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Approved Species Tzihra Satwas - Stone Serpents

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  • Name: Tzihra Satwas - High Sith for Stone Serpents
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Amaltanna
  • Average Lifespan: 120 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: At a glance, the Tzihra Satwas seem to be just an offshoot of the Mikkian species, with longer head tendrils and enhanced features. Upon closer inspection, it becomes obvious they are Sithspawn mutants granted terrible powers and abilities by their creator.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 2 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Colors can range from yellow, green, blue, purple, and red depending upon the skin color of the original Mikkian
  • Hair color: While not hair per se, the tendrils on the head of the Tzihra Satwas can range from different shades of blue, gray, and black
  • Distinctions: The most distinctive physical trait of the Tzihra are the mass of tendrils that sprout from their head. Each tendril is prehensile and under the complete control of the Sithspawn, and are used for a number of different purposes. Besides that, they are strikingly beautiful to look upon, but looks can be very misleading and can often be deadly.
  • Races: No other races
  • Force Sensitivity: High
  • Through the magic and alchemy of the Lady of Secrets, the Tzihra Satwas that were able to touch the Force were given a powerful and rare ability for them to use on their enemies. By channeling the dark side of the Force and arranging their tendrils into a certain pattern, they can unleash a Sith stone ritual upon any being within eyesight. Victims are turned into a statue, their souls entrapped within for an eternity of torment and suffering. Certain Tzihra Satwas Matriarchs can even use the dark side to animate the statues they have created to act like Sith Guardian Statues.
  • Each head tendril of a Tzihra Satwas is completely prehensile, allowing them to control every motion of the tendrils and they retain the sensitivity of their Mikkian origins. Through genetic alterations and Sith alchemy, the Lady of Secrets introduced power glands into the tendrils as a means to provide the Tzihra Satwas with a potent weapon or defense against lightsabers by giving them the same edge producing ability Yuuzhan Vong amphistaves have.
  • The introduction of Kodashi Viper DNA and venom sacs give the Tzihra Satwas the ability to secrete the same potent neurotoxin the Dathomiri serpent possesses. This toxin can be delivered through their claws, saliva, or from the tips of their tendrils if they cut deep enough to draw blood.
  • While no stronger than the average being, the Lady of Secrets enhanced their reflexes and agility to be on par with those of a Jedi or Sith Knight.
  • Unlike more advanced Sithspawn created by the Lady of Secrets, the Tzihra Satwas are vulnerable to Force Light and can be severely wounded or killed if attacked with such intense use of the light.
  • If the head tendrils of the Sithspawn are injured or severed completely, the creature will be unable to perform the Sith stone ritual until they grow back. Additionally, the creatures experience great agony if their tendrils are damaged, rendering them unmoving for several long moments.
  • While the power glands in their tendrils given them great offensive and defensive abilities, they can be overcome through repeated strikes from a lightsaber and offer little protection from disruptors and other powerful weaponry.
  • Because of their reptilian bodies, they are highly susceptible to cold weather and cryo weaponry.
  • Diet: Carnivore, Life Energy (they can feed off the torment and souls of those they have turned to stone)
  • Communication: Can speak and understand Galactic Basic, Mikkian, and the Sith language
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard, although they prefer to keep the appearance of simpler times
  • Religion/Beliefs: Mikkians already have a reverence for the Force and the Jedi Order within their religions, and this trait was carried over by the Tzihra Satwas if not twisted to serve the interests of the dark side. Tzihra Satwas worship the dark side of the Force itself, and view the Sith Order as a personification of the dark side on the mortal plane. Different branches of the species revere different Sith Lords and Ladies and this in turn effects their architectural styles, dress, and how they arrange their statue gardens in hopes of pleasing their patron.
  • General behavior:
    • Similar to the Kraujas Arana created by Darth Arcanix, the Tzihra Satwas have formed a matriarchal society, but unlike the Blood Angels, how they determine status is different. Those of the species that do not possess the Force are on the bottom rung of their culture, often forced into serving as handmaidens and agents of their Force-using masters. Those that wield the Force have created a competitive political system where status is determined by the size, composition, and artistic formation of the statue gardens each matriarch keeps in their lair. Rivals are known to criticize or outright destroy the statues of their enemies to weaken their influence in Tzihra society.
    • Matriarchs within Tzihra society allow themselves to enjoy hedonistic luxuries, but have a particular affinity to the arts. Masonry is their primary passion, ingrained in almost all aspects of society for obvious reasons, but painting, architectural design, and gem-cutting are also held in high regard by the matriarchs. Those of the species without the Force are not allowed such luxuries, being forced to live simplistically as punishment for their genetic weakness.
    • Mating is a complex issue within Tzihra society. While they can mate with most humanoid species in the galaxy, this can be a dangerous prospect for the male. If they fail as a lover, they are fated to join the ranks of the statue gardens. Offspring are predominantly female.

Mikkians are generally regarded as a secretive race, and though they have had representation in galactic governments, not much is known about their species. In her pursuit of knowledge, the Lady of Secrets had dispatched some of her Adepts to hunt down an isolated colony of the species. Originally, her intent had been to simply study them, understand their culture, dissect a few deceased members to understand their biology. However... an idea, more of a curiosity really, formed in her mind.

The colony of Mikkians discovered by the Order of Shadows was spirited away to the world of Amaltanna and subjected to alchemical and genetic experiments at the hands of Taeli and her cabal. The results were a splendid success in her opinion, and she was pleased to see their society morph to reflect their new dark allegiances. Giving them the name Tzihra Satwas, Stone Serpents in the Sith language, the new Sithspawn mutants began carving out their niche within the developing sentient Sithspawn communities on the world, using their new powers and abilities to show they were just as potent and powerful a force on the world.
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