Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private There is much to be thankful for


(This occurs directly after this thread.)


Chapter One
Together at long last.

Ava didn't remember anything from her extra-vehicular accident during the battle for Corellia. Maybe that was a blessing. The horrific details of the Rogue XO's ship being torn out from under her when an Imperial Sith concussion missile exploded nearby... Not only was the rebel pilot battered by the blast as she went EV, but to add insult to injury a piece of the TR-20's S-foil sliced through her right arm just below the elbow as the debris hurled outward.

The Ralltiiri had been plucked from the cold vastness of space by a rescue shuttle sent from the ANS Starchild, though she didn't know just how harrowing that mission had been for the brave souls who risked themselves in the hot zone for her. Nor did she realize how hard the doctors worked to stabilize her once aboard the Colony-class battlecruiser... having nearly bled out from the amputation and exposure to vacuum. It was humbling for sure, and Ava was most grateful to all the crew members who helped to save her.

After spending several days in one of the med bays few bacta tanks clinging to life, Ava was moved to the Med-Surg unit in stable condition with a synflesh cybernetic replacement connected to where her right forearm had been cut off. It would take time to get used to the prosthetic, but after some rehab, she should be back to doing everything as before.

A noise brought the blonde out of her resting state as long, dark lashes fluttered open slowly to expose a pair of sleepy blue orbs. Blurred vision gave way to more focused after a couple of purposeful blinks to find a familiar-looking dark-haired naval officer next to the bed. The Corellian's face was hard to read, like always, but the way his jaw muscles were flexed it meant he was perplexed.

Ava tried to flash [member="Dracken Pryce"] a small smile, but the cut on her lower lip made it hard to do so fully. "Try not to worry so much, Commodore. It will make you old before your time. I assure you I look much worse than I feel. Course, I have to say the drugs are pretty nice," she quipped softly over a dry throat while gazing up to meet the man's eyes that were seemingly a mix of concern and relief.

Perhaps Dracken did care after all, but to what degree was still yet to be determined.

"So what's the sitrep? Is Corellia free?"
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Typical Ava. Deflecting with bad humor, more worried about the mission than she was herself. Pryce had been on the shuttle that picked up Goldie and it had been a harrowing few days after the battle of Corellia. Pryce himself was caught in a litany of Red Tape. Technically while he was a part of the Galactic Alliance, his ship was and himself as a military man, technically were part of the CorSec Navy which had recently been absorbed into the Corellian Defense Force.

Which meant his days of playing Alliance Vigilante were nearly over.

Pryce took her hand in his. The synthetic hand felt cold, but he tried his best not to make any fuss about it. A weary smile met her quips, but the creases in his forehead were telling.

"The Sith retreated after the battle on the ground went South for them. Not sure exactly what happened...But, we're lucky it the Silver Jedi came when they did." He sighed.

"Ava, what were you thinking pulling a stunt like that?" Maybe not the best way to start, "You're lucky your astromech survived the explosion. I - We would have missed you in the debris. I," he said it again, "We're all glad you're okay, me especially."
[member="Dracken Pryce"]​

Him taking her hand, the new one, in his was a pleasant surprise. Sadly Ava only felt the pressure of the Dracken's touch against the synflesh, not the warmth or sensualness of the obvious caring gesture. The doctors said it would take a while for the cybernetic connections to fully integrate with the organic neurons, which sent and received impulses to and from her brain. That's what the rehab was for.

"Yes, well the Silver's do seem to be fashionably late, but nonetheless good to have them on our side, hmm," the blonde replied with a small nod of her golden head as it laid back upon the pillow. "I'm glad to hear the Sith retreated from your homeworld. I only wish we could have liberated Corellia earlier."

The Commodore's admonishment stung, though the man's stammering around between the I's and We's made it not hurt as badly. He was right from a certain point of view, though it wasn't a stunt. Rogues were outnumbered and outgunned. Taking more risks than normal was just part of the game when this happened, but Ava didn't have to like it.

