Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Two of Us on the Run


//: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:

Alarms blared in the cockpit of the sleepy craft. It shook, and pieces flew off from its hull as it entered the atmosphere of the unknown planet. Allyson opened her eyes quickly the moment the fighter collided with the canopy of several trees. Branches cracked and scratched against the glass, and Allyson tried to pull the yolk to level the craft. Nothing worked, the systems were all offline, and the engine was cold. Panic settled in as there was nothing she could do, and she was still exhausted from the heroic stunt she pulled on Rhand.

A hand slammed against the console beside her as she held Taiia against her trying to protect her. Quickly feeling the engine, she realized there was no jumpstarting it through the Force. The fighter cut through the canopy and continued to free fall. “Kark.” Allyson moved her hand, extending it towards the cockpit lid, and commanded the nanite armor from John to leap from her body. The tiny black beads shot forward and hung in the air for just a moment before reconstructing themselves against the front end of the cockpit, creating a shield to protect the pair. Taiia had the armor she arrived in, and Allyson ensured that whatever was unprotected was covered by her hands and arms.

“Well, let’s hope we don’t die - but, if I die, that’s okay. Just survive.” She murmured in Taiia’s ear as she held her tightly and braced for impact. It came moments later, and the ship tore through the dirt, breaking large chunks off the wings and the hull. The cockpit broke off and slid forward, the nanites keeping the shape of the glass. It spun uncontrollably and then stopped in the small clearing of the jungle. Allyson’s arms slumped from around Taiia, and the nanites returned to her, continuing their original command.

There was no movement from the Corellian as the debris around them smoked from the harsh entry.


When Taiia awoke she smelled fire and smoke still clinging to Allyson, through the whole ordeal of the crash as her eyes adjust to her surroundings she took it in. Gone was the hellscape that was Rhand, the ground around them was not marred by weapons fire but she saw evidence all around of a crash. Sitting up straight she looked at Allyson, she wasn't moving at all chit.

As she wasn't strapped in Taiia climbed out of the cockpit first and carefully found her footing as she reached back in to take hold of Allyson and pull her from the craft. At least Allyson had been strapped in she thought as she undid the harness that held her in place, as she did she noticed that she merely slumped forward into her arms a bolt of fear ran through her, she was not about to let somebody else she cared about die.

Not even aware of what was wrong she wrapped her arms around Allyson and held her close, as she did she slowly began to release the force into her letting it seek out any injury and repair it. She was by no means a healer but she at least knew how to heal in an emergency. Even when she was done she held her there longer and whispered. "You came for me didn't you?" she pulled back just enough to look at her and reached up to move some of the hair out of Allyson's eyes and tuck it gently behind her ear.

She stood bringing Allyson with her and pulled her as gently as she could from the wreckage, once free she pulled her arm over her shoulder and walked with her a good ways from the crash site to a small clearing, in case anything was going to explode she didn't want them near it.

She leaned down next to her and pressed a hand gently to her chest, checking for a heartbeat while at the same time she brought her ear near Allyson's head listening to see if her breathing was labored at all, or for that matter if she was breathing.

Only when she was satisfied that Allyson's life was not in danger she stood and walked a short distance away and began taking off the armor she wore, this at least was not a battlefield. She finally stopped and took a look at her surroundings, this planet was hot and wet by the looks of things. A jungle world, she wasn't sure of the cartography around Rhand but she guessed they may have traveled a good distance while she was out.

As the last piece of her armor was removed she dropped it with the rest of it on the ground with a satisfying metallic thunk and turned to look back at Allyson. She had been that worried about her, a smile touched her lips for a moment and she let out a chuckle. Not the time for that, they would need shelter and food as the fighter they landed in would not be taking off again. She took hold of both of her sabers and ignited them momentarily, they still worked. That would make life easier, she cut them off and moved to sit by Allyson's side she, in the meantime would simply watch while being on guard.

She pulled Allyson over so her head would rest in her lap rather than the hard ground and then laid a gentle hand on her cheek, absently stroking it as she looked down at her. She looked so different at this moment from the brash woman she met on Naboo.



