her was so potent.

Looking away from her and back over to her left, the second group. Infiltrators who would be getting in, shutting everything down. While the rest would be headed for the fight. Slaughtering as many as we could. In a voice that was not my own,

Ţ̟̲̀h̟e͏̭̭̺̜̟̦̲̠r̷̵̤͖͎͙͖̰ę̛͍͢ ̷̰͈w̸̯̲̖̦͡i̷͞͏͉̳̤͚͎̮͓l̩͈̝͚͕͕̲̳̻l̺̲̰̗̥͡ͅͅ ̻̘͉͓̯̯̞b̧̤̀e̹͘͞ ̫̻̤͔̺̣b̧̠̬̞̤̫̜̰͜l͇̳̜o҉̙̜o̟̱͢d̥̮̫̬̘̰̲̭̕ ͉͚͚͘t̺͙̹͕̜̦̼̫͞ǫ̣̮͝n̲̲͚̪͉̲͞i͏͙͢͡g̵̦̖͜͞h͕̼̠͈̼̦̩t̨̳͈͔̣͕͔̞!̙̪̱͓͖̹̫̕͝ͅ
[member="Arnie Isaktalus"], [member="Ahtemis"],
[member="Shaun Castanic"] [member="Arnie Isaktalus"] [member="Ahtemis"]

Stardust was by no means a soul of good and light, she had done horrible things in her past. Things that would have her placed on the most wanted list, she has killed people in the name of credits to try and live, she has brought swift and iron handed justice on the spot

But she was by no means evil, she was merely a balancer of the force, someone who insure balance was kept....even if that meant doing things that was evil

Walking besides the right of the donna...a woman who she was just now getting to see wrapped in such mysteries and a aura of darkness...yet one stardust couldnt discern. This woman interested her but she couldnt focus on her she had a job her skills were called upon

Today she would wipe out a smudge of evil that wasnt neccessary, placing a hand on her sword nova, the blade heated up for but a moment as through her visor stardust glanced about...what a odd gathering they had

This should be fun

Pyper Fen

Pyper fit neither role. To be fair, no role was a good fit. All things considered, every single person gathered was as good as dead if she figured out what Ahtemis had poisoned Jaida with. And she would. Someday. There was no stopping a Fen on a mission, and this one was personal. Nothing was going to stand in the way of freeing Jaida from death. Of course, it was unlikely that she would be allowed to try for long. Every attempt at discerning the truth would probably be crushed, which was why she had to work when no one was around, or when she was supposed to be sleeping. As an excellent reader of body language, she was also fairly good at keeping herself out of trouble by being good at lying.

Perhaps she would be useful to the infiltrators?

No. That would be helping beyond what she had to and she wouldn't do anything more than what was required of her to keep her sister alive. Which meant that if anyone got hurt in this particular operation, they would end up seeing the Doc. Not everyone in the organization was a terrible monster, but she hated them all to an extent. Even so, as a doctor she was obligated to save lives, even when she didn't want to, which meant that she would do what was asked for her and help those in the Family that became injured or ill, because it meant Ahtemis would keep her sister alive, which was the most important thing in her life. Nothing would take the place of a lost sister and she refused to allow that to become a reality.

Being exposed as they were didn't suit her. She was trained as a field medic as well as her doctoral skills, and so she knew enough of military tactics that they were practically sitting ducks if anyone wanted to take a shot at them. As such, she stayed fairly close to their leader. Better that Ahtemis get shot than her.

[member="Ahtemis"] [member="Arnie Isaktalus"] [member="Shaun Castanic"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]

Aspen Dray

I don't know why I was there, it wasn't like the solution to shutting down this fighting ring was just going to land in my lap. I'd been walking this route everyday hoping that it would come to me, the one thing that I was missing that would let me shut this thing down. It was too good, too legal in all the right places to be legitimate business. A sigh passed from my lips as I simply could not walk by anymore. My badge and gun were tucked under my coat. The last thing I needed was for everyone to know that I was detective looking for a way to bust this ring up.

The sounds and the smells assaulted me as soon as I walked in through the doors. I could never recall having been in the building during a fight, and this was the first time I was going to witness anything like this. There was a mat on the floor inside the entrance, and I wiped the dirt off my boots. It had been raining earlier, and it was a habit.

I found a seat, I even placed a small bet to look like I was fitting in. The precinct wasn't going to reimburse me because this wasn't my case anymore. I was working this off the clock because I was told we couldn't touch it. Oh well, here I was anyway. If I got caught, it would be my job, but I didn't really care about that. What I cared about was that they were breaking the law somehow, and I wanted to know.

