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Faction Touch the Farthest You can Reach (Recruitment - Shadow Empire)

Asylum Station

Their shuttle had come first, there were still a few hundred people ready to come in, but the empire decided it best to have their people on there to ensure a smooth opening. Asylum was a station for refugees, and those running from wars. It was both a short and long term living area. A garrison of Gundan had come with the Prime Paladin and the Warden to help direct and keep the peace. They had also come hoping to had to some of the numbers lost in retaking the capital. The military had been renamed the Crusaders Legion, many places needed a crusading to remove and retake things. The empire would insure that the Outer Rim was clean of dark forces at work.

Inside the station, the main living area was massive, one could not see the other side. There was a city to the right and farm lands to the left with some wooded area. The ceiling had a hologram perspective of sky, with a weather machine causing a breeze to give the sensation of wind.

"Seems almost like living on a planet, huh? Engineer did good. This will house hundreds of people who have no home due to the Sith and First Order, Adan. These people trust us to keep them safe."

Adan Jax Adan Jax
Adan looked around. Kind of surprised and intrigued on how well everything was made and that if someone was none the wiser they wouldnt know this was an artificial planet. "Who would of thought that something like this could be built, simply amazing. Honestly I was at loss for words, and yes indeed this will be a great home for those people." As the prime paladin he would keep these people safe with his life. He never was okay with hurting innocent people or enslaving anyone no matter how much of a piece of poodoo a person was. The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner
"Hopefully. Just wait, though...I've got something better coming." Romeo patted the back of his friend with a smile. Now this felt good, giving people a home.

"Alright, bring the people in, let them have their new homes." Romeo gave the order. Now hundreds of people were flocking in, slowly, but with excitement. Like Adan, the look of surprise was everywhere. Outside this looked like an ordinary station. Nothing special. Inside was a totally different aspect.

"Now, let us see what the engineers have given the people of Asylum."

Adan Jax Adan Jax
As they started walking deeper into Asylum, all around people were being escorted to their new places of living. They all seemed worse for wear, and tired. Romeo understood this greatly. It was good to see some hope return to the galaxy, even if it was small.

"Now, they told me when making this, that it could simulate rain storms, minor ones, but still." He started. "I also hear that there is plenty of room for a speeder or two to be used, possibly a taxi service should be implemented. Or a tram. I think a tram. Also, did you know it costs nothing to get a house here, the most basic needs are provided for free, anything outside that is how the space station continues to make money to continue providing for needs. Things like bars, extra food, and various other pleasures are the only thing that needs to be paid for." Romeo was now ranting on about it. "However, here comes the good part. This is a prototype. To insure that something of a larger scale is possible. These people...there's still hundreds of thousands more needing homes." Romeo paused in his walk.

"Also...we're here to see if there's fight left in any of these people. Yeah...we're recruiting, again."

Adan Jax Adan Jax
As they started walking deeper into Asylum, all around people were being escorted to their new places of living. They all seemed worse for wear, and tired. Romeo understood this greatly. It was good to see some hope return to the galaxy, even if it was small.

"Now, they told me when making this, that it could simulate rain storms, minor ones, but still." He started. "I also hear that there is plenty of room for a speeder or two to be used, possibly a taxi service should be implemented. Or a tram. I think a tram. Also, did you know it costs nothing to get a house here, the most basic needs are provided for free, anything outside that is how the space station continues to make money to continue providing for needs. Things like bars, extra food, and various other pleasures are the only thing that needs to be paid for." Romeo was now ranting on about it. "However, here comes the good part. This is a prototype. To insure that something of a larger scale is possible. These people...there's still hundreds of thousands more needing homes." Romeo paused in his walk.

"Also...we're here to see if there's fight left in any of these people. Yeah...we're recruiting, again."

