Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Traumatized Emotional Teenagers Do Stupid Things. In Space!


Gwyn was on the floor of her cockpit, messing around with her blaster. Well. She was trying to figure out how it worked. One blaster was still put together next to her. The entire blaster, she was carefully taking apart and inspecting.


An alarm sounded from the control panel of her ship. Ripped from her deep concentration, the half-Arkanian arose from the floor and darted to her seat. A quick check over, and she was shocked. Nearly out of fuel? How! She had tapped off before she took off! With a frown, one option entered her mind. If she came out of hyperspace now, she could slip down to a nearby planet and refuel. Quick and easy. Of course, she had no idea where she would come out to. A quick check of the holomap of the Galaxy, and her anxieties grew. She would be coming out in Chiss Space.

She shuddered at the unknown.

Lifting her shaking hands, she gently proceeded to try and bring her ship out of hyperspace. With no idea what was going to happen, she brought her freighter out of hyperspace...

Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

"Aubin, come."
From the darkness of the room a large, quadrupedal beast took shape. Slowly stalking forward toward a man bound by his wrists to a pillar. The owners of this home were dead in a corner. Long dead. A Chiss family, trying to hide from the Maw and live in peace. Only, they were found. The emotionless visor the Mandalorian wore stared down at the tied up Marauder.

"What, you think that things scary? Y'dun know a thing! We bring the fear. Thems died pissin themselves when we showed up!" The man cackled, motioning with a slight nod of his head to the deceased family. There was a low whistle from Eliz, and sharp fangs found flesh. Cutting off the maddened laugh with the sound of flesh tearing.

Eliz let out a sigh as he glanced towards the dead. Too late. Again. There was another low whistle before both the Mandalorian and the beast faded from view. There was someone else that needed help. There always was with the Maw.
Gwyneira pulled out of hyperspace and flew down to a planet. Mini exclaimed as multiple scanners and sensors went berserk. As the atmosphere to the planet cleared, she was shocked to fly right down to a poor looking village up in smoke. She recognized it immediately. The broken buildings, the running people, the sounds of weaponry...

This was a war zone.

Gwyn gasped, sharply turning her ship away. The Mercury was agile enough to swoop away, narrowly avoiding when shells flew up at the unfamiliar freighter. Gwyn shrieked, hair flying in her face as she swerved away to a nearby valley.

Once she landed, she collected her bearings.

She was quick to gear up. She reassembled her blaster and placed both pistols on her belt. Her load bearing system and combat knives were strapped over her chest. She even took her lightsaber, with it's purified crystal, and hid it in a pouch. Sure, she had no idea how to use it, but it was something. Strapping her gauntlets to her arms, she wandered over to the hanger of her ship.

She needed fuel. The point still stood. If she had to sneak into the wartorn town and steal some cases, so be it. She was scared, frightened. But she had done it before. She survived war once, she would have to do it again.
Instructing Mini to be careful in vigilance with her ship, she mounted her speeder and left.

The tall grasses of the night stricken planet made it harder to see, but the sounds of blasters and lights of weaponry and fires were up ahead. Her heart pounded. She needed to get in, get her fuel, and get out.

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

"Oh. Chit."

Surprise filled the young Mandalorian's voice as he jetted off towards the next building. Or, was going to at least. All his plans went out the window as soon as he took off. Someone shot him. He wasn't sure from where, or if it was just a stray shot, but it hit his jetpack none the less. And sent him spinning forward. The most he could do was try to brace for impact as he was sent forward.

At least his armor was built for this kind of thing. Not this scenario, but blunt trauma.

And right into a speeder. A blur of blood stained and ruined white paint slammed into Gwyn's speeder.
Gwyn had hoped to stay at the edge of the town, but desperation pushed her in. Of course, the moment she drove her speeder deeper into the village, something just so happened to slam into her speeder.


