Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Words: Nine Letters

Blissful dreams, so far away from the conversation above. Here she was free, wild, to do as she pleased without a single care in the world. There was nothing better for the young woman who had suffered so much. Being a child, just a child was exactly the kind of thing she needed.

Racing onwards, with Tegaea and Siobhan not far behind she tripped stumbled and tumbled to the ground. The whole while laughing, giggling she glanced back to her parents grinning from ear to ear. The redhead rolled onto her back and gazed up at the skies above, taking in the sound of waves lapping against the shore and the soft fluffy clouds above. It was something so simple, but such a perfect moment of joy and happiness for her. It was only a moment more before her mothers joined her laying in the warm sands.

Back in reality while the priestess worked her mastery above the redheaded teenager. A soft sigh came as Eileithya gripped the bullet and began to pull. Beyond that, there was no sign at all that the girl was even aware that anything was happening. Slowly, the slug moved through the girl's muscle and tissue and further away from her heart without a sign at all that she was bothered by what was happening to her.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Slowly but surely Eileithya pulled, taking her time. It took a few moments and then finally the bullet was out. "Nasty little thing," she muttered, carefully taking the small slug and putting it into a small paper bag. This one is not certain whether Galina would like to keep it!

"Thanks, Eileithya. Thanks so much. I can't thank you enough," Siobhan said feelingly, seemingly overcome by emotion as gratitude was strong in her voice. "If there's anything you ever need..."

The Priestess interrupted her with an amused chuckle. "Well, you could convert heart and soul to the Great Goddess Ashira! Hmm. I'll settle for you being my slave for a day. There's some knitting I need done and I figure some spring cleaning as well. Oh, don't pout like that, if you're a good girl there'll be crochet as well." She may or may not be trolling, but rather than continuing that train of thought she focused upon the small exit wound caused by pulling out the bullet, cleaning and disinfecting it before she applied her powers to mend it. Then she turned her attention to Galina's other, comparatively minor wound, namely on her left forearm just above her wrist. Once again she sunk into her Sciia, though fortunately this would require less attention, as she attempted to mend what had been broken.
Galina most certainly would want to keep it, probably make a necklace of it. After all she was a survivor, and this was just one more sign of the strength the young woman held within.

The redhead kept on dreaming, now splashing through the waves with both Tegaea and Siobhan in tow. Deeper and deeper she went into the ocean alongside her parents. Finally the girl dove beneath the waves, and reached out to pull Siobhan down with her. Both coming up smiling, laughing. Such joy for her.

A smile actually formed upon her lips as Elieithya started to work to seal the wound on her chest, and then to heal her arm. As the force wrapped around her arm, slowly the old break mended itself. It took time, but the young woman would not feel pain from it ever again.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Siobhan was standing over Galina, watching her daughter sleep and be at peace. Such a simple thing, but still something that had been denied to Galina for so long. It brought a smile to her mother's lips. "She looks so peaceful," she said with clear happiness in her tone.

"We might as well administer the necessary vaccinations while she's asleep. Poor dear doesn't need to deal with needles and pain," Eileithya said. It did not seem right to wake Galina from her slumber, not when she looked so serene and happy. She deserved a chance to find the peace that had been so cruelly denied her for so many years. Moreover, the Priestess could use a bit of a rest herself.

Siobhan nodded and planted a gentle, most loving kiss on Galina's forehead before taking a step back, letting Eileithya do her work to immunise Galina against various nasty diseases. Presumably they did not have vaccinations against smallpox on Sigma.
Blissfully Galina still remained unaware of the things happening above her. In her dreams, swimming, splashing and playing with both of her parents most eagerly. Such a beautiful place, and beautiful dreams. A vacation away from the horrors of her past. For a change she actually was completely in love with her dream.

As wonderful as the dreams were, the time for waking would be soon as Eileithya finished the vacinations. Released from the trance, Galina started to wake slowly. Her eyes fluttering at first. Then slowly they opened searching the room instantly for her mother. The poor dear still seemed quite exhausted, but gradually was coming out of the grogginess that had been caused from the healing trance.

"Is it gone?" She asked as she rubbed at her eyes, glancing between the two women.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Siobhan had not been hovering. No, not at all. Well, she might have been just a little bit. In any case, when Galina awoke Siobhan was immediately at her side. She was probably just a bit overprotective. "Yeah, it's gone, sweetie. You're safe. Everything is alright," Siobhan said happily, pulling her daughter into a hug.

"You're fine. Eileithya also gave you all the vaccinations against diseases you need. Did you sleep well, my little angel?" For her part Eileithya stood next to Siobhan, but let mother and daughter have their little moment, though she gave Galina a bright smile.
Galina smiled brightly as Siobhan wrapped her arms tightly around the girl. She couldn't help but return the gesture as she clung to her mummy for dear life. "I'm glad." Her smile bright as it had ever been, clearly relieved herself that this was over. "Does not hurt anymore." Joy expressed in her every word.

"Oh, I see." She said quietly, not sure what to think about that, but glad that she didn't have to be awake and deal with all of that. "Yes, mummy I did. I dreamed about you and mum. We were on a beach, playing in the sands and the ocean. It was .... relaxing." Probably the first time that sleep didn't concern her or bring her bad dreams or other things.

