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Toiling On Tabaqui [Levantine Sanctum Dominion of Tabaqui]

[member="Nina Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]​
Rashemen Village

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled as she watched as Thurion walked away talking to the old man. It looked to her like he had found a kindred spirit in him. Coci shared this smile with Nina as she looked down into the young girl’s face. Holding Nina’s hand they began to explore Rashemen, moving through the residences toward the outskirts, they took in the view of the lake and farming fields and watched as the farmers tended to their fields.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Nina had become more accustom to Coci’s presence, their growing relationship strengthening day by day. As the young girl nuzzled her hand, Coci crouched to her level and turned Nina’s hand in her and returned the caring gesture in the same manner. In time, Coci hoped Nina would come to love her, as she already loved Nina and one day consider her more than a friend. But for now, Coci is happy with what they have. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]On the edge of one of the fields, stood a small home, outside a small child played near the door. Coci considered for a moment, wondering if Nina would like to play with someone her own age. Sometimes a child needs the company of children. She raised her hand and cupped Nina’s face, a loving gesture entirely as she did not require this touch for communication as she already held her hand. Let’s go and say hello to that little girl. Coci sensed the apprehension within Nina but sometimes a little nudge is required as well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As they approached Coci smiled and greeting the dark haired girl, with the pretty face. “Hello I am Coci and this is Nina”, she said.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Hello”,[/SIZE] [SIZE=12pt]came the reply accompanied by a beaming smile. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]“I am Gretta, would you like to play?”, [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]she asked Nina more than her. “Nina cannot speak, but I will find out for you”. As Coci posed the question to Nina, she moved closer and clung to her, but her eyes never left Gretta. I will stay here too, I will not leave you. To further encourage Nina, Gretta held out her only toy for Nina to take if she wished to play. To Coci’s delight, Nina took the toy and loosened her grip, but remained close. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It was some time before Nina left Coci’s side and the two girls had started a small game with the toy. Coci moved over to a bench by the door to the home and sat, keeping an eye on them. As children will, they soon found a means of communication and Coci marvelled at this ability. Adaptability and improvisation, are skills innate to them, although Nina remained cautious, pretty soon the Nina and Gretta picnicked on the left over cookies in her basket. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her black eyes looked out over the village, her body relaxed as she leaned against the wall of the home, her force senses opening up as her tendrils weaved. Her eyes narrowed slightly, her brow etched in concern as Coci’s search revealed a cloud of fear. The need for supplies was one thing, but there is more that plagued this beautiful village. Something oppressive and evil and they are scared. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]At this moment, the front door of the home opened and a woman stepped out looking for her daughter. [/SIZE]
[member="Danger Arceneau"], [member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Tamara"]

Siobhan - or rather her writer - had sort of temporarily lost track of the plot. What was she supposed to do here again? Besides oggle Tamara and Danger and feel sulky about the fact that neither of them would be receptive to her considerable sapphic charms. Presumably once the mission was over her servant girls would be really put through their paces!

Oh, right, they wanted to go cave diving and explore an underwater cavern system. "Works for me. I'm game. Kaeshana has plenty of sea monsters. Behemoths. Nasty, mean buggers," Siobhan said randomly for no real reason. It would not be the first time that she punched out Cthulhu! "Anyway, lead the way," she spoke to Tamara, who seemed to be their guide on this fascinating quest.
[member="Danger Arceneau"] | [member="Tamara"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"I am sure you will enjoy the sights and sounds up above while we are away Miss Arceneau. I assume you have a design plan in mind? I was hoping for something more unconventional. Since ATC is funding this little venture....I'll step back from the design. Pick what you deem suitable and we should be able to go from there. Might want to consider the fact this place doesnt have infrastructure."

Judah turned to the other two.

"Well, are we ready to hit the deep blue seas?"


The Eternal Exile
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tamara smiled. She reached into her bag and produced some small tanks with rebreathers such as the ones used on Naboo many centuries before.
"Since none of us have evolved gills, we'd best use these."
With that, she took off her dress. Unfortunately for Siobhan she was wearing a scuba suit under it which covered all but her feet and head. Still, at least more of her was at least sort of visible if Siobhan wanted to make a crack about it!
"I came prepared, but I'm sure someone here has some suits that will fit. It's not a difficult journey."

