Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thral Canx


R A N K: Acoltye

S P E C I E S: Quarren

A G E: 19

S E X: Male

H E I G H T: 5'8"

E Y E S: Clouded blue, almost black

S K I N: Orange, nearing red covered with multiple tattoos.

F O R C E: Yes.


S T R E N G T H S:

+ Frightening, his appearance may startle a particularly weak-hearted individual.

+ Not afraid of wandering in the dark, he is a known explorer treading where others may perhaps be afraid to go.

+ Places himself in front of others, at all time.

W E A K N E S S E S:

- Practically xenophobic, rarely seeing eye to eye with another species.

- Unexperienced, most of his early life was spent in the safety of his home.

- Requires to stay moist, out of water or else he will die.

B I O G R A P H Y:

Born on Dac, his species homeworld to two Quarrens, by the name of the Canx family. They were almost banished from society at one point or another, because of Thral's father's work. Slavery. He owned a large corporation which generated fuel, for the entire planet. Though to keep the business running, people were needed and... slavery was his father's choice of workers.

His mother was completely different and often dissagreed with his father's ideals. She worked as a scientist, developing cures and remedies for the people of Dac. Quarrens are usually known to be practically Xenophobic. This transferred into Thral, as he grew up. Shunning the Mon Calamari's that lived and went to same school as himself. Though, he enjoyed exploring to the furthest depths of the ocean. Often traveling beyong his borders of where his parents said he could go to.

He was a clever boy. Often labled too clever. He once wandered into the 'Dark Sea' which existed on Dac. It was an ocean which covered a large vast part of the planet's sea floor. Most Quarrens and Mon Calamaris wouldn't dare cross or even enter this part. Though, something about it attracted Thral. It drawed him in almost. What he would discover would change his life, forever.

He discovered what he know knows is an ancient sith artifact, belonging to a Mon Calamari Sith Lord who used the parts of this ocean as a testing grounds for his experiments he would usually conduct.

That is what created the dark taint which plagued this 'Dark Sea' with it's ominent black colouring. A majority of the almost mutated creatures which wandered within it also happened to be have created from these experiments and interbreeding between them only made it worse. Thral wanted to study these creatures... this location and most of all the artifact. That was his almost important goal. The only thing he could do was explore further until he came across another. It was a Nautolan, who had bright red skin, floating in the sea staring down Thral. Before he darted towards the young Quarren with unreal speed, grabbing him before dragging him aboard his ship.

The Nautolan had kidnapped Thral, not telling him where they were going, they left... into the vast abyss of space.

R O L E P L A Y S:

A Murder Of Crows

A New Weapon To Wield

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