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Two Dark Jedi and One Unholy Grail (Covenant of the Black Rose)

Zaria managed to convince one of her sisters, [member="Ciara Jevnaker"], to join her on a quest to Lowick to discover and hopefully bring back a legendary Dark Side grail with a history of granting anyone that drank from it the ability to see the future on a one time basis. The Unholy Grail it was called by historians had been lost for over a thousand years. Some historians even claimed this grail did not exist but was nothing more than a fable to draw out treasure hunters and the like on fool's errands. If it did exist she would bring back to the Covenant of the Black Rose as her way of showing her loyalty.

It was a treasure hunter she had spoken to that had pointed her to the Lowick.

"It might not be there at all. In fact, I'm almost positive it's not."

Zaria looked at the treasure hunter and said, "Why do you say that?"

"I've led three teams into Lowick's rainforests and all three times I came out empty handed."

"Then why did you mention Lowick?"

The treasure hunter stretched and let out a small yawn before answering, "Because according to the last person who claimed to see the cup that was where he saw it."

"Last person to see it? If what you tell me is fact that means the event happened over one thousand years ago. Surely the grail has moved on since?"

"Maybe, maybe not. But you asked me where I thought it was and I told you Lowick. If you go there expect to leave disappointed."

Zaria played the conversation over and over in her head during the shuttle ride to Lowick. When she mentioned to the red-eyed girl about going in search of it the girl had quickly agreed to join her. Perhaps the treasure hunter was right and this was a fool's errand. Either way this gave Zaria a chance to befriend another sister in the Covenant of the Black Rose.

[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
Narrator's voice:

In the cold abyss that is space, there is a galaxy. In that solemn galaxy, there lay a system of stars, asteroids, and planets. In that complex system, there is a significant planet. On that untamed planet, there are swathes of rainforest. In one of the many sections of rainforest, there lay a cave.

In this cave, this place that lies between dread and wonder, pitch darkness and "illumination", there resided a secret. A secret that had lain dormant for a millennium. In the deepest darkest recesses of this cave lay an artifact: A chalice of onyx with four perfectly cut rubies ensconced equidistant from each other. This was the Unholy Grail. This was the treasure that had been laid seige to by Kings and Emperors, sought after by scavengers and governments.

The jewels started to light up with the fires of Hell; light that would not shed illumination. Light that would not help you see, but would, if they were to see it, instill decent people with such thoughts as "Dear God, what is this thing? What evil hath been wrought by my fellow men to allow for such an abomination?"

Very close to the Grail, a pair of glowing red eyes slowly opened. The Unholy Grail's sole protector, for there was no need for another, was awoken just as the Chalice was. The Force was stirring, beckoning the winds of change to come forth and alter the future of history. The Beast of Caerbannog has awoken.

And I'm SO. Very. Hungry.

[member="Zaria"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
CJ, always one to take time to study up on planets and lore she had no knowledge of, sat in a library illuminated by black candles in one of the temples that was half completed for the Black Rose. She had agreed to aid the blue-skinned girl on some quest to bring back a cup, or Unholy Grail the Chiss girl told her. The tomes, written on parchment paper and in varying stages of decay, had little information on the Unholy Grail. Most what she could assess seemed to be word-of-mouth or contradicting testimonies of it's existence. Even less could be discovered on the holonet.

The hardest part was actually believing it existed at all due in part that it had been roughly estimated the last sighting was over a thousand years ago. Still, CJ looked to the adventure more than the discovery.

Putting aside the tomes for now, she typed in a few key words and a holoimage of Lowick, complete with up-to-date data, appeared on the computer terminal she sat in front of. She scrolled through the various texts regarding the planet, the species that inhabited it, the rainforests, and what little pointes of interest the planet possessed. The latter, pointes of interest, held nothing that would aid the two sisters. The only useful information she found was on the rainforests; numerous unexplored caves that barely were even charted.

"It figures," the Valha girl said outloud in the deserted library.

"Nothing is ever simple."

Shutting down the terminal and after returning the tomes to their proper resting place, she doubled checked her satchel one more time to reassure herself she had packed for any and all situations. Medical supplies, food, water, and other basic needs were stored away in the satchel. Closing the satchel up, she left the confines of the library to meet up with Zaria at the docking bay.

With both passengers ready to embark on this little excursion, the shuttle moved out of the hanger bay and shot toward the cold, unforgiving space. CJ glanced over at the girl who seemed to be lost in thought, and felt the need to discuss the plans.

