Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This is Getting Out of Hand, Now There are Three of Them! | Imperial Invasion of Alliance-controlled

Tanomas Graf

Grand Admiral Tanomas Graf
Starship: I.N.V. Pellaeon, Admonitor-class Super Star Destroyer
Location: Hyperspace ---> Dagobah System
Status: Springing the Trap...
At first, on Rear Admiral [member=Mitth'rae'leios]'s and [member="Janick Beauchamp"]'s command ships, a massive object leaving hyperspace would be detected by their instruments which would inevitably be reported to them. But, they might've not realized the importance of it, due to the sheer viciousness of the battle before them, at least not until it was far too late. A shadow, like a cloak, would cast itself over the present Imperial fleet as above them a vessel appeared, even the mighty star destroyers being dwarfed by it.

"In the name of the Empire," A male voice with a thick Imperial accent growled over comms "Grand Admiral Graf reporting in." Whether this was a surprise or not, the bearded man did not care as he sat comfortably on his ship's command throne. "Admiral Thrael, you are still in command. See to it that this Alliance swine is obliterated, I will assist as best as I can before I must attend to a separate matter." Tanomas informed, staring out of bridge while the star dreadnought oriented itself.

Almost immediately did green turbolaser and blue ion bolts propel themselves from the superstructure of the ship, targeting the enemy fleet with deadly accuracy. Dozens of assault concussion missiles blasting from their firing tubes in wide arcs trailed closely by gleaming purple proton torpedos, the question of if they would hit their marks still up to debate as they made their way towards them. The Empire had been preparing for this war for two years now, and they had the weapons capable of making entire fleets tremble beneath their wrath.

Even as a man who was in no way Force-sensitive, Graf felt the effects of battle meditation, especially when it was being used against him. But his will was indomitable, he had proven that much when he was faced with a Sith artefact over Kamino, one that made him relive his worst memories and nightmares. No longer would he bend to the command of the Force, he would make those that dare use it against him pay for their audaciousness.

FORE WEAPONRY - Firing at Compellor (Janick) | PORT WEAPONRY - Firing at Compellor (Janick) | STARBOARD WEAPONRY - Sweeping for Threats (Cannot fire at Enemy; unoriented) | DORSAL WEAPONRY - Firing at Swan Lake (Janick) | VENTRAL WEAPONRY - Sweeping for Threats (Cannot fire at Enemy; unoriented) | AFT WEAPONRY - Sweeping for Threats (Cannot fire at Enemy; unoriented)

Talon Vosra

Location: Swamps

Aliies: GE

Enemies: GA

[member="Ellifain Eden"] [member="Armaud Eden"] [member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

The woman had landed discretely with a small honor guard of her own disciples the 6 acolytes she had taken as her own and begun to train. She held out a hand to one and gave a small smile as the woman gave her hand with a bowed head as she stepped off the shuttle.

"Go, now." She said as she looked around the swampy terrain, "Engage something and bring me trophies of your success. If you lose, don't comeback."

She waved them off and smoothed out the small wrinkles of her tight black body suit. She truely didn't care how tje fight went but giving the disciples something to do made them feel useful and that was always beneficial for their development.

She walked off into the swamp alone making sure to stay on solid ground, lightsaber dangled proudly on her wide belt, more for show than anything. There was little a creator need fear from these lesser creations.
Aryn Teth

Dagobah Shipyards, Orbit of Dagobah, Sluis Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, (Very Tenuously) - The Mandalorian Empire, The Outer Rim Coalition, [member='Janick Beauchamp']​
Enemies: The Galactic Empire, [member='Mitth'rae'leios'], [member='Desmond C'artyom']​
Objective: Sacrifice

Aryn had only just left the bridge when the Crackerbox and her escorts appeared on the Incandescent Truth's rear. The ship shuddered somewhat on the fire, but he didn't turn around, believing firmly that the Truth's captain would be able to handle things well enough as he got down to the hangar. The shuttle was waiting, two X-wing escorts on either side of it as Aryn climbed up into the ship, feeling the ship shudder again as the shuttle lifted up and took off, making its way away from the Incandescent Truth and up towards the shipyards. The trip was not long, and in almost no time Aryn felt as the ship touched down in one of the open and still-clear hangars of the shipyards. Alarms were blaring, and in the distance Aryn could hear the sounds of blaster fire. Taking his saber off his belt, he made his way out and into the halls of the shipyards, making his way towards the command center.

At that point however, Aryn didn't quite realize the situation that was unfolding on the Truth.

As the ship rocked under fire, one hit caused it to shake considerably, and a voice yelled from one of the bridges consoles. "Sir! That hit damaged the reactor!" The Captain of the ship swore under his breath, if more damage was done, or if they overloaded the reactor themselves, the Truth would cause a considerable explosion, it wouldn't only detonate the reactor, but the proton beam as well. If the weapon wasn't charged things wouldn't be too bad, but if it were... "Sir, massive ship entering the system!"

Another voice spoke up, and as the Captain turned to see the scans he could see it, the massive shape of the INV Pellaeon. The ship was in no condition to engage properly with the Super Star Destroyer, not while it was so damaged and occupied with other ships, and firing the proton beam with enough strength would destroy the Truth... Unless...