//: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:

Allyson faded in and out of consciousness as Taiia dragged her out of the cockpit. The brief hug she had received and the muffled words against her ear had helped revive her. She wanted to hug back; she wanted to answer the statement. Yes, Allyson had come for her, it was the reassurance she wanted to give, but she faded back into unconsciousness before she could do anything. The rest of the rescue was a haze, and sadly the brief sleep she got was one of the few not plagued by nightmares.

The Corellian stirred slightly, her head leaning into the woman’s touch against her face. Her touch was familiar, but not precisely so. There were memories already tied to moments like this, yet not with Taiia, not until now. Allyson groaned and slowly opened her eyes, letting them focus on whose lap her head had found its resting place. A small smile crossed the woman’s face as she peered up and saw the Knight Obsidian. “Taiia,” Allyson spoke through her haze and slowly sat up. A hand rested against her face for just a moment, letting her acclimate to their surroundings.

They had crashed and yet managed to survive. Allyson sighed deeply with relief; what she had decided worked despite the desperation. Looking back to Taiia, she smiled and, without warning, wrapped her arms around her. “You’re okay.” her words muffled against the curve of the redhead’s neck. The scent of brimstone and death still clung to her hair. Pulling away, Allyson continued to smile, placing both of her hands on Taiia’s face, “Yeah, I came for you; it was a good thing I did.” The typical smug tone to her words was nowhere to be found. Allyson was grateful, and she pulled Taiia into a kiss, unlike the ones they shared on Naboo.

Allyson pulled Taiia closer, a hand running through the mess of red hair as she felt herself being lost to the sensation. The kiss was the type of kiss that lead to more, fueled by passion and a desperate need for the other. She didn’t want to pull away, didn’t want to end it; it had been a lifetime since Allyson had kissed anyone like this. Remembering where they were, Allyson regained control over herself and pulled away slightly - letting her forehead rest against Taiia’s.

“Are you okay?” She whispered, fighting the desire to steal another kiss from the woman.


Taiia was already looking down at her when she woke and when the smile formed on Allyson's lips as she spoke her name, the redhead also smiled. "You had me a bit worried there." She shifted slightly as Allyson started to sit up.

"Slowly, you might have a concussion, force heal doesn't work on those to my knowledge but then I am no expert." she watched as Allyson moved a bit before looking back at her before and throwing her arms around her. When she buried her head in the crook of her neck Taiia leaned into her and placed a hand on the back of her head.

"I am fine, thanks to you. That is two saves in the span of a few hours." she stroked her hair lovingly with a smile. "Should I swoon and call you my hero?" there was just a bit of mirth in her voice again she pulled away and put each hand on her face.

Before she could retort she found Allyson's lips upon hers and smiled broadly as she leaned into the kiss. Once more she pulled away, she let her for the moment. "I promise I am fine, my hero." she teased then she smiled as their foreheads touched gently. Taiia slid one of her hands up behind Allyson's head and pulled her back into another kiss.

Every time their lips had touched it had been Allyson that initiated it, this time however Taiia decided what she wanted was Allyson, and she grabbed ahold of it. Literally in this case, perhaps it was the near-death experiences on Rhand but her hesitation melted away on this jungle world.

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//: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:

Allyson had never been called a hero before. No one had acknowledged her bravery or thanked her for something. It was something in the way Taiia said my hero that made the Corellian lose her mind. It was something she didn't know she needed. Allyson wanted to deny it, claiming that she was just doing her job, but Taiia made the difference.

Surprised was an understatement; Allyson hadn't expected what came next. She had grown used to being the driving force behind their connection, following and leading Taiia through it. Every move was made by Allyson, so when Taiia took the lead - Allyson quickly followed. The hesitation was brief, but Allyson found her footing and leaned into the kiss. Taiia was addicting, constantly plaguing the Corellian's mind. It was a rare occurrence for Allyson; no one had been able to attach themselves this close to her.

A hand moved along the length of Taiia's back, holding and keeping her close. Once more, taking the lead, Allyson attempted to push the kiss farther, wanting to make Taiia hers. For a split second, she paused, breaking the kiss for a breath. Was this what she wanted? Was this what Taiia wanted?