In theory Siobhan and Tamara could use the Force to create telekinetic spheres around themselves to push through the water and keep them dry, but she didn't want to reveal her powers, and it'd leave poor Judah to paddle alone.
[member="Tamara"], [member="Judah Dashiell"]

Personally Siobhan found the idea of creating a luxury resort on a third world planet with no infrastructure, no government, no intact cities and with a population of primitives who'd be...very jealous of anyone who was better-off and openly flauting it very questionable. However, it was not her concern and so she focused on something more interesting from her perspective.

"You're getting wet for me, Tamara? I should've gone cave diving with you sooner," she said in a flirtatious tone of voice. Clearly Tegaea had not fallen for Siobhan because of her wit since her lines were as corny as a maize field. Suffice to say Siobhan...appreciated the view, even if the scuba suit was more covering than she would have liked. Regardless as it turned out by chance there actually was a suitable bodysuit on the Ardarvia and so soon Siobhan was clad in one as well. Oh, and yes, it did actually cover things, unlike the outfits women commonly wear in certain video games. Still it offered a...nice view.


The Eternal Exile
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Judah Dashiell"]

Tamara just gave Siobhan a -_- look and pulled her hair back. "I'm pleased to see your command of language is as ever, Siobhan," Tamara commented.

This one also wondered about the wisdom of setting up a resort on a planet run by warlords still. Regardless, that also was not why Tamara was here.
[member="Tamara"], [member="Judah Dashiell"]

"Why, thank you. We should so hang out more often together," Siobhan said in a terribly chipper, upbeat tone as she pulled her hair back so that it would be out of the way, though unfortunately the brown mane was as unruly as its owner. Right, she and Tamara could surely become bestest friends! Well...probably not friends in the way Siobhan would really like.
[member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Meanwhile Kaida and her small band of Eldorai minions had been scouting out on their end of the forest. Now that the death-charging primitive bandits had been gunned down or, as was more likely the case here, thoroughly frozen and iced the woods around the small village were quite peaceful. Now there was time to appreciate the beauty of nature, untouched by pollution and industry. Perhaps this might also be the time for quasi-philosophical musings about whether bringing progress, industry and development to this planet was really the best way or whether it might not constitute a form of cultural imperialism. Perhaps the benighted natives of this planet should be left to their own devices so that they could find their own path, even if it meant being at the mercy of rapacious warlords, raiders and slavers.

After all, now the planet was being pulled into the galactic community by political and economic forces who claimed they knew best. All this was terribly interesting and Kaida did not think about it even for a moment. She was not the sort to doubt what she was doing after all and in any case not here as a missionary. Vultures had already swooped down and were feasting upon the corpses of the raiders, who had been adequately prepared for them by being gunned down and iced. Thankfully it was extremely hot and so the ice encasement had already been melting.

So with her perimeter sweep complete she began making her way back to the village, past the body of some bandit who had been just moments ago been through the unfortunate experience of having most of his face blown off. Getting shot by a bolter round was a nasty business. On a less warlike note, Firemane and Eldorai personnel were busy offloading medical supplies and such at the village since that spread good will and you got Paragon Points for it!
"Right." she'd say in turn, granting a smile.

"Come along Miz Leonora, let's see what else we can get done with the architects and designers. " She would leave the rest to their cave diving, a hand extending to her assistant so she would hand her a datapad.

Her thumb would go scanning across the display screen, "There are other options I've been deliberating," she'd say. "One is a non-floating option." she'd relay, as a picture of the hotel would bloom within her datapad.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Tamara"] | [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Judah wasn't sure about stripping down in front of three women. Clearly Miss Kerrigan enjoyed the female variety of company and was pursing one Miss Tamara -- who promptly seemed disinterested. Danger was the larger issue. The woman would flirt with a tree if it could talk back. Hopefully [member="Thessa Kai"] would never get wind of such a thing. He could already picture the iced-azure glare and disapproving look.

At least he just had to strip down to boxer-briefs before pulling on the wetsuit. Judah felt a little too tall for the one provided but would make it work. Siobhan seemed to be interested in making hers as flattering as possible. No big surprise.

"I don't think you're going to get anywhere Miss Kerrigan. Even I can see that and I'm socially inept."

Walking towards the water, Judah fitted on his rebreather. It wasn't like the Galan water voodoo Thessa normally hooked him up with. This seemed bulkier and less pure in oxygen. Beggars couldn't be choosers! Unlike his wife and son, Judah didn't get gills in his genetic makeup, quite unfortunate given the amount of times he was in or near water now.


Lenora nodded, looking over the datapad.

"It is beautiful. We do have attractions close by. However, I wonder about having a stationary resort. We would be exposed long-term to the raiders and the like who roam this planet. No doubt the Levantine Sanctum will be moving in a police force but one has to question how large and effective. A bonus would be though we would always be close to this new city they are building."


