Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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TJA: The Ambrose Deception


The Jedi Academy of the Grumani Sector has been flourishing under the leadership of Headmaster Ven Kel Dunrar. A bright future lays ahead for these young prospective Jedi, guided by the wisdom of the Jedi Knights and Masters of the Jutrand Academy to be the show of Light and Hope the Galaxy so desperately needs...

The latest batch of Jedi Initiates and Padawan Learners who will be joining the Order and enduring years of training and service to the Force like so many generations of Jedi before them will be undergoing their welcoming ceremony at educational facility as the world of Jutrand begins to thrum to the rockets of the galaxy's greatest Podracers.

The Harvana Harvest Classic is one of the most popular podracing circuits that brought the entire city-planet into celebration. When the Jedi are dispatched to help Politician Ambrose Pike negotiate a peace treaty between two warring factions on one of the most peaceful days, they are caught in a web of deciet on a grand scale as the whole affair is being manipulated by a secret, third party, out to assassinate Ambrose Pike and his Jedi companions...

The Grumani Colonial Summit was a fairly new governing system being pushed throughout the sector, while each independent planetary government fared well enough alone, there was still a hope of achieving cooperation on a sector wide scale whereas they hadn't had it before. While a more liberal approach was being pushed for, there was still a large population of those who hoped to maintain tradition.

The Havac Elite were a group of those individuals. They were a revolutionary terrorist group who sought to thwart the formation of the Summit and maintain the largely xenocentric society common to most planets in the sector. Prior to the incident, the Havac Elite had been content with mildly peaceful to violent protests, staunch media campaigns, acts of civil disobedience, and simple acts of vandalism and theft to promote their agenda against the Summit.

However, on a highly celebrated day, both groups have called for peaceful negotiations. Led by the charismatic Kel Dor Politician, Ambrose Pike, both organizations have decided to ride the celebratory wave and pound out their differences with hopes of ending this feud. Though, unbeknownst to Pike and his Jedi delegation, the Elites were hired by an invisible partner to engage in actual violence and plot the assassination of Ambrose and his Jedi companions...

PODRACING DOME, JUTRAND -- Tragic events have forced the events of the Havana Harvest Classic to be suspended today after a series of suspected terrorist attacks throughout the city. We're joined by the entire network to share some images, one of the buildings struck was the Jutrand Executive Building where prudent negotiations between Councilor Pike and the Havac Elites are said to have taken place. The second explosion is said to have taken place at the racing rotunda itself...READ MORE

This thread is open to TJA members and other Jedi. TJA is just a hub for Jedi writers who'd be interested in a more story-centric environment that follows a slightly linear plot line. It's meant to be lowkey, and stress free. It'll sizzle out when it does :) While there is an overall story, there's room for many smaller stories to take place. I encourage you to write what you'd like, and just move at a moderate pace that fits you. There's no rush!

A few objectives:
  • There's been a bombing at the Podracing Dome, people will need help evacuating.
  • There's Havac Elite members roaming around/fleeing the scene, pursue them.
  • Naata will be leading the team in getting Ambrose to safety, and fighting off terrorist.
  • Jedi Academy itself could be the next target
  • BYOO

[member="Bekk Mag'ra"] | [member="Chiassa"] | [member="Arekk"] | [member="Zakath Tariz"] | [member="Trakel Zambrano"] | [member="Fane Magnus"] | [member="Arcanus Sunstrider"] (if you want) | [member="Jerek Morrows"] | @Anyone Else

Location: Departing the Jutrand Academy.
Padawan Learner: [member="Chiassa"].
Objective 1: Assist with the Evacuation of civilians from the destabilizing area.
Inventory: Jedi Apparel, Ul'onore & Al'Keyva.


Standing upon the edge of the open deck of the Air Speeder as it lifted off from the Academy's external Landing Pad, Bekk Mag'ra turned to check on his young new Padawan, both concerned and curious as to how she were feeling about the situation that had developed over the day. It had been common knowledge among the Knighting and Master body of the Jedi there, that one of their members of Council were facilitating peace talks between a political friend of the Order, and a rival association bent on derailing any premise of "progress" for the system lately.