Allyson had always put her needs first, and just this second, she was giving a thought to the redhead. It was decided, she was going to test the waters further. The brunette's lips didn't return to their previous place. Instead, they brushed gently along the curve of the other woman's neck while hands moved, memorizing the tantalizing form of the Knight Obsidian.
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The kiss seemed to last forever, neither of them daring to break it, that very fact had Taiia smiling against the kiss. She felt when Allyson leaned back into the kiss. Had she surprised her? She supposed so, it was the first time she had initiated something., The hand on the back of her head absently stroked her head as their lips pressed harder against one another, she felt a moment's hesitation from her then felt a hand sliding down her back but the surprises didn't stop there.

Allyson broke the kiss for a moment letting them both breathe for a moment but this time she didn't move to kiss her again but rather she began brushing her lips against her neck, the sensation caused her breath to catch, Taiia could feel her breathe on her neck and it sent chills throughout her body. It took her a moment to remember to breathe before she felt her hands roaming her body she tensed ever so slightly the next words as she spoke were breathless. "Allyson.." she was trying to get her attention, not just calling out her name in a moment of passion. She could see this was about to go out of control.

Her hand slid from behind her head and traced her jawline before it found her chin and she lifted the brunette's eyes up to meet her own bringing a halt to the sensation on her neck, by the force what was this woman doing to her. Her heart was still racing and she could feel how muddled her mind was at the moment. "Let's stop there... Please." it was the gentlest way she knew to say it without hurting her, at least she hoped, her own eyes reflected her uncertainty, but the softness of her hands on Allyson's face she hoped was enough to convey that she just needed it to go slower.



//: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:

“Allyson…” Her name spoken breathlessly made Allyson wonder the connotation behind it. Was Taiia trying to make her stop, or was she enjoying it? Either way, hearing her name drove the Corellian crazy. The pursuit didn’t stop until Taiia forced it. Confusion replaced lust as she read the woman’s face. So many questions piled into Allyson’s mind, had Taiia not wanted this? Did she not feel the same? Did she only kiss her because of what happened on Rhand?

“Oh.” Allyson moved away from Taiia’s hand and stood up. There was a rush that made it apparent that she did have a concussion. “Yeah, you’re right. We have some stuff to do anyway.” Allyson didn’t take rejection well, especially when she wanted something as bad as she did Taiia. Still, she tried to use logic to override the whirlwind of emotions she felt. Shelter and other essentials needed gathering. They were essentials to their survival till someone could operate a rescue mission.

Allyson hated how she felt right now; a part of her wanted to run and find solace somewhere else - with someone else. And yet, she stood by and offered a hand to Taiia to help her up.

After helping Taiia, Allyson kept her distance as she began looking through the wreckage. “There should be a kit somewhere. Uh, if I remember right, it usually has a tent and some rations. Flares and other things to wait out till one of our governments decide that we’ve been missing long enough.” Allyson forced a laugh as she knelt down and picked at one of the ripped compartments from the hull. “My money is on the Confederates, though; GA might be a little too excited to have me gone.” She played it off as a joke, waving her hand - but a part of the Corellian knew it had some base in the truth.

“Here it is.” Reaching in, she grabbed the small red pack and walked back towards the clearing they had been in. Allyson didn’t look at Taiia, letting herself become hyper-fixated by the survival pack. It was all they had, and she needed something to take her mind off the rejection. Over and over again, she went through the moments leading up - did she read the signs wrong?

Was she wrong about everything? Frowning, she tugged at the tent and tried to figure out how to set it up. "So what were you doing on Rhand anyway?"


//: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:


Had the change in mood been any more abrupt surely Allyson would have whiplash on top of a concussion, she sat momentarily stunned by the transformation before she grabbed her hand and allowed herself to be pulled to her feet. No sooner than she had Allyson was already on her way to the next task. She let out a sigh. She only had herself to blame here, it was obvious that Allyson wanted more from her, the thing is she was thinking the exact thing but in a way, it terrified her. It was she supposed easily for her to forget that she was new to all of this. Aside from a sideways glance at a boy in a cantina one time on a short vacation over a year ago, this was the totality of her relationship experience.

