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Two Sides To The Credchit [OP Dominion of Seltos]


I Shall Know No Fear
Seltos, a planet of mines galore, surrounded by beautiful natural reserves and forests. Some time ago it had been home to a considerable reserve of phrik, where it had been mined by corporations and independent concerns alike. However, during the chaos of hell swallowing the world and devouring more people than anyone cared to admit, turmoil had broken loose. Mines were now abandoned - or worse, being torched. Anyone who could get samples of rare metals, fought off by the protectors of the resources, were turning a quick profit.

More interestingly, however, was the government's response. Once a Republic-controlled world, Seltos was defaulting to using its local garrison to - of all things - oppress the people and kill intruders to the mines on sight. This dichotomy of self-sufficient support and supposed Republic obedience was strange, to say the least. Someone new must have been in charge.

As usual, Omega was on the job.

Starships dropped out in orbit over Seltos, ready to let the grand army of the Protectorate solve the problem of a rogue government and an oppressed peoples. Neither side was innocent; the people and their leadership both. But where did the truth lie?
After everything... Drapeam Nyx was still part of the Protectorate. Even if she had been spending most of her time lately assisting the Republic. They, the Order, were her doctors. Her allies. But these mighty warriors, former mercenaries turned powerful government, these people were her home. Her family of covenant blood- not of womb water. And so when they went to stabilize the world of Seltos, the Zorren came with. Clipped to her belt were her new 'toys', on her back was her sniper rifle, and upon her body was her armor. Today she was going to make sure that innocents were kept alive, corrupt politicians taken care of, and criminals put in jail. Half the galaxy may have disappeared... but that didn't mean that this chaos, this anarchy, was to be tolerated.

"ETA five minutes. Prep for landing."
With a deep breath she checked her suit one last time...
Two sides to a creditchit, oh yeah.... definitely. It actually reminded her of the saying that 'Understanding was a three-edged sword. Their side, your side, and the truth.' This couldn't have been more true in this situation. Coryth was going with a small Firemane contingent, set to protect the small redhead who was still limping with a cane from her injuries on Sullust. Soon set to land to have a meeting with one of the local mine owners, Archangel. For you see, they had Phrik... She wished to buy Phrik. And there was one more small problem in that .... Corellia.

Corellia was now Sith owned. However, Archangel had offices there. And when the great Ayden Cater rained FLEETCOM and the shipyards down upon the planet ... Archangel suffered serious losses. So, there were reparations to be made to keep Archangel happy. Which somehow fell on the little redhead's shoulders now. How the feth is this my job? I'm a healer not a leader. You know you were trained as diplomat too..... Oh, so this IS my job. Damn it. You cannot escape responsibility anymore. Nope. Not. At. All. She shook her head, with a heavy sigh as the pilot came in for a landing. If you just could have let it be.... mister hat man... Let it be... I would not be doing this. I would not have this job and cleaning up after YOU would not be my responsibility. But here I am ... I ever see you son .. I will kill you myself. Morals and code be damned. The thought was there, but it was doubtful she'd ever go that far. She might be pissed but he ... he was not worth igniting her saber over.

[member="Moira Skaldi"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Against her better judgement, Kaida had decided to leave Kaeshana again and let herself be roped into Coryth's latest antics. At least this time they were not facing Klaxxi. You see, after Sullust the Seraph had decided that she fething hated the spiders. Compared to them, Reavers were pretty lame, though apparently they were breeding like rabbits, given the fact that they were randomly popping up everywhere despite being exterminated twice over. As for the Protectorate, Kaida was not even remotely enthusted by it.

So, anyhow, when the beautiful and deadly Master Coryth Elaris decided to travel to the planet with a couple heavily armed Firemane minions, Kaida was there as well. She was looking, you might have guessed it, dear reader, stoic and stuff. Well, actually moderately less stoic than usual. A startling two point three per cent. Hell must have truly freezen over. As usual she was wearing battle armour, her face obscured by the sort of imposing helmet Eldorai were found of wearing, bolter mag-clamped to her thigh and lightsabre attached to her belt.