"You gentlemen are free to leave if you wish, anyone else, prepare sub-light thrusters." The bridge went silent for a few moments, and after a short period of time, the majority of the bridge crew left, only a handful of absolutely crucial individuals remaining as the evacuation sirens activated. Shuttles and fighters left the Incandescent Truth, escape pods launched towards the surface. To all outsiders, it looked like the ship was about to go down. But instead, it slowly began to descend under the shipyards, angling itself appropriately towards the Pellaeon. "Begin charging the proton beam, full reactor ignition, and engage sub-light thrusters." There was no getting out of this now, and the Incandescent Truth suddenly lurched forward, using all the speed the ship could muster as it flew towards the Pellaeon.

The Proton beam itself didn't descend from the body of the ship, it remained within, spooling up as the ship drew nearer and nearer to the massive Super Star Destroyer. Enemy fire scattered and slammed against the body of the Star Defender, tearing apart sections of the hull as the shields came down and reactivated, the draw of the power pushing the reactor nearer and nearer to overload. The Incandescent Truth angled appropriately, heading straight for the upper decks of the Pellaeon. This would be the end, but the effect would be considerable, best-case scenario, the Pellaeon would be driven from the system, or better yet, destroyed by the intensity of the explosion that would follow, and the science was on their side.

Taking in a deep breath, bolstered by the still-ongoing battle meditation, the Captain closed his eyes as the Incandescent Truth began to impact with the Pellaeon, the now fully-charged proton beam and the strained reactor detonating in turn with full, unbridled strength. The sudden lives torn to shreds halted Aryn in place as he ran through the shipyards, feeling as each and every life was severed in the force.

ANS Incandescent Truth Fully-Charging Proton Beam Cannon, Ramming INV Pellaeon
ANS Steadfast deploying fighters and bombers to attack INV Crackerbox
ANS Protector firing on INV Firespray
ANS Ranger firing on INV Gargantuan
ANS Firebrand firing on INV Gunbuster
ANS Coruscant Sky firing on INV Gunbuster
ANS Nien Nunb firing on INV Tinship
ANS Allegiant firing on INV Steamboat
ANS Empyrean firing on INV Gargantuan
ANS Ithor Lady engaging INV Gargantuan

Norin Terrek

Hear, do you not hear it?
Objective: Fortify the Caves
Allies: The Galactic Alliance [member="Mirax Eygan"], [member="Cedric Grayson"], [member="Candez Stoon"]
Enemies: The Galactic Empire, [member="Desmond C'artyom"], [member="Drakar"]

Norin walked into the caves, looking back at Candez before continuing to walk. As he suspected, they were going deeper into the caves, which he himself wasn't a fan off, but then again it was more action. He scraped his boots against the hard soil of the cave, trying to get the reaming pieces of mud off them. He fiddled around with his blaster pistol as he walked, stopping when he heard Candez introduce himself. "Oh, right. Norin Terrek, at your service." He went back to fiddling around with his blaster pistol, wondering what they were exactly doing. These caves seemed odd, little signs of life, not even a few worms or some swamp bugs. Something wasn't right, and Norin had a feeling it had to do with this whole force voodoo crap. He really hadn't been paying attention to that whole force nexus thing, and that was a mistake.

However, he remembered the fortifying position thing, and that sounded like some fun. Killing bucket heads as they rushed towards their position always brought some pleasure, although he doubted he would just be facing standard grunts deep down in these caves, but that was all the more fun. He was, however, disturbed by the Jedi's laughter, he saw nothing that was funny, especially to a Jedi. Although whatever it was, Norin really didn't want to know.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
Starship: Damaged X-Wing
Location: Dagobah Orbit ---> Dagobah Shipyards
Status: Crash Landing
Dagobah was a swamp infested, savage land filled with deadly creatures that you wanted you nothing but dead. Though it was in the past - after crash landing onto the planet and into a swamp, losing his ship in the process - he had since he escaped. Fett found himself within the seat of an X-Wing, ascending upwards and into the space above. Being greeted by the battle that raged on within the stars, both Imperial and Alliance Starfighters soared throughout the stars whilst the destroyers and defenders blasted at each other in a desperate struggle to lay claim to Dagobah. As to why, Koda couldn't answer, it held no value and was insignificant as most things in this galaxy.

The sight of the ​Incandescent Truth making a straight shot towards the Pelleaon​ caught his eye, and in that brief moment in which he dared to think of what the result would be a series of green energy collided with the back of the X-Wing before screeching overhead. Contempt filled eyes glared over the control panel to see the damage that had been done, and it was within no way sustainable. Beneath the T-Shaped Visor his eyes darted around, taking note of the shipyards in the immediate area. Diverting his path towards them, the starfighter came screaming in , colliding with the metallic ground and causing the wings to become detached.

When it ultimately came to a halt, the cracked glass on the cockpit fell through and on top of the armoured figure before he too clambered out from the wreck. It was crumpled and flaming, if something went wrong he may not be alive. Yet here he was, alive, for the most part. After getting through the cockpit he slumped to his side, falling straight onto the ground and beginning a slow and cumbersome crawl away from the wreck. Moving to his feet in a sluggish manner whilst his head pivoted on it's shoulders in search for another means of escape.
Location: Dagobah, Surface
Allies (GA, CIS, ORC, SJO) | Red Team: [member="Kip Hollaran"], [member="Lyra Sunfell"] , [member="Katria Vekarr"], [member="Dalton Kenway"], [member="Sol Stazi"], [member="Prime"], [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Mirvak"], [member="Akabane Jarvik"] , [member="Srina Talon"]
Allies (GA, CIS, ORC, SJO) | Blue Team: [member="Shoma Ike"], [member="Daxton Bane"], [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"], [member="Rapax"], [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Aya Clarke"]
Enemies: Galactic Empire

Gear: - Woebringer | Taozin Amulet | Rifle

She laughed, "If I'm watching you who is going to watch me, the kid" She nodded looking at Shoma. She shook her head, "If you don't feel good about then we are in trouble."