She watched as Allyson turned away from her and she never looked back at her. She wanted to stop her and explain but part of her felt that would only make things worse, or worse still make her angry. So she stood there watching for a moment more weighing her options as she listened to Allyson making all sorts of small talk, she knew what it was a deflection, self-defense. She had hurt her, who could blame her for reacting like this, when she asked about Rhand she simply shook her head.

"We went to free the slaves held there, and we failed. They killed them all." she didn't even wait for a reaction, there was nothing more to say she had been on a world where innocents had been slaughtered by the thousands to make a point. All that death only to be saved before she was numbered among them. There was a brief pause before the redhead took a step away toward the treeline. "I'll go gather some wood for a fire." there was a slight crack in her voice but she suspected as she was now Allyson would not notice. She moved swiftly before a retort could be raised and walked swiftly, she had her lightsabers so she would be fine, the forest however may not be.



//: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:

Allyson noticed. It was hard not to; she had been trained to read body language and those small cracks, inflections in a voice. The urge to stop Taiia from entering the forest alone took over, and Allyson looked up in her direction. But Taiia had decided to move faster than Allyson could react. Frowning, Allyson knew she responded like a child, but it was hard to read, hard to understand. She was willing to move slowly, but when she returned the kiss, Allyson had expected to be able to move to the next phase.

Still, it was too fast.

The sound of the small metallic hammer banging away at the small pin for the tent. Allyson focused on the task, trying not to worry or think about the woman in the forest. There was no doubt in the Corellian’s mind that the Lord was fully capable of defending herself.

“There we go.” The last pin was hammered in, and the small tent stood in all its glory. Allyson fell back and sighed. The tent was small; it was made for one pilot. Everything that was in the survival kit was meant to sustain just one person. Allyson sighed as she looked at the tent. If things weren’t awkward already, they were just going to get worse. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she sighed and looked at the tent, trying to keep her mind from wandering to Taiia.

It was just firewood in a dangerous jungle planet that they had no idea where they were. If this place was like Kashyyyk, then Taiia might be in danger. Frowning, she tried to keep her mind on the thoughts of survival, not how to fix what she just screwed up with Taiia. Turning around, she started to dig a small pit for the fire. At least when Taiia came back, there would be something waiting for her. Maybe that would put her back in the good graces of the Confederacy woman.

Time passed, the firepit was dug out, and the shelter was up with rations ready for preparation. Allyson sat on a small piece of duraplast that acted as a seat. She waited for Taiia, trying not to get worried, going over what she was going to say and how she would apologize for being terrible.


//: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:


She had gone much further than she intended and been gone longer than was required but she was not returning empty-handed, of course, it had been a lie yes they would need firewood to stay warm through the night but the truth was she didn't want Allyson to see her cry, she wanted to be the strong one that Allyson met. The whole thing was overwhelming for her, she had to admit her feelings for Allyson but even that scared her. She mentally kicked herself as she walked back toward the camp, she was walking slowly but at a good pace.

What would she say when she got back, what could she say? She regretted walking away, that much she knew for certain, she held the bundle of wood in her arms as her mind wandered while walking. How could she set this right, before long she found herself at the edge of the forest just before the camp and took a deep breath before exiting the tree line carrying a large bundle of wood in her arms, it would last the night and then some.

"Sorry I took so long, I wasn't sure exactly how much we would need. I may be able to fight but survival skills are not necessarily my forte." she walked over next to Allyson and set the pile of wood on the ground. Yup this was awkward, now she was the one talking to dance around what happened earlier.

She also couldn't bring herself to look at Allyson, she feared that if she did and she saw that hurt expression again she couldn't handle it. It was cowardly and it was unfair but she didn't see another way.



//: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:

Allyson looked up and saw that Taiia had returned; the sound of her voice was welcomed and brought a slight smile to the Corellian’s face. Standing, she walked to Taiia and took the firewood from her as she placed them down. Allyson moved the wood into the firepit and took a minute to start the fire - dusk was beginning to settle in, and they needed the light. Standing back up, Allyson found herself staring at Taiia, realizing the girl had been crying. Despite her trying to hide it - Allyson was well aware.