As the speeder jerked completely to the left, she had to think quickly. She closed her eyes and focused. Recklessly yet trusting the mysterious Force she was sensitive to, she leapt off the speeder as it spun out of control. For a moment, she was in the air. Something mystical surrounded her as she felt strangely in control from that jump. As she landed on the ground, the speeder crashed completely into a building. As the crisp night air erupted into heat, darkness was illuminated in light. A massive fire started behind her as she stood up, noticing that what had hit the speeder was able to escape before the crash and burn as well.

Gwyn stood back turned to the bright, roaring, glowing fire. The night winds caused her long hair to wave in the wind. She lithe frame was eclipsed against the fire behind her. From a casual day in her ship to this place, she had not Chang from her black shorts and a hot pink tank top, which rippled in the wind as well. Her load bearing system clung tightly to her, the various straps and ropes and curling around hugging her body.

She blinked, looking to the fully armored individual before her. Friend? Foe? She tried reaching out with the Force, but felt nothing. Was she just that terrible with her Force Sense, or was something else at play here? She clenched her fists, biting her lip before calling, "I want no trouble! Friend or foe?"

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

Yeah, everything hurt. He didn't expect to run into a speeder of all things. At least the explosion caused by it wasn't something to catch too much attention. Another explosion was set off close by. Another building ruined. The Mandalorian pushed himself up from where he impacted. Crap. His arm gave out almost immediately. Broken? Dislocated? One or the other. A dull pulse of pain surged through him regardless.

He stood just in time to watch Gwyn step forward. Surprise filled his gaze. Her choice of clothing in a warzone stood out most of all, but.. Wasn't this the kind of crap he'd see in an action holovid? The masked figure got to his feet, stepping towards her. "Depends. You with the Maw?" There was a startling coldness to his voice. He reached down, setting a hand on his blaster.

"If you are I'll put you down real quick."
Gwyn took a step back, not surprised by the cold brutality but still frightened. Fear gripped her as she lowered herself, bending her knees a bit. "The Maw? I have no idea what that is! I have never been to Chiss Space before!"

Vibrating in anxiety, she tried to explain. Her flat, raised hands were visibly shaking, "I don't even want to be here! I hate war! I just need fuel from my ship so I can get the hoth out of here, and I don't know where to find any!"

The wind continued to swirl. Gwyn's messied hair swirled around her face. Even then, her trembling lips and wide, terrified eyes were visible. Meanwhile, from the edge of the street, a silloutue withered in the smoke. A shadow emerged, ready to attack and kill all enemies it noticed...

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

".. I believe you."
There was a relief in his voice as he let his hand fall away from his blaster. There was no faking that kind of fear. Or at least, that's what he hoped. The Maw was pretty obvious on who was who. Crazy marauders. Evil Sith. Literal plant monsters. Psychopaths faking fear could fit in, probably. But he was tired. And, well.

Aubin was still around.

Then the world spun. ".. Kark." Pain ripped through his body. Impacting a building was one thing. Hitting a speeding speeder? The vitals built into his suit started blaring. He ruptured something, huh? "Gas.. The maw's transports have some. They leave em abandoned at the edge of town usually. Get there quick." The sensor in his helm ticked off and he spun right around.

He was far faster than a human should be. Drawing his blaster and firing in a single moment. The marauder that emerged in the smoke immediately fell, a hole blasted in their chest. So they were coming by? "Get going. Kids like you shouldn't be here."
Gwyn blinked, ducking and shielding herself as a maradaur fell dead to this warrior's blaster. She could not help but feel a little insulted at being called a child. Yet, she also knew it was right. She was a frightened, small child. Sure, she was only a year away from legally being able to flirt with anyone she wanted to, but she was a lost girl. She knew war, the terror it caused. And in that moment, yearning for a big strong protector, she cried out.

"But I can't do it alone! Especially with no speeder! I-"

Something else stirred from those opposite direction of the maradaur. Feeling a pulse in the Force, she turned just in time to see another maradaur creep out from behind a building. Gwyneira pulled her blaster out and aimed. She shot repeatedly with her slugthrower, exhausting five rounds even after it fell dead. And only one shot had even hit the target! With trembling hands, she felt herself transported to her home world for just a moment before coming back to the night cloaked village.