"Twenty on the black one," I said testing out the waters. I really did not know what I was doing, but this would be a learning experience. If only this was some sabacc den, or a casino, I knew my way around those. Pheromones didn't really work in this setting, not unless I wanted all the women within range after me. No one was about to be suggestable here. It was time for some good old detective work.

[member="Ahtemis"] | [member="Arnie Isaktalus"] | [member="Shaun Castanic"] | [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] | [member="Pyper Fen"]


Corran looked around only seeing himself on the infiltrators side. He sighed of course he was why would anyone else want to be helping him, especially given most peoples reactions to him. He waved to those waiting for his signal as he wandered off into the night entering the place. He was met at the door by a dirty cop that he had brought out from under the people inside.

He smiled hugging the man "Harry good to see you, hows the kids?" Harry didn't have any kids it was their codeword for harry to leave after Corran had entered. Dr. Conner still had plans for the man. "Good Conner, good. See ya tomorrow right." Corran smiled "Yeah same place as I met you last time." He then wandered in as Harry went off. Corran looked with disgust at everyone within.

He then went to the control centre, as Harry had promised it was mostly empty except for maybe the two dead guards. But that was how this stuff went wasn't it. He then began running through calculations on how long he should shut the systems down for as well as whether he should just take over them. He sent word to the Donna he was in and waited for word back.

[member="Ahtemis"] l [member="Arnie Isaktalus"] l [member="Shaun Castanic"] l [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] l [member="Pyper Fen"] l [member="Aspen Dray"]
Factory Judge
Voices mean nothing compared to action. Voices can speak and can tune to whatever they like. Voices mean nothing at all. When a job needs to be done, when something needs to be silently done, one can depend on the man who never speaks a word at all. Armored up for full on battle it seemed. Many gathered themselves into groups. Two separate groups that would be performing a job or a task done as a team. Supposing this is what a Family means, one would have to get used to it.

A hand holding onto the pistol in the holster, and checking to see if it was "cocked and locked" as the term went. The phrase alone meaning the hammer of a firearm was pulled back, and the safety lock was put down to make sure one didn't shoot themselves when drawing it. Standing in the back with arms crossed over each other, the rapid popping of the bones in the neck was only accented by the helmet finally coming on. The written words of "No File" were clearly played across the face.

More people seemingly showed up. More than was wanted of this puppy. Standing up, movements were taken to be towards the left of "Boss." A man who entered the center would be assumed as the leader of this side of the operation. While loyalty to him was nothing, She was the only one a puppy could respond to. Let alone ever would. Paying the bills. Getting the job done, was all that was asked. This one wanted infiltration to be done. An audible sigh from the helmet would show slight disapproval. A quick adjustment of the jacket was all that was needed before reaching over an placing a metal arm upon the shoulder of a rather skippy lad. ([member="Corran Conner"]) The same metal hand reached down to the base of the console.

Flickering for a moment, a removal of the hand would only be shown with the helmet shifting and phasing. Once the message was relayed, Steps out of the room with the pistol up and ready to head down towards whatever direction was needed of Puppy.