“Hey,” She moved back towards Taiia. Hesitating slightly, she paused before she reached out. Allyson wanted to hold her, tell her that it was okay and take the entire blame for what had happened. Taiia was new to all of this, and earlier, she had forgotten that. She had grown excited; Taiia made her feel good; she made her feel wanted for more than what she could offer. Allyson felt like she could start over.

“Taiia, everything is okay. I promise.” Allyson stood in front of the woman, making sure that she couldn’t look away. Her hesitation left as she reached out and cupped the red head’s face, and caressed her cheek with her thumbs. “I’m sorry. I sort of lost myself. I don’t know what you do to me, but I want you to be happy, and I want to make you feel good.” Allyson avoided mentioning that it was the only way she knew how to make someone feel good, but she hoped Taiia would show her there was another way.

“I really like you, like a lot, and I would really like to kiss you right now if that’s okay?”
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//: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:


Taiia watched as Allyson placed the logs into the hole she had dug, and set about to start the fire. She watched with interest, as she had stated she didn't know much more other than to gather wood, she was always more concerned with academic pursuits.

She was quietly looking into the small flames there were growing when Allyson got her attention, with a gentle Hey. She looked up and at her despite her best effort to look away but as she spoke Taiia found herself listening, and then a gentle touch on her cheek caused her to close her eyes for a moment while she leaned into it. Opening her eyes once more she looked at Allyson again as she apologized and immediately she shook her head and took a deep breath before she spoke.

"Allyson" she reached up and touched her cheek as well. "I don't know what you do to me either. I have never, felt anything like this.." she gave a smile to her and spoke quietly. She looked into her eyes for a moment considering her next words. "I think I am in love." true she didn't know the full extent of those words but what she knew was, she couldn't stop thinking about her and when she asked if she could kiss her, she nodded. "I would love it if you would"



//: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:

"I think I'm in love."

Taiia spoke some of the most dangerous words anyone could tell Allyson. Love was something she had felt before, something she had sacrificed for, and something she had lost devastatingly before. She tried to stay calm, but her heart raced both from happiness and horror. The women that had loved Allyson before were dead, and there was no way the Corellian could have saved them. People that fall for the Spy gave themselves an expiration date, and Allyson didn't know what to do.

She didn't want to lose Taiia, she wanted to love her, but it was dangerous. Her mind buzzed as she reacted, pulling Taiia into a kiss. There were so many things she wanted to say, warning her that this love was going to be her undoing. Allyson was cursed, and it killed her knowing that she had let Taiia get too close. Maybe being honest could fix this; perhaps if she told her the truth and why this was wrong - then she would be able to protect herself. Allyson didn't want to, but she figured it was the only way.

Breaking the kiss, she wrapped her arms around Taiia, pulling her into a tight hug. Allyson continued to prolong the inevitable and then spoke quietly, her words hushed against Taiia's ear. "I want to, I want to fall in love with you…." She nuzzled against her, then continued, "But it's not safe for you. Not with my line of work - not with what I do for the Alliance." Allyson pulled away and kissed Taiia on the forehead. She figured this was the end, Taiia would most likely press Allyson for her work, and she would tell her.

Then, as usual, everything would fall apart. Allyson figured Taiia would assume she was being used for information of sorts or something. But Allyson would be prepared to accept it - because it would mean that Taiia would be safe in the Confederacy. "Loving me," She started, her hands falling away from the redhead. "It's a deathwish," Allyson ran a hand through her brown hair as she sighed, was it a mistake flirting with the woman in the first place - she should have known better.


//: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:


She could sense the change in her, from elation to fear, then back to feeling like she was happy she didn't need to know what was in her mind to know what concerned her. It took little time at all for her to broach the topic following the kiss that was all too brief she spoke again and she listened intently as Allyson's arms wrapped around her and she nuzzled against her neck. She relished in the sensation as she spoke quietly by her ear.

She spoke softly but firmly in response "Allyson, I am not a child. I may be new to love but I am an Obsidian Lord. I have waged war, I have battled monsters from the Nether, I even almost died on Rhand hours ago and would have died on Atrisia had we not found a cure for the plague there. Whatever you're job is, it has risks as does mine."