The Eternal Exile
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“I wouldn’t waste your time, Mr Dashiell. The longer the refusal the more ardent the pursuit. Sadly, it will be a fruitless chase for her,” Tamara commented.

As she didn’t spend much time in the water, Tamara had to make do with what she had. And so she led the other two down a gently sloping path of pebbles to the beach. There, a stream of cold water came from a cave. It was low tide so the waves did not reach the place to fill up the water in the cave.

“From here we’ll have to swim until a point where a rock wall seems to block our progress. We go under the rock and come out on the other side. Ready?” she asked, stepping into the water.
[member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Tamara"]

For her part Siobhan was feeling a bit sulky about the fact that Tamara did not want to give in and enjoy her charms. Though the time traveller/not!time traveller was right that ardent refusal would just make Siobhan more determined to go on her fruitless pursuit. Anyhow, now they had reached the stream of cold water coming from the cave.

"Sure. Time to get wet!" she exclaimed extremely cornily. One wondered how Siobhan was able to get into the pants of so many women because it certainly was not because she was any good at flirting. Oh, wait, she had lots of money and there was that...thing she did with her tongue...and that other thing. This writer cannot describe in more detail because kiddies may be watching. This one thinks the silly kiddies should go do something useful with their lives. Like get guns and randomly shoot things in the streets because that's clearly family-friendly!

Anyhow, Siobhan quickly stepped into the water after Tamara and, as the water tide rose up higher, began to swim through.
Meanwhile on the Illyria-class frigate things were continuing as expected. Medical and food supplies were being delivered to the village and the town. Of course, the town could not be considered fully pacified by any stretch of the imagination. The native bandits and warlords had simply been shocked into compliance through the superior firepower and magic of Firemane, but for now at least things had calmed down. There are a number of ways to take over a country.

For instance, there's the 'kill anyone you find and create skull pyramids' school of thought. This was terribly effective when you wanted to wrack up on Renegade Points, but not that smart because if you killed anyone who surrendered, no one would surrender. As aesthetically pleasing as skull pyramids might be, they were bad for marketing. Especially if you were operating in the territory of space hippies, who presumably cared about stuff like human rights, good governance and so on so forth. Then there was another school that pretty much said 'beat up anyone who shoots at you, then win over the rest with bribes...humanitarian aid'. And so an attempt was being made to win hearts and minds by ensuring that the prisoners Firemane had taken were treated sternly yet fairly. In other words they got actual food and drink, medical attention and were not randomly beaten. Oh, and kiddies got toys and lollipops because happy kiddies were good for marketing! Naturally Firemane troopers were still on patrol and Gunships were flying over the town, just to remind everyone that taking shots at them was a very bad idea.

Aboard the frigate Tarissa was doing what she did best. Namely coordinating logistical things and chewing out subordinates. She was again going through some paperwork when a minion decided that she had something to contribute. Which naturally was not the case because she was a minion.

"The latest reports from the situation planetside. Bandits have been driven back at the village, Ms. Alzari has returned to the Ardarvia after having suffered a collapse of some sort. Permission to speak freely, ma'am?" she asked.

Tarissa raised an eyebrow at that. She did not like it when her minions thought their opinion was relevant, but she decided to be in an indulging mood. "This better be relevant, but granted."

"With all due respect, why are we on this planet? No offence meant, but I question how this benefits the Eldorai Matriarchy. We're not here to conquer the planet, put all bandit scum to the sword and convert the poor heathens to the law of the Eldorai and the faith of Ashira. It is half a galaxy away from our sacred land and we have no interests here."

We are here to boost the post count! Oh, wait, that was the sort of 4th wall breaking knowledge that Tarissa would not have. For her part the aristocrat felt a bit annoyed because the bridge officer did sort of have a point. Conquering the planet and subjugating the natives so that they could learn their place would be perfectly feasible, but they were not allowed to do that. Well, they would not be able to rule the planet anyway given that it was half a Galaxy away and the Levantines would not let them anyway. Still, she had wondered why at was their business to aid Firemane here. However, she would not say that in front of a subordinate.

"Marketing," she said bluntly. "Our Queen, may Ashira's grace be upon her, is making a strenuous effort to integrate us into the so-called 'galactic community' and convince them we're 'Neutral Good'. And apparently delivering 'humanitarian aid' gives you a marketing bonus. Hence why we are doing it at little cost. And it is written in the holy scriptures that Ashira wishes us to go across the Galaxy and spread her word and love. It is not only spread through the sword, but through compassion and mercy. Does that answer your question?" she demanded, clearly 'no' would not be acceptable answer.