"I would have had the TIE too in the head to head if... if it weren't for that damnable Eightgun raining on my parade," Goldie retorted with a resigning sigh, then she soften the second part of her reply.

"But, I understand why you'd be upset with me... I'm sorry to cause such concern. It's nice to know I'd be missed though, especially by you. That means a lot, Drack," she said with a sincere glint in her eyes for the man sitting at the bedside.

"You know I should really call you out on your own stunt pulled it seems, but I won't... I'll just say thank you and leave it at that. So, how did the Starchild and her compliment fair? And Rogue Squadron.... I haven't seen any of my squadmates yet, course I just got out of the tank. Are they still out on patrol? You have been my only visitor so far, not that I'm complaining."
A shadow fell over Pryce's gaze. The battle over Corellia was long and hard. The Alliance in Exile's force had been dwindling for some time. Pilots went to defend their homes from pirates, captains went awol and turned to piracy or mercenary work. They weren't doing well, and so the force they brought with them...Frankly it was all the Commodore could muster of his own forces, and he didn't doubt it was a similar situation for the others. Despite that many of their fighters and ships were lost or severely damaged.

Even Rogue Squadron had taken heavy losses.

"Skyhawk...Didn't make it. There were heavy casualties all around. We're actually docked in one of Corellia's shipyards getting repairs done," he sighed. "Some of the Rogues are on patrol, but most of us are just trying to wrap our heads around what's happened. I'm sorry."
The grimness that befell the Corellian's face just before opening his mouth to answer her question.... Well she knew it was the worst news. And to the Commodore's credit, he didn't beat around the bush either to which Goldie appreciated. There was no sugar coating a death, especially one of a comrade, or in this case a squad mate and former wingman.

Nonetheless, it hit Ava hard. The surviving Rogue closed her eyes tightly with an obvious pained look etched on her battered features. Losing Skyhawk came on the heels of losing Dagger, and before that it was Derek. They all had left her.... Would Dracken as well, now that he was home?

Ava swallowed hard trying to will some of the melancholy away before opening her eyes once again, and gazing back over to the Corellian naval officer. "Me too... Jax was one of our best pilots and a really good guy, though so quiet for a flyboy. I only wish I could have helped him more out there. I dusted a TIE off his six, then picked one up myself and got lost in my own battle. I feel so guilty making it out now... you know?" Goldie said, then a tear escaped from her glistening orbs and rolled down the Ralltiiri's bruised cheek.

"Funny, the last time you and I were together in a shipyard waiting on repairs to the ol' girl was at Manas, remember? It was just after the Battle of Fondor. I see a pattern beginning to form here... Don't know if that's a good thing or bad," the blonde quipped lightly, trying to deflect once again; a defense mechanism used frequently by the pilot.

"The Starchild has become my home so to speak. I suppose the Corellian Defense Force will be begging you to stay on, hmm? I wouldn't blame you if you did."

Ava sighed, then squeezed the man's hand, or at least tried to gently. "I would miss her, but more so you, Drack."

[member="Dracken Pryce"]​
Pryce squeezed her hand and his eyes met hers.

"Then stay with me, here on the Starchild," he paused and sighed, "No, that's not fair. I'm sure you have your own ambitions." He leaned back in his chair, his hand still wrapped around hers. It had been a long few days. More New Republic ships were flying in every day and Corellian Brass was pushing harder and harder to recruit more of the Alliance in Exile's captains and ship crew despite many of them not being Corellian. They needed the numbers and now that the Sith were finally pushed from their boarders Pryce was hearing rumors of reaching for more independence.
Funny how a near-tragedy is what it takes sometimes to clarify one's heart and bring it out into light from the shadows.

[member="Dracken Pryce"] cared after all; more than the stubborn Corellian probably knew or was willing to admit until now. It was something Ava had long suspected and wished to be true hidden under his stoic veneer and military professionalism.

The sincere look in the man's eyes and those measured words of an invitation for the Ralltiiri to remain with him definitely made her heart skip a beat and mind think about possibilities of a future. What that all entailed was still undetermined, but at least there was hope, and that is all the rebel pilot could ask for at this time.