If she looked at Taiia she could see something else in her eyes now, a welling anger. The redhead was now showing something that only the enemies on a field of battle have seen. "Every moment we exist in this galaxy is dangerous. I love you, but I am more than capable of defending myself. If loving you is a death wish so be it, that is my choice. Make no mistake anybody who comes after me? Will be dealt with. And anybody who goes after you? Will have to go through me."

"What you want is not what is best for me. You fear loss, I can feel the fear radiating off of you right now. If that is your choice so be it but don't hide it behind nobility or chivalry."
she took a breath and calmed herself before stepping toward the brunette clasping her face in both of her hands returning the earlier gesture and looking her squarely in the eye.

"Tell me am I wrong? Do you fear loss so much that you would push me.. Us aside? I am right here. All you have to do is say you love me too and I am yours." she watched now a bit fearful herself as to the answer, she did not know what was in her past however she truly did not care. What she wanted was her and a future with her.



//: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:

Do you fear loss so much…

The answer was simple; Allyson knew that answer better than any other question that Taiia could ask her. The loss was such a part of the Corellian's life that it was almost second nature. "Yes." Allyson pulled her head away, breaking eye contact. It was her turn to try and hide, "I am afraid of loss that I'm willing to push you away. I do it because it's safer for you." Shrugging, Allyson could feel herself pulling away; it was what she did - it was how she survived. If she kept everyone at arm's length, there would be no one to hurt her, hurt someone she cared about, and everyone would be okay.

"It's alright; it's better this way." Allyson didn't want to believe that statement; she wanted to try and feel what it was like to love someone again. To allow someone to know her, the real Allyson, more than anything. It was just too much, especially now when she knew the SIA knew Taiia's face. Remembering the cybernetic, Allyson dug in her pocket and retrieved the cloth eyepatch. Her fingers rubbed the fabric for a few moments, wondering how long it would be till she was given new orders, ones that would use how she felt about Taiia or her relationship with John. Already she knew things weren't going to be pleasant when she returned to HQ - the baseline was going to be erratic.

Carefully, Allyson tied the eyepatch over her eye and adjusted her ponytail. A sense of comfort washed over her; at least now the eye was dormant, and whatever happened would be hidden from M. "I know you're not a child; I never said you were. I know you can handle yourself, but it's not just that - I don't know how you'll understand what my work is." Allyson pinched her nose and groaned. She was beating around the bush, and it was annoying. She wanted to salvage whatever was left, but Taiia seemed to be the type to continue to dig till she found what she was looking for.

"I'm a spy, a Jedi Shadow for the Alliance. I infiltrate different governments, take their secrets by any means possible." She hoped Taiia figured out what that meant, but she was ready to explain it to her. "I'm terrified to love you because I know I can, I know you've gotten to me, you're all I think about." Allyson wanted to scream; why couldn't things ever be easy? Shaking her head, the Spy continued to talk - to give her a real insight into why she was on Rhand. "I was infiltrating the Fortress; while I was there, I planned on attaching a trojan virus to a file on my cousin's email. While also subscribing him to odd things on the holonet. I was setting up a backdoor for myself if I ever had to infiltrate the CIS," Allyson held her breath as she stared at Taiia; a part of her wanted to be ready for an attack - she had just admitted to something malicious, "But I didn't. Because once I felt you were out there and what was happening, all I could think about was finding you and getting you to safety. I can't lose you, Taiia, so if it means I have to push you away - then so be it. I know it's confusing, but - it's how it is."

Fighting any sort of tears, Allyson smiled sheepishly, almost wanting to laugh at the irony. Happiness stood before her, but she continued to fight it.
"I do love you, but I know it can't happen."


//: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:


She stood quietly and listened, allowing her hands to fall away as Allyson pulled back from her, and then she shook her head. "So you are prepared to walk away from what could be, over what might be." she weighed her words as she spoke them and she weighed Allyson's as well, there was clearly trauma and history behind them but it truly didn't matter to Taiia.