"We should look to exploring the caves that have little to no info on them," she said.

"I have taken the liberty to check-off the caves that have been explored and examined numerous times. If this Unholy Grail does exist, it would not be in those caves."

When the Chiss girl remained engaged with whatever held her attention, CJ fell silent herself. It figures I agreed to this with a chatterbox, she thought to herself.

Zaria shook her head breaking the spell of recollection from her mind. She briefly heard what her companion had said but was to lost in her thoughts to respond. She extended her hand out to look at information the red-eyed girl had amassed. She scanned through it taking notice of how thorough her fellow sister was. Zaria was proud of herself for choosing the right candidate to join her.

"My most sincere apologies sister. At times I get lost or caught up in my thinking."

Zaria handed the back the information to Ciara adding, "I'm on the same page as you. To save us from drudging through over explored caves we should focus on those that have been left untouched by the greedy hands of society."

After a short break where silence floated between the two Dark Jedi girls Zaria asked, "Have you ever been to Lowick? Personally I can say I've never visited that planet before. I have no worries about us handling ourselves there properly but I am alittle concerned with facing the unknown."

[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
"Lowick? Nope."

CJ remembered every planet she visited, good or ill experiences, and she never been to Lowick. Her lost friend, Tag, had mentioned he had partially been there once; and it wasn't a very welcoming planet. She, too, had some concerns about what the duo would face. CJ knew both her capabilities and her limitations; did this Zaria? She knew better, from experience, to rush head long into a fight without first observing the situation. Tag had taught her that shortly after they began exploring the galaxy together.

"We should be cautious. An old friend of mine told me Lowick was unfriendly to strangers."

Despite the unknown looming over her head, she was enthused at the prospect of exploring Lowick. Unholy Grail or not, CJ was actually looking forward to this for two reasons. The first, was something like a rediscover of herself. The second, a chance to make a new friend. After the disappearance of Tag, she could never bring herself to befriend anyone else.

"Zaria. Why are you seeking out this Unholy Grail?"

To CJ, this was a fair question.

"At first I thought about usurping the grail for myself. To use the abilities to glimpse my future," Zaria was saying while staring at nothing. "You know. To steer clear of bad choices and mortal dangers. Now I seek it because I need to do something to prove my value to the Sisterhood."
Zaria caught CJ arch an eyebrow at her. CJ knew others in the Covenant of the Black Rose. They probably already accepted her. Zaria knew CJ. They had not shown acceptance toward her. "Listen. You and I are both Dark Jedi. We. Excuse me. I need to prove myself to them. I could be mistaken in this line of thought. But you asked and I spilled."
Zaria rose to her feet to peek out the side window. The planet of Lowick was in sight. The time had come for them to begin their quest for the Unholy Grail. "Cautious. Check." Zaria felt the shift in the shuttle as it made its way down to the planet. Thoughts were flooding her mind. If they did not find this legendary cup so what. The whole experience could be a test for her. Both of them. The shuttle landed without trouble.
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]​
CJ took a long deep breath, checked her gear one final time, and nodded her head toward Zaria. CJ was as ready as she was going to be; until the unknown began rifling off scenarios at her. She was the first to step off the shuttle, taken back at the beauty of Lowick. The pilot of their shuttle had elected to land in one of the planet's massive rainforests, which to the pilot's credit was well done thinking.

"We should make our way through the rainforest as quickly as possible."

CJ didn't want to get caught in a torrent rainfall and begin the mission sporting soaked clothing, she would never recover from that mentally. CJ, feeling as though she needed to take lead, began walking through the rainforest toward one of the caves marked on their list. As she did so, she played over and over in her mind what Zaria had said about proving herself.

"I don't think proving yourself should be one of your concerns, Zaria. I've spent some time with the Sisters and they don't strike me as the 'prove yourself to us' kind of gals."

She didn't know the history of Zaria, making a mental note to delve deeper into that at some pointe. For now, both of them needed to focus on their mission. They arrived at the first cave, and after a quick scan through the Force she felt no danger waiting for them inside. She entered the cave, grabbed a glow stick from her satchel, and finally snapped it in two. A green light began to illuminate the area around the two girls after she shook the little thing a few times.

"We should avoid separating until we are completely sure this cave, and all future caves, are cleared of potential threats."

