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Private Two Ladies and the Tea

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Sarisa Varos (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look: link | dress/cloth
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

”I’m sure that would be the case, just as I’m sure she’s okay and she will be.”

She sent a friendly, kind and hopeful smile at her words. With that, Sarisa tried to reassure her. Although she did not know how successful she would be. She hadn't really been in a situation like this before, she didn't know how to reassure the other woman. So she just told the truth. At least what Sarisa thought was the truth. Ingrid knew that then the woman would only find out about her daughter's death, and over time, the fact that a shapeshifting sithspawn took her place for a while.

She was surprised by the question she received from the older woman. It was perfectly reflected on her face, it would have been a pity to deny it.

”I?” she asked back.

She asked back and blushed deeply at the whole thing. She was embarrassed again and had to gather her thoughts before she could answer.

”I don’t really know. I think I’ll go home and continue what I’ve done so far until hopefully we win. I hope that one day we can live as we used to without the reign of the Eternal Empire. Before they arrived. I hope to be still alive, and I also hope that as few people as possible will die for this purpose. It would be good to find a peaceful way, but I know it doesn’t exist. I went to an art academy before it all started. I wanted to study to be an architect.”


"She'd better be okay. Otherwise I'll find someone to tail her." And of course there were any number of people that she could choose from. Kay might not be very popular right now, or even remembered, but she still knew people, many of which owed her favours.

Hearing Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim speak of wanting peaceful resolutions to prevent conflict reminded her of her old hopes and aspirations. Kay once ruled over dozens of worlds and for over two decades they didn't have any conflict. But that came to an end due to the Sith.

"Architecture is a lovely profession. I often admired the Commenori style. If you can, you should go to the universities in Chasin City and study there for a while. Don't worry about tuition. I still have some strings that I can pull there." Hopefully Commenor still had a great econpmy. But she had been gone for what felt like a lifetime that it was difficult to say.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Sarisa Varos (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look: link | dress/cloth
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

”I hope that does not happen.” Sarisa smiled a little.

In fact, Ingrid would have benefited greatly from all of this, as it would have made it easy to map out the network of relationships Kay still has. Nothing could have been more perfect, especially in light of how detailed Caedyn Arenais had been to Sarisa about family matters and the old days.

For Sarisa, of course, it was just interesting, the young naive girl didn't know what to do with them. For her, these were just curiosities, no more. Sarisa nodded at the woman's words, lucky to see Commenor when she met the woman's son there. Her eyes widened as Kay mentioned studying there. The young girl blushed again.

”I don’t even know, I don’t dare think so much in advance. I’ve been to Commenor once so far, I found it beautiful. And thank you for mentioning it, but I don’t want to ask you a favor. I don’t want you to sacrifice your relationships for me, there are sure to be more important people than me to whom you can help or for whom it’s all more important. I don't want to burden you, ma'am.”


Kay raised her brows. "It's not a favour and you're not a burden. Commenor used to do these kinds of things all the time for people. The economy is strong, I hear, almost back to what it was. So it shouldn't be an issue."

But it had been a while since she had dealt with anything for Commenor. She had only gone to visit her son, and that was about it. The political scene was more or less over for her, as far as she was aware. Outside of looking out for her children, she didn't really see herself doing anything else.

"But if you're not ready, that's okay. If you're helping Lori out, then there'll be time for study later. There'll always be a need for good architecture. The destruction of war brings it about."

Kay gave Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim a small smile. "Empires are never eternal. No government is. There have been multiple ones that have come and gone in my lifetime and I'm only middle age. So you can still have hope for your world."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Sarisa Varos (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look: link | dress/cloth
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

”I… just… I… you know, no one has ever done it for me like this. No one did not offer such an opportunity. I don’t really feel worthy of this. I come from a planet behind the Force that has not really achieved anything in life yet…”

In the end, she even sniffed a bit, as if really crying around her. She also took a handkerchief from her bag and gently soaked the tears under her eyes so that her makeup would not be ruined. Sarisa was very touched by what Kay told her.

”Excuse me!”