Among the pair were other members of the Jutrand Academy, Knights, Masters and even some elder students who had been given consent from their mentors and the Council to take on field duties on their own. Both Headmaster Dunrar and Master and Council member Topher Bertuk had ordered the Academy into action the moment reports of terrorism had swept the holo-news, Senator Pike's friendship with Ven Kel Dunrar no doubt hastening the process and their awareness of the situation.

"Our assignment is to protect and escort the civilian presence out of the conflict zone" the Zabrak Knight informed his Padawan Learner as the large Air Speeder lifted off and turned down to gain speed through momentum in the pitch. Holding tightly to the railing above with one hand, the other placed upon [member="Chiassa"]'s shoulder as if to reassure her and encourage her for the situation that would be awaiting them both; "We haven't yet trained for this, so I want you to avoid contact with hostiles if it can be helped. You've got your Commlink on you, use it if we get separated but do not endanger yourself needlessly".

They hadn't arrived on Jutrand more than two days ago and already things were being thrown into Chaos. In hindsight, it was no wonder Bekk's presence had been requested via the Jedi Academy Network, an offer of permanent residence having gone out, though at the time he hadn't yet found a Padawan that impressed him and showed potential like Chia did. Hopefully all of this commotion wouldn't discourage her the way Coruscant had. If Bekk had been able to control the timing of the situation, he would have spent some two years going over her training before arriving at a moment such as this.

None the less, as Jedi they had a responsibility to the people, and Chiassa was under his care now...-He would do all that was in his power to ensure that she made it back to the Academy safely.

[member="Naata Sil"] | [member="Chiassa"]
When it raines, it pours.
Location: Departing the Jutrand Jedi Academy
Jedi Master: [member="Bekk Mag'ra"]
Objective1: Assist with the evacuation of civilians from the destabilizing area
Inventory: Standard Jedi Padawan robes, lightsaber, comlink, datapad, candy

Was she scared or frightened going into this situation? No, not really as the Force was with her. Anxious or nervous, well yes. For one, the young Tholothian did not want to disappoint her new master, not that she planned to. I mean why would Chia want to sink her own ship so soon after setting sail, duh?! The youngling found the Jedi Knight to be a kind and gentle person yet firm. Probably something the rudderless teenager needed at this point.

Chiassa had been floundering in the lingering stormy seas ever since the sacking of the New Jedi Order's temple on Coruscant by the Sith Empire. The Initiate had been taken to the hidden Jedi Praxeum on Eira Pechal in the Unknown Regions with other survivors of that horrific day, but only to be left to her own accord as she was the only one of her youngling clan to survive the ordeal. The Light had been dimmed that day, and so had Chia's hope.

Upon a random visit to the praxeum after a mission, [member="Bekk Mag'ra"] had seen the young one's potential and offered to take Chiassa as his padawan learner. The Force seemingly worked in mysterious ways to bring the alien pair together, and boy was it the best day of her young life so far! Hope of someday becoming a Jedi Knight had been restored for her, and Chia had every intention to help the Light shine brighter in the galaxy from now on.

Bright blue orbs that sparkled like rare gems looked up at the towering black-hued Zabrak as his large, reassuring hand laid upon the girl's slight shoulder. Chiassa offered a small smile with a hint of excitement etched in it. The dark-skinned Padawan was so ready for her first official master-student mission with Knight Mag'ra to kick off...

"Yes, Master. I will be mindful of our mandate here, and careful too. You can count on me," the petite Tholothian answered with an affirming nod of her floppy tendril-topped head.

A newly acquired padawan braid made up of a strand of silka beads could be seen dangling in the breeze caused by the air speeder as they traveled through the city to their intended insertion point. The identifier was attached to the decorative skull cap worn over Chia's scaled cranium and hung down just behind the young teen's right ear. She was proud yet humbled to wear it this day standing beside her master.