The Roaring of the crowd. Stomping feet. Shouting... screaming... curses in a dozen languages. The sound of a bottle shattering on cold permacrete, and a drunken tirade. The crush of bodies... of sweat, of body odor, of urine & blood. Harsh lights in some places, while cold shadows in others. Mostly bare floors.. though though was a maze of crates in the back of the building - forgotten, dark, and mysterious.
"This place is a fething hole." Ivory thought, lazily flicking an unfinished cigara from her person, off at an angle, where it rolled on the cold cement. The sweet smell of tobacc wafted through the air, mixing with the remarkably complex soup of odors available to the nose. She was close to the action... only a short distance away, the focus of the room's large group of occupants was on grisly display. The group (which consisted mostly of men, but saw it's share of feminine influence) were incredibly active and raucous.​
Ivory exhaled... appearing to glance toward the action, but really shaking her head in disdain.​
While the creatures pitted against one-another knew little else, the beings who frequented this place were the real animals. Tonight was all about sending a message... and send a message they would.​
Shifting in her seat (the end of a large metal shelving unit tipped over on its' side, then converted into a wooden sectional, her slender fingers patted down her coat and pants, checking to make sure she had everything she'd entered with. At least, that's how it would have appeared... Beneath her coat, a rectangular mass of metal had been strapped close to her body, protected from observation, allowing the larger weapon to be carried quite comfortably. Tucked in the small of her back were two small handled connected by a short length of wire... a powerful tool, in the hands of an assassin. In a sheath within her boot was a single throwing blade, and finally, concealed within the mass of beautifully messy black curls upon her head, was a single orb... which bore the engraving on it's casing "Hello, from The Family!"
The woman was a walking arsenal.
Seemlessly melding with the crush of bodies, she kept her head down... fingers curled in the pockets of her coat. Red leather boots, tipped in silver, carried her confidently amongst the warring, writhing, frothing mob... eventually carrying her safely to the outskirts, where the stragglers milled. Beings of all shapes, sizes, ages, and callings visited this place... Some of them, in another life, would have probably been considered civilians; but there were no civilians here.​
Weaving her way between two small groups, her sulkily smoldering gaze returned to one of the individuals who appeared to be overseeing the congregation. One of the things The Family had been pleased to learn was that there was no backing for the events which occured herein - it was only a small-time street gang with few alliances and little organization. Spaced out among the assembled were a number of beings they'd already marked as "Security", but most of them seemed all-too absorbed in the action themselves to be worth much when the shooting started. Two men near the pit had been drinking heavily, making it no secret they were "in charge" and had the heat to prove it.​
Taking up a position in an alcove, placing herself between the main entrance and the shadowy heart of the operation (where [member="Corran Conner"] would already be at work), she checked her wrist-chron. When it happened, it was going to happen fast... and it was her job to make sure the door stayed open.​
"Well... look at the time..."
[member="Ahtemis"] [member="Atom"] [member="Aspen Dray"] [member="Shaun Castanic"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Pyper Fen"] [member="Arnie Isaktalus"]
Graak was already deep within the complex without The Family knowing, not that they would have any knowledge of a evil ewok running around the galaxy. He pretended to be cute little teddy bear and was locked away in a pen with other animals. That hadn't been planned not that it mattered. He pulled his lightsabre pike for his belt extending it as he jumped for the duct slashing it.

It wasn't long before someone noticed not only was he missing but the animals were in a frenzy. They would learn not to lock away an ewok with animals ever again. One of the guards opened the door ready to deal with the animals as Graak dropped out of the vent on the other. He poked the guard's eyes and well the effect was exactly what was expected as he threw his pike into the other guard and thus the animals were free, his chaos had begun.

He then lost the lightsabre after pulling it out of the guard, as well as taking their card passes and weapons. He then began to pretend to be cute again as his dark powers continued to allow the animals to go on a frenzy attack their captors. Graak began wandering around just looking like a cute teddy bear so no one would really notice him, except maybe force users who would feel him pushing the animals through their frenzy.

[member="Ahtemis"] l [member="Arnie Isaktalus"] l [member="Shaun Castanic"] l [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] l [member="Pyper Fen"] l [member="Aspen Dray"] l [member="Atom"] l [member="Ivory Stroud"]


Atlas hadn't been in The Family for long, but they had brought him in with open arms. It was all so sudden to him, but between the time of getting off Ottabesk and to this point, he had learnt a lot. He'd learnt lightsaber styles, how to make armour that would transform and fit his massive body, how to be a powerhouse is battle.​
So when this opportunity came to him, he was thoroughly prepared for his first mission with his new Family. He had recently received the mission information not long before he arrived on this planet of scum. Being a wolf at heart, he didn't like the sound of animals being abused. He had never really heard stories about such things, but he immediately took a disliking to it. So he used his newly learnt flying skills to fly to the venue of this horrible act.​
Shortly after arriving, he slowly approached the group that were already in their places. At this moment he was in wolf form, letting out a short whimper from the sudden cold and wet as the rain hammered on down. But as he strolled towards the Executioners group, he transformed into a human, standing with the two lightsabers he was given by the mysterious Equinox guy.​
"I'm ready."​
My name is Frank and I'm a thug. There was no point sugar coating the facts. I did thug things, most of them weren't very nice but then if they were nice I wouldn't be a thug I'd be something less tough sounding, like fairy princess or whatever.

I wore plain black clothes and a brown duster. My two blasters were in my ever present underarm holsters, one of the blasters didn't work, per se, well it might but I hadn't figured it out yet. I kept it mostly because having an empty holster looked stupid and I already had my face against me so I didn't need that too.