Trouble. It came in so many forms these days, so many painting a target on the GA and why? Were they too big for their britches? Who knew she didn't pay enough attention to that kind of thing really. She ran the bar, flew a little, and did her best to make a fews comfy.

"By way didn't write, you didn't just poofed man. The thranta missed you." her way of saying the she missed him but she doubted he would pick that up right now, maybe in a year when he stopped to breath. Maybe.

"'m waiting for our guy to contact me...which way you headed so that I know to keep walking that way once we communications set up again. Cause out here in......." there was this long pause as she looked around, "the swamp if we are in trouble, the wildlife will be trying to eat us as easily as whomever is here. So...we need to confirm that things have changed. "

The silence was eerie the snapping of a branch made her turn around quick, "I'd rather not find out the hard way by bleeding that we are in trouble" She already had a few scars she wasn't in the market for more.

She looked at Shoma, "I'm Rekha" she smiled. "keep your eyes open, your head the way how old are you?" Was this another kid like Makai? She arched a brow looking at him...better not be.

Lyra Sunfell

[member="Sol Stazi"] [member="Kip Hollaran"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Wellenn Jones"]
[member="Seto Du Couteau"] [member="Max Fel"]

"Captain!" One of her communications officers yelled. "Contact made in these sectors! Additional IR forces spotted here. CIS and others engaged." Lyra hurried to the display and rested her hands on the display. Known enemy and friendly units were marked and she tracked them. Drop pods had deployed on the perimeter and an armored assault forces had stalled somewhere in the middle of the swamp. The gunships were engaged with the armored column after it had deployed most of its stormtroopers. That was more than she could handle in a straight fight.

But their current mode of operations would be enough. They just had to disable the armor. Once that was taken care of, the stormtroopers would be easy enough to handle. Twilight had had boots on the ground for quite a while now. While they didn't care for it, they at least knew their way around the swamp and how to fight in it. That's what the stormtroopers didn't have. If they could beat back the fleet and cripple the armor, it would be easy enough to leave the stormtroopers alone in the swamp until they surrendered or starved. Pick them off with hit and run if need be. No need to engage all of them at once.

"Dusk Actual to Amber Four," Lyra said after a moment, "Priority targets are enemy armor. Continue engagement at your discretion."

"Terrain reports are in!" A junior officer hurried over with a datapad, that had marked the locations of the deeper lakes and swamps in the regions. They weren't incredibly deep, but it would be enough to swamp the engines of the Juggernauts and mire them deep in the mud. That would slow them down.

"Dusk units," she added through the Twilight comms, "Lure enemy armor into these regions." She marked out the locations within the areas of engagement. "Weapons free. Trust your judgment. Priority is to disable armor."

Throughout the swamp, Imperial armor columns would be suddenly assaulted by barrages of heavy blaster fire, explosives, and anti-armor rifles. For a few minutes, there would be a sustained barrage of fire, and then it would end as the soldiers melted back into the swamp, staying just barely within sensor range as they pulled back away from the battle.
Location: Dogabah Surface
Allies: GE
Enemies: GA & Allies
Role: Combat Medic, Troop Support
Reacting towards: [member="Lyra Sunfell"] || [member="Kip Hollaran"]

Treating the wounded was hazardous work, thankfully more of their heavy armor began to roll through and gave a Seto a chance to start bringing the wounded back inside the juggernauts. Ducking below several low branches Seto helped along another injured trooper inside one of the juggernauts that he was bringing in all wounded into, and inside he saw several other Medics treating the more critically injured troopers. The poor man hanging off of Seto's shoulder slumped into one of the seats. The man had his entire arm blown off and Seto unfortunately could not save the arm, Seto nodded off to one of the Medics as he quickly updated his HUD with a new list of injured inside the juggernaut. The man Seto first saved was already inside, Seto quickly read the trooper's status as he moved back out to the battlefield.

Early intelligence suggested that the Empire currently outnumbered the Alliance on the surface but new information began to flood in that the Mandalorian Empire had joined the fray. Stormtroopers were shock troops, the Hammer of the Empire willing to forgo their sense of self-preservation to annihilate the enemy. As for Seto being their Medic, that often led to his current batch of injured reserved, all either heavily wounded or in critical condition. Death was a common coordination when everybody viewed everything in front of them as nail.

The coordination on the battlefield did not improve, heavy weapons began to target fire the Imperial heavy armor vehicles. Seto noted the attacks were designed to slowly dwindle their forces down and hinder their movements through the swamps. Obvious tactics and one Seto knew that the longer it took for them to break their defense systems more Enemy reinforcements would begin to dig in and cause more damage. His HUD pinged and a NCO commanded Seto to join five squads of twelve Stormtroopers that were advancing deep into enemy territory. Seto confirmed his reassignment and relayed his new priority to the other Medics as he sprinted forward to catch up with the already advancing squads.