Of course, strictly speaking Coryth did not need protection because she was a little badass. Well, she might need it to a degree because she was injured due to her antics on Sullust. Anyhow, Coryth was having adorable internal dialogue, Kaida was doing a good job looking impassive as the dropship came in to land. Go to the supposedly respectable droidmaker to buy phrik and stuff, get out, shoot bad people who shot at you if it came to that. "Relax," she said usual. "It's not like you're facing a horde of Klaxxi." These words were probably not very encouraging to Coryth. Kaida was not good at pep talks, though it might mean a bit that she actually tried to give one!

Well this was new. Never been to Seltos before. Then again, there was always times for new experiences. Aereon, Prex of the Omega Pyre would narrow her attention upon the large holo array map. Leather black gloves would curl at the edge of the metal table, bracing herself forward.

The Protectorate had their orders; the Pyre had theirs.

Now it was just a matter of seeing it through.
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Strictly speaking the Radiant Phrik Mine was jointly maintained by Saelari Mining and Archangel. However, unfortunately Aurelia Saelari, Chief of the Galactic Republic Government, had disappeared during the great cataclysm. Such a shame really. Even more of a shame that Gordian Saelari, one of the many slimey cretins from her clan, was an incapable, corrupt and venal twit incapable of even running a brothel.

So, as a consequence Archangel was pretty much running things. Occasionally Gordian was allowed to greet guests, but it seems he was mainly enristed in enriching himself. Unfortunately, the official in charge of finances had just been replaced by someone actually reliable. Coincidentally, Nalia Alderana, legitimate businesswoman and droidmaker, was on Seltos, ensuring that the management was streamlined, when she heard that the Protectorate had come to take over the planet.

Suffice to say, Ms. Alderana was not happy about Corellia. You see, she had liked that office! Oh, and several innocent people had died as well when Cater decided to become a war criminal. Think of the families, all the children who would grow up without knowing their parents. So she was not in the least enthusted about this development. However, she also liked to think of herself as a canny opportunist who knew how to exploit opportunities. And so the dropship containing Master Elaris received permission to land near the mine. After some internal debate, Nalia decided she would greet them herself. Obviously she would not go without guards, and so she would have a small escort of HRDs. Her infiltration protocols were fine-tuned for this moment, her suit immaculate, not a hair out of place. Nothing to connect her with a certain Moira Skaldi, who in any case looked totally different.
And so it was, Coryth was stuck with a job she did not want. With the burden of a nation on her shoulders, and that alone was an idea that did not settled well with her. "No, Kaida. It's something worse than Klaxxi. It's diplomacy and politics." She said firmly, completely annoyed with having to be in this situation at all. One man had placed so much troubles on her shoulders and somehow, someway he was going to get his for. There was a reason she'd helped to place the bounty. Hopefully someone would bring him back badly beaten, in that he deserved it. From there, it would be up to the courts to settle his punishment to fit his crime.

So the politics and backstabbing begin... There was completely no way that this could go wrong for her. Not at all...

With a sigh she glanced to the Eldorai beside her and managed a strained smile. With the weight of a nation on her shoulders she stepped from the craft. Leaning heavily upon her cane, she limped as confidently as she could manage towards the greeting party and Nalia Alderana. However, as she approached ... Something was off. She could sense it instantly, something about the beings in front of her wasn't normal. There was something lacking but she couldn't quite place it completely. Not yet. It would take her a minute or two to figure out just exactly what was off about them.

[member="Moira Skaldi"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

"I'll keep that in mind if I'm ever up for promotion to Grand Seraph," Kaida spoke in what was a lame attempt at a joke. She was not particularly good at those! In any case the dropship landed and the Firemane guards quickly fanned out. There was no smile upon Kaida's lips, her features looked as impassive as ever, though they were obviously obscured by her helmet. The Force was...difficult to reach, but something seemed strangely off about the blonde who was greeting them.

