Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Two-in-One



Individual NamesDejah Inkari Chume Ta'Djo
Elara Inkari Chume Ta'Djo
The Weird Sisters
Dyad Twins
AgeLate teens
Personality TraitsCreepy Good
Emotionless Girls
Twin Telepathy
Faction(s)Axis of Shadows
Ossus Jedi Praxeum
SpeciesHuman clone (Hapan)
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentBetween:
Chaotic Neutral &
Chaotic Good


    Jedi Master Romi Jade served as watchman of the Hapes Cluster, and even got involved with the Chume'da to the point where they were almost married. However, after being involved in a explosive confrontation during an insurrection on Hapes, Jade was plunged into
    a coma for half a year. The engagement was called off following her awakening but during her unconscious state, the doctor harvested several eggs from her to begin experimentation for the Shadows.

    As apart of a program and conspiracy to create a clone that used the genetics of Johannes Inkari and Romi Jade, they used the eggs to create several of identical girls in the hope of developing a force-sensitive one capable of gaining the same abilities as Romi that could also be installed on the throne as an heir to Johannes. The girls were incubated and artificially aged. Of the girls in incubation, only two survived.

    Unknowingly to everyone else, these two were members of a
    Force dyad, also known as a dyad in the Force. They had a rare type of Force-bond that paired them together and made them one in the Force. They were completely attuned to each other's senses, including what they saw, heard and felt. After training with the Shadows since youth, the two were sent to infiltrate the Jedi Order as student sisters to Romi Jade at the Ossus Praxeum. They unconsciously hid their secret origin under layers of mental blocks so they could focus on honing their talents for other purposes.


    The personalities of the two girls are often quite similar in terms of speaking and action. Though the girls do have their occasional arguments from time to time, they all more or less act the same and do things together. However, on the flip side they've both demonstrated different interests and personality traits when they are not both together.

    As the Two-In-One, Dejah is the leader and most dominant personality. She was the one known for being more like her mother between the two. She was stubborn, rash, vivacious, and impulsive on her own. Despite the fact that she largely felt the most distant from Romi of the two, she still had time to learn they were more alike than she realized. She was easily frustrated, but was good at thinking on her feet, and had that constant desire to finish whatever she started. As the oldest sister by just a few seconds, Dejah saw herself as more maternal in that she was always looking after her sister, this caused her to develop a sense of caution as well as a dislike of surprises that made her slow to trust people. Dejah is also the type to hold onto grudges for a long time, but was usually able put her feelings aside and work through things with others if need be. Such instances prove that, even though she might come across as unfair and harsh she is still ultimately reasonable and flexible. She was the more physically capable of the two, and was usually the one to stray away from any strict doctrines, mostly preferring an unorthodox approach.

    As the Two-In-One, Elara is the more passive, timid, and diplomatic personality. She was less cold, an exhibited more traits of her father -- she took to heart a lot more and often was the more reluctant to use power. She was the more compassionate of the two, able to consider the others around her before making a play. Slightly more charming, and softer she's more meek, and arbiter but extremely persuasive. Elara was the most curious, social, pragmatic, and humanitarian in the pair. She enjoyed intellectual stimulation. She couldn't help but be a connector, especially in an engaging, mentally-charged way -- but because all of her cerebral activity and airiness often impinges on being grounded, she often get the best results if she has a specific goal to pour her energy into. Despite the twins often being outwardly cold to others, if others were ever able to get close enough they'd easily grow to love Elara first. While not the most combat prone, she was more of a healer than anything and more sensitive to her Dyad bond with her sister.


    +/- Dyad Gestalt - The Two-in-One shared the ability to merge their Force engrams together and merge individual mental abilities together as acting as one brings about the acquisition of far greater capabilities than the sum of its parts -- As Romi is a powerful mentalist, they too gained the propensity for mental affecting powers but are able to use them in unison; it produces greater power and reach vs if they tried to do it individually. The bond gave the dyads the ability to see and feel what the other was experiencing, and also gave them a clear sense of the other's thoughts and emotions. The dyad had an instinctive drive to fight back to back, defending each other when threatened by multiple enemies. Through their bond, both could sense each other's next actions. The strength of their bond became increasingly powerful when the dyads fought together—their Force powers mirroring and amplifying each other. It is possible to drain the dyad of their combined power, allowing an opposing Force wielder to utilize the dyad's abilities while also receiving a significant increase in their own power. This process would leave the dyad in a physically weakened state, to the extent of near or total paralysis.

    + Collective Intelligence - Their intelligence gradually increases when they are in close proximity of each other. The more in reach they are of each other, the smarter the shared consciousness becomes.

    - Night Blindness & Nearsighted - From their genetics, they possess the negative traits of their bloodline too. They've lost all ability to see in the dark, and are nearly blind in dim lighting. They're also nearsighted, something they got from Romi.

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