"I'm ambitious in a general sense, Drack, not so much in a career climbing one necessarily. Choosing to stay with you wouldn't be unfair to me from my point of view, quite the opposite actually. I think we both want the same thing... For our people, and the galaxy as a whole to be free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness without fear and oppression. I have hope we can achieve it together, and who knows maybe for ourselves, hmm?"
Pryce was taken aback by Ava's response. He didn't feel that the New Republic was everything the Galactic Alliance had been, but he felt confident enough in the decisions of the Corellian higher ups and they were confident in the New Republic. He smiled warmly. Was she ready to leave the Alliance as well?

"I hear the Corellian Defense Force is looking for pilots," he quipped, "Would you join the New Republic? I think they have their hearts in the right place but...From the looks of it, they're gonna need the best pilots out there."
[member="Dracken Pryce"] seemed surprised by her answer; pleasantly if the warm smile was any indication. Ava had not seen this much emotion exhibited by the Commodore in all their time together as he usually was very reserved, well unless she flustered him.... It made the Ralltiiri chuckle silently to herself.

"I'm sure they are. Capable pilots are always in need, and training new ones to be combat ready takes time," Goldie replied, then the blonde shifted her shoulders and hips in the bed. The pain meds were starting to wear off and there wasn't a part of her that didn't feel like it hadn't been run over by herd of banthas, but she didn't want to complain nor give up her time with the Corellian.

"Well I suppose that would be the plan, if I stay after I am cleared to fly again," she smiled, then a soft smirk formed. "Course I'd have to check out the Corellian hospitality first... I've been in orbit three times now above your homeworld, but never have experienced Corellia first hand."
He chuckled.

"Corellian hospitality?" Though to be fair, that was a stereotype, albeit an old one. The Corellian shrugged. Corellian cities weren't much different than other cities in the Galaxy, especially in the Core, but people from all over wanted to see the miracle of Corellia. How the planet had crawled back from the brink was a question he asked himself every day, though he tried not to dwell on the destruction.

"Well I heard there was a certain ex-Alliance officer that wanted to take you out on the town," he said with a mischievous Corellian smirk, "But you're not going anywhere until they get you off of these tubes. Doctor said a few more days in the bacta tanks and you'll be fine."
Ava scrunched up her nose at the thought of having to endure more dips in the bacta tank. It was one thing to be totally unconscious like she was during the initial life-saving treatment, but this time the pilot would only be given conscious sedation for the subsequent sessions. It made her anxious; something the Ralltiiri wasn't proud of, but who could blame her really?

"Well then, I'm going to hold that certain ex-Alliance officer to his promise... " Goldie winked back at [member="Dracken Pryce"], then added with a hopeful smile. "and will look forward to the Corellian's hospitality after I'm all healed up."


Another week had gone by and finally the injured Rogue was discharged from the Starchild's medbay; officially put on medical leave from the Alliance to rest and recuperate further. During this time away from combat and her duties as executive officer of Rogue Squadron, there would be much for the Lieutenant Commander to think about and consider going forward. Future possibilities had not been etched in stone yet just mere musings at this point. Things were basically up in the air; upended by recent events or maybe it had been building to this moment.

Stepping out of the sonic shower in her quarters upon the Colony-class battlecruiser, Ava relished in the clean feeling yet still yearned for a real shower or perhaps even a long soak in a tub with hot water. A girl can dream, hmm?! The cuts, abrasions, and contusions on the blonde's face and body had all disappeared thanks to the wonderful healing magic of bacta. Goldilocks was back to her normal self, well at least on the outside it would appear.

The main thing was no one at a glance could tell either the pilot's right lower arm was a prosthetic with the synflesh covering matching her own skin tone, but it did feel foreign to her. Ava assumed it felt that way to Dracken too upon holding her hand when he came to visit her at the bedside in the ship's medbay. That was just something she'd (he'd) have to get used to. Over time the doctors said it would seemingly become 100% natural and user friendly, especially if she kept up with rehab. The Ralltiiri was thankful for such things to even be. It could have been a whole different story if a crazy rescue attempt hadn't been made to get the EV pilot.

