Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Train Like You Mean it (open)

"Energy is energy," she rolled her shoulders to loosen them up almost in a shrug. "Type and consistency may vary, as well as distance and potency but the Force overcomes such things easily. Size, distance," time, "matters not with the proper discipline and mental flexibility." As she was lecturing the upper two balls of kinetite slammed into the ground and buried themselves after their arcing attack missed, the other three continued around as they curved back for another pass behind the Jedi to renew their attack. "Now, stop holding back and impress me!" On the final word she launched herself forward again.

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

"Well if you insist" He was looking at her as the three that rounded back around at him and remained for a moment. THen brought his hands up for a moment and lept. THe force in his hands as he waited for a moment hanging there and using it from his hands and feet to kinetite the blasts to himself and let it propell himself forward. he was using a balancing act as his hands held two back and his boots the third letting it launch him into the air and towards her as he let blue energy shimmer to absorb the power and let the energy roll off of the jedi master before sending a blast forward with a force repulse to cover a larger area and try to trip her up.
Not bad, the effort required not to have his hands ripped off or bones shattered must have been immense to take those impacts and then ride them. But then once airborne there was precious little to push off of, so Domino clenched her hand and broke the effort of will it'd taken to contain that kinetic energy. An explosion usually contained some form of well explosive, hence fire and smoke. What happened was more aptly described as an eruption or the sudden release of hitherto restrained energy outward now that it met no real resistance save where the three attacks pressed against Syn'd body.

Not done yet, Domino then brought the same hand up while tightening her fist. The two other kinetite attacks burst from the ground where they'd buried themselves and accelerated towards the Jedi now in free fall, shrinking and compacting their energy even tighter as they accelerated past that sound barrier that Syn was so fond of breaking. All in three moves. Just according to keikaku.

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

The force energies were there as he came down sensing it, allowing the force to wrap around himself and slow his descent to give him more time to think about the attack and how to counter it. Detonating the kinetite blasts had been something he expected and didn't. He would have controlled them and almost quartered him since he was riding the power with a moments look. The jedi master wrapped power around his body and he shimmered blue.

Full body tutaminis was normally something you had to be stationary to do and technically he wasn't moving around. His body still and allowing gravity to send him downwards as he let th kinetic energy smack into him. The power and force of it flaring blue fire across his skin and wrapping around him when it went inside and throughout his body. He pooled it and worked to come down with a shockwave and repulse. The force amplified throughout his body when he sent it out and made a crater to try and launch Domino up into the air.

THen he was moving and leaping with the power and going for punches and kicks while his speed was increased. The boost from the energy coursing throughout his body while his body used the verticality to its full effects and turned it into a falling leaf. Twists and turns to build momentum for each strike amplifying the power itself. His saber resistant boots and leg sections of armor for her saber and pike while his fists swept and struck for more open spots and angles.
His ability with tutaminis was impressive bordering on the insane, yet Domino knew that even a master would have difficulty absorbing one hundred percent of everything. A little usually got through, or the sudden influx into one's own energy pool was a shock as Domino had learned. Sure the metaphorical muscle could be strengthened yet even the best-trained would begin to tire eventually. She'd learned as much during her own experiments with tutaminis and drain life.

Still, her musings weren't going to help her here, so as Syn came down, Domino brought her deactivated staff twirling around to slam into the ground before her as she knelled. Her own wave met his in a massive thunderclap with her following right behind, the ends of her staff still silent as she met his attacks, pummeling into his fists, feet, knees, ankles as she danced back again, always just outside his reach as she again relied on her agility and timing to maintain her place against the Jedi as she ignored her own mounting bruises and fatigue from the force wave he'd sent out.

Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

He felt it, her speed and strikes to his limbs... the sharp sting of the nerves and he pushed into it. No rage but he knew how to push his body through the pain... how to make sure he was conscious and standing. The skin purple and even yellow where bruises and welts would be forming. He could feel it but he moved stopping for a fraction of a heartbeat to refocus the force itno his body and push away the pain from his mind before he moved back in with the assault. Using his sabers finally as they were in his hands like batons without activating the blades just yet. To try and smack her wrists and knees quickly.

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