"Agreed." Separating would be a bad idea. Both could call on the Force. Both possessed lightsabers. Both were still young in their training. The galaxy was filled with many things that could take down two young Dark Jedi Padawans without breaking a sweat. Lowick was a mysterious planet with unknown things lurking about. Zaria kept her hand close to her weapon. The Force was with her but sh did not have full mastery of it. Learning stages.
An hour was spent investigating the cave. Both danger and grail didn't exist. Catching something from the corner of her eye Zaria said, "What's that in the corner over there? Shine your glow thingy over there." Zaria followed the green light toward the corner. Bending down she brushed away the dirt and rock to reveal a small urn. Not a urn. A small oblong device. When she reached out to pick it up she felt energy from the Dark Side flowing off it.
"What is that, CJ" Zaria asked pointing to the object. Unsure of what it was she didn't want to pick it up straightaway. Zaria hoped CJ knew what it was. It wasn't the grail but it was something worth bringing back with them.
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]​
CJ swept the torch's beam to the far corner, seeing for the first time the object Zaria was talking about. The Darkside energy pouring off it was strong, stronger than anything she had felt minus the few Sith Ladies and Lords she knew these days. And yet, the object, seemed to be familiar to her in design. She had seen one like this somewhere before, maybe not as powerful as the one in the corner, but a similar one none-the-less.

CJ stepped closer to it when realization set in. The pull of the Darkside, the shape, and the colour of it meant only one thing. A holocron, but not just any holocron, a Sith holocron. She quickly placed her hand on the shoulder of Zaria.

"Don't touch it, yet. That is a Sith Holocron!"

She didn't have much in the way of knowledge in dealing with any kinds of holocrons, but what CJ did know was that Sith holocrons usually came with some kind of security to prevent anyone unworthy to hack out it's secrets. CJ crouched down next to the holocron, examining it more closely. If this holocron was going to spill it's contents to these two girls, then they were going to need one of Sith sisters from the Black Rose to assist them. Because the most important understanding about unlocking a holocron was that the person needed to be fully submerged in the Darkside; and as it stood now both CJ and Zaria were only Dark Jedi.

"We need to secure this. Here," CJ announced handing Zaria a velvet cloth to wrap it in.

Zaria retraced a few steps from the holocron. She had never seen one before but she did hear rumours of how dangerous they were. They also brought death and ruined friendships with them. Sith killed Sith over them. Sith killed Jedi over them. She wanted nothing to do with the thing but CJ decided they should take it. She trusted her friend and took the offered cloth.
Carefully she reached out and wrapped the cloth around the holocron. Even more carefully she dropped the covered holocron into her friend's satchel. CJ's problem now. Zaria stood up wiping her hands on her pants legs. "We need to be careful with that thing. If someone on this planet discovers we have it we will have problems to deal with."
The cave was empty. There was nothing more to discover here and further more she felt like putting distance between herself and the cave. There was something unsettling about the cave itself. The holocron was just the start. Zaria led CJ out of the cave. "One down."
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]​
CJ nodded her head closing up the pocket on her satchel. Already she could feel the weight of the holocron attempting to burst through the bag; or was that only in her mind. As Zaria had said, they needed to be careful with that thing because holocrons could turn friends against one another just for a glimpse and taste of power.

CJ was glad to be out of that cave and soaking in fresh air. The cave, riddled with decay and mildew, was beginning to get to her. Plus, it would take days to get the smell out of her hair. The two put distance between them and the cave, heading for the next one on their list.

"We should take this holocron to our Master. A gift for her," CJ said.

"She is fully submerged in the Darkside and she can unlock it and all three of us can reap the benefits."

"I agree."
The next cave appeared to be more popular than the previous cave. A small make-shift camp was set up and several people were loitering around it. The group seemed by appearances to be a combination of scavengers and mercenaries. Scavengers posed little threat to the duo. The mercenaries on the other hand could be a big threat to them.
"I count 4 scavs and 4 mercs," Zaria whispered over to CJ. "That's eight we can see and a unknown number if any are in the cave." Zaria wondered how they should play this. It would be stupid on their part to go charging down into the camp and fight all eight at once. They could walk down and talk to them but in her experience scavs where greedy buggers. If for one moment they felt their credits where in threat they would attack. Or order the mercs to attack. Either way this was going to be tricky.
"I suggest we try to find a back entrance to the cave in hopes that it is empty." Then an unsettling thought occurred to her. "CJ. What if they already found the grail? We cannot allow them to keep it." Zaria placed a hand on her weapon. It looked more and more the two girls where going to have to fight.
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]​
CJ watched the group moving about the campsite, whether to see if they were planning to leave or settling in further. If it was the former, then Zaria might be right and they had the cup. If it was the latter, then either cup wasn't in that cave or they haven't found it themselves. From her visual intel it appeared they were not rushing to break camp, so that meant they didn't have the cup. However, it still mean't they had to get past them before entering the cave. The idea of looking for a back entrance was appealing but time consuming, and if they did find one what proof did they have that the cave was empty of more of those people.