Seto quickly move between cover to cover the closer he got to his new assignment, blasters shots and heavy weaponry whined around him. Seto knew his armor would identify him as a different from the other Stromtroopers but he'd hope they wouldn't target a Medic directly. Which Seto knew that getting further away from the Armor Support vehicles would help, as he noted the intensity of fire increased at the Juggernauts.

Having reached the forward squad's short frequency comm range Seto called out, "Medic coming up from the rear." and Seto crouched next two three Troopers. They all exchanged quick nods and proceeded to call out targets and plans to slowly push forward and get a solid visual on the Alliance Operational base. One of the forward troops cried out and Seto's HUD displayed the trooper's position and Seto began his dangerous advance to help out wounded trooper.

Blaster fire continued to roar around Seto, and reaching the downed Stormtrooper he began his work. The trooper's left shoulder plate was blown right off but luckily Seto noted that the shoulder itself was only lightly damaged as he began to apply a bacta salve and then a bacta-patch. The trooper grimaced as Seto made sure the patch was on right and he started to quickly fix the damaged armor lightly. The body-glove was the only material Seto could quickly patch and once done he patted the Trooper's helmet for affirmation.

"Still alive?" Seto asked.

"Yeah, I can still fight," the Trooper replied quickly, slowly moved his arm to help position his blaster rifle correctly.

"Good, now don't go off and get killed now, my Medical Credentials just expired so I can't cure death right now," Seto joked as he scanned around for more enemy fire. Things were certainly going to be harsher, and being bogged down in a swamp was not an ideal situation.

Actions: Advancing w/Three Stormtrooper Squadrons, providing medical support
Objective: Get a visual for Alliance Operations Bases/Defensive lines
Side: The Galactic Alliance
Allies: Galactic Alliance | Confederacy | Mandalorians | Etc.
Enemies: Galactic Empire
Location: Dark Side Caverns, Dagobah
Team: Blue Team (relevant to CIS)


A voice came through, distorted, Katrine only catching Daxton's last name and people before it cut. As she waited for a response on the device, [member=Rapax] suggested they kept their senses keen, making Katrine nodded firmly. Question was really whether they would explore the caves or find out what was happening. "oh, definitely, the caves. We've got time," she responded without thinking, already having decided. Her eyes went wide suddenly as the Shaman removed his armor then proceeded to to change into the same animal she had seen at the day the Grimoire had been discovered. "You're him," the blond stated, realizing. Katrine was glad she had finally found the animal that was like a Lupine but not a Lupine. Bigger, different shaped but the first such species she had seen that wasn't a Lupine. Obviously, Katrine had a lot to learn about species in the galaxy.

Distracted by having found the animal she didn't know how to name yet, Katrine approached him slowly, unable to help herself pet the top of the large beasts head before realizing he was listening, much like they listened. "What's the matter? What can you hear?" She wondered out loud. Right now, Katrine's desire to enter the gave was greater than anything, even though she did know she could hear and see far better if she took her natural form. Perhaps Rapax, since already turned, could be her ears and eyes, and even snout, for the time being. Another voice broke through her comm, mentioning about re-grouping and swearing, though it all came partial again. There didn't seem to be much of a game going on behind them, Katrine noted as she looked back to the entrance. She knew that the decision should have been to go back and actually re-group but she couldn't, not when she was right there, and just at the very entrance of what had been calling to her. No, Katrine was going forward, making the final steps towards the cave, unable to stop herself, unable to go back until she knew.

Just before she'd enter though, she heard [member="Daxton Bane"] in her mind. Communications were down, there was a darkside presence. Those words made her look to the gave again before she looked back into the swamp. Unknown origin and signature. They were to assume hostile intent. Daxton would investigating. After one thought, another came in. Daxton still believed the presence was hostile and was leaving her in charge. "Daxton's off to investigate. He's leaving me in charge," Katrine told Rapax with a shrug of her shoulders. Nobody ever put her in charge of anything, it was a strange thing to consider for her. 'Be safe, check in, Rapax and I are gonna check out the cave, she sent a telepathic message back to Daxton. She'd need to inform command. Not a big deal, Katrine told herself, knowing exactly whom she had to reach if necessary. Nothing else went through her device, confirming what Daxton had told them. Communications were dead.

The next step brought her into the cave. Her head quickly began to buzz, something was here without a doubt. Katrine, a whisper sent a chill down her spine, the girl recognizing the voice almost immediately. Except, as she looked ahead, she didn't find Avarisa whom she had expected.
Katrine recognized the figure immediately, even if she wasn't hiding herself behind a fake hair color and altered eyes. It was the woman who had advised her, the woman whom she had now known was her or would have been her. "You're not real," she muttered as she stumbled, falling on her back as the figure reached for her. Of all the fears Katrine had, there was one that was worse than all the others. It was the fear of remaining cursed, the fear of never finding Chloe, the fear of never returning where she belonged. As much as her adventures here in the past were fun, it was not where she belonged. Yet she hadn't found Chloe and she couldn't return back home. For as long as she wasn't at her side, Katrine was stuck where she was. Life in the past may have given her a purpose in life, taught her of her family history and brought her to the Mandragora but the fear of the outcome that was reaching out for her was staring right at her. A single face, a representation of all her failures. It was not who Katrine wanted to become.

[member="Srina Talon"] [member="Aya Clarke"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Katria Vekarr"] [member="Dalton Kenway"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Shoma Ike"]
Side: Galactic Alliance & Friends
Murderbae: [member="Loray Tares"]
Enemies: Galactic Empire
Equipment in bio makes her seem like a NFU

The tank went up in satisfying flames, vaporizing the troops inside and flattening many more with the subsequent explosion. And don’t even get her started on the deathly bits of white-hot plating shrapnel turning soldier to mince meat.

