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Oblivion To Hell And Hopefully Back


Silver Rest, Kashyyyk

The large, octagonal auditorium was bustling with activity. The tiered tribunes that surrounded the central stage were occupied solely by padawans. Padawans of all shapes and sizes, mostly in their late teens or on the brink of knighthood. But that was not necessarily what connected them. No, what did, was their shared interest in two things. The techniques this practical lecture addressed, and the master who taught them.

"The series of Force techniques we just practiced are all part of the same field of study." Her thoughts washed over the crowd, carried and conveyed with the Force. She strolled in circles over the central stage, her gaze moving over the many padawan learners. "Could anyone tell me what umbrella term we use to describe Force techniques related to this field?" Several hands went up. "Rhala. Enlighten us please." She gracefully pointed to a young woman in the upper tribunes. "Tutaminis, Master Sinvala." A smile played about Sakadi's lips. "The art of Tutaminis. Very good." She paused for a moment. "Tutaminis is deemed one of the most recognizable and useful fields of study a Jedi Knight has access to. In the hands of a capable practitioner, it can be used to effectively defend against the more volatile and destructive techniques of the Dark side. Not to mention blaster bolts, thermal detonators and in some rare cases, even lightsabers." She had been building up their morning class to this moment. The actual, practical application. "With that in mind, let us see if you have learned anything today…"

Her lilac eyes shifted through the crowd. "Aayla, Kadan." Sometimes, people seemed to forget just how easily she could read surface thoughts. She preferred to respectfully stay out of other people's minds. But well, it was painstakingly obvious when they weren't paying attention. "And Slip. Please come forward. No buts." She was not exactly lenient enough to give them an option.

Once they joined her on the central stage, the Jedi Master would continue. "Your task is simple. One blaster bolt will be shot at each of you. Let us see how much of it you can absorb." As if it had been waiting all this time, a training remote activated at the sound of her two-beat clap. "Oh, and don't worry. I think it fires stun rounds." In truth, she wasn't entirely sure of it. "Well, who would like to go first?"

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Don't get it twisted, Master Sakadi wasn't a boring instructor. In fact, it could be rather exciting waiting and watching for her to destroy someone with the occasional rock toss, or random demonstration being forced upon someone. She was rather good at that, and her nonchalant attitude certainly put the fear of being caught into any newly minted padawan. Of course, it wasn't as easy to avoid being distracted with Aayla near by. The link the two shared made it difficult to remain focused at times, given how easily the mind could wander. And with Aayla, wandering was second nature. One moment it was thoughts on how cool or interesting something was, then next it was onto things like what she was going to eat later, nap time schedules, and how much longer til class out out. Oh, Kadan tried to pay attention, he did, but it was hard not to be distracted by his best friend broadcasting how distracted she was into his mind; though, honestly, he wasn't much better about it.​
So, needless to say, he was caught a tad unawares as Master Sakadi called upon him and Aayla, as well as Slip to come onto the stage as a demonstration. Great. 'We've done it now.' He said to his friend briefly, rising as he made his way to the stage, glad that he had the sense to wear at least part of his armor set for today. He knew a little bit about this power from his studies with Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec in the libraries of Coruscant, but he had yet to fully attempt it on his own. Here was to that little endeavor, hopefully he had studied well enough.​
Standing before the others, he shot Sakadi an odd look as she mentioned that the bolts were probably set to stun. There was really only one way to find out now, and Kadan was the first to learn the truth the hard way. He set himself, called upon the force as it came around his arms, and waited. There was a rush of adrenaline, the force called out to him, and he moved to react. A blaster bolt did indeed fire out from the droid, but as his hand moved to intercept, rather than absorb the energy, it simply smashed against the back of the phrik alloy gauntlet; still sending the padawan crashing onto his back from the force of the shot. His hadn't been set to stun as it turned out, the armored back of his gauntlet glowing as he was mildly disoriented.​
Chuckles went about the crowd at his failed attempt, though he recognized his own failing there. He hadn't timed the activation right, merely let there energy sit there, rather than reach out to absorb the oncoming blast. Of course, he would need a moment to get back to his feet, giving he had just smacked his head against the floor of the stage.​
Perhaps the others would have more luck than himself.​