"It's better this way because you have decided it and you know what is best?" she shook her head and continued to listen and observe. She watched how effortlessly she transitioned to a defense of her being a spy. Clearly it was a practiced defense. So it somehow invalidated anything they felt for one another? Hardly. Still, she let her speak and listened to her reasons. "So you are a spy, am I to be insulted? Ashamed to have met you? You do your job as I do mine. I kill in the name of the Vicelord. People like us, fight for a cause greater than our own. It is simply our government's stand in conflict."

"I do love you"

She heard the words finally and turned them over in her mind, there had been no hesitation when she spoke them, yes there were words that followed but they themselves were irrelevant. "Allyson, from the moment we met there is one thing you have not known about me. I have an ability called perceive deception" she offered a wry smile. "It comes from the Order of Shasa on Manaan. You literally are not capable of deceiving me. Even now, I know you want this. So will you stop fighting me and let me love you?"

At that moment she reached for her hand and pulled her in close placing a gentle hand upon her face and turning it toward her. She spoke softly. "Allyson, you said the words. No more running, no more pushing me away no more excuses. If we have to fight the entirety of the Alliance and the Confederacy to get what we want? So be it. I swear to you though we will get it." She pressed her lips to hers firmly and pulled back just a moment to say one final thing. "Push me away as much as you like, I am not letting you go" and then her lips pressed firmly against hers again.



//: Taiia Locke Taiia Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:

Allyson hadn't expected this reaction. In most cases, people turn and left or blamed her for other things. She confessed to having ulterior motives with being on the battleship, but Taiia didn't care. A part of Allyson wondered if this was counter-espionage, draw her back in only for Taiia to capture her and throw her on trial. It was hard not to have these suspicions; it made sense in reality. Allyson didn't want it to make sense; she wanted everything Taiia was saying to be true.

The revelation of Taiia's secret force power made Allyson uncomfortable. She couldn't lie; she couldn't have the one sense of security or control when around her, and everything would be laid bare on the table. Allyson didn't know what to do - how to do it. Lying was her fallback; it made things easier, especially when she didn't know what to say. Now everything out the door, Taiia had changed the rules of the game.

Allyson didn't get a chance to rebuke the words that came so honestly from the woman's lips; everything sounded beautiful. Each kiss, each time Taiia's lips touched hers, she started to believe it. Knowing that someone wanted to fight even some of the strongest governments just to be with you. Allyson let herself fall, and as Taiia leaned in for the second kiss, the Corellian wrapped her arms around her tightly. Fingers laced through Taiia's mess of red hair as Allyson pulled away from the kiss and once more tasted the tender skin along her neck.

She had said it, but what did it all mean? Allyson stopped herself and looked back at Taiia. "I--really wish we were back on Coruscant or Naboo right now," Allyson continued to fight her base desires. She shook her head slightly and continued to hold Taiia, "Most people assume that whatever feeling I have is just because of work. I've tricked people into things, used whatever skills I had to get them to tell me their secrets." Allyson buried her head into Taiia's shoulder and sighed. "I don't ever want you to think that. With you, that's never my intention. I'm scared, but I'm willing to is terrifying."

It was easier to show than to talk, and Allyson tentatively began to let her hand roam, searching for the opening of the knight obsidian uniform Taiia wore under the armor. Breathless, Allyson whispered against Taiia's ear, "I want you, Taiia - please."


//: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke //:
//: Lao-Mon Jungle //:


She felt Allyson's hands wrapped around her neck and all tangled up in her hair. A warm smile was on her lips as she remarked about Coruscant or Naboo she let out a soft chuckle and nodded. "On the plus side. We have a nice fire and a stary sky all to ourselves and nobody will be bothering us." her hinting was clear.

She shook her head at Allyson and smiled. "You never need to hide anything from me, Allyson. I know you're feelings are sincere." she reached up and ran a hand through her soft brown hair ever so gently as she confessed she too was scared. "Me too, but we will face it together. I am not going anywhere.

She felt her hands began to wander and she smiled at her, for once the confidence to see how far they could go was present. "For you, yes. and only you." she grabbed ahold of her hand and pulled her into the tent before she gently kissed her once more. Tonight she would see her obsidian lord as she had wanted to since they had met, but only in this, it would be as lovers instead of strangers.


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