She apologized a little as she kept paying attention to what she was saying. She nodded at the answer. At first, Sarisa didn't really know what to say. She had to search for the words again as she wanted to do this, but there was something that prevented her from doing so.

”No no! I really want this! More than anything else. You just know, there’s the Rebellion, the war against the Eternal Empire. I cannot let my people down for learning. I would feel like I had betrayed them. Do you understand what I mean?”

At the woman's next words, she also smiled and looked at her gratefully.

”Thank you for your encouragement and I hope it really will happen the way you say!”


Kay gave Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim an encouraging smile. "I used to free slaves from the Hutt Cartel. And either I'd take them to their homes or bring them to Commenor. Either way I'd help take care of them with free education, housing and job opportunities. So you see, Sarisa, it doesn't really matter where you come from or whether or not you feel worthy."

She started fixing up more tea. Kay needed more for herself, afterall. Whether or not Sarisa did was up to her. "I'm sure that it will end up as I say. There has been a lot of changes in my lifetime. There are times of darkness and times of light. One can't exist without the other. The power struggle between them is a predictable cycle. And it will never end." Kay had learned a lot about that during her political career.

But that was overwith now. She had no place in politics, nor was she needed for it. All that people ever asked for her these days was for tea.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Sarisa Varos (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look: link | dress/cloth
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Sarisa listened in surprise at what Kay had told her. The young naive girl would never have thought that the older woman had lived and done so much before.

”I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who is more great and nobler than you. I already know from whom Lori inherited these good qualities. You really deserved a nicer destiny and life than what fate gave you.”

She said honestly, at the beginning with another smile on Sarisa, but in the end she was already sad. All of this was very eloquent for Ingrid as well, although it told her a lot about Commenor. Which will be useful in case Loreena might involve her brother in things, who might involve Commenor. Although it would cause an international scandal to support rebels and not a legitimate state.

”Sounds like Commenor is heaven itself.”

The tea was also accepted by Sarisa, if they talk so much already, even a cup of tea will suit her well. If she received, she thanked gratefully. At first she was still happy that everything could turn out well, then came the second part, that this fight is eternal, just like the Empire’s name.

”So, even if we win, will another enemy find us after a while and can we start all over again?” she asked sadly.


"Oh I've made some bad choices in my time, Sarisa. In those moments I was certain that my choices were correct, but I was very wrong. That's why I have this fate right now. It's punishment." And rightly deserved too. Though her son and even her late husband had told her many times that she focused too heavily on her mistakes instead of what good she had done for people. Yet that goodness didn't stop her from being sent to Purgatory. And it had been a hellish life ever since she was broken out of there.

Kay handed Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim her tea once it was prepared and then sipped her own. "I'm not sure what Commenor is like now, but I'm sure that it's close to what it once was." Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron still led the world, for all that she knew. But she wasn't entirely certain about that at all anymore. Her isolation caused by her guilt prevented her from even looking into it. She just didn't want any trouble for herself. She had had enough trouble in her life already.

"Another enemy will come, yes. But it might not even happen in your lifetime. Some cycles last for a very long time, while others are short. It took over twenty years before Commenor was again occupied by the Sith."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Sarisa Varos (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look: link | dress/cloth
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Sarisa glared at her after her words. She finally shook her head not to think it was that right. Since she thought it would be right to say that, she spoke a few moments later.

”I don't think that's right, and if that's the case, fate, or I don't know what to call it, is evil! You're a good person, you don't deserve it! There are plenty of evils out there who, in turn, are not punished by life but live their lives happily! There is no truth in this.”

She clenched her fists angrily for a few seconds.

”I'm sorry, I just think it's very unfair!”

As soon as the tea was there with her, she took a sip. Since neither Sarisa nor Ingrid had any idea what Commenor might have been like, she could only nod. She knew she would have to read the files about it all. It really didn’t hurt to know these, and then Nite’s files will help with that. Then, thankfully, they returned to a topic that Sarisa could already comment on.

”However, twenty years is not so much time, I haven’t even lived that much. I read about the history of the galaxy, from the old days when there was no war for a thousand years or more. Couldn’t those times somehow be reached again? That the entire Galaxy unites under one banner and everyone lives in peace? I know it’s just a naive dream, but I want to live that one day.”