Adan Jax Adan Jax
It was simply amazing what they have created here. It was certainly like paradise. Adan listened as his friend was telling more info about the planet and what it all could do. "This is truly amazing, also i can tell you are as excited about this as I am." It was unbelievable what all was i front of them. "A tram you say that would be very useful and very interesting, and since we are recruiting people to fight for the cause and better ourselves. I wanted to ask you if you remember my old friend Captain Barbossa? He is still floating around in his ship the SoulScreamer. He could still be a very helpuful ally. He has a crew and his ship could provide supply delivery, how he gets them that will be his business we dont know which will make it safe for us. He heard him say it was possible ti make something on a bigger scale which was ridiculous to think about but good for the people and future residents that will find homes here.
As they stood there talking, the crowd was starting to thin out and the noise lessened as refugees made their way to the city. Adan mentioned an old pirate captain they once interacted with, and it was a good idea.

"I approve, the captain's always been good to us. Next time you can get in touch with him, let him know we're willing to do business again if he's looking for some payment. Now..let's go, I want to see the city. It's a social hub we can start recruiting at."

Romeo motioned for his friend as he continued his walk.
Adan Jax Adan Jax
Adan smiled as his friend agreed that it was a good idea to recruit Captain Barbossa for some future business endeavors. Adan followed his friend to the city. "I hope we dont have to scrape the bottom of a barrel on this one that will be unfortunate if we have to but it will be what it will be. Then again im kinda curious who we will find." At this point honestly anyone will do they have started rebuilding from the bottom again. Anyone can be trained to be a grunt/warrior. They were going to get big in numbers again. Adan followed looking around with his hands together behind his back. The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner

The Galaxy seemed perpetual in the state of constant aid to the refuge seeker. One might even think there were more in need than those able to fulfill such needs.

“Hop to! Onward, my beauties we must unload this round of supplies prior to anyone being cognizant that they require them!” Clipped and precise, every word out of Livia Maddox-Miles’ lips was as cultured and prim as the rest of her. Aedan Miles Aedan Miles ' Pirate Queen trotted at the front of the Clan Akaata vode aiding in resupplying Asylum Station, teams of medics, caretakers, guards and helping hands fanning out in well organized units.

Everything in Livia’s life was organized to a tee. Disorder did not dare rear its’ fugly head near the severe faced blonde Naboo beauty. The recycled atmosphere of the nature-analog station had Livia stopping only momentarily to sniff it.

Yes, almost as good as home.

“That’s right, go find the hospital. Bio-engs, go deliver the seed bank to ensure biodiversity in the farm crops. And Kiff dear, do invite Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles and that gorgeous girl of his to dine here with us tonight. Pain of death, dismemberment, cut him off from the family wealth, tell her parents where she is, what have you. Whatever it takes. Off you trot. Pip pip.” Livia motioned as she continued walking, forward always forward, toward the next objective.

As the refugees in various states of disrepair milled off to the city, Livia watched as a group of children were woefully lacking in parental supervision.

“Hmmmm.” Stopping short, Livia got down on her haunches, and eye to eye with the wide purple eyes of her daughter Andra. “Darling girl, I have an ever important task for you today.”

“Yes, Mama?” Andra gasped and blinked her round eyes standing as straight and tall as her mother dictated at all (alllllll) times. “I can do it, I know I can.”

Livia’s eyes narrowed at the nine year old’s attempts to yet again outshine the horror of her ‘middle child’ nature. Pressing her lips together in a serious pout, Livia nodded to the children being herded off toward a pre-set childcare area on the outskirts of the city.

“You see those children?” She waited for her daughter to acknowledge, an attempted seriousness popping onto Andra’s face. “They look lost and scared. Now. How do we fix it?”

“We… ah… find their parents?”

“Ah, yes. find someone else to take on the responsibility of making them feel better, eh?”

“Yes, Mama… I mean no Mama. A Miles always finds solutions to everything… ummm.”

“Darling I need you to do the most important thing that will be done today. Go with those children to the childcare centre, and play. The Galaxy is a gigantic, scary place when everything’s turned so far round. The best thing we can do for those little ones right now is remind them how laughter and smiling works. So take these toys, and go play with them. Make them feel better. We’ll handle the rest.” Livia took pity on her daughter and smiled warmly, ruby painted lips pressed onto Andra’s cheek until the girl shrieked with giggles and fought her mother off. “MMMwah mwah mwah!”