She then turned to Eileithya, "Thank you." And then came the question that was bound to come from the little redhead, "Where is the bullet?" She inquired, curious to see the thing that had been nearly lethal to her.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"That sounds beautiful, sweetie! Maybe us three can go to the beach together," Siobhan beamed happily. Probably the beach on Naboo because the oceans of Kaeshana had the unfortunate tendency to be infested wih sea monsters. Presumably Coryth would end up befrieding the aforementioned sea monsters.

"You're welcome, dear," Eileithya said warmly before fishing into a small, plastique bag and taking out the bullet. It had obviously been cleaned and stuff. "There it is. Would you like to keep it? Never understood the desire for souvenirs like that myself," she joked.
"I'd like that." She said cheerfully, looking forward to just simple relaxing play. Something she should have gotten the chance to do as a child but alas her life was a little too complicated for that.

Reaching out the young redhead took the slug in hand and scanned over it's surface and shape. Both terrified and amazed that this had lived inside her body without killing her for over a decade. The thought chilled her to the bone. At the same time it reminded her she was still alive. The bullet had came and tried to take her life, and yet here she was. She survived. "I would like to, yes. Just to remind me, that I survive something others usually do not. If I can get through this, I can get through anything." The girl said quietly.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"That you can, my dear. That you can. You're a little badass," Siobhan said softly. Her daughter had went through hell and survived. Alone and without help. With no tools other than a bow and improvised weapons. She had suffered in ways that pained Siobhan deeply, but at the same time she was proud of her.

"I pray to the Goddess that you never have to go through something like that again," Eileithya replied. "I imagine you two would like some time together, so I shall leave you to it. I'm glad I could help you, Galina. Sio, you have a lovely daughter," she added feelingly before giving Siobhan a deep kiss. By now Galina might have noticed that plenty of women kept locking lips with her mummies!
Slowly now, Galina swung her legs over the edge of the bad as she sat up fully. A soft smile danced upon her lips. The fear seemed completely behind her. Perhaps it was less the person doing the healing, but more the idea of the unknown that frightened her most. And to her surprise the young redhead felt wonderful as she fully awoke from her grogginess.

"So do I..." Galina said quietly, before nodding to Eileithya, for she did very much want some time with her mother, especially after all of that. Coming to realize you were indeed quite mortal and very much had the possibility of dying from something that had hidden within you for a good ten years did have a way of doing that to you.

Galina waited patiently for the kiss to end, her cheeks turning a slight pink hue in the process. A little embarrassed to see her mother kiss another. But before Eileithya could leave, the young woman quickly got up, "Wait." She spoke quickly as she crossed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around the Eldorai priestess. "Thank you." She repeated again.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Eileithya seemed touched by Galina's words and the hug, wrapping her arms around the wildling. "You're welcome, sweetie. If there's anything or you're hurt...don't hesitate to call me. Or if you just need some books to read!" she said warmly, affection and caring evident in her tone. She held Galina for a few moments then released her, patting her on the shoulder. "I hope to see you at the next...Ashiran festival, Sio," she said teasingly, which made Siobhan cough a bit. Then she turned on her heels and departed from the room, leaving mother and daughter alone.

"I'm so glad you're safe, sunshine. Do you want something to eat, drink...anything?" Siobhan asked. She looked and sounded as if she had been overcome with emotion and had only become conscious now of close she had come to losing her daughter.
"I will, thank you." Said once more as the Eldorai Priestess left them.

Walking slowly back to the bed, Galina sat down near to her mother. "Yes, mama I do. I'm hungry." She said softly, though her mind was adrift thinking about Sigma, about the actual shot that hit her. It seemed such a small thing to her, barely even hurt that she recalled. Perhaps she was just too young to remember the full extent of the pain. "I just want to spend some time with you, now. If that's okay? If you have time." She said quietly. "Just to spend a little time with you is all."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"Aww, my angel, it'll always be ok if you wanna spend time with me. Come on, sweetie. Let's go downstairs and get something to eat," Siobhan said happily, taking Galina's hand in hers. She had unconsciously used her bionic hand. Synthflesh felt soft and appeared lifelike, even had scars and lines, though if you looked close enough it was...slightly different.

Hands that were so used to beating, strangling, inflicting violence and had so often been splattered with blood were remarkably gentle whenever they touched Galina. Siobhan's little angel. "If you like, after having food we can go down to the shooting range and I can show how to use some modern protect yourself with."
A bright smile quickly formed upon the redhead's lips at those words from her mother. Eagerly, she squeezed Siobhan's hands tightly in hers as she rose with her. Her flesh and blood, right against her mum's. Quickly, right alongside, she went with Siobhan downstairs to find something to eat. "That would be good, mum. I want to learn. Do not want to be vulnerable anymore. Want to be able to defend myself well." She said with a smile. Surviving, she was used to. But protecting herself in these most dangerous times, seemed far more important to her than anything else was.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Siobhan nodded. "That's a good attitude, dear. If...if I had my way, you'd never ever have to take a weapon in your hands again. At least not to fight for your life. But the Galaxy is a dangerous place." And I can't be be everywhere, she thought with a touch of sadness. The thought that one day something could happen to her daughter and she would not be there to protect her troubled her deeply. As a matter of fact, the mere thought of it happening was terrifying to her.