[member="Naata Sil"]​
Account name change pending.
Location: Pod Racing Dome
Objective: Schmooze Figure out what the kark just happened. If possible, help some people.
Secondary Objective: Find a place to get a no-soy frap.
Tertiary Objective: Find out if this skybox reservation is refundable.
Gear: Expensive threads (burned), designer jeans (torn), HUD-G sunglasses (cracked), hold-out blaster, hololink

The info brief he'd gotten from [member="Marque"] hadn't said a word about terror attacks.

Jutrand was pretty remote for this to have been the work of the usual suspects. Could the Children of the New Order have come out this far? Or was this some local brand of crazy that had slipped under the radar?

Which, you would think having the former Chief of Allied Intelligence on the gorram board of directors would work in your favor when it came to interstellar travel advisories. Stock options, full investment portfolio, electrum parachute... Nope, even with all of that, somehow Sor-Jan had been left to just figure things out for himself when the literal bomb went off.

And where was Marque? Vacationing at one of the company time-shares on Vaynai. Where he was most certainly doing no work and collecting a lot of pay.

If and or when Sor-Jan got back to Corellia, he was definitely going to have to re-evaluate a couple of these employment contracts.

The hunks of debris seemed to pull themselves apart in the air, as though lifted by invisible hands. Moments before, the now-twisted frame of duracrete and iron had been a skybox reserved by Corellia Digital for viewing this leg of the Harvana Harvest Classic. Which, Sor-Jan really wasn't interested in the pod-racing. No, he'd managed to fill the skybox with upper management from Johder, PharmCorp, and the Tagge Restaurant Association. All prospective clients that represented a potential for some lucrative investment into their particular markets...

He was pretty sure the Tagge dude was dead., that was probably a business deal that they were going to have to put a pin in for now.

His precognition had kicked in with just enough time for the boy to throw up a shield that had absorbed the brunt of the blast that had taken out this part of the stadium, but not so fast that it hadn't still done a number on the folks inside. Now, as the disheveled and dirty youngling carefully guided some of the larger pieces of debris away, even as he worked to try and stabilize the rather precarious position of the listing skybox.

This had better not be the Sith. Sor-Jan had left his lightsaber back in the hotel. After all, this wasn't supposed to be a battle royale. It was a sporting event! Who came armed to a sporting event?

...okay, so he had a hold-out blaster on him. He was Corellian. That was like carrying your wallet.

Also, if Plan A was relying on your hold-out blaster, then it was time to re-evaluate the plan.
Location: Academy Hangar
Objective: Here and there
Tags: [member="Arekk"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Chiassa"] [member="Bekk Mag'ra"] [member="Naata Sil"]


After various exchanges with ATC over the comms, Commander Krotan was relieved to finally have them out of his hair. It had taken some time for him to provide legitimate credentials thanks to their passenger, but the operators had eventually received the green light from Jedi personnel upon review. Krotan had never actually been to a Jedi Academy before, and while he was not permitted the other levels, he truly had no desire to.

The size of the hangar itself was impressive, the man had been unsure if his CR70 would be able to land unscathed. Anything more just would not do, for Krotan did not plan on staying upon the city-planet for long. He had been detoured enough, the transmission he had sent to gather their nearby ships in the system were likely to have been seen by now. Once they arrived from hyperspace, it was unlikely that Krotan would be there to greet them.

The man wasn't completely heartless, he just hated to break the quasi-protocol that was followed. The damn preacher had yapped more than ATC, in his effort to guilt-trip the commander. "Prepare for launch. We can ferry civilians from speeders, and get them clear of the area." Some people truly had no compassion, putting an end to the glorious pod-racing event before it had even really started. For shame.
Location: Pod Racing Dome
Objective: Schmooze Figure out what the kark just happened. If possible, help some people.
Secondary Objective: Find a place to get a no-soy frap.
Tertiary Objective: Find out if this skybox reservation is refundable.
Gear: Expensive threads (burned), designer jeans (torn), HUD-G sunglasses (cracked), hold-out blaster, hololink

The boy's right hand was held upright.