Tears in her eyes, she turned and whispered to the armored warrior, "Guide me?"

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

Shit. She wasn't capable of going on her own? Eliz groaned. Part of him was tempted to just leave her, but.. Well. That just wasn't him. How many were gonna be like her and need help in this town alone? No, he was here to help people. And she needed help. Another marauder caught his attention, though this time she dispatched it.

Well. Sort of. Yeah, she definitely needed help.

The stims of his suit kicked in then. Whatever pain he had was quickly fading. The wounds were still there, but for the time being he could actually keep her safe. That was the biggest worry. "Fine. Stay close. Don't shoot me."

Which seemed like a legitimate worry. The Mandalorian stepped past her, gun in hand. ".. actually, don't shoot at all. Alright?"
Gwyn put her blaster away. Sweating despite the harsh winds, she turned and hastily ran. Throughout the town, the two ran into more maradaurs, which her knight in shining armor easily dispatched. How handsome was the face beneath that armor? She already was enjoying watching him.

It was the only thing she could enjoy in this hell. This was like the attack on her home all over again. They passed dead bodies, ruined cities, and decimated rubble. Destroyed lives were here, and all because of some cruel war. Gwyneira cursed beneath her breath. If her protector could see her face, with would be mixed with memory induced terror and raw, hot rage.

Eventually, they reached their destination. Abandoned transports and barrels of fuel were left completely unguarded. Panting, Gwyneira scoffed, "No guards? That is terrible planning on multiple levels."

She picked out her needed fuel tanks and looked around. Chosing the transport that looked the most well off in this darkness, the girl started loading them onto the transport swiftly. Trembling claws tapped the buttons needed to get these tanks loaded up. Yet, through the Force she felt a ripple. Eyes widening, she turned to her guard, "Something is coming."

Then, the lightbulb lit up in her mind. With a quick smile, she added, "Hey. You want this Maw defeated here, right? Make lots of noise and draw them in, cover me. I have a plan."

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt [/B]

Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

Eliz kept pace easy enough, but that was only because he was slowed down by his injuries. He really was in terrible shape, but between the stims and his armor he just seemed fine. He had no qualms killing anyone in his path. No hesitation, a cold efficiency only trained killers could give off. Or the average Chiss soldier, as he was trained to be when he was much younger.

"You try to use these to run away, and they blow up." He'd seen it a couple times. Desperate souls jumping into the abandoned transports to try and fly away. Only for some laughing marauders to hit a switch and laugh as they were blown apart. The Mandalorian let out a sigh. They were going to steal one of em, then?

"Triggers easy enough to dismantle, once you know how. Look under the control panel. I trust it's something you can do?" Either that, or they'd die. Still, he blinked at what she said next. Lure them here? Wasn't she crying just a little bit ago? Another, heavier sigh escaped him as he begrudgingly nodded. If they were gonna die anyway, he might as well take as many as he could.

He sent out a flare. That should be enough to catch their attention. The explosion cut through the air. A beacon to Chiss soldiers to charge. Perfect sort of lure. His suit's invisibility kicked in as he faded from view, finding himself a perch pretty quickly. Sniper roost, basically. Then they arrived. Not just the marauders, though.

Eliz took off a couple skulls with his Charric Sniper. The sheer force behind it was more than enough to cleave heads from their shoulders. But even he felt a slight chill when he saw it. A red lightsaber. Sith. He gritted his teeth as he continued to shoot through the coming marauders, though with the Sith in sight he jumped down to pull free his heavy blaster and vibroknife.

"Kid! Hurry up!"
Oh? A trap? No. No, she was the trapper around here. She had killed a Sith before using herself as bait and waiting to spring the trap before. She rapidly worked, holograms illuminating her face as she dismantled the trigger. Being an engineer specializing in ships, it was easy to accomplish. Oh, she could not forget to turn off anything allowing for them to be tracked either. She was no idiot, regardless of how childish ruthless brooding hot stuff thought she was.

Now, onto her actual goal.