Anyhow, politicking. It was just Kaida's private opinion, but she doubted this was a task Coryth was suited for, though at least the little redhead admitted it. It probably said a lot about the sorry state of the Protectorate, which had gone from being a superpower to barely being able to hold on to its core worlds, despite all the fanfare about its alleged grand army.
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Nalia Alderana stepped forward as Master Elaris came in view. "Master Elaris, I'm Nalia Alderana. Normally I would say it is a pleasure to meet you, but circumstances being as they are...I am sure you understand. Still, I must commend you on issuing a bounty on the war criminal Ayden Cater. It is too late for the innocents that perished on Corellia, but at least it shows the Protectorate does not consort with mass murderers." The businesswoman looked composed and her tone was clipped, but lacking in warmth.

So much dramatic irony in these words. "I take it you are here for negotiations for Archangel to resume business in OP space. And specifically for access to phrik." She gave Kaid a nod and the Eldorai said something that could be counted as a greeting.
There wasn't much more than a little 'thud' as the shuttle landed. They were just outside one of the rougher districts, just out of hearing range for the riots that were rocking the city. This was.... definitely one of the worse areas. People had started to panic before going into full-out "BREAK EVERYTHING" mode. It wasn't exactly the best way to deal with these sorts of things. How had the local authorities reacted?... By this point this particular area had gone to a metaphoric hell (after recent events the clarification is quite necessary). 'Police' had become just as violent as the criminals they fought to contain. Blasters had been taken off 'stun', batons were wrapped in barbed wire, and tear gas turned to it's harsher cousins. This was not a town anymore. There was no real government here anymore. Not even the corrupt kind. No, the systems had shut down in this area, forgotten, abandoned. it was in the other places that some people still pretended to care.

Why did she care, then?

Because someone has to care. Quietly, softly angrily, the Zorren slung her rifle over her shoulder, stepping out into the evening. Besides her came the soft footsteps of a dozen other soldiers. They stayed quiet. What was there to say? To ask? Nothing. Silence was their Queen. Wordlessly they worshiped her horrid powers, walking softly, moving like shadows in her courtyard. Ten minutes, she thought, until we see the rising chaos. And her steps came slow. Their steps came slow. None of them wanted to do this. Out there, in the red-hot flaming distance, were civilians and militants combined. Friends turned foes due to the madness of a different queen... of an Empress. Chaos had come to them. And the innocents were paying for the crimes of others. How horrid. How terrible.

Maybe they could at least save a few lives.
[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Coryth internally cringed at the title. She hated that. Hated being called Master. Especially when every padawan she had, ran off to the darkside. Personal failures aside, she kept the soft smile and extended her hand to shake the woman's "Miss Alderana, I'm so happy you could meet with us in such dark and dangerous times." Her smiled faded at the mention of Ayden. "Yes, I wanted to make that extremely clear. Mass Murder is not tolerated within the Protectorate, no matter the status the being might have once held. I refuse to have us harboring such fugitives. Some things, are simply unforgivable. He will be captured and stand trial. From there, it is out of my hands. But I will see that justice is served." Her shoulders rose and fell with a heavy sigh, "You have my deepest sympathies for what happened on Corellia. Your offices, your people, I am so sorry for your losses." Said with a small bow of respect.

A curt nod came, "Yes, I am. I was hoping we could work something out for phrik. As well as repair the damages that the incident on Corellia might have caused between Archangel and the Protectorate." It was then it hit her, emotions ... While Nalia walked the walk, and talked the talk... There was no emotion spread from the woman to her, her empathy picked up nothing aside from Kaida's and the Firemane employees emotions. This ... made her more than a little uneasy. An emotion that no doubt would be felt by Kaida as Coryth made no efforts to hide such. It was a small warning. Coryth was on edge and in no way trusted the woman before her.. Though she let none of that show on her features. She couldn't. And woman, the term couldn't be used no... Droids. That she knew. But even droids could make contracts, and manage affairs like this.
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Nalia cocked her head to the side slightly when Coryth spoke. The words seemed earnest and true. Then again, she had done some research on the woman before the meeting, at least as much as her office could dig up in terms of a psyche profile. "I understand. It is too late for the dead, but your words and actions should mean something to the living...and those are the ones we have to think of. And you are not to blame for the tragedy that transpired," Nalia responded smoothly.