“EEeeek! Mummy! Stooop! Eeeek my cheeek!” Andra unwound from her mother’s arms and ran off giggling toward the facility set to take in the lost, and confused orphans. Nodding to three beside her, Livia ordered two nannies and a Cragamaloid to join her daughter.

“There. That’s done… right! Onward. Where the deuces is Aedan?” Livia walked on with her entourage, disseminating supplies, medical care and expertise across the farms and city as she went.

“Aha! You haven’t happened to witness the jaunty stroll of a purple headed pirate poncing his merry way around the station, have you?” Livia approached The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner & Adan Jax Adan Jax .
Romeo nodded at Adan again, "Yes, did we not do this last time in a bar? When the Hazard Beauty was still our? That was bottom of the barrel, people just looking for pay. These people, however, they want revenge and justice. Their hearts yearn for their homes to be brought back to them. That, my friend, is far from the bottom."

He was prepared to continued but was suddenly stopped as Livia Maddox Livia Maddox approached them asking where the purple haired Aedan was. Funny enough, Romeo had not actually seen Aedan in quite some time since his own return. They'd spoken a few times over messages and comlinks, but there had been no physical interaction. And if Romeo remembered correctly, this could have been maybe the second time he'd met Livia. Aedan had not properly introduced the two.

"I didn't even know he was here, truth be told." Romeo looked at Livia a little bewildered. "This isn't really his sort of shtick, ya know?" Turning to look back at Adan, then again to Livia, a thought came across his mind. "The bars...." He said somewhat with sully.

Adan Jax Adan Jax Aedan Miles Aedan Miles
Aedan stood in what passed as the Command in Control station of the station his mismatched eyes gleaming as he looks down at the holotable he had brought in. In all reality the area he was in was a bar that he had purchased and staffed with his clan members a large portion of it sequestered away where he could manage the small defense force he had dedicated to the defense of Asylum Station. He nodded as he heard a data pad chime lifting it up easily as he sipped from a glass of scotch he hummed getting reports that the small task force he had dedicated to the defense of the Station was in place. He nodded as he sent them the go ahead to begin their patrol patterns as well as dictate with each other timelines that held no stable routine. He disliked things that were predictable. He nodded and turned away entering a command on the data pad as the force of 8 Heavy Cruisers, 16 Frigates, and 28 corvettes showed up on the holotable scattering in patrol patterns that were in a way chaotic. This was just a way it would appear to those new to the workings of Clan Akaata as they had made their start as pirates they had slowly understood the need to have seemingly random routes and such to avoid those they had angered.

The Pirate King chuckled to himself as he turned away nodding to the man he had put in charge of defenses of the station leaving the rest to him now that everything was started. Aedan walked away and into the public portion of the bar moving to sit at what was clearly a VIP table relaxing back as he sipped at his scotch some a data pad resting on the table before him waiting for him to begin work yet again. After a few minutes of sitting and listening both with his ears as well as his force senses Aedan reached out to pluck the datapad from the table entering a short message into it he pressed a button which sent a message out to all Clan Akaata assets to prepare for removal from current locations. He was going to consolidate the rather impressive might of Clan Akaata into one location and devote their future to assisting with The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner and his new Protectorate he was creating. Dropping the datapad Aedan reached up and let his fingers run along the ring that hung from a simple beskar chain around his neck sending out a short force pulse towards Livia Maddox Livia Maddox to let his wife know where he was at.
Romeos words had weight to them when he mentioned the people and their drive to save their home and make a better life for themselves. Livia approached them asking about Aedan. "I havent seen him either. Though yes the bar should be a good place to find some angry, fight driven people." Adan didnt really know either person Aedan or the female. Not really caring to know them. He had his people and his trust instilled in them. Adan started to walk towards the bars. "Lets see how they built the bars, what they look like. I hope they have something good, and interesting people to pick from." The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner Aedan Miles Aedan Miles Livia Maddox Livia Maddox
3N1GMA: Nah I’m stuck on this station for the time being.

Client 1: The deadline was for delivery within a strict timeframe. That timeframe is about to come to its end.