'All I'm saying is, the consistency of Yogurt, is superior to Jello' Aayla thought aloud to her bond-mate. Unsure how in the seven hells they had even got on the topic. It wasn't that she wasn't interested; ever since she had seen the visions on Brentaal IV, basically got a hyper-speed rewind of the memories of some long dead Jedi, that happened to be her great times ten grandmother, she had been desperate to learn this very thing. The reason they were side-tracked was simple. Kadan couldn't truly focus with Aayla around him it seemed. Her own inquisitive, bouncy nature caused him to get dragged into her machinations time and time again... Which was fair, considering he had dragged her on quite enough missions that ended with her either almost murdered by Sith Lords, River Monsters, or most recently nigh unstoppable Force Entities; they were perfect for each other...

"Would you eat a-" Her name being called snapped her from the conversation she was having with the other; eyes snapping up to lock on Master Sakadi. Did she miss something important? She had been trying her best to maintain their conversation private from the others, but perhaps she put too much stock in herself if she thought she would pass mental notes in a class where the teacher quite literally was speaking to everyone mentally. When Kadan mentioned that they had done it now, Aayla just screwed her face at him.

"Shut..." She mumbled the single word under her breath, inhaling and moving up onto the stage with Kadan. She stood to the side, folding her arms over her chest as Sakadi spoke her intent, and expectations; suddenly looking over her shoulder at the wall as if something briefly called out to her. It was the strangest kind of disturbance she had ever felt in the Force. Though, judging by the reactions of the room as a whole, no one else seemed particularly privvy to it. No one? She glanced over to Sakadi, wondering if she would show some inclination to it; or perhaps the Yogurt was about to come back to haunt her...

"Y-.. You Think?" Aayla repeated those mental thoughts from the Master aloud, causing a few chuckles from the crowd. That was funny? That wasn't funny at all...

Kadan had his go, and she winced at his failure; yet through their bond, and the fact she had eyes in her face; she would learn from it as well. Kadan moved a second slow, so she could learn from it. She would reach a hand down to help him to his feet, then turn to the training droid herself. Loosening her form.

One shot, prepare to be blown away Master Sakadi...

She closed her eyes for a second, again feeling that inverse... That feeling of the Force as if she was standing in the very bed of it... What was up with her today. Sakadi would've had one moment of fore-warning then, as in that moment Aayla's eyes were completely glossed over in a shimmery silver, like mercury had been poured in them; but right at that moment the blaster fired, and she did was she was supposed too. Aayla's hand raised, and the blaster bolt made a warbling, even audible contact with an energy field on her hand. She tried to maintain clarity, and allowed the Force to flow freely through her person, and one more second into it; there was nothing. No blaster bolt, no droid... No class.

There was the stage, and there was Kadan, Sakadi, and Aayla. The lattermost glancing around, then resting her eyes which were slowly returning to a Gray hue, save for little flecks of silver that still remained within.

"Wait, did I just die?"

Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala



The warning came too late. She sensed it, but could not reach into the Force fast enough to intervene. What she had felt was foreign, something that echoed through the Force in a way she hadn't considered possible before. In a way, it almost resembled Nightsister magick. Unlike that distasteful art, however, this manipulation of the Force did not make her unwell.

But it did change her perception.

The world twisted before her eyes, turning, shifting and blurring to make place for a new landscape in a matter of seconds. High walls of natural gray stone rose all around her, trapping the Jedi Master in a small, murky passage. One that left her little choice but to go forward.

While the sudden change of scenery was impressive, the Jedi Master was truly taken aback by the shift in the Force. Her mind's eye was overwhelmed with stimuli as it tried to take in what it could. The Force, the energy field that bound them all together, was much denser here. And she could not tell how nor why.

That was, until she caught a glimpse of her own hands. Unfamiliar hands. But definitely hers.

She raised her arm and quietly studied it for a moment. Her lavender skin had shifted to a shimmering sky blue, not unlike that of a Force ghost. She appeared as nothing more than a blue, glowing silhouette. Lacking in detail, but most definitely still the same in heart and mind. And while the Sephi had no idea where exactly she was, she knew that it had to be a vergence in the Force. At least, that was what it felt like.