His left panned out in front of him, the fingers of his hand making a beckoning motion. As he did, assorted bits and pieces of debris moved as though some magnetic force were compelling them to form a jigsaw puzzle of trash that stretched as a bridge over to the listing skybox.

One by one, the shaken and disheveled occupants of the Corellia Digital spectator box crossed from out of the bombed out VIP venue to a stable section of the stadium. Sor-Jan was the last to cross that threshold, though the body of the Tagge representative was still inside the skybox.

There would be time for rescue crews to come back and recover his body later. After Sor-Jan had gotten those who were still alive somewhere safe.

At least safer than a collapsing structure that was currently being held up by the Force and a prayer.

As the boy's feet touched down onto the stadium proper, the youngling's arms fell down by his side. As they did, both the bridge and the skybox collapsed in a screeching torrent of warped metal.

Pulling the sleeve back on his left arm, the small Anzat exposed the expensive wristlink-datapad that he wore. Dusting off some of the bits of grime that marred the glassteel screen, the boy swiped his finger across the face of the HoloLink. Biometric verification was almost instantaneous, unlocking the device and giving the boy access to both the HoloNet feed and the comlink functionality.

"Xantha," the boy said, announcing himself on the corporate frequency. "Lock onto my coordinates. I need a pick-up at the pod racing dome," he said, speaking calmly. As much as he might have preferred to have the Queen waiting somewhere nearby, he knew better than to chauffeur around these kinds of professional contacts in a Corellian light freighter. Instead, the Corellia Digital VIPs had all been shuttled down in one of the company's Niathal-class shuttles that was appointed in leather, electrum, and wood accents for the veneer of class or luxury.

He paused a moment, to look over where the other business and industry executives were huddled in shock. "...and have Intervention send down medical droids," Sor-Jan amended neatly. "Xantha out."

Swiping a finger the opposite direction across the screen, the boy ended the call. Then pulled up the HoloNews app to look for anything that might give him even half a clue.

HoloNet News was supporting a series of bombings. That would explain the chaotic atmosphere that he could sense extending far and wide through the stadium. The terror had not been specific to just the Corellia Digital skybox.

That was good, in a sense. At least it was less likely that Corellia Digital was the intended target.

Turning, the boy glanced back over his shoulder toward where he imagined the body of the Tagge executive might have fallen among the rubble and debris.

He was totally getting named in a wrongful death suit for the Tagge dude.

What had he done? Except invite the guy to sip expensive Corellian whisky and dine on catering that Sor-Jan had paid entirely too much for. But it was almost inevitable. He'd get named, in order to name Corellia Digital. And also the owners behind the pod racing studio. Because that's where the credits were.

Reaching up, the boy loosened the high collar around his neck, then discarded his burnt suit coat, which was apparently still smoldering in spots. Rolling up his sleeves, the Corellian Jedi waited for the shuttle to arrive.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Aboard The Ebon Hawk, Grumani Sector, Outer Rim Territories​
Objective: Tracking Someone
"The failure is yours. No longer do your whispers crawl within my skull, no longer do we suffer beneath teachings that weaken us. And now you run in search of the Jedi... They are all dead, save one. And one broken Jedi cannot stop the darkness which is to come."
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"] ~ [member="Naata Sil"] ~ [member="Bekk Mag'ra"]
A few hours after departing Sanctuary, Arekk eventually picked up on the signal left by a CR70 Corvette's IFF transponder. The data was a couple of days old according to Cheedo but it was better than nothing in the hope of finding Tugoro. Jutrand welcomed the legendary Ebon Hawk as the holoscreen showed a marking right in the heart of the planet, communication with the ATC started almost immediately to clear him for landing at the nearest hangar.

