Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This looks like a good place to settle...

Seth Draclau

Prince of Madness
I don't like most people, though I could warm to people depends on the circumstances.

*Pats Jewel on the head*

It's okay, dear. It'll pass.

Julianna Nero

Smuggler - Slicer - Scoundrel
*smiles and drags her sister away from the cute punk* C'mon, get away from him before the parents flip out and you get grounded again.
It's cool, dad, I got this.

Flint Pherson

Welcome Character #4, Isis Draclau. May you always be the favorite. I believe I've already welcomed your writer, so I will simply say: Enjoy your stay while your here. :D
I would like to point out two things:
- Ryori and Kassey SPAWNED?! The universe is not safe.
- Also, how old are these kids? I mean seriously, that means that Kassey and Ryori would be in their 40s or 50s by now!

Jorn Mair

Alright well welcome to the site and maybe this should have been a RP rather than a welcome statious. There was more action in here than the Sith invasion. :p


SWRP's Resident Flirt
Jorn Mair said:
Alright well welcome to the site and maybe this should have been a RP rather than a welcome statious. There was more action in here than the Sith invasion. :p
If you thought this thread was full of action, wait until you see the blanket fort. ;) Lots of action there... hehehe

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