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Approved Species Titjir iw ri Tutzari - Guardian of the Forgotten

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  • Name: Titjir iw ri Tutzari - High Sith for Guardian of the Forgotten
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: Remnicore
  • Average Lifespan: 500 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Unique
  • Description: A horrific construct of scaly armor and snapping jaws, and exuding a towering destructive presence from its sheer size and hunger, the creature known as the Guardian of the Forgotten is a terrifying sight for any that approach the Emperor's Sanctum on this dead world.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 180 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Greenish-yellow scales on the underside of the beast, gray-blue scales cover the rest of the body
  • Hair color: No hair
  • Distinctions: Besides the height of the monster, the most distinctive physical traits of the Titjir are the armored scales that cover its body and the massive set of jaws it uses to consume any that would threaten the Sanctum it guards. Razor sharp claws and a powerful tail also form useful physical weapons that creature can use to smash and crush anything that earns its anger, or worse, its hunger.
  • Races: No other races
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive

  • Much like the first titanic Sithspawn created by the Lady of Secrets, the Emperor of Serpents on Moridinae/Mandalore, the Titjir iw ri Tutzari's sheer size and strength allows it to crush or destroy anything within its path or it is commanded to eliminate. Its tail can strike with enough force to devastate skyscrapers and reinforced buildings such as bunkers and fortresses, while its claws can tear through even the strongest of armored vehicles with ease due to their enhancement through Sith alchemy.
  • Once again, much like the Emperor of Serpents, the scaly armor of the Titjir is impervious to all types of small arm fire, lightsabers, explosives. Tank rounds and other vehicle/starfighter munitions will anger it more than injure if they impact against its armored hide.
  • Due to its origins as a Storm Beast of Malachor V, the Titjir retains the devastating sonic energy wave attack the original creatures are capable of. However, through the dark side magics unleashed by the Lady of Secrets in the creation of the Titjir, the attack is a focused beam of power on par with the destructive potential of sonic mines if unleashed at its full power.
  • Utilizing DNA from a terentatek in the modification and growth processes of the Titjir, the monster has developed a resistance to Force-based attacks.
  • At the request of the Emperor, the Lady of Secrets developed a unique ritual for the Titjir during its creation process. Through Sith sorcery, the beast's life force has been tethered to the mausoleum of Tor Valum. In practice, this means that the Titjir cannot be fully killed until the inner sarcahagous is destroyed. If seemingly killed, the creature is forced into a state of hibernation that regenerates any damage it has sustained by absorbing ambient dark side energies. This process can take days to months, depending on the life-threatening damage the monster has sustained.

  • For all its immense size and strength, the Titjir is not a creature of stealth. Enemies attempting to assault the Sanctum on Remnicore will see it coming and will be able to prepare accordingly... well as accordingly as one can for a massive skyscraper sized lizard covered in armored scales.
  • While the scales that cover its body are an impressive defense against attacks, sustained heavy weapons fire can eventually shatter them and reveal the soft flesh underneath. In addition, corrosive substances have a higher rate of damage against its scales than other weapon types.
  • Unlike the Emperor of Serpents, the Titjir's protection against Force based attacks such as Force Light is not as powerful. The beast can be wounded by powerful applications of the Force, although it would take many such tiring attacks to do any amount of significant damage simply due to the monster's size.
  • Because of the unique ritual devised that ties the beast's life force to the oubliette of Tor Valum, if the tomb was ever destroyed, the Titjir will automatically die and disintegrate into dark side energies.
  • Diet: Carnivore, Ambient Dark Side Force Energies
  • Communication: Roars, but it can be controlled by a skilled Sith Beastmaster through a combination of the dark side of the Force and commands given in High Sith.
  • Technology level: No technology level
  • Religion/Beliefs: No religion or belief system
  • General behavior: The Titjir was created to be a guardian of the hidden Sith Sanctum on Remnicore, it's entire being devoted to protecting the Emperor's work. It becomes extremely aggressive if it detects beings not directly invited to the Emperor to the world, desiring to destroy them for disturbing what it deems its territory. The Titjir cannot feel fear, nor will it ever comprehend anything more positive than satisfaction from its dark masters for protecting their secrets.

The rediscovery of Remnicore, a ruined world of darkness and hidden mysteries, had captured the attention of the Dark Lord and his closest allies. The secrets buried on that desolate place promised to forever tip the scales of balance in favor of the darkness, but it would take time for such mysteries to unravel themselves. Building a hidden fortress on the world as both a residence in his semi-exile and to protect what he had discovered, the Emperor made a request to Darth Arcanix, the Lady of Secrets. The Emperor desired a titan to guard his new fortress, a beast of strength and ferocity that matched that unleashed upon the devastated world of Moridinae.

The Lady of Secrets obliged.

Bringing a storm beast of Malachor to the world, along with a team of alchemists and sorcerers from her Order of Shadows, the Lady of Secrets began modifying the beast to become the desired guardian. DNA from the mighty terentatek was introduced to the cocoon that contained the storm beast as it was enhanced, its size increasing and its scales becoming toughened through repeated applications of Sith alchemy and magic. Reaching near the size of the cocoon of the Emperor of Serpents, the beast was given one final gift before it was reborn. Using a ritual devised between the Emperor and herself, the Lady of Secrets bound the life force within the cocoon to the tomb of the ancient Sith the fortress protected. Upon its hatching, the beast was a near immortal and titanic protection for the mission on Remnicore...
Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

As always - This is very well done. Less spooky, more powerhouse, but still cool.

I will approve this as is but I will also caution you to use it responsibly. It's very powerful and while the weaknesses to try to balance the scales I can still see where it's possible that the strengths could overwhelm that. Especially, with terms like "near-immortal" in play when we all know that no one may actually be immortal. So, enjoy - Just be mindful.

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