Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Dine on Mountains High

Silent vibrations danced upon the wind. Not an audible tune they ears could hear.
JR breathed deeply.
It flowed through his Kashi Sprirt. The Element of wind called to him. It spoke in the old way only a Guardian of the Breath could understand. He understood. Someone needed his help. What kind of help he did not know nor did he know to whom needed the help.

“Your Grace”, JR lightly touched his mother’s arm, [member="Arianna Organa"] . He smiled with not even a thought for himself but the kindness of his own heart. “Mother”, he then said softly to her. “Just for a moment, please excuse me. I just need a quick breath of the cool mountain air. It will just be a moment out on the terrace.” He could only wait for a response at this time. He did not know what the help would be. There was a possible chance of danger. The last thing he would not wish for his mother to come out with him and be placed in danger nor would he wish to alarm her.

The truth, the Force was guiding him to was [member="Rashae"] who needed help.
Arianna looked over something inside her made her want to keep him there what if....he didn't come back again. She half smiled she didn't want to let her fear get to her. She nodded, "ok, be mindful"

She put her hand on his arm just for a moment, what if this was a dream and no he felt real still. She let go and turned her head to watch the guests once again. They would be calling everyone into dinner.

Where were her grandchildren Theo and [member="Laira Vereen"] . They wouldn't miss this would they?

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]
The cool night air helped as the violinist played. It helped a hand light upon her lower right chest ever so lightly pressed was all that could be seen. Once on the terrace her free hand was on the railing as she took in a couple of breaths. Deep breaths like that still hurt a little. Like she would admit it. She had a busy schedule and kept active despite the warnings to rest.

Rashae had figured that this evening would not be vigorous so wouldn’t be a problem. She looked up into the mountainous backdrop that was softly illuminated by the moon. Focus on anything, something. The violin playing so expertly near was a welcome respite. Whoever it was playing it was utterly fantastic. Another deep breath, a wince and and slow exhale. ‘come on stop. Just a little longer.’

Make it through dinner, whatever the royal family needs and get home. Rashae stubbornly refused pain medication of any kind. It slowed her thinking and her paranoia. The young doctor has been under a great deal of stress lately.

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]
[SIZE=14pt]The[/SIZE] [SIZE=14pt]Dinning Hall[/SIZE]​
He could feel it. [member="Arianna Organa"] , her emotions. That fear of letting go. JR did not have as powerful sense of empathy as his Aunt @Rianna Ar’klim-Organa . He did have the Organa emphatic ability through the Force to feel a sense of other’s emotions.​
JR still kept that brave smile on his face. It saddened him though to put his mother in this position. He would be back though and everything would be fine, he tried to convince himself of this. She had given him permission though and he was being called for what he knew would be a good purpose. So he left the room to find out why he was being pulled by the Force.

[SIZE=14pt]The Balcony[/SIZE]​
It took him moments to find his way. Still with-in the castle JR looked out the door way to the terrace. Looking at the grand view of the mountains and the moonlit night was [member="Rashae"] . JR did recognize her. She was one of the many faces that had welcomed him back home. In that moment he wished he was given a name. He had no idea that this young lady was. All he knew it was her that needed the help.

Upon stepping out on the balcony…
Excuse me, M’Lady”, JR called out to Rashae, while walking out the door. “Apologies, but are you alright”, JR asked getting a little worried. He sensed emotional distress. He did not get the impression she was thinking of jumping. That would have been troublesome if it were. However, JR got the impression something else was going on.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"], (Sorry for the wait, Amelia and everyone else who tagged me, got super busy with RL work and the Invasion going on)

"Carbonite, how crude."

HK quipped as Amelia mentioned how she was able to fight the Confederacy earlier in Galactic Timeline yet was still alive to walk among them then,

"You must have missed out on so much history. For example that mess with the original First Order and Kyle Ren when young farmboy Luke went missing and decide to be the last Jedi. It is really funny how all of that ended, you see in the end-"

The droid cut himself off before going too much into a history tangent or spoiling any future movies by accident, waving the thought off.

"Never mind that for now. As to our cities, we lasted longer than the Republic, the Lords of the Fringe, the Protectorate, the Confederacy, the Empire, the Confederacy again, we have a pretty good track record when it comes to protection of our assets and meeting those who try to hunt us down in combat."