Apparently, a terrorist attack had just occured right before Arekk was able to land where indicated which made him feel right at unease. Going straight into the wolf's mouth was a bad idea as any other but he couldn't turn back now. His mission to encounter his former master to convince him to do one last good deed for his old friends had to be fruitful and nothing could stop that from occuring.

"Cheedo, I'm sending you my coordinates. I think I've got something, might be nothing but I've got a feeling." The slicer sent an encrypted message via the navicomputer before finally docking and turning everything off. "I hope I'm right or this will be the shortest of visits ever."

The metallic ramp lowered down until it fully touched the ground, allowing the only passenger of the ship emerge from its depths and finally take in some fresh air after atrocious hours flying through space in search of someone very important. If you asked Arekk if this is how his day would be he'd tell you one hundred reasons to not be here, hopefully things will change his mind.
Location: Jutrand City, Commerce District.
Padawan Learner: [member="Chiassa"].
Objective 1: Assist with the Evacuation of civilians from the destabilizing area.
Inventory: Jedi Apparel, Ul'onore & Al'Keyva.


Bekk managed to smile fondly down to his Padawan Learner even amidst the situation that had befallen Jutrand, the City World was experiencing a crisis in several of it's larger more populated districts and yet [member="Chiassa"]'s determination to adhere to the Jedi Path still found a way to give the Zabrak something to be proud of. "If there are any Children on the ground when we reach the conflict zone, they're to be your priority" Bekk added, concerned by the thought that most adults wouldn't find too greater confidence in a girl her age attempting to tell them what to do, even despite her attire being commonly associated with the Jedi Order.

Turning back to look out from the tranport's open side as the vessel raced across the sky-lanes and headed for the area under strife, Bekk found himself somewhat apprehensive. Chia wasn't his first student, though it had been quite a number of years since he had tutored others and now with a situation such as this one arising so soon within their pairing, he once more felt the urgency that accompanied an apprentice heading into conflict under his responsibility.

Bekk's Master had once told him that being a mentor involves just as much learning as the Apprentice receives from their master's role in their Student years. Amoné hadn't been wrong either, as Bekk often felt as though he had learned and experience more as a Jedi Knight of the Order, than he did as a Padawan. As a student, you weren't just prone to making mistakes but it was expected of you, at-least to some degree. As a Jedi Knight however, the wrong decisions or the simplest distraction could result in somebodies life being lost. In this case, it was the young Padawan standing beside him that he was concerned for. Though he refused to let it show.

"Landing in ten. Get ready to step off...".
Bekk's right hand gave Chiassa's shoulder a gentle squeeze before falling to his side and detaching Al'Keyva from his belt, offering it to the girl followed with a very clear word of caution; "This isn't a toy. In your hand it could be a weapon to take a persons life, or to protect them from harm. This wasn't how I planned for things to go, but...-Trust in the Force, and keep yourself safe" the crystal within the lightsaber he was lending to his apprentice would produce an amber blade should she ignite it; he hoped that it was the right decision to make, though it was a risk that he was willing to take if it meant ensuring her survival above all else.

Reaching across to his left side, he'd soon take Ul'onore from his utility belt in preparation of their landing. The Building-tops soon began to race passed them as the transport descended for the City floor, the Jedi personnel around he and his Padawan all tense, apprehensive and hoping to make a difference for those innocent lives trying to flee the crisis.

A scraping of metal against permacrete foundation sounded their impromptu landing, Bekk wasting no time in stepping off from the platform of the Transport ahead of his Padawan to ensure that any threat that might present itself could first find the Jedi Knight before the younger less experienced Jedi Learner. Around them, the sight of burning buildings, rubble from what could have been explosives used in the initial attack, the dense smoke rising up into the sky and finally the few bodies and people screaming, fleeing to escape the area would all hit them instantly. Bekk's eyes darting from person to person as they came and passed him, trying to identify anyone among the chaotic populace that could be presumed part of the terrorist party.