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you. You are very cynical."

"I am aware. Now get me the latest updates on spaceport construction."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Danger would mull over this.

"Then perhaps what can we utilize as a security measure?" she'd ask, continuing to walk back towards the building. "We don't want anything overt.

Stealth technology may be able to ensure the entity of the buildings remain under cover when activated. A double blind hiberidium or stigiym may work if we are going for passive defenses."

Nothing like simply being out of sight and out of mind in those types of raids!
Tabaqui Jungle

While the big wigs were plotting a hotel for the rich and paranoid, this nun was busy with other like minded nuns to explore the natural flora of Tabaqui. For now, they will look into the tropical jungle to scout for any potential herbs and flora that could be used for medicinal purposes.

What better way to find new methods of healing than with what nature and the galaxy already created? Along with her would be a small group of Pydyrians, famous for their healing sticks. With their help, Mother Arg'garok hoped to find new methods of healing.
Finding after what seem to be a long talk headed by [SIZE=13.63636302948px][member="Valiens Nantaris"] waiting for this to take place before putting into play the aid that was brought. Seeing that they was more relax in part by Master Nantaris but also by what she had been doing during the talk. Calming present of hers but also what she had released as there was more then one way pheromones could be used she had chosen to use the other way of keeping the calmness. In a way she had put herself in a whole different light in what Zeltron could do or even that of the [/SIZE]stereotypes[SIZE=13.63636302948px] of what Zeltrons was known for. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Yes the jungle huntress grown up in the heart of the jungle on Kal Hurran. Smiling over at Nantaris giving her approval. After which her team of healers that she brought with her fan out and went to work. Enjoying seeing her own team at work. Wondering what kind of [/SIZE]secrets[SIZE=13.63636302948px] these jungles to hold. [/SIZE]

[member="Mother Arg'garok]
[member="Danger Arceneau"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | @Tamara

Judah rolled his eyes at the incredibly lame joke. There was a moment of sympathy for one Miss Alcori but it was very brief. She did pick Siobhan willingly after all! Making sure the rebreather fit correctly, he was the first to disappear into the water after hearing the directions. The water was warm and the colors vibrant as he descended. Tropical fish danced all around and the entire experience reminded him of the snorkeling adventures he often took with Thessa.

An octopus scooted across the sea floor as he worked to go further below. The rocky outcroppings Tamara mentioned were covered with all sorts of sea anemones and corals. Judah reached out to hold onto an outcropping, waiting for the women to catch up.


"We could hide it Miss Arceneau. A fixed location does have benefits. Even without hiding it a well thought out and staffed security force could ease many of the problems such a thing could face."
[member="Kaida Taldir"]

Delila stretched slightly. Her bandits were on the run and her work was done -- for the moment. Slowly making the loop back, she could make out figured unloading items from their ship. Fence components. Lower(and normally younger) ranking soldiers were busy putting the perimeter in place. All part of their plan to help the locals from the raids. Delila suspected after time they would drift to different parts of the planet. Especially once the new city started to take shape -- she suspected the Levantines would put a Patroller force in place to help keep the peace. Maybe a small outpost.

Either way, it was probably best to meet up with the only space elf she didn't hate. See what was going on.
Meanwhile in between designs and schematics for the hotel, Danger would look at her incoming messages from Alisha'ven. There was a reason why she was so interested in the current mining scouting and exploration, and there was one particular area that made her grin upon having Arceneau Trade stumble across it.

The Imperial Peragus Mining Facility.

Oh yeah, a gold mine in fuel and one Danger Arceneau was going to take advantage of. She currently had Arceneau security teams and a fleet complete en route to secure the abandoned mine that in the wake of the crumbling former Sith Empire, had seen ruin. She would be getting updates as she would work here on Tabaqui.


Arceneau Trade Company
Peragus Mining Facility

"Ain't much going on there is it?" considering the facility had been cut off from supply routes in the wake of the fall of the former Sith Empire -- the FIRST Sith Empire - this was of no surprise. To be frank, Alisha was more shocked that none had come to lay claim on it.

With a massive fleet to secure and bring the old fueling facility up to snuff, Alisha'ven would direct the legion of Arceneau workers and mining assets to dock.

"Let's see just what we have going on here, mm?" she'd direct them all. "Keep your eyes sharp. I wouldn't be surprised if pirates decided to take over that ghosttown."

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