Still a bit stung after his failure to execute properly, Kadan hadn't expected things to go the way they did.​
He and Aayla were linked, and from her eyes, he could feel the movements, and preparations taking form, as she tugged on the force. She was confident, sure of herself, and yet-. It happened rather swiftly, so much so, Kadan hadn't even had time to react. His mind and Aayla's remained connected, but for a single moment, he felt the presence of many. It was as if several dozen people now stood between he and Aayla, then in an instant, they were gone. She felt distant, fading, and for the faintest bit, he felt their bond loosen, before snapping back. Outside of the bond however, the padawan had a front row view to the display. Aayla's eyes, the very eyes that had a straight shot to his soul, shifted. He had noticed a glint of silver about her pupils lately, but never had they been like this.​
He raised his hand, unsure what he was even going to do, other than try and reach her. There wasn't danger, not anything he could feel, but something had come between their bond, and that unknown was enough to cause concern.​
Then, they were gone. The class was gone, the droids gone. The world they now found themselves in was alien, and nothing anything Kadan had felt before. He looked to his hands, the ground, then to Sakadi and Aayla. The force was....odd. He felt heavy almost, like the air itself was bearing down on him; or maybe it was just his own mind playing tricks on him. There was solid ground beneath them, but the sky Reminded Kadan of that spirit that he and Aayla had encountered not all that long ago. He stepped towards Aayla, studying the now grey eyes she wore. "Are you alright? Never seen that stunt before." He inquired, looking to the landscape about them, and finding it less than pleasant. "At least you sent us to a hospitable planet." He mused, going for him comlink, and with a quick tap found it nonfunctional. "Well, that's not a good sign. This thing was charged not long ago..." He muttered, inspecting the device, and not knowing it wouldn't do their group any good.​
They might be here for a while.​



It wasn't fading now, the aforementioned mercury wasn't full just yet, but the dots remained. Lightly bouncing around on her eyes, and slowly filling them. She stared about in wonder, staring at not only her hands, but everything about herself. This wasn't particularly normal to her, and while she was in a state of dull panic, she needed to refocus herself quickly. She didn't say anything at first, no; instead she just listened and looked around. Noting the area they were in. A narrow walkway; up ahead, and quite far ahead at that, she saw Master Sakadi, and would turn to her left slowly to make visual confirmation on Kadan.

Kadan didn't seem to be blue to her, not fully. As her eyes got more prone, she as well was more accustomed to see what was going on.

"I'm fine... I've never seen that either, I'm not sure what the Feth just happened... Let's catch up to Master Sinvala, Kadan... Quick"

Aayla said thoughtfully, figuring it would be smart to get next to the Master before anything else. She was still listening out for what Kadan had to say, but was more so focused on the landscape. Wondering if he could see it like she could. Though she knew the answer; if he could, he would've commented by now... There were... Souls, everywhere. It caused her to walk haphazardly, as if she was constantly avoiding bumping into someone. Easily notable by anyone walking behind her; all in all she was seemingly intent on regrouping with Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala .

Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora



The change of scenery truly left her with questions. For starters, if this was a vergence in the Force, how exactly did they get in? The energy she felt, the signature of the Force, was far different from a place that could possibly be connected to Kashyyyk.

Sakadi raised her right foot, cautiously taking a small step forward. Her ears twitched as she waited for something to happen. When nothing did, the Jedi Master let out a breath of relief. She had known realms of the Force and dreams that hadn't allowed her to move. But then again, this was no simple mind invasion. It was incomparable to any place she had visited before.

Her ears twitched when she heard two people approaching from behind. And one didn't have to be a Jedi to know who they were. Among the Padawans who currently resided at Silver Rest, there were two with a particularly high level of infamy among the watchmen and instructors. "Why is it, when something happens, it is always you two?" Sakadi asked.

Realization hit her shortly after.

"Well, would you look at that…" She mumbled to herself, before finally turning to Aayla and Kadan. "Wherever we are, it is part of the Force." The revelation that she could produce actual, audible sounds was all the evidence she needed. "How did you even pull this off, Aayla?"



She was staring about in wonder, curious as to whether or not Kadan couldn't see how beautiful this place was. Spirits wisped all around them. The Force was vibrant here. It was teeming. As she neared Sakadi, she turned and glanced to Kadan, Silver hues seeming to shimmer, and dance on the light. Sakadi posed a question, and Aayla just sort of glanced away bashfully. Way to be subtle Master Sinvala...