"Eyes open, Chia!" Bekk called to his Padawan, hoping to reaffirm her focus, feeling the share magnitude of the situation would bring quite the frightening experience for the Girl so much younger than he was; "Identify any risk factors, look for persons in dire need. Injured Civilians, armed personnel...-Push your anxiety behind you and remember why we're here".

[member="Arekk"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] | [member="Chiassa"] | [member="Naata Sil"]
Location: Academy/Temple Hangar
Objective: See without looking
Tags: [member="Bekk Mag'ra"] @Arekk @Sor-Jan Xantha @Chiassa @Naata Sil
With a glance over his shoulder, Tugoro watched as the Corellian corvette departed, lifting off from the hangar floor and back into the air traffic of Jutrand. After various rushed transfers between much larger vessels of old acquaintances, the man had been forced to leave his ship behind for the time being. While he once might have been worried about his ship being in other hands, he knew they were good ones, and that it would eventually come back to him full circle. It's not like they were using it or anything, right?

Making his way through the expansive hangar, Tugoro kept his face high and forward, walking with a sense of purpose towards the exit doors. Truly, heading further into the academy so quickly wasn't his intention, but he only needed a minute or two here while his sense were alight. His mind reached out with the force, extending his will and presence to the immediate area and individuals that surrounded him.

There seemed to be mostly hangar workers here, though likely other force-sensitives as well. Something felt off, and he surely looked off by the way he acted. Tugoro had made sure to change out of his usual spacer gear, wearing a much plainer dark beige tunic that was based on Jedi design, but not quite there. He had left his older attire in the ship, after all.

Meanwhile, the CR70 was just arriving over the podracing arena, communicating with the officials on site in order to better coordinate their involvement in the evacuation. The corvette deployed a pair of small air speeders from its cargo bay, and as planned used them to ferry the injured and otherwise away to nearby safe-zones.
Jutrand Executive Building​
Allies: [member="Fane Magnus"]
Objective: Escort Councilor Pike to safety; fend off terrorist
Other Tags: [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Bekk Mag'ra"] @Arekk [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Chiassa"]

She peeked in, lurching forward into the glass with her head as she came face to face with her own reflection; beyond would be the city-planet in its fullness. Earlier there had been an abrupt room change, going as far as to switch buildings entirely. It was a call she'd advised for in the end; the balance for the entire day seemed off, and non-shifting. She closed her eyes for what was just a spare second or two before she felt the subtle vibrations shoot through the soles of her feet and the dishes on the conference table jump. Immediately, she acted on her concern, whipping around in confusion but being suddenly hit with a sense of anxiousness and fear...though far off.

"Wha--" the building just across from them exploded from its core, sending the upper half into flames. She tucked her face into her arm, shielding the blinding light with her robes before looking on in desperation. Backpedaling, it was only a step before she whipped the entirety of her body around "We have to get you to safety. I'm no--" The room had been covered with glass windows on three of its sides and now all of them would lie in shards along the marbled floors; humanoid figures came bursting through them not even a two minutes after the initial explosion.

She dove into a stride wide enough for her to cross the room and rush Councilor Pike, in the time it took her to do it; she'd already drawn her lightsaber. Not even a second had passed between her silently commanding the Kel Dor Politician to stand by tugging on his robes, and her igniting the brilliant emerald blade that was her weapon. In a single sweep, that took no effort on her part, she cut into the trajectory of two plasma bolts. Reaffirming her position, she beckoned back, bumping the panicked Pike into movement while covering his flank. "Move!"

The beam would cast a deep green sheen over the opulent brown shade of her skin, as she pulled the blade from one side of her form to the next, driving her charge back she edged him through the door before their attackers could regroup and gain of the pair at once. Steadfast in her desire to protect, she flashed backwards with her blade in a barrier of protection while swatting seemingly omnidirectional stutter fire.