HK leaned in closer to Amelia,

"It may have something to do with the fact that most of us are forged out of Phrik and the Iron Knights are a sect of droid Jedi."

The machine quipped again, one or both of those statemements were probably a lie. Probably.
"Crude though very effective my dear Iron Lord."

Amelia quipped in her own time as she smirked softly before lightly setting the now empty glass aside. She had grown tired of the wine and sought no more out, though a taste for something else slipped upon her lips. A soft smirk remained, a hint of her fangs showing as her golden hues wandered for a moment. Focusing upon her escort, she smirked as she noticed a small crowd of women around the older man, though it was unlikely that any of them realized just how old the Knight-Captain was.

"I've no interest in any Government that reaches into the past for some glory to drag into the here and now. At least Alderaan is attempting something new."

A small smile replaced the smirk she had as she lightly reached over, her own slender finger moving the small piece of food about the plate. Moving it in a manner as to make it a game by crossing it back and forth around the small bits of cilantro on the plate. Her attention once more turning to the droid.

"Have you given thought of how to protect the organics that you reign over? I can't image that you would expect them to defend themselves with nothing more than their meatsack."

Chip turned towards [member="HK-36"] and said "You never told me there were droid Jedi." aloud. A few moments later, Chip realized that he had forgotten to deactivate his cloak as he stalked random writers into random threads. So he deactivated his cloak and turned towards the organics that HK-36 had been addressing, bobbing slightly in the air and tilting forward in his best attempt at bowing.

"I'm also made of Phrik. And other things. I have a magic rock for a power cell." Chip said as he bobbed about in the air.
Isar's glacier-blue gaze shifted in the direction of [member="Rashae"] as the woman approached. He permitted himself a brief evaluation of her presence as a simple method of habit. Once she had excused herself, Isar dipped his head politely before returning his gaze to the Queen. His face betrayed nothing as the woman corrected his initial comments. The young Kiffar-Naboo disagreed, naturally. The history of the galaxy did not quite agree with [member="Faith Organa"]'s assessment on the subject of Alderaan's independence. They'd been either courted or manipulated by some larger government entity for most of their recent past from what Isar recalled from his teachings and memories.

Though the mandalorain aspect did bring a soft smile to his lips. "Ah yes. The joining of Alderaanian and Mandalorian families." There were times when Isar wondered what had happened to so categorically change the Mandalorians. He did suppose centuries of war could force that reality. More specifically, it was inevitable that they would have to integrate with the greater galaxy again at some point. "Naboo..." Isar paused for but a moment. "I'm not really able to speak on behalf of the entire government. My father would know more, but I should say it appears to be enjoying some level of stability. Naboo curiously seems to be the focal point of much off-world activity and not all of it good."

Waving a dismissive hand, Isar managed a soft laugh. "I need not explain any of this to you, I'm sure. Kiffu and Kiffex, however, continue to enjoy a very comfortable peace under my mother's guiding hand."
Myles took notice of Doctor Lovous walking away. He would do his best to blend in to the crowd, if he could even do that.

Garith Darkhold JR said:
“Thank you kindly Sir”
"My pleasure sir." He addressed the man. Sure Myles may look rugged and unrefined, but his table manners were on par; most of the time. With [member="Rashae"] departing from the scene, Myles casually walked around and admired the architecture of the Palace.

This whole get together reminded him of the ceremonial dinner in Theed Palace back on Naboo. The music, the wine, the people, the food; everything was almost replicated at this point and it was a bitter sweet moment for Myles. No longer being with the Rifle Regiment pained him so, he could have made a full blown career out of his service but the universe had other plans.

Davorak wasn't the type to start conversations normally, and especially in the environment he was in. He would speak when spoken to. Might be for the best.

(Anyone and everyone within hearing distance)

Alexander turned his head towards the sound of the clapping, looking at the woman standing there with a confused expression crossing his face. He did not know this woman, nor if she was one of the guests or a fellow member of the Organa family. All he knew was Faith, and even then he knew very little about the woman who was the leader of this planet.

He gingerly set the violin back into its case and placed it's bow back into place before dusting himself off and looking at the woman once more before speaking to her.

"Thank you my lady, I do hope that I wasn't distracting you from Lady Organa's party. I had thought I had gone far enough to avoid that." It was possible this woman had snuck off for other reasons like him, trying to find somewhere to relax away from the others at the party. If that was true he had little to worry about. Of course there was the small chance of other possibilities, such as a thief or someone politically motivated, and he had ways to deal with those people if so.