I walked through the crowd like the scumbags needed to get out of my way mostly because I couldn't do pirouettes for twenty million credits so I sure as kark wasn't doing it for free. If people wanted to get stomped on I could accommodate that easy though.

I crossed the floor and watch Ivory Stroud, this raven haired chick that was about as warm as suck starting a scattergun, which would probably be warm but it would be about the same amount of pain in the face. So, anyway, I grabbed a handful of her decently rounded backside as I passed behind her. I knew she'd be pissed, but there was a guy with a suit and a stupid haircut between us before I let go and I thought seeing her crush his throat would be funny. Well, funnier than her crushing mine, which isn't really.

[member="Ahtemis"] [member="Arnie Isaktalus"] [member="Shaun Castanic"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Pyper Fen"] [member="Aspen Dray"] [member="Corran Conner"] [member="Atom"] [member="Ivory Stroud"] [member="Graak"] [member="Atlas"]


Well-Known Member
I couldn't help but let out the softest of smirks.

There's something about seeing the fruits of one's labour that's just infinitely... satisfying. Before me, around me, behind me, were gathered some of the most powerful souls in the galaxy. They had heeded my call to arms, and joined me here, ready to bring hell itself down upon those who stood in our way. I try not to let things like that go to my head, I really do. But right now... oh goddess I felt powerful. Somewhere amongst my Infiltrators I knew Umai was lurking; likely beneath the cowl of her cloak. Witches can be quite the asset, and I was glad she'd shown up.

Turning to my executioners, I gave each of them a nod in turn.

My gaze stopped on Pyper, the doctor of... particular loyalty. I could see the expression on her features in the rain, that pretty face hiding intense turmoil that I personally laid upon her shoulders. We had her best behaviour, I knew she wouldn't take any foolish risks, but her enthusiasm was noticibly absent, particularly around others who seemed so eager to display our power.

"Doctor Fen," I began softly, using her proper title, "you're with me."

She might think it was so I could keep an eye on her, make sure she didn't try to sabotage us. I suppose that was partly true. But aside from that, I wanted someone with medical training within arms reach at all times, this was going to get rough.

There would certainly be blood tonight, and my executioners would wash the streets in it. Presently, my wrist-mounted commlink chirped, a signal from Conner--the infuriating and very very clever pup. I glanced around at those gathered;

"Alright, Family. Make them bleed."

Turning back to my commlink, I sent the Doctor a message,

"Lock all the doors except for ours. We're going in."

The door behind us swung open, as if on cue. I knew that the corridors within would be littered with guards. It was designed to be a maze of walkways and intersections; this was one of the reasons they had evaded the law for so long. Sending a few cops alone into those tunnels, or indeed anyone who didn't have the exact directions, would be suicide. Having not exactly merited an invitation, we were relying on the good Doctor to see us on his cameras and direct us to the actual arena.

Time to get to work.


The Family's Underboss remained where she was, waiting in the small alcove near the entrance from the labyrinth of hallways into the arena proper. She had situated herself, tactically, between the control room and the entryway to cover the approach of the killing team as well as protect the control-room. The position gave her some cover; enough that she would be protected, at least for a few minutes, but also gave her a clear picture on the entry-way and the pit. She'd already made [member="Hard Luck Frank"] in the crowd, having ignored the blaster's grabby hands... She'd get him for it, later.