She leapt down and shoved some tanks of much needed fuel onto the ship. She took one smaller tank, however, and opened. She sprinkled some over tanks, splashed some on the other ships, and made sure paths of fuel connected it all. As her disgruntled companion called for her, she emptied the container. She could feel the foul presence of the dark side in the air and grimaced. Of course the Sith were involved!

She jumped on her transport and called out, "Come on then, edgy handsome stuff, it's time to go!"
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Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

Why did Sith have to make everything so difficult? No, it wasn't the Sith that was making this difficult. Once more Eliz was thrown into one of the transports, his armor grasped by the Force User and flung helplessly. Usually he could get out of that kind of crap. Jetpacks, movement on his own. His raw strength. Anything to surprise and overwhelm his force using opponents.

But he was hurt. And the stims were already wearing off.

Worse, he had to keep the kid safe as she did.. Whatever she was doing. More marauders were showing up too. One got close to her transport, rifle raised. Laughing. Ready to make her dead, or worse. Eliz practically ripped his way from where he was flung, leveling his blaster to put a hole in the menacing figure.

Then getting leapt on by the darkly clad Sith. He barely had a moment to lift up his bracer to catch the red blade. At least his armor wasn't so easily cut through, but the thin plated Beskar was already rapidly heating. He gritted his teeth as he leveled his gun, trying to get a shot in. Damn Sith dodged back, but was consistent on trying to strike the same place again and again. Planning to melt through the Beskar, then? This was gonna end poorly for the Chiss.

Gwyn's voice brought a whole mix of emotions to his mind, though. Edgy Handsome Stuff? Actual annoyance filled him, but he didn't need to keep the Sith engaged anymore. A grin formed under his helmet. Well, whatever. If that's the last thing she wanted to say before they died, who was he to judge? His wrist ignited, flamethrower going at full power to force the Sith to jump away, just as he jumped into the transport.

Shot after shot was laid out to keep the Sith from pursuing, but other shots started to fill the air. More marauders.

"So what's the plan, kid!"
Gwyn smirked back at the armored warrior as he leapt in. She already had been ready to go . The transport immediately took off, but another one took off as well. Gwyn smirked.

"I disabled the explosives on ours. But that one?"

The Sith smirked as he lifted a button. Unable to detonate the populated transport, he simply pulled out another button and slammed it. The second transport was far slower than theirs', and once detonated, every single Maw was caught in the death trap. Through the Force, she sensed the Sith's Force Signature fade into the Netherworld. All maradaurs screamed in terror as the entire transport area became illuminated in a grand explosion.
Gwyneira was forced to focus on the path ahead, but she still saw the glow light her path. As the glow began to fade, silence behind them, Gwyn once again felt her pounding heart. She shook in relief. It worked! Well. Of course her plan worked!

Gwyn smirked, turning her head between her new ally and the grassy plains she drove through. "Your explanation of their sick joke of blowing up transports gave me an idea. I sprinkled fuel everywhere I could, then set a transport to take off when mine did. By drawing all enemies into one spot, I also was able to guarantee some rest for the people in town back there. We both escaped and defeated the enemy in one fell swoop."

She looked to the man with a grin, but her face darkened. Vile hatred was reflected by the database glows as she spat, "If the Sith are involved in it, they deserved the last moments of agony in their lives!"

She spat the word 'Sith,' nothing but pure disgust and rage in her tone from that. She then turned back to looking ahead of the road, wind blowing in her face. She listened for her new companion's response.

"Oh. And I disabled tracking and communication devices and programs. If anything survived, they won't be following us."

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt
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Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

It was like she read his mind. The biggest worry he had? The explosive on the ship. He grimaced though as the other ship started to rise beside them. Was that part of her plan? He really hoped not. Then an explosion. The ship rocked, nearly throwing the Chissalorian out of the open door he'd just jumped into. For a moment he was actually annoyed. What kind of plan was this!? Getting blow up was a terrible thing!

Then he saw it. The result.

