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Approved Species Those Feral Few

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  • Name: Those Feral Few
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Homeworld: Barbatos
  • Language: Broken Common (At Best)
  • Average Lifespan: 20-30 Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description:
    Shambling, rotting corpses wander cells deep beneath the surface of Barbatos; their stench inconsoliable, their eyes having long lost their sight to cruel experimentation. Even the mere glance of the creations instill both a sense of fear and mild pity, for their rudimentary groans and broken common are the result of Sith Magics and genetic agumentations that never meant enough for the creators. Open wounds fester, jaws hang loose, but more than anything else Those Feral Few give off an uncanny radiance in the Dark Side of the Force; one that threatens to blind those sensitive to such overload. It isn't hard to tell where they came from, as their very existence seems to be an abhorrent abomination to the Galaxy and all its stands for.

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: 2.0 Meters
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Grey │ Green
  • Hair color: Dark Variants
  • Distinctions:
    As a whole, Those Feral Few are anything but human; at least any longer. While their genetic baseform likely came from Humans or Near Humans off shoots, they are hardly recognizable now beyond their humanoid patterns leftover in the psyche following the various operations and experiments they went under. Just the quick glance at one of these poor, broken creatures tells more than enough about what makes them different, as their very nature has begone to break down from the Dark Side of The Force; open wounds tore asunder as bones breach the skin in a random and uncaring manner.

    The primary distinctive feature of the species is its almost unbelievable presence in the Force, radiating dark energies on par with a Sith Lord despite no capacity to actually manipulate the Force. This has resulted in the corrupted genetic material they suffer from, now used strictly as research probes for future iterations of the same species; their skin flaking off in droves as corruption of The Dark Side continues to break them down on a biological and fundamental level. There is little to be said on this, as just witnessing one as a Force Sensitive tells them enough.

    As cruelity goes, there is no differentiation between male or female, nor various groupings littered in research facilities around the galaxy. Those that were created were made from the Force Nexus and Research Facility from Blackwell Industries on Barbatos; and that is almost entirely where the species stays for its entire life. As Those Feral Few age, they slowly lose further control of muscular structures, bones become more brittle beneath the strain of The Dark Side, and anything that made them resemble humans further degrades into nothing.

[*]Races: N/A
  • Sith Lord In A Rotting Corpse
    While the fundamental nature of the ghoul's seems to be their zombie like appearence, the true strength of them is an exceptional presence within the force, though one that remains untapped by their less than sentient minds. This serves the ghouls less than the researchers looking them over, as the nature of the Zombies can be overwhelming for Force Sensitives in the vicinity, though it is completely untouchable by Those Feral Few; nor anyone else as the undulating maelstrom of pressure is unlike most examples of The Force, more a constant series of waves and pulses that make them nigh impossible to manipulate through outside means.

[*]Durable Nature (Sort Of)
  • Shambling corpses of varying degrees of dark side degradation wouldn't seem the most durable, however Those Feral Few serve an exceptional purpose in that they are very difficult to permanently hurt or destroy outside of the natural damage they suffer from The Force daily. While they fall apart, flake by the hour, an almost endless amount of experimentation can be done to draw from them exceptional amounts of data.

  • Force Incapable
    Despite a very strong presence within The Force, and no doubt a very viable potential in such, the very degredated nature of the creature's mind and body mean it is entirely unable to manipulate The Force in a meaningful way besides strong waves that can overwhelm Force Sensitives sensory abilities if they aren't careful. This makes them a failure in regards to their purpose, but viable for research regardless.

[*]Feral Few
  • In part because of Dark Side degredation, and the untold amount of genetic augmentations done on the creatures, has helped create a less than sentient creation. Those who were created were not able to handle the immense pressure of The Dark Side, in part due to their lack of experience in regards to their Force Sensitivity, but also in part that such sudden submersion in the Dark Side can no doubt cause near instant insanity. All in all, they are completely incapable of making intelligent thoughts outside hunger, and generally refuse commands they are given, at least vocally or electronically.

  • Diet:
    Those Feral Few do not have an appetite as we know it, as their very nature doesn't require conventional nutrients of sustenance; however, as the dark side degradation takes its course, the only thing that keeps the ghouls alive is eating the force energy and body of Force Sensitives; this can be Jedi, Sith, or even uninitiated Force Sensitives that know not of their ability. The affinity related to what they consume corresponds to 'calorie' intake, meaning the consumption of a mastered Sith Lord would last them far longer than the consumption of even a few Force Sensitives with no formal training.