"Life isn't fair, Sarisa. But how else could I explain it or justify why bad things continue to happen to me? I don't just let it happen. Unfortunately I have some weird...curse or whatever that draws evil people to me. Perhaps it's a fault with being a politician and a ruler. Ever since I exiled myself and went to selling tea, I haven't drawn any evil or bad people to me. I have been relatively safe."

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim sounded a lot like Caedyn Arenais and Veiere when it came to her feeling as though she needed to be punished for her past. Yet now with this merchant side of her now leading the way, she had been able to avoid the troubles of the Galaxy. She wasn't viewed as a threat or anyone of note. So she was left alone. And that was probably a good thing.

Kay sipped her tea as the topic went towards politics. "That all depends on the banner that people are under. If it's dark and oppressive, than no, it surely wouldn't be a peaceful time. Instead of being a dream, it would be a nightmare. Who would want to live a life that's fully controlled with no freedoms? I know that I wouldn't."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Sarisa Varos (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look: link | dress/cloth
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Ingrid smiled wickedly at her words for a moment, all in thought, of course. Even Kay has avoided the evil persons ever since she sells tea. After all, she was still sitting in a room with a person who would be ready at any time to torture or kill her or her children if Ingrid could achieve greater stability within the Eternal Empire. It all just happened inside under a lot of other emotions, in secret.

Meanwhile, sadness, sorrow, and compassion were still visible on Sarisa's face. As always, if a sad topic arose. But since there had been pretty sad topics mostly so far, the naive girl tried to make this a little more enjoyable. After all, only Ingrid came to cause pain, not Sarisa.

”But a lot of good things happened to you. After all, there are also your two wonderful children who you can be proud of and who are great people. I only met Caedyn Arenais once when I was on Commenor before I came here. We met accidentally, but he’s a wonderful person as Lori.”

She smiled kindly and friendly, encouraging. She hoped she would create a better atmosphere with her words. She, too, sipped her tea and nodded seriously at the older woman's words. She may have been naive, but she still had ideas, more dreams.

”If I have to make a choice already, then of course under the good cause. It’s not the blinded good cause that can’t see anything but see its own truth. But the acceptor who seeks the good in something else and does not want what they imagined. So something where everyone can find their own ideas and ways.”


Kay sipped her tea as she nodded a little in agreement with what Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim was saying. "Yes good things had happened too. I think that my children are the best to have come from that. And Veiere and I must have raised them right for they are both doing so well. Neither are trapped in politics like I was. I can only be glad that they hadn't followed in my footsteps. There are far better people out there to shadow than me."

She had lost her drive and her self confidence. There wasn't much that Kay felt that she could accomplish in this second half of her life. The Galaxy had moved on in such a way that it was unrecognizeable. She was just a tiny footnote in it that was now forgotten. There was some freedom in that. Yet it was also limiting. Her funds were small, only giving her access to public transport to get anywhere. Sure she could beg her children for credits, but she wasn't going to do so. Having the tea shop prevented her from having to find a job as well.

Can one imagine finding a former High Queen and Empress flipping bantha-burgers for a living? No. She prefered isolation to that.

"Blind faith is never a good thing, regardless of which side it falls. Question everything. That's the best way. Weigh the pros and cons of each choice to find the best path to take. It's good to be able to have the freedom to do so."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Sarisa Varos (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look: link | dress/cloth
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Ingrid disagreed with the woman, as Lori was up to her neck in the political situation, plus on the wrong side, because she was a terrorist who questioned a legitimate government and state. But Sarisa didn't agree with that now either, as that was exactly why she was here and came to Lady Kay.

”But Lori is trapped like that. That is why I came to you, which is why she and all her friends and family members outside the Empire are in danger. She is the face of the Rebellion, what the whole Empire has now learned. No matter how “happy” I am for it, the Eternal Empire is the legitimate state we have now and we as a rebel are considered terrorists… but since the rebels would make her a martyr if the Empire killed her. I dare not even think about what the end would be if they were caught her…”

So they actually came back there, which is why Sarisa originally came. And at the woman's next words, she nodded firmly, smiling. In the meantime, she also looked at her watch. In fact, Ingrid, and so Sarisa was in no hurry to get anywhere, but slowly it was time to demonstrate how far the hand of the Eternal Empire would reach. And the cost was Sarisa’s “life”.