3N1GMA: Idk what you want me to say, the bandwidth here won’t support the transfer.

Client 1: Perhaps we will come for physical delivery in that case…..

3N1GMA: You know the rules. We don’t meet, and you think I believe you’re going to come invade anybody who has the $$$ to flex a station like this? For non-paying refugees? Cool story.

Client 1 has left the chat.

Frowning behind his mask, Enigma fought against the urge to throw the datapad out onto the bar floor to let the evening rush of patrons to invariably crush it into it’s base components. Instead, the young slicer settled for slamming down the bitter caff he had ordered, now long cold after he had been engrossed in his chat.

This is the problem with dealing with organisations, they think because they have 20 different lackeys behind them telling them how scary they are that the rest of us believe it.

Looking at the credits he had neatly placed next to the datapad, he sighed again.

There is a whole lot less of them than I’d like. And now I’m out of work again…Looks like another night in the lower levels trying to jury rig parts…..

It had been an exhausting trip for the slicer, first getting caught planetside while Sith attacked, then scrapping his equipment and burning the servers in case they were found and now trying to keep himself employed on a station that was designed to house refugees. The screenings for those leaving the station were a lot more intense than those coming in and as such, he was stuck there.

Just as he prepared to order another caff-stimm (It’s been a hard day, I deserve another 5 or so he thought) two intimidating figures walked in, both armed and wearing gear that was definitely non standard.

Trying to remain as inconspicuous as a masked figure could in a bar, Enigma began to record quietly on his datapad, trying to get an idea of who the newcomers were.

Tags: Adan Jax Adan Jax The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner Aedan Miles Aedan Miles
Walking into the bar, Romeo could immediately tell that Aedan was not here. This wasn't his scene really anyways, it was quiet, and people didn't seem in the best of moods around here. Taking a step forward once more to get a better feel of this place, there was a nagging at the back of his head, like he was being watched. Slowly, his eyes moved across the crowd, curious as to whom wanted to understand himself better. Maybe it was a hitman, or assassin. No, there was no sense of danger, just curiosity. It finally hit him as his eyes fell on a masked fellow, datapad in hand. While Romeo could not see his face, he could feel him. Motioning Adan Jax Adan Jax to follow, Romeo started towards this man.

Making his way to this man, Romeo stopped just before him.

"Do you see this extremely large man here? Does this look like a man you want to get the attention of? I can feel your eyes starring at us like were meat. Can I help you friend?"

Enigma Iuda Enigma Iuda Aedan Miles Aedan Miles Livia Maddox Livia Maddox
Tags: The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner Adan Jax Adan Jax

A bead of sweat began to form on Enigma’s brow as he held tried to absorb the information on the screen as fast as possible, one gloved hand holding the camera steady as the pair began to approach, the other flicking the touch screen as fast as possible, scrolling through hundreds of images, looking for any sort of similarity to the weapons the pair had that was within the stations records.

Finally, catching a shot that looked along the same design as the armour of the larger one, he pushed a thumb in to begin the image stream that was attached but then gasped as his programs failed to break the encryption

That….oh god….

While he was unable to get access to the image file itself, he had been able to look into the metadata associated and with the location, time and image name, was able to piece together just who he was dealing with.

Looking up at Romeo, he tried to stop his voice from shaking

“Oh no sir, I don’t want any issues with the Shadow Protectorate, I mean not that you’re them, but if you you were, not that you are, I still wouldn’t. You know?”
Adan stood silently next to Romeo, somehow he could tell that his size and presence was enough. He looked around scoping out the bar for any recruits. The man before them was a potential recruit. He did have a datapad might be a hacker of some sort. Then again now days everyone has one. Adan decides to sit down next to the man. "Lets get some drinks." He sat down without asking as always Adan took it as implied invite. "So its very presumptuous for you to assume that we are not The Shadow Protectorate, but then again who knows who or what we are." Adan cracked a smile at the man. Not trying to intimidate the man but if it so happens than so be it. The Red of Sinner The Red of Sinner Enigma Iuda Enigma Iuda

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