She brought her weapon up in a circular parry, leaving the next move hers...quickly she forced both arms up and out, parallel to one another. As quickly as she could pair them up, she tore them apart in a slight display of telekinetic finesse; the chairs on either side of the table were whipped out in the direction of the gunmen whether they hit the mark or not, it was the break in combat she needed. Throwing herself back through the door, she dodged the initial assault of the melee combatant by an inch. Emerging on the other side of the door, a quick pivot and subtle bend of her waist allowed her to dig her elbow into the control panel; it cracked at the force.

"Get on the turbolift!"


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Jutrand, Grumani Sector, Outer Rim Territories​
Objective: Tracking Someone
"The failure is yours. No longer do your whispers crawl within my skull, no longer do we suffer beneath teachings that weaken us. And now you run in search of the Jedi... They are all dead, save one. And one broken Jedi cannot stop the darkness which is to come."
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"] ~ [member="Naata Sil"] ~ @Bekk Mag'ra
The datapad on the slicer's hands beeped as it indicated the transponder was again on the move, departing from its last known location which wasn't too far away from where the Ebon Hawk had landed. Certainly the timing wasn't something that Arekk always seemed to rely on but if he had to find Tugoro through a city under terrorist alert then that's exactly what he would do.

Getting on the move and leaving the legendary vessel behind, the fallen Jedi ventured deeper into Jutrand's urban jungle to continue his frantic search for an old friend. The entire city was crawling with law enforcement and most of the areas to transit through were cordoned off which made it difficult to walk to wherever the transponder was located. Before his eyes was the podracing arena as imposing as it was with most of its spectators already departing the venue after the explosion.

"Move out, people! Continue going that way, don't run!" An officer spoke loudly towards the crowd, giving them instructions how to proceed after the terrorist attack. "You're gonna be okay! Just keep moving!"

Arekk's window to sneak into the podracing arena had opened when a space between the crowd and the officer directing them was just too distracted to even focus on who was coming and going, the beeping on the datapad becoming louder by the time the slicer got closer to the arena's entrance.

"Here we go."
When it raines, it pours.
Location: Jutstrand City, Commerce District
Jedi Master: [member="Bekk Mag'ra"]
Objective 1: Assist with the evacuation of civilians from the destabilizing area
Inventory: Standard Jedi Padawan robes, lightsaber (a loner from my master!), comlink, datapad, candy

"If there are any Children on the ground when we reach the conflict zone, they're to be your priority."

"Yes, Master... I will see to them," Chia nodded affirmatively, trying to convey she was ready for such a task.

The young Tholothian wanted so much to show her new master he had made a good choice for a padawan learner. Chiassa had been struggling ever since the Initiate's world crumbled at the hands of the Sith Empire that fateful day on Coruscant. For the first time in a long time, the youngling felt like she belonged and purpose thanks to Knight Mag'ra as well as hope restored she would continue on the path to become a Jedi Knight.

"Landing in ten. Get ready to step off... "

Butterflies began to flutter in her stomach at the announcement from the airspeeder pilot, but a comforting hand upon the teen's shoulder once again quieted them. The next move though by the Zabrak completely blew Chiassa away. He detached one of his lightsabers and gave it to her! O.M.G!!!! Course the offer came with a warning, as it should... But nonetheless elated goosebumps erupted all over as her small hands took the coveted hilt from Bekk's much larger.

"I understand, Master. Thank you for your trust in me, and I will," she answered appreciatively with a renewed confidence now conveyed inside and out of her being.

The petite Padawan took a calming breath to center herself in the Force after following her master onto the landing platform with Al'Keyva attached to her utility belt proudly. It was a chaotic situation to say the least. The terrorists had set the city on fire. So many were hurt and/or dead from the explosions. There was a lot to take in, but the Jedi Knight's instructions helped to give Chiassa courage to do what needed to be done with a clear sense of duty.

"Got it, Master... You can count on me."

​And with that, the young padawan learner began her first mission with purpose and hope. It was astral! Well, not for those affected though, and that was why the Jedi were here - to help those in need.

[member="Arekk"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] | [member="Naata Sil"]

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