The Detective, [member="Aspen Dray"], was unknown to her... but as luck would have it, he would not come to harm by her killing intent. She had already selected the region where the action was most-heavy to unleash the opening stroke of this hell-hole's demise.
Turning her back to the crowd, she found herself in a quiet little corner from-which she could work.​
Tick-Tock... Tick-Tock... and her heartbeat hammered in her ears. Adrenaline flooded her bloodstream, but ever since the first time she'd fired a blaster, she'd been amazed that the killing wave never consumed her - she could ride upon it, surfing in a sea of blood. She extracted the CS-7 Shotgun from within her coat, taking precise care to release the straps which had secured it to her body so-as not to fumble the weapon. She had practiced converting the powerful slug-thrower from its' concealed mode to a ready-state, and this she did. Her mind was clear, unthinking... a focused rage which fueled her, and she poured it into the task at hand. She'd only brought two clips of ammunition for the shotgun; both of them the penetrating AP rounds. The High-Ex, in such a confined space, had concerned her.​
That completed, and the shotgun retained on it's final strap (which kept the weapon attached to her body and able to hang freely), she opened the right side of her coat and stowed it for easy reach. Then, claw-like fingers reached inside her long, black hair... retrieving a small orb which fit easily in the palm of her hand. She'd already set the powerful grenade to its' secondary setting, and needed only to arm & deploy the device.​
With a deep, cleansing breath, the Murder Princess exhaled to steady her nerves... then turned, finding the events continuing beyond. The entire world began to slow... And then, choosing a trajectory, she stooped and rolled the grenade, underhanded, toward the largest gathering of people in close-proximity to the exit. Beyond them, the pit would be a free-fire zone once the device did it's job.​
Immediately, she stood, catching [member="Hard Luck Frank"] giving her a poodoo-eating grin - the crazy bastard was a blood-drinker just like her, and it took only a second for the two to share a private moment. Ivory offered him a feral grin, showing her teeth in an expression of unadulterated thrill. "Ready for this?" She mouthed, a silent dare.​
And then, the grenade went off.
The Gravity-Swell produced by the gren would hammer everyone & everything in it's blast radius to the ground; an increase to 5G, enough to bring the mass of people toppling to the ground, utterly frozen. It wouldn't be immediately lethal... but it would provide five minutes worth of suppression, and the Donna had agreed that would be plenty. The device did its' job, detonating with a humming thud.
The shotgun came up from it's coat as Ivory's mouth opened, screaming like a banshee: "Everyone, hit the deck! Party's over!"
And then, she started firing.
[member="Ahtemis"] [member="Atlas"] [member="Atom"] [member="Corran Conner"] [member="Arnie Isaktalus"] [member="Pyper Fen"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
Hadn't been with The Family that long but from what I gathered this was to make a statement. All of it, a big, bloody show. I wasn't against bloodshed but for feth sake.....I did precision kills. Not the whole blowing apart clubs with scatterguns....As others went in with guns I simply went in the door behind the woman who appeared to be in charge. Pulling my blade from the inverted sheathe I flicked it out to the side then inverted it to avoid people seeing the blade. Pulling my suppressed pistol I pulled the hammer back. If I was going to be killing anyone I'd be damn sure to do so cleanly, I was after all a professional plus it'd pay to be watching out for the woman in charge. Something told me she'd appreciate clean kills as well. They made a statement, clean meant no feths given, it meant I can kill you without a second thought and go have a bantha burger after. Not to mention clean kills were methodical no emotional attachment. "M'lady I'd accompany you if it's all the same to you, might be a good idea in case you need tech expertise. Plus I tend to be a scalpel versus a hammer. Best not to alert people we're about to kill them and make a statement when we do."


Corran watched as the strange man and he was almost sure it was a man did whatever it was he was doing. As soon as he completed whatever it was the man left out the hallway. Ivory wasn't long behind him as Corran very quickly hacked the feeds sending most to the excutioners with a simple logarithm of who was friend and who was foe. Friends being painted in green and foes in Red. In doing so he also shut the required doors including his own.

He checked through the feeds before seeing something rather curious happen as an ewok cut down two of the guards and then released the animals from their cages in a frenzy Corran had never ever seen before. The ewok even seemed unaffected by them. Which Corran found weird sending it to the donna and whoever the capos were so they could figure out what was going on. As he did so he also sealed the sections with the rampant animals in them so the animals could get their own against their captors.

Corran then began looking for the crazed Ewok not seeing him anymore among the animals. As he did he heard banging in the air vent above him. Corran quickly moved out of the way watching as the Ewok he had been looking for dropped down out of the vent. Corran could just feel a repulsive evilness coming off the creature as it smiled at him. He needed a way out as he was scrambling he accidentally opened the door. The Ewok without a second though or so it seemed turned to the door and walked out. But Corran could swear he saw an evil grin still on it's face as it went. He just hoped it wouldn't come back.

He sealed the door behind it and jumped of the comms warning everyone of a rather small force of evil nature coming their way and that it would just be best to avoid the creature at all costs. He slumped back in his chair hoping no one got to close to that thing.

@Ahtemis l [member="Arnie Isaktalus"] l [member="Shaun Castanic"] l [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] l [member="Pyper Fen"] l [member="Aspen Dray"] l @Atom l [member="Ivory Stroud"] l [member="Atlas."] l [member="Hard Luck Frank"] l [member="Al-Saher"]
Graak was wandering through the crowds of released angry animals and it was fuelling him however he felt so much more destruction on the horizon and he wanted in. As he climbed the back of one of the animals and jumped into an air vent. As he followed it along till he felt someone below him dropping down. He saw the face of a clearly scared and repulsed man.