There was a beat before she answered again. "If the Protectorate is willing to pay reparations for the calamity to compensate the families of our employees and the damage done to us, I am willing to discuss a deal for the provision of phrik, even a major contract. Paperwork is still being handled, but with the recent disruptions in Saelari Mining we have a commanding stake in this mine. I understand that you have the...necessary authority for this, yes? No offence is meant, the leadership structure of the Protectorate has just a state of flux recently." At that she briefly turned her attention to Kaida. "Seraph Taldir, I take it."

"Yes, Ms. Alderana. I have an order for phrik here on behalf of the Eldorai Matriarchy. If we reach agreement," Kaida said blandly. She was not one for speeches and in any this was Coryth's show. She was mainly here to provide protection in case the redhead run into obstacles to big for her to handle. Oh, and she may or may not be oggling Coryth.

Nalia gave them a nod. "Please follow me to my office, Master, Seraph. You must be hungry, we have food and drink prepared for you." And so, unless there were objections, she would lead them into the complex that housed the administrative facilities of the base and ultimately to her office. As the two would see, it was well-guarded by droids and HRDs. Gordian Saelari would be there because his presence could not be avoided, but he had nothing to decide.
"I understand completely." A nod followed, while she may not be to blame for the tragedy on Corellia. She certainly felt a hand in responsibility for the aftermath and taking care of those that had been left behind. That was her job, hers to manage.

"We are. I'm certain we can come to agreeable terms on the reparations to be paid." That part felt so damn cold to Coryth. Paying for what happened, cold hard cash all to be negotiated down to a credit amount that suited the damages done, that fit it. But to pay for lives lost, there just seemed something inhuman in that. It's your job to manage this. The reality is, and you know this; life is a numbers game. The number of steps take, breaths taken can all be quantified into a number. A simple number on a sheet of flimsi. It is cold, detached but it is the reality you are in. Numbers. The number they accept for the lives lost, damages to property.... Numbers paid for a horrific act. It all comes down to the numbers. "I am here to act as the representative for the Omega Protectorate. To answer your question, yes. I do have the needed authority to sign any contract I deem fitting to repair relations between us."

Her gaze for a moment fell to Kaida as she listened to her words, and nodded to her. "Of course, we would much appreciate that, Miss Alderana. It's been a long journey." Said as she fell in line, limping along as the woman led them into the complex.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

"I imagine. I heard about the...incident on Sullust. It is good to see that you are on your feet again, Master Elaris. Klaxxi are vicious, brutal creatures. My best wishes to your further recovery," Nalia said in what could be considered a warm tone, if you did not know what she really was, as she led Coryth into the office. Kaida was right behind Coryth, not hovering but keeping a close watch on her, ready to help if the redhead were to falter in her step, though she was remaining otherwise unobtrusive.

In the office, which was more utilitarian than luxurious, they found Gordian Saelari, who abruptly jumped to his feet and focused all his attention upon the beautiful redhead. "Master Elaris, it is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard so much about you. You were so heroic on Gehenna. This is truly an honour...," he spluttered as he stretched out his hand, but then a look from Nalia cut him off.

"Mr Gordian Saelari. He is helping me manage the streamlining process of this mine," she spoke. Something about her tone implied that he better shut up, which he promptly did. Perhaps because he was afraid of her for some reason. Then again, she knew all about his not so secret attempts to embezzle money.