But, considering her appearance and soft nature, he figured she was just one of the well funded women of the galaxy who valued the influences they could build. Now came if she was as soft natured as her voice suggested. He blinked as another came into view, someone else who had drifted off from the party and he raised a brow at the two, his hand twitching and a bit curious as to the new meeting ground he had found himself in.

The new one, [member="Garith Darkhold JR"], felt different, almost like he was trying to figure out the woman's state of mind too.
[member="Isar Kislo"]

"I am glad to hear Naboo does so well. When I visited there last I could not help but feel awe inspired by it. The wonderful architecture, the long history of the planet itself, how stunning the lake country really was. See I had read about it all but never had seen it until that day. I loved it and could see how others so easily fell in love with it. I would like to at some point create an embassy there, it feels like Naboo and Alderaan should be sisters or at least cousins."

She laughed at her own silliness but she was serious in all that she said. And yes many across the Galaxy did not see Alderaan as independent before now. Independent in that no one but Alderaan was taking care and making rules for Alderaan. Did that feel good? In truth at times is scared her that she would do something wrong. But she couldn't admit that to Isar she couldn't admit that to anyone except Draco.

Faith suddenly felt awkward, "Tell me do you teach fighting skills like your father?" She was thinking..and had an idea.
***At the balcony terrace***

The chill of the mountain air might not have been the greatest idea for injuries but it soothed other sides of herself. The moonlit view was also worth the discomfort of cold sinking into still healing tears and re-tears. Breathing in cold air hurt a little but the focus on the 'painting' before her was worth it. The violin music helped her forget and of course she would clap for such a lovely piece. The Minister hardly was able to have the time to enjoy such things as just listen to music.

Rashae didnt hear Garith come up behind her. As her focus turned inward to will the ache and pain to stop. She had a little while to go and had to be on her guard. It would not do to be distracted by this blasted injury. The voice of Garith startled her as there as a soft gasp and the delicate face turned to her left as the moon bathed her lovely complexion and shimmered on her blue black hair.

“Your Highness..” She attempted a graceful curtsy and managed a shallow brief one. “It is of no moment, Your Highness. It will be fine in a few moments. Just needed some air.”

She hoped that it would be fine, wanted it to be fine, it will be fine as the doctor was determined. Her heart raced a bit as Prince Darkhold came closer. Rashae wasn't really fine, but she certainly didn't want a member of the royal family tend to her issues, Issues that was from her past. In her mind it was for her to deal with and conclude, despite the fact that it was coming out to grab her, even trying to kill her. The Doctor was not going to allow the royal family to get in harms way because of it.

The woman before the Prince really had little expectations of family or those close to her. In fact anyone close to her she very well expected to stab her in the back repeatedly. One reason she revered the Royal family and kept them at arms length. It as her way of protecting them. This was not the way family or friends was supposed to work but she didn't know that.

There was a polite smile provided as her attention was redirected to the violinist. “No,not at all. I needed the air. I believe dinner will be called shortly. My name is Doctor Rashae Lovous, Minister of Medicine for Alderaan. I do not get a lot of chances to hear music like that lately. The honor was mine. “

Her voice was indeed velvet, contralto, slight unconscious sultry tones that did not match the piercing analytical ice blue eyes. Those eyes flicked between the violinist and His Highness, Garith Darkhold JR. It then fell to a stone bench. Yes, the beautiful woman needed a seat.

[member="Alexander Sannes"] [member="Garith Darkhold JR"]
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Jamie Pyne"]

Isar nodded his head simply to Faith's comments about Naboo. "Well you should certainly pay the world a visit. I'm sure either myself or my father would be happy to show you around. As for an Embassy..." Isar permitted himself a very small smile as he raised his heads in a gesture of mock surrender. "I'm a simple man and a warrior at heart. I would direct your political or diplomatic objectives to the Queen."