Good thing she’d eaten a hearty meal before hitting up this sad ball of mud. Taungsday was steak day, after all.

Still cloaked, Aver observed the Thousand tear into imperial ranks like rabid, starving tuk’ata. For a moment, her heart twinged – she missed Shai, but these swamps were no place for her. The Lying Hound needed open fields and, after this little trip through the gnarltrees, the merc wouldn’t mind ‘em either.

No matter. Other business to attend to.

:: Boss? :: Ah. The pilot.


A snort. :: Not yet I think. Got an Impy flagship jumpin’ in, tho. Figured you’d wanna know. ::

Aver grinned. “Figured right. Get back to the LZ and hail al-Bal.”

:: Ya done already? ::

She surveyed the bloody swath the drugged monsters had cut through enemy lines, unchained. “Just about.”

Speaking of just abouts – decades just fly past when you’re having fun. Doing wetwork for the Alliance sure wasn’t how Aver’d imagined picking up an anniversary gift. Still—

Darling. How do you feel about a new ship?
Location: Dagobah, Near swamp trooper postions
Allies (GA, CIS, ORC, SJO) | Red Team: [member="Kip Hollaran"], [member="Lyra Sunfell"], [member="Katria Vekarr"], [member="Dalton Kenway"], [member="Sol Stazi"], [member="Prime"], [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Mirvak"], [member="Akabane Jarvik"] | [member="Srina Talon"] @Er’in Tenel
Allies (GA, CIS, ORC, SJO) | Blue Team: [member="Shoma Ike"], [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"], [member="Aya Clarke"], [member="Rapax"], [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Enemies: Galactic Empire

The cold stagnant swamp water was still with nary a breeze to stir its surface, with only the occassional movement coming from bubbles of noxious gas rising from the bottom. Not that anyone was paying attention to such things from the Imperial position, as the swamptroopers searched for signs of the enemy.

Little did they realize, just how close the enemy truly was, as Daxton watched them from his new position. To be honest imperial troops were the last thing he expected to find, and that in a way explained the source of the flaring Dark Side energy he felt earlier.

It made no tactical or strategic sense to deploy ground forces on this sad excuse for a planet. There were no natural resources to secure, no large population centers to speak of. This world was designed for hit and run fighting, not a conventional war, any commander worth his salt knew that machinery would bog down and slow down your advance.

But the Sith knew he just had to exploit this weakness he found. After all they now had the advantage knowning that the enemy were here, while they were still looking to make contact. Time to call in an airstrike and get his team into the fight.

Reaching out to the Blue Team, he projected a mental image of what he found and his current position on the map. Naturally, the mental communication would be stronger to the CIS since he was more used to communicating with them.

[All Blue Team members. Imperial forces spotted. This is not a drill. Deploy to sector Zulu Delta 159 and prepare to make contact. Someone try and contact Command I need a priority air or artillery strike on their position. Repeat priority strike on Imperial positions at Zulu Delta 159. Acknowledge.]

Daxton could not risk contacting Command directly, as it might break his concentration and drop his Force Cloak. Switching his rounds from stun to lethal, Daxton tried to locate enemy officers or medical personnel through his scope. Once death comes raining down fro the sky, he would use the chaos to eliminate or greviously wound as many officers and medical first responders as he could. He just hoped someone on Team Blue got his message.
Division: Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Galactic Empire, Drakar
Accessories and Equipment: In Bio, equipment necessary to appear as NFU (FD-2
Team: The Thousand
Hunny: @Aver Brand

He watched, adorned with mild bewilderment, as all attempts to engage the enemy fell upon deaf or covered ears. Perhaps they didn't see him, or perhaps the attack from Aver was the distraction all along. Or maybe the Thousand were doing their job adequately, moving through the fog like a purposeful horde. If destruction could be considered a purpose, that is. Or maybe the bits of his mind that were left, from the war and mental intrusions, was finally wearing away.

Lifting the baton upwards, the cerulean filaments arced as they teased across the blued metal of his left hand. Cutting off the power, he felt the heat of activity, visor sweeping over the terrain that was being rolled across by the enemy. He felt the power of a force user but he suddenly found himself nearly defeated by indifference and a dearth of interest. Until he felt that voice shimmy up his spine.

Turning towards her, far off in the thicket of gnarlwood, he moved with the speed of a supped up and overly modified force user. And like that, he had left the Thousand to their devices and found her.

I do enjoy new toys.

Looks like they wouldn't be burning this particular bridge after all. Not when there was far more enticing prospects hidden amidst the stars. "Back to the landing zone, then?" The baton found itself hidden beneath the cloak as he swept by her, beckoning with simple direction of gait and new found intentions.
Dagobah // Imperial Black Ops Unit Inferno Squad // The Dagobah Shipyards
Faction: The Galactic Empire // Enemy: Galactic Alliance
In Vicinity: [member="Aryn Teth"]

Inferno had so far moved un-opposed throughout the station, which while once a roving centre of activity and trade had become decrepit and unloved. Occasionally a member of the skeleton crew would appear in a corridor or chamber, their presence monitored and watched until the team, adepts at infiltration could pass without notice. Yet it was clear that the entire yards were in a panic, the shipyards were not officially property of the Galactic Alliance, rather a private company that was attached to a planet possessed by the Alliance’s territory. Having such a heavy military presence being in system would be as worrying and strange as the Imperial strike force that ejected hyperspace to meet them. Yet it was best to not remove life for the sake of removing it, no the Imperial’s were not as heavy handed as certain members of the so called Alliance.