A half laugh escaped him as the screams of the marauders filled his ears. "You're brutal, kid." It was a compliment, or at least as close to a compliment as the half breed could get in the given moment. Ah, she really was an ally. His gaze widened under his helmet as she spoke of the Sith. Who'd she loose to them? It was a question he had every intention of asking, but the moment he opened his mouth to try and say it, the world spun.

The stims wore off completely. Chit. There was a half stumble from the Mandalorian as he reached out to try and steady himself on a nearby railing. Only, he missed. With a heavy thud he hit the floor, blacking out.
Gwyn didn't know how to take the comment at first. Brutal? The way he laughed saying it, it sounded like a compliment. Images of a Sith chasing her through a ship yard flooded her mind. Did she want to be brutal?

Then, she heard a massive thud.

She turned to see that her big strong hero... was passed out on the floor. She immediately set the transport to autopilot and dashed over to him, "Hey! Edgy McHandsome, you okay?"

No response.

She gulped, pulling out a light and taking a good look. She had never noticed how brutally dented, slashed, and burnt his armor had been before. He must have been hurt. She gulped, "I'm an engineer, not a doctor!"

Still, she needed to try to figure out what was the matter. Delicately, she removed the helmet with her free hand.


He was young. And cute. And hot. She really needed to save him now.

She whipped out her datapad and accessed the holonet, at the same time activating her comlink, "Mini, how's the ship?"

Mini's beeps confirmed not even a wild animal crossed its path.

"Good. Mini, I need you to find all the medical equipment we have. And scan for nearby settlements, we may need more help. I found a new companion, and he's hurt..."

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

".. Fuck!"
Eliz immediately bolted upright.

Confusion filled his mind. The last he knew, he was in a shuttle, right? .. The girl. A headache quickly formed as he tried to think through what had happened. All he really remembered was calling her brutal. He gripped at his head, frowning even more. Right. The Maw, again. By the Force he hated dealing with the maw. Still gripping the side of his head with one hand he looked around.

.. A living room? How long had he been out?

Wait, where was his armor?

More panic set in as he jumped up from the couch he was on, scanning the room for his equipment. It was his father's Beskar'gam. Made from his mothers. The only thing he had that held any connection to his family. His heart pounded in his chest, which only made his headache worse. "Sithspit.. Where the kark is my stuff!"
Gwyneira sighed, patting Mini as she continued to attempt her reverse engineering project with her blasters from her cockpit. She was used to spending most of her time in here out of habit, despite currently being on the ground. She continued to pick apart the blaster until she heard her angery new guest shouting.

She looked over to the armor set nice and neat on the passenger's seat. With a sigh, Gwyn stood up.

Wearing tight, black leather pants and a v shaped hot pink sleeveless shirt, she walked into the room where her healing guest was already on his feet. No. No this would not do.

She extended a hand, motioning for him to sit down with a stern expression, "Your armor and weapons are in my cockpit. No worries, they're in the best condition I can keep them in. I was always better with machinery than people anyways. But you are not in good condition. Even with the medical treatment I paid a doctor from the nearby town to give you, you need time to heal. So sit your karabasting butt down."

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

".. What?"

Oh. That's where he was. Her ship. .. Right, she needed gas. There wasn't any fight in him as she flat out told him to sit his ass down. His head was pounding far worse than when he woke up. But, that was the price. He wasn't.. Normal, to say the least. The wounds he suffered would of killed anyone else, and already they were healing. Noticeably healing. Bruises that Gwyn would have seen were healed as if weeks had passed by, overnight.

His red eyes closed, cutting off the very faint glow they gave off. ".. Right. Doctor. .. Where am.." He paused immediately. Actual fear filled his eyes as he looked up to the girl. "Aubin..?" Eliz's voice was barely a whisper. He'd been alone, facing down these horrible people for so long, but Aubin was always there. His faithful companion. Tracking buddy. As if on cue the usually invisible creature formed beside him. Relief was instant. He actually smiled as the Ursod rested it's head on his lap.

The smile was short lived though. The headache didn't fade after all.

"Where are we going?"

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