He began advancing on the man while it scrambled to find something as something clicked and slid behind him. As he turned he felt the glorious battle being waged beyond. The one he wanted a part of. He suddenly didn't care about the man behind him as he wanted through the carnage that was already beginning around him. He gave a rather wide smile before bouncing around at rather terrifying speeds killing anything in his way.

For anyone watching they would see a ball of fur rather speedily killing anything and everything. Droids would be missing parts, vital components to their functionality. Any sentient life would be missing parts or would have holes in their chest from a lightsabre that had been thrown at them. Graak mean while was just having fun bouncing around ending people's miserable lives. Often chuckling to himself.

Pyper Fen

She watched as all of the others made their way inside or off to enter some other way. They all looked so eager to go about their wanton slaughter. It made little sense. Why were people so interested in killing each other? It was easy for her to see that these people essentially got off on hurting others and splattering blood on walls. It wasn't just fun it was essentially a sexual thing. That was even worse than just the act. To get such perverse enjoyment out of it? Well, she was glad that they would at least not hurt her while they needed her. Eventually that may not be the case, but that was a day not worth thinking about.

"Fine, " she said when the Donna spoke to her.

No sense in arguing. She followed the other woman as they entered, her pack of medical equipment kept close. It was valuable stuff and it wouldn't be good for a stray round to blow the thing apart. That was why it was made from largely armorweave. The goods inside it were to valuable for a standard sack to hold. As much as she hated everyone in the Family, she had to keep them alive in order to keep her sister alive. As horrible as it was saving the people that were hurting her, she would do what she was told.

But it would be so easy to take out the Donna right then.

If she knew what was making her sister sick, the poison that had been used, she could have taken a syringe full of air and jammed it into the Donna's carotid, injecting an oxygen bubble into her blood stream which would cause her to suffer an excruciatingly painful death. She didn't, though. As much as she wanted to she didn't. Not knowing the poison yet made it too much of a risk. Only the Donna knew and Pyper reckoned the woman kept that information in her head only. That way if something happened to her, Jaida was screwed.

She would show them, though. Patience was everything.

[member="Ahtemis"] [member="Ivory Stroud"] [member="Al-Saher"] [member="Corran Conner"] [member="Graak"] [member="Hard Luck Frank"] [member="Atlas."]
The dragon grinned
The hint had begun

Looking to the donna star nodded her head and walked towards the doors as she took her helmet off and inhaled the air heating the only warning as she watched the guards turn

Right before a torrent of flames was spat towards them covering them in a searing burning pain as they screamed on terror and pain...stardust put the helmet on and sighed

let ye be the dragons hand

She whispered to no one, turning towards her companions as she waited for the dying screams to end as she exhausted the flames with the force and then started forth drawing her sword


He'd never wanted to kill for fun. He didn't think he would find killing fun. But what these people had done was truly horrible, and Atlas wasn't about to let it go untouched. He awaited the signal from the Donna, who he had't really met yet, but he knew she was important, very. He also awaited the reactions of the enemy to a 2.2m x 2.3m roaring wolf plodding towards them. He may have been big, but he was very athletic and mobile. But at this moment, he was in human form, taking deep breaths, still being soaked.
The Donna had signaled and the doors swung open viciously. Despite all his former thoughts, a small smirk appeared on his face. Even though he was in human form, he howled. This howl was like a normal wolf's howl, but only because he wasn't in his wolf form. He sprinted towards the doors, thoughts rushing through his head, but still he did not hesitate. His white lightsabers glowed in the darkness, making him stand out, quite clearly. His first battle was about to begin. He stopped and stood for a second, should he protect, or attack?
He chose to venture further into the darkness...
I'd been waiting for a chance to test out different bits of armor. Looking towards the Donna I inclined my head and said "M'lady." Then pulling on an expressionless owl mask I triggered the thermal lenses. Heading down the hall I saw the outline of someone raising a weapon to come around the corner. Inverting my blade I come around the corner and slice up through their weapon arm. Pistol in hand and two shots one to the chest one to the head. Another at the end of the hall taking cover behind a cabinet I launched a climbing cable down the hall through their thigh, reeling them back in I pull the cable free and shoot them once through the skull. I liked clean kills they spoke to the skill I had. Scatterguns weren't my style. I liked swords and silence I was sure The Donna could appreciate such tendencies....


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