Anyhow, they sat down, with Kaida being so nice to pull up a chair for Coryth. Within a few moments a minion entered and served a small meal and tea. After all, everyone liked tea. Kaida gave the drink a look that was probably a bit suspicious, then nodded to Coryth. "Please help yourselves and we can handle business."
The idea that someone else had heard about her injuries was a little disconcerting to her. None the less she kept the polite smile upon her lips and kept pace as best she could. It just raised more questions about the woman before her. Truthfully it was starting to peek her curiosity. "Thank you." A nod followed, "Indeed they are. I'd never experienced them until then, and much rather would never have to do so again."

Respectfully she bowed her head, "A pleasure, Mister Saelari." Spoken as she took a seat, nodding her thanks to Kaida. Setting her cane against the table, she did her best to get comfortable. Though, comfortable wasn't exactly possible when her feet dangled just a little above the floor. Being tiny, did have it's disadvantages.

A glance shared between Kaida, and she caught the expression. "Thank you." Reaching out she took the cup of tea, happy to sip upon it after the long trip.

"As for reparations, I have everything in order here." Dropping a hand into a small bag she carried, she retrieved a datapad and passed over to Nalia. The numbers quite staggering, and hopefully were agreeable in the woman's eyes for all that happened on Corellia, to the Archangel employees, and their company property. "In exchange we are looking for fifeteen units of Phrik as stated further down in the contract. The terms are amenable if they are not to your liking." The redhead said as she reached for the small meal presented.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Nalia likewise took a sip from her tea, which was something HRDs could do apparently, as first demonstrated by Guri, whilse she looked over the numbers. She seemed to be running some internal calculations then gave the redhead a nod. For formality's sake she passed on the datapad to Gordian Saelari, though she had clearly already agreed to the terms without bothering to ask his opinion!

"These terms are agreeable," she stated, signing the contract. "Operations on Seltos were disrupted for a while due to the unrest caused by these...disappearaces. Never mind the fact that the local government was corrupt even at the best of times, but we're in a position to make regular, albeit limited deliveries. Once payment has been transferred to us, you can take your stock of phrik. You may feel free to inspect its quality for yourself beforehand."

If they did, they would find that it was top quality. Mainly because Archangel was de facto running things these days. "Archangel would be open to providing the Protectorate and its member states with battle droids, HRDs and planetary defences, but we can discuss this at a later date. As a trust-building measure, Archangel can provide support for the Protectorate in restoring order to this troubled planet." Crime was rampant, militia was cracking down on labour unrest using rather brutal methods, there was lots of poverty. In other words, the usual.

"I will speak with the Board of Saelari Mining, but you have my approval, Master Elaris! We look forward to having profitable relations with you," Gordian gushed. Doubtless he was still entertaining delusions becoming CEO of Saelari Mining and Minerals. Perhaps even enter politics because Aurelia had done it!

Nalia gave Gordian, who was still oggling Coryth a look. I can finish up here myself, Gordian. We can continue our discussion later."

"But...ah, of course," Gordian looked terribly sulky but no one really paid attention, so he got up and left, though not before trying to use more of his charm on the beautiful Coryth. "Such a pleasure to meet you, Master Elaris. If you were to give me the honour, I would love to invite you to dinner and hear about your adventures!" Then he left the room before Kaida could punch him.

"There is a more private manner I would like to discuss with you. Unrelated to the phrik deal. Something that I believe will interest you as a Jedi, Master Elaris," Nalia said smoothly.

Aeron had her own orders. Specifically, one from one Danger Arceneau. That involved scouting Seltos for phirk mines beyond those owned by Archangel.

So while the Pyre was doing a job in terms of securing local areas among the disturbance of the Nine Hells opening up, it was also gaining intelligence on just what the status of the phrik mining industry held. Things were far too chaotic now to get a good determination, but it appeared that the Republic beyond that of Archangel, had not taken much advantage of the facilities on Seltos.