She blurted aloud, clearly flabbergasted by the fact the woman had just spoken. Quickly composing herself, as Sakadi continued.

"Sorry, Master... You have a nice voice, I didn't realize it was the same as the one you..."

She tapped the side of her head once, as if to suggest Sakadi's usual method of discourse. She moved up alongside the Master, listening to her and trying to get serious. There was something strange afoot here, and they needed to figure it out though. Somewhere in the galaxy there was a proverbial record scratch however, as Sakadi suggested Aayla had done it.

"Me? I didn't do this... I just did what you told me to do... I saw the blaster bolt coming.."

She held her palm outwards, ahead of where they were all facing.

"I focused my intent on it, and then... Well... I have been feeling kinda' weird today. Like, almost.. I guess its like instead of feeling outwards in the Force, it felt inwards. Its hard to explain. Maybe? I've never done anything like this though. Should I try it again?"

She had already begun tensing her hand, as if she was about to try and do the same thing she had done earlier, though it would be up to the others to decide whether to interfere or not.

Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala



He felt a bit relieved seeing that Aayla was alright. Something had certainly happened though, but the padawan hadn't a clue as to what. There was one thing he knew though, it would be best to be by Master Sinvala. "Right, would be for the best." His eyes went back to studying the strange world they found themselves on, to which he soon realized, that the odd sensation he had with the force hadn't changed. In fact, he was starting to question what he was experiencing. He had studied force nexus', in fact walked upon one, yet this sensation was far different. Hearing Sakadi's voice begin to lecture them, the padawan prepared a hastily thrown together defense when-​
Hearing...Sakadi's voice?​
Kadan paused, head tilting, eyes wide in bewilderment. Aayla's reaction informed him that wasn't hearing things. "Well, didn't expect this today." He muttered in disbelief. Blinking several times, he nodded slowly, as if coming to terms with this constant in reality having changed. "That's...exactly what you sound like in my head, sounds so strange hearing it from this end. No offense meant Master." He nodded towards the Selphi, skillfully throwing away Aayla's attempt at subtlety. Either he had smacked his head and suffered a concussion when no one was looking, or something seriously wrong had just occurred. He ran his hand through his long hair, clearly befuddled as to what in the world was going on. "Something is amiss. Even the force feels wrong here, but...I haven't a clue." Nothing about this made sense.​
He looked to Aayla, his gaze searching for a hint of the almost mercury pupils she had before. Sakadi speculated that Aayla was the source of this event, and the Mandalorian was in agreement for once. Aayla...had done something, he had caught a glimpse of it with their bond. She mentioned feeling the force flow inwards, and that clicked in his mind, the strange flux he had felt in their bond came to mind. "When you were preparing to absorb the bolt, I felt something with our force bond. It felt like there were several people suddenly chained to us, then released. It was like...someone stretched out bond to the limit, and let it snap back in the span of a second." It had scared the hell out of him at first, part of the reason he had asked if she was alright, but..well it seemed that while Aayla was alright, they had ended up in some bizarre landscape.​
He looked to himself now, seeing the odd nature of Sakadi's form, and inspected himself. He didn't glow as brightly as the master, a darker blue to her more vibrant aqua. What perturbed him most, was the dark splotch in the center of his chest, from which the dark blue shade emerged from. This place was very much an oddity.​

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Tags: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora Aayla Shan Aayla Shan

Ah, Aayla, sorry to interrupt—

Nimdok broke off, staring at the two others who seemed to have been inadvertently sucked through the rift along with his Padawan.

Oh dear. That wasn’t supposed to happen.

The Jedi Master looked much the same as them, with a spectral glow and a semi-transparency to his body. Unlike them, there appeared to be two of him at once. Well, not exactly—it was more like there were two overlapping ghostly figures standing in the same spot, moving in unison, and the only reason it was noticeable at all was because one of these figures definitely did not look like Nimdok.

They spoke in unison. “I apologize, Master Sinvala and… you there, sir.” He nodded to Kadan, whom he had never met. “I meant to call you here on urgent business, Aayla, but I seem to have pulled all of you together...” Clasping his hands behind his back, he began to explain. “You’re in the Netherworld. That doesn’t mean you’re dead, but it does mean you’re in the land of the dead.

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