The team silently moved down through the levels, through the main construction yards, into the maintenance workshops and even through the practically abandoned accommodation quarters. Here and there the four of them would stop to gain their bearing, completely incapable of seeing the battle unfolding beyond the maze of durasteel that surrounded them, naturally they had been fully briefed on the layout. Easily found within the public records of the Dagobah Shipyards registrations, despite one or two smaller details.

“I still don’t understand how the Alliance knew we were coming.” One of the team, probably Rhun asked as the descended another staircase. “I mean what is the strategic value of keeping such a defence force on this planet of all planets?”
“Same reason we are here.” Kayrce muttered, the team having turned and moved down an access corridor to their left. “Because it holds no strategic value. It does however hold a message.”
“A message? What use is a message.” She could detect a frustration in his tone. He was undoubtedly Imperial, but at times his tone was borderline defection. “The Alliance needs a proper crushing and here we are sending them a message.”
“The crushing will come, sooner then anticipated if their presence here are to be believed.” Kayrce decided it was best to be more open with her team at this point. “Already the pressure will be put on them by the Imperials of the Supreme Leader, a blockade causing the Alliance to cease their illegal transport into the southern regions held within rightfully Imperial territory.” Now the team was passing systems that seemed to be in operation or at least remained lit up, it gave them hope that they were closer to their target then before. “Either the Alliance will give into the pressure and release the planets to the Imperial state or they will try to fight back and we will crush them with the train of war.”
“I for one am hoping for the latter.” Rhun added and Kayrce could imagine the smile beneath his Imperial helmet. “Hmm, I’m getting the reading ahead.”

Completely unaware that outside the shipyard the appearance of the Imperial Flagship had caused an immediate reaction of ramming by the Alliance’s main defensive ship the team carried on, entering a large chamber that housed a monolithic structure. Their true target and the whole purpose of Inferno’s being on this mission.

“You know what to do.”

“Copy that.” The team spread out and with dedicated training began setting charges across the structurally weak spots of the area. Kayrce however was busy setting her droid loose, the flying circular bot repeating numerous scans and reporting he movement of anything back to her with pinpoint precision. Soon the Alliance, the Jedi allies and the galaxy itself would realise that nothing the Alliance touched would be safe from the march of Imperialisation.
OBJECTIVE: Attack Alliance Forces
LOCATION: 1.2 Kilometers from the Perimeter of the Wargames
ALLIED: The Galactic Empire
ENEMY: The Galactic Alliance and Allies
INTERACTING: [member="Wellenn Jones"]

When the fire fight broke out near the front, Vrapir and the rest of his unit began to rush towards the enemy Alliance soldiers, hoping to take advantage of their newly revealed positions, and they did. Vrapir and a dozen other soldiers overtook the position of their fallen brethren, providing cover fire as medics and infantry grunts began carrying them back towards the transports for medical treatment. The stormtroopers lit up the swamp as the repeaters began firing off dozens of blaster bolts per minute, turning the dark foggy swamp, into a bright mess of fire. The Alliance soldiers didn't give in quickly, some pushed forward towards the stormtroopers at near blank range, taking pot shots. But the stormtroopers did their best to knock them back.

Vrapir had kneeled behind a large root sticking out of the ground, squeezing three shots at anything that moved. He envied the chance to move forward and root out the remaining Alliance soldiers who had stayed in their partially hidden positions, but he awaited new orders to push ahead. So Vrapir waited, firing cover fire, hoping to root out the remaining Alliance soldiers.
Dagobah – Swamps
Allies: GA, CIS, Blue Team, Red Team [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Shoma Ike"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Cedric Grayson"]
Enemies: Empire.

Way too many things going on. Coren was not used to the stop-and-go of the ground. Space, and the air? That was all fluid, everything made sense, it all balanced one another, echoed against each other, and flowed, like water. He wasn’t feeling the most confident on this planet. And hell, he’d been back in the Alliance for only a short time. Was he really ready to help these people?

Of course he was. It was a matter if they were going to listen to his leadership. But the one was a kid, the other? A trusted partner. He nodded. He was fine here. It was the CIS he had to worry on, but Bane seemed to be off on his own call right now. Coren could only hope that Bane and he were going to see eye-to-eye here. He shook his head as he looked up at Rekha.

“We’ll be fine. Always are. Just… not expecting this. Swap out for kill shots. Try to keep those CIS folks alive.” He took a second to look at his weaponry and his armor, making sure everything was toggled. “There were things that needed handling…” He said to Rekha, did it sound convincing? He hoped so. Life got too hot, and he was becoming a liability for the Alliance. There was no way that was going to end up good. “Needed to get a clear vis----” He took a second, breath catching.

Coren was a master of the Force, in his own way, and he was a master of Force piloting, a method of melding with others to communicate. He nodded. Right, bogeys. He was hoping… and there, sort of the feeling of the general direction. “Grayson. Still with us? We got Imperials.”