"We need to draw those mercernaries out of the camp," CJ replied.

"The scavengers won't give chase but defend the campsite and any goodies they may already have found. Be ready for my signal."

CJ stood up, unhooked her hilt, and began silently moving through the forest to the left of Zaria. She only had one chance at this, so failing now would result in her facing overwhelming odds. When she got closer to the camp, she reached out with the Force and knocked down the two closest scavengers. Yells and screams erupted from the campsite as she turned tail to head back up to Zaria.

From behind her blaster shots rang out from the camp, a couple nearly clipping her as she ran. She hoped Zaria was ready, cause she was bringing those four mercernaires with her.

Zaria activated her blade at the first sounds of blasters going off. She could sense and hear CJ running toward her with even louder sounds of armoured mercs on her tail. When CJ drew closer to her she lept from behind her hiding spot putting her self between CJ and the firing mercs. In hinsight it might have not been the best decision she ever made but it allowed time for CJ to regroup and join in the fight.
Zaria twirled her blade knocking away blaster bolts the best she could. This was something she was working on in her free time. Right now she could deflect shots not redirect them back. The mercs now seeing two lightsaber wielders decided to break into two separate groups. One tried moving to the left to flank the two girls and the other moved to the right. Because of their plan to do this it gave Zaria a small reprieve from knocking away the shots.
"I'll take the group on the left," Zaria said ducking through the heavy shrubbery while using the big boulders as cover. Enhancing her speed through the Force she whipped around the boulders fast enough to greet and strike down one of the two mercs. The surprise on his face was precious. Bringing down the right side of her blade she severed the blaster in the other mercs hand when he moved to raise it up. The half still in his hand exploded when he attempted to pull the trigger causing his hand to be ruined.
The merc didn't have time to scream out before Zaria drove the left end of her blade through his armoured chestplate ending his life on the spot. Zaria backtracked her steps toward CJ and the other two mercs ready to lend her friend some assistance.
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]​
CJ was slightly impressed how fast Zaria worked, moving from protecting her backside from blaster shots to charging to her own left to deal with the split up goons. CJ, not wanting to be outdone by Zaria, moved toward the right to deal with the mercernaries that tried to flank their right side. The first one she cut down was out of pure luck. The two, merc and CJ, actually collided into one another; her blade driving through him. The big armoured man teetered forward forcing CJ to leap to her right to avoid being dragged down by his weight.

The dead merc's companion lit up the area she was in as if putting on some festive firework's display. CJ had been practicing dodging, deflecting, and even redirecting blaster shots for the past few months. She saw, where she couldn't recall, a Sith practically strive forward a bounty hunter knocking away every shot fired at her. In the end, the Sith had cut down the bounty hunter without even getting a slight burn from the series of blaster shots. CJ wanted to be like that Sith; well in terms of deflecting shots anyway.

With the yellow blade angled to her right, she steadied herself knocking the blaster shots away while slowly moving toward the merc. The armoured gent wasn't taking the hint that he wasting his time trying to cut her down. When CJ caught a reprieve from the shots, she thrusted her free hand out and shoved him into a tree. Using the Force again, she threw her lightsaber, pointed end out, and pinned the mercenary to the tree.

Hearing the brush rattle behind her, she called the weapon back to her hand, caught it and spun around to see ZAria standing there. CJ nodded her head to the two dead bad guys.

"Let's go deal with those scavengers and check out the cave."
The first threat had been dealt with leaving the scavengers in the camp unprotected by their hired muscle. They wouldn't pose much of a threat to the two Dark Jedi but there was still the cave itself that could have more mercernaries in there. She doubted it but it was better to be cautious than fool-hearted. Zaria ran toward the camp using the Force to increase her running speed. The camp would be on high alert since the forest had echoed with both blaster and the humming of not one but two lightsabers. The element of surprise was lost.
Zaria continued her charge right into the heart of the camp. Her blade swung out in front of her knocking away two blaster bolts aimed at her and then drove the hot tip into the chest of the scavenger. Keeping her feet moving and her body in constant motion she was able to dodge a blaster bolt aimed at her from an enemy taking cover behind a metal crate.
Zaria lept over the metal crate and enemy landing behind him. She turned around with preternatural speed bringing one of the blades down in a angled arch. Her blade struck the enemy slicing him in two. Zaria looked around the camp to find CJ. The roar of blasters and the humming of her friend's lightsaber signaled that combat was in session.
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]​
A blaster bolt clipped her left shoulder, sending pockets of pain coursing through the wound and her body. Ouch! The pain transformed into anger, turning her into an instrument of destruction. Quickly she fell on the closest scavenger and cut him half; splitting his body at the midsection. CJ didn't wait to see the top half fall before turning her attention on the next scavenger. His blaster shots pinged off her lightsaber as she charged toward him; ready to add his body to the growing list of dead today.