”Yes, I think the same way, completely. I am glad that my opinion on such a topic agrees with that of an intelligent woman who has seen so much.” she said blushing. ”But I think I should start slowly, no matter how much I enjoy talking to you.”


"Legitimate or not, they are occupiers and conquerers, Sarisa. Like most oppressive regimes, they go after those far weaker than themselves and should those people on the worlds they conquer try to prevent it from happening, it is the people that are viewed as the terrorists instead of the Empire that attacked them in the first place. And that is wrong." Kay furrowed her brows in thought as she sipped her tea. Just how the Empire would make an example of Lori, she just couldn't imagine. Her own experiences at being a prisoner of theirs didn't have anything to do with allowing her to live. Yet she had escaped her execution. "Lori had been making traps and getting out of situations all her life. I'm sure that she could figure out a way..."

Kay just gave a small smile as Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim flattered her. "I'm not so much intelligent as I am experienced. If I was intelligent, than I'd be in a much better situation than this. But it was lovely talking to you Sarisa. I hope that you and Lori stay safe. I'll speak with her soon." She gave her a bow of the head. "Good journeys." It was a Commenori saying, one that she hadn't used in some time. But it felt right and fitting to do so.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
The Red Witch (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Simple light armor, modified Tactical Turtleneck | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

Sarisa continued to listen carefully to Lady Kay and nodded in approval. It was easy to read on her face that she deeply agreed with the woman’s words and she probably thinks so too. In the end, though, she thought before giving an answer to the woman.

”Yes, I agree with you. That’s why it was bad to see some planets voluntarily join them. Either out of fear or because they share the same views as them and think they are strong allies. It’s bad to see what the world has become.”

She said the end sadly, but she smiled that Lori could take care of herself.

”I hope so too!”

But with that, it really was time for the farewell and for Sarisa to leave. She even drank her tea and then got up from her seat. Luckily, Lady Kay escorted her out of the building, which was even more perfect for Ingrid than she thought. When they got out the door, Sarisa started to speak.

”I am sure your fate will turn right. I'm glad to meet you too, I hope to se…”

At that moment there was a shot, Sarisa shuddered, then a shot hit her and she fell on her atoms and disappeared as if she had been shot by a disintegrator. Not far away on one roof was an armoured sniper with a sniper rifle in her hand. Ingrid in person. Who just “shot” i.e. abolished her own dopplegänger. Now she looked down as the Red Witch to Lady Kay from the edge of the roof.


"Some people like the Imperial lifestyle that the Eternal Empire offers them. And if they do, then that's just fine. To each their own. But for those that don't wish for it, than those are the people that need help to ensure that they are free from such a totalitarian regime."

Sarisa agreed with her, which was good that Kay was able to make such an impression. It gave her some hope that the future could indeed be brighter.

Kay hoped to see her off, so she followed her out the door. Yet just ad they were about to part, Sarisa's words were interrupted. Never had anyone been disintegrated in front of her before, and of course her eyes snapped up to see Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim standing up on the rooftop. Kay had never seen her before, but it didn't take a genius to know that it was an agent of the Eternal Empire. "Is that how the Empire works now? Killing unarmed younglings?" She walked down the steps of her shoppe and out onto the pathway, glaring up at the sniper. "If you think that killing Lori's friend is going to somehow stop her from bothering you, then I've got a newsflash for you. It won't." She felt the Force swirling around her, with the Darkside wanting to be released, yet she held it at bay. All that she needed was to protect herself. Nothing more.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
The Red Witch (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Simple light armor, modified Tactical Turtleneck | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

To tell the truth, Ingrid didn't have the slightest pleasure of seeing Kay suffer, or of hurting her. For the woman, this was nothing more than a job to do coldly, without emotion. If Kessia Miran Kessia Miran had been here instead, well, she would have enjoyed it. Ingrid may have been great at torturing others, but she didn't find joy in it. It really was like going into her office in the morning. Over the years, she has learned to handle this.

