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Thor Naval Heavy Particle Projectile Cannon

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  • Intent: To create a heavy capital ship mounted Particle Projectile Cannon
  • Image Source: Gallery
  • Canon Link: None
  • Permissions: None
  • Primary Source: None
  • Classification: Particle Projectile Cannon
  • Size: Extremely Large
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Super Heated Ionized Plasma charges
  • Ammunition Capacity: Very Small - Ten Seconds of firing time
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Stopping Power: Extreme
  • Penetration: Extreme
  • Recoil: Average
  • Fires an extremely large ball of super-heated ionized plasma that have an Ion, kinetic and thermal effect on enemy systems.
  • Raw amount of power behind this weapon system allows it to burn through/short circuit most enemy shields and defensive systems.
  • Is capable of cutting a standard Star Destroyer in half if fired at the vertical axis, and whatever it doesn't destroy also has to deal with an EMP/Ion effect shorting out and overloading all of their systems.
  • Able to be shot in one seconds bursts of the cannon giving the weapon up to ten one second shots, or a much longer ten second blast that is meant to annihilate larger vessels or severely mess their day up.
  • Onboard Micro Isotope-5A reactors mean that powering the weapon isn't the problem, just the charge time.
  • A really, really, really big gun: This weapon system is designed to be a massive cannon that's designed for one thing and one thing only. Utterly smashing things. This cannon's method of doing so is by making a super heated plasma charge, ionizing said plasma charge, and then hurling it out into the void via magnetic acceleration rails. This Ionized plasma when it impacts targets attacks them in three separate ways. It discharges it's massive electrical imbalanced charge (ie a huge build up of either positive or negative charge), overloading electrical systems or even shields because of how massive a discharge this is. Secondly the heat of the plasma is designed to essentially burn through whatever you put in front of it, which is pretty standard for plasma weapons. And then there's the kinetic component which is that literally the size of the blast as it comes out of the cannon allows it to smash through lighter armors without even bothering to burn through them. This makes getting hit by this weapon system a truly terrifying concept.
  • Hey what's that really bright light?: This cannon has a massive range. It's meant to strike at a truly long range against the biggest target the enemy has to let them know that whatever they have, yours is bigger. Yours is much stronger. And unlike theirs your weapon is much, much more terrifying.
  • It's a really, really, really big gun: This weapon system is great at smashing big things. Like really really big things, for example enemy capital ships that are bigger than 2 kilometers long. This is a single shot cannon, and the round itself after being fired moves relatively slow, meaning smaller ships like Corvettes, Frigates, even some faster cruisers are gonna be able to get out of the way with relative ease. But that big bertha, that super star destroyer, that battlecruiser, yeah not so much. That means outside of those really really big targets, you aren't gonna hit squat with this cannon. And remember, you have one ten second charge and this weapon is inert. Donzo, kaput.
The big gun. Whether used as the final word or the opening argument in a fight there is one thing is always certain. This thing inspires the awe of all who behold it's glory. It's god like power. The utterly terrifying range. When people see this coming they either get out of the way, run, or pray. Because unlike everything else they've ever seen, this thing is unstoppable, undeniable, sheer power. It's a god's will made physical. And all will cower before the might of the mighty Thor.
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King of Pumpkins
The Monster The Monster

So penetration isn't normally on a sub and I assume it is for the reasoning of how far the radiation is able to go through materials correct? Even though even gamma is able to be blocked?

Also with some materials if they are rated at minor such as x and x then the sub can't go above minor at all.
Ravenfire Ravenfire So I re-balanced for Minor production rating putting the ammo capacity up to very small making the new capacity ten seconds. Also the reason I added penetration is due to the fact that this weapon is designed to be massive and powerful and as such is able to penetrate through most ship armors with extreme ease.
Due to a review noting that the factory template for said weapons can be considered to give an advantage over standardized weapons I have started an internal review and identified subs that match the criteria for Archival until they are redone to meet Factory Standards.

Submission Name: Thor Naval PPC
Link to Submission:
Reason for Archival Request: See above

Archived per OP request.
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