Marcus Tritum

Enemy: [member="Janick Beauchamp"]
Ally: [member="Mitth'rae'leios"]

The fighter squadron from Fabian's frigate did their best to hold off the approaching swarm of bombers, aided by the jamming capabilities of the Abracadabra, which would ideally send enemy fighter formations into chaos as they would be unable to communicate.

The three small Imperial vessels continued to push forward under withering fire from the enemy fleet. Soon, however, the arrival of Commander Thrael's fleet forced the hostiles to reprioritize and gave the small Moonus Mandel task force a small break.

That all changed when the Resolution took a direct hit from a proton bomb. The initial explosion did not look too bad. It was only when the Resolution's captain hailed Fabian on screen, and Fabian saw Commander Octavius's expression that he realized the gravity of the impact.

"Captain Fabian, the last hit caused a growing breach in the Vindicator's reactor core. My chief engineer tells me it is only a matter of time. I am evacuating all nonessential personnel, but will remain on board to fulfill the mission."

"The mission, sir?" asked Fabian, eyes slightly wide, in a daze.

"The Resolution has some life in her remaining. I can shield you all the way to the hangar of that battlecruiser. Your frigate should be small enough to fit inside, just barely. Get in there and tear that battleship apart from the inside out, Captain." Grim fire smoldered in Octavius' eyes. "Gut her."

The wrathful, forlorn glee was infectious. Fabian saluted. "It will be done, sir."

"I return to my final task then. Do not fail me, Captain."

"I won't."

The connection cut.

Fabian turned around, the sharp lines of his face set with determination. "All ahead full, helm."

"Sir, what about those incoming bombers?"

"Damn the bombers, full speed ahead!"

In a last desperate push, the frigate surged through the enemy bombers, with the Vindicator acting as their shield from the turbo lasers of the bigger ships. The Indictor stayed back, using its electronic warfare capabilities to befuddle enemy targeting systems and jam hostile communications. Shields on the Vigil started to fail, but not before they broke through the screen and crossed up into the hangar of the battlecruiser. Fabian glanced through a rearview porthole and felt a pang as first the Resolution, then the Abracadabra succumbed to enemy fire and exploded.

Returning his attention to the bridge, Fabian nodded to his Weapons Officer.



Side: The Galactic Alliance
Allies: Galactic Alliance | Confederacy | Mandalorians | Etc.
Enemies: Galactic Empire
Location: Dark Side Caverns, Dagobah
Team: Blue Team (relevant to CIS)

As he listened he heard [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]'s reaction he continued to listen he heard the faint sound of foot steps and blaster fire in the distance either the war games have gotten that heated or we have uninvited guests, He didn't make any reaction when he felt her hand touch his head perhaps this was the first time seeing a Gurlanins true form this wasn't the most common reaction he has received but he didn't mind it at all he actually found it pleasant that this was the reaction rather then fear or hate. When she asked what was it he was hearing he simply responded his voice was a bit deeper in this voice then in his normal form, Blaster fire...Faint but Its there....Perhaps the teams have either met eachother in the field, Or the wildlife met them...Or we have unwanted guests either way If Daxton has left you in charge then let us continue.
He followed her into the cave as he heard a deep growl from within as a wolf much like him walked out of the shadows the only differences where that this beast's eyes where sanguine red and he was a wild and angry beast and it spoke only one thing to him. Traitor. It clicked to him what that was in front of him that was what he would have been had he continued his previous path this cave had the power to play with the mind, He focused on put up his mental barriers at first he struggled but he finally made the image go away, He looked over to Kat who was on the floor scared no doubt she was seeing some images as well he walked over and reached to help her to her feet so that hopefully that would be enough to snap her out of what the cave is trying to do. He did his best to extend his mental shielding to her as well it wouldn't be the best shield but it would work on some of the visions this cave produces.

[member="Srina Talon"] [member="Aya Clarke"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Katria Vekarr"] [member="Dalton Kenway"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Shoma Ike"]

The Universe will now be set right. Made over to fit my unique view of what should be, and what should not.
The Force, the Balance, the coming and going tides of Good versus Evil...
It all pales in comparison to the satisfaction
of fulfilling one's destiny.
Location: Dagobah Surface | GA Forward Operating Base
Objective: Collusion
The Mandalorian Empire | [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Artemis Lux"] [member="Jor Kvall"] [member="Briika Tor-Munin"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Kal Ordo"] [member="Malika Mantis"] [member="Tal Vizsla"] [member=Tusk] [member="Preliat Mantis"]
The Galactic Alliance

Ra's visor glared over the personnel working within the Forward Operating Base. He reached down to his wristcomm unit, and pinged the members of the Mando'ade again.

// Tion'tuur Ni haa'taylir te tal, }
// Ni Kelir spirba jaon gar. }
// Bal gar Kelir cuyir morut'yc }
// Par gar cuyir Ner vod }

The encrypted key was sent to every soldier in the room.

Ra motioned forward his Mand'oade brethren in the room to form at the dais. Members of the Galactic Alliance would notice they were forming up in military formation - if any paid attention at all. They had trusted the Mandalorian Empire with everything. They had approved them landing codes, had approved them permission to stage a defense for the pending groundside attack. They had encouraged the same weakness that found the Galactic Alliance the target of multiple war efforts. And now... and now they sat like sheep behind their terminals, ready and waiting for other nations to defend them. For Mand'alor to stage the defense that he had so easily promised.

But this was War. And the Galactic Alliance wasn't the highest bidder.