Isar was silent and still as Faith allowed herself a brief moment of reverie. When she had settled and floated another inquiry to him, Isar mostly shrugged. "I have not made it a practice in my life, but I suppose I could be convinced to do so. Situation dependent, of course."
~The Balcony Terrace~
Gentle azure eyes gracefully upon [member="Rashae"] and [member="Alexander Sannes"]. The Alderaan Prince did his best to trying visualizing his current situation. Collectively what he knew. Rashae was introduced to him by his mother [member="Arianna Organa"] as well as a large group of people earlier this night. He was not given her name or her station to or with the Alderaan court. He also knew he was summoned to this balcony. So all he knew a young lady needed his help and did not know why.
The balcony itself, it was a beautiful exquisite Alderaan design. The architecture was in line of historical aspects of the culture. The colors of white grey marble with a hint of blue stone, matched with the view of the back drop of the mountains and the fantastic moonlit night was breath taking.

JR also took note that the balcony was not empty. Besides the man with a violin and the noble young woman…the balcony was carefully decorated. Elegant painted pots filly with an assortment planted greenery. Some were small trees, some little shrubs, and there were beautiful flowers of bright vibrant colors. There were also several area rugs here and there spaced around the stone flooring of the balcony. There were also several tables with an assortment of items on top of them. It was a Royal party and some of the guests may or may have not been out here earlier.

Acknowledging Rashae respectfully curtsey, JR’s smile was welcoming. Still trying to get a further idea of the situation JR had not said anything, he had remanded silent and just observed.

Doctor Rashae Lovous, Minster of Medicine for Alderaan. Lovous, that last name sounded familiar to prince. It took a couple of seconds then he remembered it was another noble house of Alderaan. Being patient JR quickly found out the man with a violin was not a threat to the young woman. Why was he summoned here though? He was starting to believe why; it would be a quick assumption though. He thought it would be best to spark a little more conversation first.
“Lady Lovous”, it was a soft tone. JR was a caring gentle man. It was not very often he was aggressive. “It is a lovely evening to get fresh air. I just asked my mother for permission to leave for a brief second for air. The view is breath taking and gives an individual a sense of serenity.”

There was still another on the balcony with them. To not notice Alexander or the courtesy of a hello would not be in JR’s nature. “Hello Sir”, JR looked to the man he was now addressing. “I am the Jedi Master Garith Darkhold Junior, brother to the Queen [member="Faith Organa"]. I bid you welcome to castle Aldera.”
It was then she remembered that's right Marcello is no longer King. Not that it should be an issue she would approach the Queen [member="Jamie Pyne"] here in the future. Faith made a mental note then she nodded.

"I need a teacher for my son. I would like for him to learn different ways, different cultures, it will prepare him for the future ahead. If you were a teacher I was going to impose upon you to give him a few lessons." She smiled, would the request of the Alderaan monarch be sufficient situation? She did not know and she would not push. She only wanted to form a friendship right now with the son of someone her family respected and held in high esteem.

This young man though standing before her could easily be a warrior as much as a scholar. "What is that you do [member="Isar Kislo"] ?"
Isar was silent for several moments as his glacier-blue eyes gazed intently at the Queen. Eventually, he offered [member="Faith Organa"] an answer to her question. "I do only that which is needed most, Your Majesty." It was the most accurate response that he could conceive. Yes, he technically held an allegiance to the Galactic Alliance, but that did not mean he was beholden to them. If a situation occurred such that he no longer agreed with the general outlook and purpose of the Alliance, he would depart its service.

Exhaling softly, Isar considered the Queen's request to tutor her son. Instantly, he had visions of some spoiled brat of a royal with an over-inflated perception of their own self-worth driving him literally insane for the two hours a day said royal believed he needed to invest in training. "Before I respond to your request, I feel it important to ensure you truly know what you ask, Your Majesty."

A brief pause followed before Isar explained further. "I grew up with nothing. My lineage has only recently been made aware to me, and I find that I am more capable for that reason. If you want me to teach your son, understand I do not believe in half measures. It will require intensive hours of study and practice on his part, and he will most certainly be away from home for extended periods of time. If both you and he are willing to make that sacrifice, then my vow to you is that I will look after him, help guide him. I am not, however, a babysitter or a servant, and I do not tolerate my time being wasted."

Isar's words were perhaps harsh...certainly blunt, but it was the nature of his personality. He would not mislead Faith. The life of a galactic servant was neither easy nor glamorous.
Faith enjoyed a direct conversation there were so many times when someone felt the need or desire to dance around what they wanted to say. Perhaps it was their desire to not offend her, or the need to see if they could confuse her. She did not know which. Right now she appreciated [member="Isar Kislo"] candor.