  • Amongst them, there is no actual communication, nor is there sentient thought. The most that the creatures do is speak in seemingly unintelligible or unrelated sentences in Galactic Common; random sentences they likely said during their life. Some have been reported as saying 'Is it time for bed?' or 'Where are you, Son?' without so much as a reaction or reasonable intent on their part; only the disembodied croak of a dying corpse.

[*]Technology level:
  • N/A

  • N/A

[*]General behavior:
  • The creatures generally shamble, and do little else. They eat when they are given Force Sensitives to feed on, and they sleep in very short stints. Those Feral Few move like cattle at the butcher, though no anxiety is in their movements; only the accepted death of a future they know nothing about. They are broken, pieces of what they once were, and every action they take is done through blind memory rather than intelligible action.

    If one were to face one down, they'd be hard pressed to goad them into instinctive fighting without being a force sensitive. If one is a Jedi or Sith however, the few creatures that do exist would 'smell' them, track them down, and attempt to consume the flesh from their bones; though they are hardly effective at such. They are slow, shambling monstrosities with no urges besides that of carnal hunger; and just barely enough mind to not choke on the meat they slurp up during a feast.


Over the years, there is a common practice among Sith to clone themselves, alter their genetic makeup to strengthen them through natural means; only to give extreme boons to them after transferring their essence into these new formed bodies. Some come with shape-shifting characteristics, others a nigh invulnerable nature, while even some work through genetic augmentations even underground cartels wouldn't shake a stick at; and all of this is done in the name of creating the next generation of Sith.

However, many are one offs, failures, or even just lack luster replacements made for the likes of lesser Sith to compensate for poor power. Some are required to be viable again, though many more are simply just disappointing; and Those Feral Few are no exception to this rule. Created by Darth Maliphant after the study of these 'perfect forms' in the style of [member="Darth Vesper"], and the records of Imperial Sentinels in The Telos Holocron, there came a need to create.

In this, Those Feral Few were the very first iteration in a soon to be line of 'Perfected Sith' the likes of which the Galaxy has never seen before. Taken from planets such as Ession during The Sith Empires great raid of the planet, to Slaves from out of Sith Space; there came a need to genetically augment they unfortunate few in a way that would allow them to resist the untold stresses that would be put on their bodies. The first and foremost being the inclusion of an almost excessive amount of Midichlorians; concentrating them with enough raw force potential to tear apart star destroyers.

This, however, was a failure; as even though they were able to pump the genetically augmented slaves with untold potential in the force, none of them were able to retain that mental ability to control such abilities. The Dark Side festered in them, deep beneath the surface of Barbatos, and began to destroy the very nature of their skin and body; each becoming small wounds in the force that demanded sustenance through force sensitives not far off from the ancient progenitor of Darth Nihilus. However, the comparison ends there, as unlike The Sith Lord of Hunger, they became walking, shambling corpses of no intelligible use.

Knowing this, the creatures were kept as a foundation for future experiments, each locked away and fed their daily meal of force sensitive flesh while samples and data were recorded for future variants of the same creature. As these creatures exist solely in one underground facility, their danger is minimal and their overall nature is rather poor in the grand scheme of things; generally considered a righteous failure on the part of Darth Maliphant himself. Maliphant, not being a fool, took this as a chance to perfect his techniques at a later point; something he couldn't commit to just yet.

No, the man began his search for artifacts and catalysts that would allow such a beast to be created; but that would be far down the line, and to suffice his team of scientists and sith for now, they would simply study Those Feral Few that still sit in the Sith Laboratory

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Maliphant"]

You've clearly stated they can't use the Force at all, but the word 'prowess' could lead an incautious reader in the wrong direction. Can you find another word that doesn't reflect ability?

Also, I'd like some kind of safeguard to prevent a Sith Lord from wandering around with half a dozen of these guys on chains to use as batteries for ripping ships in half.

Darth Maliphant said:
This serves the ghouls less than the researchers looking them over, as the nature of the Zombies can be overwhelming for Force Sensitives in the vicinity, though it is completely untouchable by Those Feral Few; nor anyone else as the undulating maelstrom of pressure is unlike most examples of The Force, more a constant series of waves and pulses that make them nigh impossible to manipulate through outside means.
Added this, and changed all instances of 'prowess' to 'potential' or 'presence'.
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