Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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TK-0023 "Lothia"

"I resented being a Stormtrooper for a while, even escaped the Academy once and went home to Lothal....The FOSB found me and I came to accept that the special and precious children of the galaxy deserve a prosperous future and that somebody has to pay for it. You see Lieutenant, that's why I blow up your kind: Anarchists, rebels and the other miscellaneous violent rabble-rousing ilk who are hell-bent on destroying the peace and order Imperials build. Sometimes I wish we wore red armour instead of the Gawdy white, would help with the blood and dirt."
~TK-0023 antagonising an Alliance Prisoner of War after the latter gravely insulted the former

  • TK-0023
  • Lothia (Nickname)
  • First Imperial Stormtrooper Corps
  • First Imperial Special Forces
  • 104th Mechanised Infantry Battalion
  • Special-Operations Capable Mechanised Infantry
  • Master Sergeant
  • Crimson Heart Medal (Oak Leaves w/Swords)
  • Distinguished Service Medal
  • Iron Sun Second Class
  • Unit Citation Medal
  • Human
  • Lothal
  • ~20 (B.834 ABY)
  • Female
  • 185cm (6'0 2/3")
  • 70 Kilograms (154 .lbs)
  • ~14% Body Fat
  • Red
  • Green
  • Kaeshana (~850 ABY)
  • Mustafar (~851 ABY)

  • Hoth (~851 ABY)

  • Bespin (~852 ABY)

  • Faldos (~852 ABY)

  • Nero (~852 ABY)
  • Dagobah (~852 ABY)
  • Active
  • Two
  • Restricted
  • Cavalry Scout
  • Non-Commissioned Officer (Stormtrooper Corps)
  • Special Forces Weapons Sergeant
TK-0023 or "Lothia" as they have become known through the years due to their Colonial origin of Lothal is a Stormtrooper Non-Commissioned Officer who was conscripted into the Corps as a Juvenile due to the state deeming their Father who was a suspected spy and had confirmed insurgent connections within the Outer Rim, as being incapable of providing adequate legal guardianship for his child. TK-0023 is a resourceful Soldier and executed an escape plan that they had devised with several other Troopers from their batch at around age thirteen, leaving Dosuun and returning to Lothal where to the Security Bureau's amazement managed to locate their biological Mother and twin sister the latter of which TK-0023 confronted with a blaster pistol in a distraught rage, TK-0023 later admitted that she suspected the girl was a clone. TK-0023 was persuaded to stand-down by undercover Security Bureau assets in the local area and successfully repatriated back to First Imperial Space without resistance on their part most of her co-escapees were eventually captured and disciplined as a result of their actions, although no more than three managed to vanish entirely or committed suicide prior to capture. disciplinary and judicial action was administered to TK-0023 although was notably less severe than that received by her compatriots as a result of her peaceful surrender however they still lost their prestigious enrollment in Officer Candidate School as a result but rose through the 104th's Non-Commissioned Officer ranks with astonishing speed, reflective of their superior leadership skills and technical knowledge.

A Pre-entry screening test indicated a slightly elevated count above the average although not sufficient to warrant referrel to the Order of Ren, however a more recent test revealed a significantly higher than average Midi-Chlorian/Cell Count and these results have been forwarded to the Order of Ren should they desire to perform their own investigation. It is possible although unlikely that the blood samples taken may have been misplaced and help explain how TK-0023 located their family members' on Lothal. It is our Opinion that TK-0023 should not be transferred to the Order of Ren for training given their extreme ambivalence and rebellious nature, although this decision shall be deferred ultimately to the Supreme Commander's Chief of Staff and Stormtrooper Corps' headquarters as necessary.

  • Dagobah - During the Second Battle of Dagobah TK-0023 deployed to the surface to support evacuations of friendly assets trapped on the planet's surface following the First Battle of Dagobah. TK-0023 reported several confirmed tank kills during the operation's course although they also received injuries.
  • Various First Imperial Army Contacts
  • Various First Imperial Navy Contacts
  • Various First Imperial Stormtrooepr Corps Contacts
TK-0023 is characterised by a quiet stoicism that is particularly noticeable when she is in the company of Non-Stormtroopers, however, her close acquaintances allegedly believe TK-0023 to be prone to brooding-type behaviour dwelling for lengthy amounts of time verbally and non-verbally on past behaviours and events that have transpired throughout her relatively short albeit traumatic life that isn't unusual for Stormtrooper who fall into the historical archetype. TK-0023 has no documented history of thoughts or outward behaviour that would be consistent with any kind of Psychological pathology although she exhibits a distinct predisposition towards anxiety or paranoia, with a noted dislike for being stared at by observers and thus professes a disdain for hostile Marksman and Overwatch personnel occasionally making disparaging remarks regarding them. TK-0023 is not an introvert despite her disdain for being observed by others and is quite gregarious especially with other Stormtroopers within her company being both agreeable and conscientious in their personal relationships with others many of their acquaintances consider TK-0023 to be pleasant and not excessively authoritarian which comes as a surprise considering their upbringing and training within the Stormtrooper Corps from childhood but is welcomed as refreshing by friendly assets who do not share that common history.