"I could give you my opinion of my son but that would be a mother's view. perhaps the best thing would be for you two to meet, and talk. You can decide if he is a spoiled rich brat indulged to the point of uncaring for others, or if he has the determination it takes to become an effective defender of Alderaan under your guidance." Faith wanted the best for her family, and if it meant that Theo would get a few bruises learning something meaningful so be it.

"Can you spend the night, there are rooms here in the Winter Palace, and meet with Theo tomorrow?" She sincerely smiled she knew the hours were drawing down and soon they would be called to dinner, and there was yet one more person on her list to meet, if she could find him in the crowd.
[member="Faith Organa"]

Isar's gaze betrayed nothing of his emotions. As he had done before, he allowed the Queen to completely finish speaking before he bothered to offer his response. "Your Majesty. I assure you that one meeting is not enough time to truly get an understanding of anyone's character or potential. It is not what kind of person your son is within the controlled walls of some palace that I care to discover. I want to know...what kind of man he will be when it seems that all the galaxy is against him, and he has nothing but his own wits to count on. What will he do when a personal sacrifice is needed to ensure the safety of the greater majority."

Nothing Isar had said was actually question, the Zeison Sha warrior was merely explaining his point of view in full. Slowly, a small smile formed on Isar's lips. "I am willing to give him the opportunity to learn the extreme limit of his strengths and weaknesses under my guidance. As for staying the night, I have a room in town." Raising a single hand, Isar laughed slightly. "I'm sorry - I just prefer time to myself, and I'm not exactly comfortable in palaces as it stands presently."
Alexander was a bit surprised to hear the names and more so the titles of the two people infront of him, his hand tightening slightly at hearing them. First there was the Minister named Rashae Lovous, a woman who he was expecting to be of a decent family but to be placed in a position where the distribution and regulation of medicine was on her head. It made him curious about the woman's knowledge of that area, one which he had never looked into or had even thought on. Tje mext was a dofferemt nreed altogether.

Prince Garith Darkhold, a name while unfamiliar had been quickly corrected for Alexander to make a connection between the man and what he knew. This man had said he was the brother of Faith and that was a bit surprising to Alexander as he had never even considered the woman having siblings. Why he did not consider this honestly escaped his own mind but he was curious to look into this a bit more now. He wondered what other siblings the woman he considered a friend might have.

Another fact about the latter of the two was the announcement of him being a Jedi Master. Something that put Alexander at a bit more ease. He had no issues with Jedi personally, as they normally did not have with him, some even knowing about the saber he keeps stored and hidden away either inside the case like tonight or in his sleeves like most days. The reason he wasnt public in the past had been that damnable law baring force users from senate offices but now if pressed he had a bit more confidence in being able to relax when it came to someone knowing his connection.

"It seems that I am a bit of a oddity compared to you two. Alexander Sannes, a simple Violinist and a friend to Her Highness. I must say it is a pleasure to meet the both of you, especially the brother of my friend." He smiled no need to even force this one as he was genuinely glad to meet two faces with connections to his friend that as far as he could tell were not out of self interest.

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"] [member="Rashae"]
*****The Balcony Terrace*****

She smiled as she eyed the bench and the two gentlemen as she pondered the proper protocol to this situation as she kept the polite smile on her face.

“Nonsense, Ser. Your music proceeds you with such grace as to mark you as high as you wish. I envy your ability to make such magical sounds. “ She said softly. “Any friend of her Majesty, Faith Organa, is a friend of mine.”

“Excuse me. “ She said hoping that it would not seem to hasty as she made her way to the stone bench to gingerly and slowly sit down. “I beg forgiveness your highness. “

After a couple of deep breaths, she rested her hands properly on her lap as she looked at both of them to continue the conversation. The Ministry had her on her toes lately in as much as trying to figure out how to stop a second assassination attempt. She had to find a solution.

The moonlight shimmered and sparkled upon her gown providing a lovely frame for those startling and piercing ice blue eyes. Garith’s eyes were kind. She liked that. It made her feel less on guard, but was it a trick. The Noble houses had all sorts of seemingly trusting sorts who would sooner cut your heart out. House lovous was a cut throat noble house. Rashae was most certainly not like any of her family. Alexander had speculative eyes as if he had questions.

“How do you make music come alive like that? Its like magic.” She said with a soft chuckle. It was also an artful way to open questions up if either gentleman had any.

[member="Alexander Sannes"] [member="Garith Darkhold JR"]

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