Galina Kerrigan-Alcori
Two words, nine letters. That's what it takes to explain what happened in basic. It would be close to sixteen letters and one word in my language. It translates roughly to, the one who survived is the one who was ready. I cannot help but think my language doesn't quite have it right. I was never ready. Never, but yet here I am. In basic it's much simpler, far less complex. It amounts to living, to be alive. I survived. Two words, nine letters.... I survived. While it greatly condenses all the details of my own story it is right. It is the most important part, I survived.
Galina sighed heavily as she set the datapad aside. It had been a while since her rescue and the Wildling had recovered well. Now she was budding into a nice young woman. Her basic skills were coming along nicely, though she still read and wrote better than she did speaking it. None the less the redhead got on well enough to get around, and understand most people and most things.
Picking up a book, she headed over to a fluffy chair in her room and pulled up a blanket around her. All to hide her nervousness of things to come. If she kept reading, kept doing things her fears remained at bay. If she let herself rest or was alone with her thoughts long enough her mind wandered to the the physician or healer, priestess was it? That would soon be visiting her. The idea still making her incredibly afraid, and worried. The idea of the new, for she'd never been to a doctor in her life and wasn't exactly eager to start now. None the less, it was coming whether or not she liked it. For now, distraction was the best she could manage.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Galina sighed heavily as she set the datapad aside. It had been a while since her rescue and the Wildling had recovered well. Now she was budding into a nice young woman. Her basic skills were coming along nicely, though she still read and wrote better than she did speaking it. None the less the redhead got on well enough to get around, and understand most people and most things.
Picking up a book, she headed over to a fluffy chair in her room and pulled up a blanket around her. All to hide her nervousness of things to come. If she kept reading, kept doing things her fears remained at bay. If she let herself rest or was alone with her thoughts long enough her mind wandered to the the physician or healer, priestess was it? That would soon be visiting her. The idea still making her incredibly afraid, and worried. The idea of the new, for she'd never been to a doctor in her life and wasn't exactly eager to start now. None the less, it was coming whether or not she liked it. For now, distraction was the best she could manage.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]