  • Hypertension
  • Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis
  • Mandibular Third Molar Odondectomy
  • Surgically & Chemically Assisted Debridement
  • Agility Test: 16.5s
  • Handgrip Strength Test: 40kg (Left), 42 (Right).
  • Overhand Grasp Pull-Ups: 7
  • Push-Ups/Press-Ups (Toes Only): 50/min
  • Prone Bridge (Hands): 2:30
  • Sit-Ups (Unassisted): 47/min
  • Vertical Jump: 51cm
  • VO2 Max: 61.0 mL/kg/min

__The above section of this profile is for IC use. High ranking members of the First Imperial Military, The Knights of Ren, First Order Security Bureau with or any of their subsidiary branches may read, and use the above information ICly. Anything below this point in the profile is strictly OOC use. Any abuse of this information may be reported as metagaming.

Lothia is characterised by her extreme resilience, resourcefulness and ability to treat extremely perilous situations with flippant disregard and socialise normally even within environments considered imminently dangerous. Lothia's old sympathy that she had for those who defied centralised power has largely evaporated and she now has a disdain and cynicism for rebels, partisans and freedom fighters after she had to evacuate a Cloud city primary school that was destroyed by an airstrike within during the battle of Bespin. Lothia despite being outwardly stoic has an intense love for her comrades and once permitted herself to form a romantic emotional connection with another Stormtrooper who was killed during the battle of Dagobah, given her overwhelming loyalty and sense of responsibility she suffers from Survivor's Syndrome and finds herself unwilling to let go of this individual whose loss she remains privately distraught over. Lothia is filled with guilt that her life continues while other Stormtroopers who were more deserving to live in her mind died, she's an utterly selfless and determined individual, willing to risk extreme risks to her own personal safety for the lives of others whether they be fellow Stormtroopers, First Imperial Citizens or Citizens belonging to foreign Governments. Lothia becomes angry and even furious with First Imperial Military personnel who show a proud and flippant disregard for their brothers-in-arms or Noncombatants. Often Lothia as a Stormtrooper becomes torn between wanting to use her skills and prowess to aid beleaguered soldiers or citizens in need and completing her platoon or company objectives.

Lothia's resourceful nature goes far beyond any ordinary Stormtrooper hinting towards an above-average intellect, she possesses skills that most Troopers within her platoon overlook: Slicing, repairing and dismantling a variety of electronic and mechanical equipment. Lothia retains an in-depth understanding of sophisticated tools and military weapon systems ranging from pistols to cannons permitting her to operate them with proficiency. The weapon expertise and resourcefulness that Lothia possesses will lead her to turn a toothbrush or spoon into a stabbing implement if necessary, it is a running joke within her Company that Lothia has killed a beard-sporting rebel leader with a spoon although she had neither confirmed or denied there is any validity to the story. Despite all of her admirable qualities, Lothia has a distinct issue regarding trust and often views Non-Stormtroopers and Citizens with a level of tactfully concealed suspicion. The reason for this can be traced back to the annexation of Kaeshana where a native whom Lothia had befriended was intimidated into attempting to poison the Stormtrooper although relented but not fast enough that Lothia could warn her comrades forcing her to watch them perish in extreme agony. Lothia is prone to combat-related injuries as their selfless nature combined with bravery and determination often leads them into situations that are dangerous in the extreme, she is one of the only Stormtroopers in the entire First Imperial Military to be awarded a Crimson Heart with Oak Leaves and Swords which has been awarded only after receiving several injuries in-theatre.

  • All-Weather, All-Terrain Navigation Course (Advanced)
  • Capture & Retrieval Course (Adept)
  • Close Protection Course (Adept)
  • Counter-Terrorism Course (Adept)
  • Counter-Revolutionary Warfare Course (Adept)
  • Covert Reconnaissance Course (Adept)
  • Demolition Course (Adept)
  • Direct Action Course (Adept)
  • Extra-Vehicular Combat Course (Adept)
  • Human Intelligence Course (Adept)
  • Infantry Weapons Course (Expert)
  • Infrastructure Disruption Course (Basic)
  • Paramedic Course (Adept)
  • Slicing Course (Adept)
  • Sniper Course (Expert)
  • Special Reconnaissance Course (Adept)
  • Special Recovery Course (Adept)
  • Teräs Käsi Combative Course (Expert)
  • Vehicle Operator (Adept)
  • Vehicle Mechanic (Adept)
  • Apex Predator: Lothia is a professional Stormtrooper who has been trained from infancy for one express purpose; warfare. Master of all weapons and terrestrial land vehicles Lothia's technical knowledge and resourcefulness is enough to see her through almost any situation alive if her nerves hold as steel.
  • Intuition: With a considerable sensitivity to the force Lothia has better than average situational awareness and can identify dangerous situations and individuals from a keen intuition that helps give valuable insight into her current operational environment permitting the Stormtrooper to generally stay one step ahead of the enemy on a tactical level which is useful for minimising unnecessary injury.
  • Distinct Force Presence: Having such a considerably strong connection to the force is a two-way street, enemies who are likewise sensitive to the force and adept in wielding that power can often identify Lothia's presence in situations where it might be compromising in a tactical situation such as in the preparation or execution of ambushes and troop movements.
  • Selflessness: Lothia's extreme selflessness often leads her to enter into dangerous situations unnecessarily out of a desire to aid the beleaguered and needy. This is most keenly examined when Lothia's fellow battalion-members are distressed or under attack often she will cease the pursuit of her immediate objective to help her Brothers and Sisters in arms.




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