CJ roared with rage, the pain still fueling her passion to kill. Normally she fought with complete control, but the battle rage was to precious to ignore. The memories of her failings flooded her mind, those to adding into the mix of her anger.

"I'm not a failure," CJ screamed bringing her yellow blade down.

The blade split the man in half, starting at his head and driving toward the forest floor until the ruined body fell in opposite sides. Her eyes stared at the carnage she had created, a sense of overwhelming joy reaching out to shake hands with her anger. Still caught in the grip of her primal rage she spun on her heels and slammed her blade toward the person that moved up behind her. Zaria. CJ lowered her weapon, then powered down while looking into the red eyes of her friend. Rival.

"We should go check out the cave."

Zaria said nothing and led the way to the cave. Halfway through the cave Zaria said, "You were impressive back there. I never knew you had that much pent up rage." Zaria chose not to bring up the topic that CJ had almost cut her in half. Zaria understood that in the middle of fighting for your life you lose control. Zaria had done it a couple of times herself. Her Master was currently teaching her how to fight while keeping her emotions in line. Zaria hoped that their Master would do the same for CJ.
"It's quiet in here," Zaria stated. It was quiet. She felt nothing out of the ordinary. When the two girls entered the main chamber of the cave she saw several crates lying about. Zaria looked around the are more closely trying to figure out why so many crates where need here. There couldn't possibly be enough treasure hidden in this cave to warrant so many crates.
"Well look at this," Zaria said to CJ. "It looks like we found their stash of goods." The crate Zaria had opened revealed several small golden and bronze statues. She moved her hand through the items finding nothing worthwhile.
"We should bring some of the camping equipment in here and sleep in the cave tonight." Zaria went back to looking through the stash.
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]​
"Thanks. You too," CJ replied entering the cave.

While Zaria was examing the contents of a crate, CJ was examining one herself. Most of what she was seeing was useless to her but held some value to someone; like a junk collector. These salvagers, whomever they where, seemed to be poor at their job. She felt their loss of life could have been avoided if they didn't defend such junk; or at least prevented the mercs from attacking them that led to the ensuing bloodshed. What a waste to throw lives away like this junk.

"See if you can find anything in those crates in ways of food. I'll go get the camping gear."

Back in the camp site, she began to break down one of the tents when she felt tug through the Force. She dropped the gear and allowed the Force to direct her to the source of the mental pull. She was led to one of the bodies of the salvagers; and began to go through it's pockets. She pulled a small, glowing ring from a pocket. What's this? Unsure she was doing it, she absentmindedly put the ring on and felt a rush of Darkside energy course through her.

CJ returned back to the cave and began setting up the tent.

Zaria tore through the crates like a kid at a candy store. One after another she went through the items inside - discarding most as junk. Zaria couldn't shake the feeling that these salvagers were junk collectors rather than treasure hunters. Zaria felt the mounting frustration begin to settle in. Zaria was not greedy herself - or materialistic in nature - but she did enjoy finding fancy items to sell for credits. Being a Force user didn't pay well unless you were of the mind that taking from others was morally and justifiably alright.
Zaria slid the lid on the final crate back and discovered a lone black case resting at the bottom. The moment the case was exposed to her she felt the Dark Side of the Force calling to her from that single case. Zaria hovered her hands over the case arguing with herself whether it was wise or not to open it. The holocron they discovered in a separate cave was powerful and potentially dangerous. Whatever sat enclosed in the case could prove the same. She bit her lip and forgone her common sense.
Zaria removed the case from the crate. Zaria looked around the cave to ensure that she was still alone and when she noticed CJ hadn't returned from her task - she opened up the case. Zaria's eyes focused on the single object in the case. A silver amulet with a symbol of a star set in the centre. Around the symbol was Ogham writing engraved into it. Zaria knew what the meaning was and knew what this amulet on a chain was. "So at least one legend is true."
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]​

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