No, Ra had positioned the Mandalorian Empire in the perfect place to stage a bidding war between the Factions, and whoever had offered the most would win their hand in matrimony... for the day. He held no allegiance to any of these nations, feared none of these nations. And while he had been mounting efforts within the Mandalorian Empire to defend Dagobah from these invaders, he had been in contact with the opposition in a manner to attain favor. And it was very obvious that they were quite desperate for it. The soldiers of Mandalore... every vod was worth a hundred of these plebian Alliance men. They were the perfect bargaining chip for attaining wealth for the the future of Mandalore, and only the future of Mandalore.

Ra's visor emblazoned red.​
"...Open fire."
From within the command module in the Galactic Alliance F.O.B., Mandalorian guns began to rip through Galactic Alliance soldiers.​
Dagobah Atmosphere

Location: Imperial fleet
Allies: The Galactic Empire
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance l Mandalorian Empire


The whirring of sublight engines boomed throughout the ship as the assault order was given. Red lights flaring throughout the vast hangar bays. The announcer read his alert in a stern and generic tone with calmness and professionality before his message cut out and then looped. Men and women clad in crew outfits scrambled to their ready positions and stormtroopers clad in white started filing into the Company of menacing vehicles stood by for deployment free of the ship. Each walker's eyes seemed to glint as they powered on moments before another shudder tore through the ship. A mix of naval bombardment and entering the planet's atmosphere had started to cause fluctuations in the shields and a hull breach had been created on one of the auxiliary supply decks.


Athan glared through the viewscreen centered within his own AT-AT at the ever-shifting tactical presence within fleet combat. His own ship had been able to break away from the fray with minimal damage and now descended, scanning the swampy marshes kilometers below. While older his ship managed to fight through the aerial blockade with full power to their shields and most weapons offline much to his disappointment. The engines had taken a direct blast from the Aerial platform and their legions of Alliance bomber craft leaving the A/C 1337 to descend on its backup engines and auxiliary thrusters.

The sensor sweeps came hurling back from the systems and weapon decks to meet Athan's viewscreen showing the latest in battlefield information as they knew it. A group of armor had come under heavy fire deeper into the swamp. Infantry skirmishes had been taking place along the surface at a regular rate with heavy losses for both sides initially, the imperial use of surprise allowing for the faster gaining of territory and landing of forces to continue the hammer of the empire ever pushing forward against the weak alliance being hammered back to a point of resistance. The stagnation of armored movements and lack of orbital bombardments had slowed the assault through his own wave of attack would be unrelenting from not just the power and armored might of the beasts he commands but also the platoons of troops being carried within to all.ow the numerical advantage increase if they could be deployed safely.

The ship seemed to shudder differently this time, people went crashing across the floor if they were not holding themselves secure and yet it was not another blaster round or bombing run. The ship had very much landed and now sat two kilometers south of the Juggernaut's position. The ship's size flattened any opposing tree formations and sunk into the bog slightly under its own weight before finding hard ground underneath.

The cargo ramps dropped with a crunch and whirring of heavy steel motors pushing the already sodden marshland to compact further into itself before bursting up around the sides and eventually dampening the deck with a splash of swamp water. The next stage of deployment sent the hulking behemoth's of steel to the bottom of the ramp before each of the eight walkers would make their own way out of the vessel of travel's shadow, the boggy lands causing the metallic and grey legs to struggle at first. Even Athan taking a moment to recalculate the movement trajectory and power levels to each of the vehicle's subsystems.

"This is Rapier One-one to Rapier company, form attack pattern victor zero-one and prepare for deployment of respective platoons upon the reaching of five hundred meters south of the contested position. Upon completion form attack pattern Victor 2-0. Ok, ladies and gentlemen let us give our brave boy's some help. Forward march!"

And just like that, the 8 walker's started their walk towards the target area. The second wave of imperial ground force would soon be an asset to the front lines. Athan Kain finished his speech and leaned back into his command chair as the beams of light started to break into his cockpit view. The shadow of his ship lifted off of them as its own prerogative to set up a resupply point and forward operations base started to take effect.

Summary: Transport lands on surface and unloads Rapier Company of AT-AT's.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Dagobah Shipyards, Sluis Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Allies: Himself
Adversaries: Everyone
The Bounty Hunter considered the risk not worth the reward, and so his mission of reaching whatever it was the Inquisitors were after was called off indefinitely, at least to him, whether they went ahead with or not meant nothing to Fett. The shuttle he was currently boarding seemed to be hyperdriveless, incapable of making the jump from this battle. What else would one do? Return back to the Alliance FOB in which he originally took off in. The shuttle was made by the Alliance, but he didn't know their access codes. Surely he would be shot down if he were to try and land, the Galactic Alliance wasn't necessarily one to cut corners on security.

"Incoming shuttle, transmit access codes at once, or be at risk of being shot down." An operator's voice echoed throughout the shuttle, and what did Koda do as a response? He lobbed a grenade into the back of the shuttle, allowing it to detonate and cause flames and other such damaging effects come about as he then spoke over the comms, "This is shuttle-" He intentionally cut himself off, heading straight towards the FOB, hurling yet another grenade into the back of the starship, letting it explode once more before slipping out the hole he created and into the fog. The ship he arrived on careening down into the base and most likely causing it's fair share of commotion.

Meanwhile, Fett had landing somewhere amidst the jungle, concealed by the fog he wandered aimlessly nearby. Surely there would be something, or maybe even someone.

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