She hung her gun on her shoulder, indicating that she did not want to hurt Kay. She came forward, Ingrid felt the power of the dark side from her. The little action seemed much more successful than she thought or wanted it to be. However, the message did a great job, it had nothing to do with it. Only the painful truth, that is, the slightly skewed part of it.

”Did the girl say why the Eternal Empire is hunting so rudely for the rebels and their families? It’s one thing to rebel against the government and kill soldiers. But your daughter and her friends cross a line when civilian scientists were massacred by the Rebellion. Unarmed citizens who were not even able to defend themselves. It was a massacre, nothing else. Is that what you taught your daughter to be a cold-blooded killer?”

Her voice was hard as always and cold, emotionless. She knew the woman hadn't read the provision yet, as she had said before. But she wondered what Kay was going to say about all this.


As Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim shouldered her rifle, Kay folded her arms across her chest, much in the same fashion as Lori was known to do. She listened to the woman's words and wasn't entirely certain of whether they were to be believed or not. It wouldn't be the first time that the Eternal Empire had lied to her.

"You dare ask me that and pretend to hold the moral high ground when you just obliviated a young and defenseless girl? Come now. You can't play these mind games with me. I know full well what the Eternal Empire is capable of and the war crimes that they have commited. I know full well of how the Eternal Empire loves to distort and twist the truth. Whether or not things happened in the way that you say, I'll find out." Kay shifted her weight so that she was more comfortable in her stance. "But in answer to your question; no. They are not trained as cold blooded killers. They aren't like you."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
The Red Witch (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; Emperor's hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Tea Shop, Alteria/Anarris
Equipment: BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | 2x vibroblade (hidden) | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Simple light armor, modified Tactical Turtleneck | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink
Tag: NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

”I'm not going to lie, I'm just doing my job. I am not a man of the Eternal Empire, only a bounty hunter. But I was there in the place I saw the corpses. I don’t expect you to believe me, but I’ve learned over the years since I move among Force Users that the bright side, while always talking about morality and stuff, still judge much more quickly and extremes than those they consider evil.”

She shrugged as she spoke, not lying, if the woman was able to sense this, she could feel it. The Red Witch had an independent bounty hunter license. She did not belong to any faction, she was an independent, she also worked a lot for the CIS before. The other issue may be skewed in reality, but after what Aya Clarke Aya Clarke did, that was the least they could do.

”Then they became a cold-blooded killer on their own, congratulations to her. It must be the fault of you and your late husband, or the Mandalorian training. How does it feel to have your daughter become exactly who you hate so much? That they are no better than those who fight. True, it’s easier to stick your head in the sand and tell someone is evil without knowing it. You consider a whole nation to be evil, because of their Emperor. At least I only hunt down those who have a blood fee, terrorists. Who you know for sure what they did.”

In fact, there were deeds that Ingrid also questioned within herself that Tacitus had done, but she would never have openly opposed her ruler. Not because she had no courage, she was just loyal. Didn't turn away from someone because of some bad steps. Rather, she tried to talk to him about where and what he had made a mistake…


"You may have seen bodies, but did you witness my daughter commiting those acts? Did you? It sounds more like circumstantial evidence to me." There was no way that Lori would have done what Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim was suggesting. It was absurd! Both of her children were smarter than that....

Kay clenched her jaw as the bounty hunter spouted out a bunch of accusations and facts that let her know full well that the Eternal Empire was still keeping tabs on her. Perhaps both of her children were being watched as well and not just Lori.

"Don't continue to pretend that you have the moral high ground. You just killed an innocent girl that only aspired to be an architect! What blood fee did she have on her? She's no terrorist and neither is my daughter. I heard about Bakura and what the Empire did there. I know what they did on Zakuul. I'm sure that I'd find examples of other worlds too that have suffered slaughter's by the Empire for defying their rule." Kay would fight them too if she had the means and the will to do so. But she had neither. This was her daughter's fight and she didn't want to intrude.

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