There were many mines, and to be frank, in the chaos, owners of specific mines would go missing. This was also another affair with Omega Pyre as a corporation as a whole, with Omega Industrial.

That wasn't to say that a joint venture between companies once the chaos was smoothed over that this could be reasoned upon.


Speaking of scouting out mines...

Glim was a gun for hire, and while he filled his free time with all manner of illicit activities, he found there was a good deal of downtime between jobs. Which meant picking up odds and ends to pay for him to move around the galaxy and fund his rent without solely living off slowly draining coffers. Which meant he was here for phrik. Specifically for himself, but also at the behest of someone who'd not been named.

He'd gotten the job through a middle man, one who had been picked up by police on entirely unrelated charges a few days later. Glim had been long gone by then, not that he was a wanted man, really.

"So, Phrik." He says to the man strapped to the chair. Mine foreman. Left behind.

Surprisingly uncooperative. "Where's the untapped mines?" Glim says firmly. The man spits blood onto the black fabric of his suit. Behind his mask, color rises to the time of the snarl curling one half of Glim's face.

Flexing his hand, he balls it suddenly and slices it across the man's jaw in a vicious right hook. Blood splatters the nearby wall. They're alone. Concrete room. Tiny place. Out of the way. Abandoned. They won't be disturbed. "Where?" He repeats, and he gives the man time to answer... mostly because the foreman had just spit out a tooth. Glim didn't care who the man worked for or why.

He just wanted his answers.
"Excellent," Happy that at least that portion of the meeting had gone well. A nod followed, "I'll see that the payment quickly makes it's way to you. And I understand the limitations as well." She smiled sweetly, Play the part... play the game. As much as she hated it, she had to play the role asked of her. "Of course, I would like to inspect it for certain once our business is complete." One never could be sure, in these most uncertain times.

A nod followed, "I would be open to such a contract. Can be discussed now, or perhaps later. However, we do need support for Seltos. So, what you offer would be much appreciated. So, truly the sooner the better."

She smiled brightly as Gordian spoke, "Thank you, Mister Saelari. It is much appreciated. And while your offer of dinner is enticing, I'm afraid I must decline. Business first. I'm sure you understand." Coryth was not in any way interested in that, not at all. Plus, she was here for the Protectorate. It hardly seemed appropriate.

Her attention shifted back to Nalia. "A private matter, of course. We can take the time to attend to that, I'm sure." Though she wondered what it was exactly that Nalia had, that would interest her as a Jedi. The possibilities certainly peaked her interest.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

And so Gordian Saelari left. Nalia Alderana did not miss him much. Nor did Kaida, who might have felt the desire to ice him. "Excellent, I'm open to discuss the contract now, if you wish. We have a rather extensive list of products that we can offer, though HRDs are our pride and joy. I understand that Firemane provides very efficient hardware for planetary defence, but we have defence cannons that could still be of interest to you, along with heavy vehicles and artillery, droid-controlled. Regarding Seltos, we have a small but efficient contingent of HRDs along with battle droids that could be put at the disposal of the Protectorate for the duration of your...pacification efforts," Nalia spoke.

She would pass over a datapad that basically contained the info on the cool stuff Archangel could offer. Taking another sip from her drink, she spoke once more. " the matter I wanted to discuss. I confess that the nature of this Force people like you would is beyond me intellectually, but I understand you are a very powerful illusionist. The recent cataclysm has caused much I see it we risk facing a proliferation of Force arcana and devices even worse than after the Contruum auctions. Speaking frankly, I recently came into the possession of a...datacron. Through dealing with salvagers. It's believed to be from the former CIS, ACA or whatever their name is this week. My guess is they acquired it from one of the many auctions where stolen Jedi and Sith property was sold. Now, as far as could be established it contains information on the Fallanassi Force cult and on what you'd call the White Current." Not at all connected to a certain Moira Skaldi joining a band of intrepid adventurers and Sith Lords to raid Castle Wolfenstein...I mean Verd.

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