Here she was, responsible for guiding a young girl and helping her take her first steps into a new life that would hopefully be kinder to her than her awful past. A young girl she had come to love as a daughter, something she had never thought possible. Her daughter, her family. Something more important than material possessions, as nice as those were, getting to the top, going on galactic crusades, even her thirst for vengeance against Sith. "I'm sure you'll do fine, sweetie. C'mon, you gotta eat and get up your strength." She shook these thoughts off and guided her daughter down to the dining room. Soon enough the maidens would serve them a light meal.
"I just worry," The young redhead replied softly. "I've already been through so much. I'd rather be certain I can take what I have around me and survive no matter what." A sigh came, "And this part of the galaxy ... the technology is so much more ... dangerous. Risks cannot be taken. Risks taken, mean mistakes in the end, mistakes that could be deadly."

Galina followed right along beside Siobhan, into the dining room and took her seat beside her mummy. "I hope so." Though there was a tiny hint of nerves held in her voice. The redhead certainly got on with more primitive weapons well enough but alas these were lessons she'd desperately need if she was to survive in such a horrid galaxy.

Her eyes shifted to the maidens bringing in food for the both of them. Eagerly she took a fair helping for herself, more than happy to begin the meal. Especially since she wasn't sure how long they'd been upstairs working to mend her chest and arm. "I don't ever want to have to go through what I did again. But at least I can better prepared this time."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Siobhan made a mental note to ask Elanil Saedaris whether they could upgrade Galina's bow somehow. Come to think of it, alchemised arrows sounded fun as well. Who knew, perhaps [member="Phylis Alince"] would help. After all, they were best buddies! Well, Siobhan thought they were.

They sat down and before they began helping themselves to their food Siobhan reached out to give Galina's hand a squeeze. As had probably become clear, Siobhan happened to be a very touchey-feeley person, which tied in with her being a very emotional woman in general, but then she wanted to give her daughter any reassurance and confidence she could.

"I'll do whatever is in my power to make sure you never have to go through that hell again. With my life if need be. There's nothing I wouldn't do to keep you safe. And you have a big family that loves you. Tegs, Tempest, Mirien, Coryth, Chesna. I love you. So there's nothing wrong with being worried, it's human, but believe in yourself. You surived in the wilderness with little more than your wits and improvised weapons, you'll get the hang of modern ones quickly enough. It's not like I didn't have to learn how to use a lightsabre. We can start with slugthrowers you'd be more familiar with, then move on to blaster and bolters." These words having left her lips, she took a fair helping of food for herself. "For now eat, don't want you starving on me, angel."
Galina happily munched at the food offered to them. Her attention was drawn back to Siobhan as she took her hand and gently she squeezed it in return. A frown did cross her lips as she mentioned giving her life to protect her. That idea, she didn't like much. But that was a parent's job she supposed. "Don't ever want it to come to that." Finally spoken softly. "Don't want to lose you too." That was her true fear. Losing the family she had now built with Siobhan and Tegaea.

She nodded, "I love them." Such a big family to look out for her, and her interests. Such a strange thing to think about when her biological family had been so small, devastated by war and now ... she had more family than she knew what to do with.

"Yes, I did." It was something of a miracle that she'd managed to do it, all considered. A survivor, that was Galina. No matter what she was going to figure out how to not only survive but thrive in the worst of situations.

"I hope so." Her worry was that she wouldn't do so well with modern weapons. She'd been used to such primitive things until now.

"Okay mummy." Said as she dove back into her food.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"You'll do fine, sweetie. You're a Kerrigan and an Alcori after all," Siobhan said encouragingly. She seemed to be doing a lot of that lately, but she wanted her daughter to have all the self-confidence she could. To an extent this was undoubtedly a reflex when it came to her own issues. Siobhan had often been plagued by doubts and insecurities. While she had gotten better, partly because having such a big loving family left a lot less room for doubt, she felt that in the past it had held her back.

In any case she dug in heartily into her food, being silent for now, and when both of them were finished and the maidens were taking the plates away, Siobhan arose and motioned Galina to follow her. "Come on, sunshine. Let's go shoot at stuff!" she said brightly. The Kerrigan-Alcori villa was vast and, beyond a beautifully manicured garden, it came equipped with an outdoor shooting range. Galina would be able to see various targets arrayed, along with a table that contained...a lot of guns. Needless to say none of them were loaded because safety was a thing.

"Take a moment to look around, familiarise yourself with the area. We're not on a schedule," Siobhan said, then picked up a slugthrower pistol, handing it to her daughter along with a magazine. The pistol was more advanced than the models they had used on Sigma, but the mechanisms were the same and it seemed best to start with something Galina was more used to. "That slugthrower seem familiar to you?" If yes, she would have her daughter load the weapon, aim and shoot stuff.

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