With a pilot bag packed, Ava just waited for the Commodore to summon her when he was ready to go ground side. The Corellian naval officer was going to show her his homeworld. She'd never been on Corellia before, only hearing about the infamous Core World and seeing the before and after holos of the previously devastated planet. Corellia had a proud history, and she could see how it was carried by its sons and daughters, especially in Dracken, and in Rogue Leader too. Ava supposed it was the same for her and Ralltiir, but that was for another day and discussion.
It had been...surprisingly hard to find casual clothes in his quarters. It had taken him so long to find his one outfit that he began to question if he even owned any. In fact, the only casual piece of clothing he owned was a bantha leather jacket, and so he had to civi-up his outfit. A white Alliance work out shirt, blue bdu trousers, and his leather jacket were the outfit of choice today. With a small bag packed with another shirt and other essentials he gave Ava ring on her com as he exited his captain's quarters and headed towards the turbolift.

They'd meet in the main hangar. A U-wing was bringing people too and from the ship while it underwent repairs and would be their ride to the ground. It had been a long time since he'd been on the surface of Corellia. In fact, he didn't think he'd been to the planet's surface since before the event that had garnered the planet's nickname of "Brokellia". Both his parents were gone from the event, his sister was a pilot running freight for some company, and most of his friends had been part of the Alliance. There wasn't ever a reason to go down there.

But now as the doors of the turbolift opened up to the bustling hangar he wondered if that would change soon...

[member="Ava Cartwright"]
"Roger that... I'll be right there," Goldie answered [member="Dracken Pryce"] before the personal comm call was ended.

There was a hint of excitement in her voice, if the man picked up on it. Ava also had a case of the butterflies; nervous as this would be their first shore leave together. Neither really knew what would come of this, them. If the pilot had learned anything from recent experiences, it was not to take things or anyone for granted. She would live in the moment and let the cards fall where they landed with hopefully no regrets.

Ava gave herself one last look over in the mirror hanging on the door of her footlocker. The blue sweater brought out her eyes she thought; one of the blonde's better features at least from her point of view. A content smile graced her face as the Rogue closed the locker door and slipped on a bomber jacket before exiting her quarters with the pilot bag in hand filled with changes of clothes and essentials. One thing was possibly frivolous, but what the heck, right!

The nice thing about being a pilot was having accommodations just above the hangar deck for quick access when scrambling. There was a staircase that took one directly to the hangar bay so Ava arrived before the Commodore. The blonde stood outside the U-wing and waited for Dracken's arrival.

The piece of gum in her mouth was really getting a chewing as Ava's steel blue gaze caught a glimpse of the dark-haired Corellian step out of the lift and walk towards her with a swagger she hadn't really seen before. It made her grin softly.

"I don't know about you, Commodore, but I'm looking very forward to this R & R. I can't remember the last time I took any. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity," Goldie said, still maintaining some military decorum in mixed company before she jumped up into the troop transport's passenger compartment and strapped herself into a jump seat.

Damn those butterflies anyway...
He chuckled at that. They were still using ranks? It made sense. Every military group had to have a structure somewhere. Even still, he didn't feel like a Commodore, and he might not be one for much longer either if the Corellians and the New Republic had their way. Both groups were vying to take the ship from the Alliance in Exile. Technically after the Alliance fell it became a Corellian ship, all of the Colony-class battlecruisers did. But Corellia sorely lacked the manpower to staff a ship this huge without taking from other ships. But the Starchild, it was an icon, a symbol of the resilience the Alliance has.

Or had, depending on who you asked nowadays.

He gave her a sly smile.

"I'm no Commodore. At least not officially." He shrugged, "I don't know why you're thanking me, this is all coming out of your pocket," he joked before stepping onto the U-Wing.

[member="Ava Cartwright"]
"Well then if that is the case, I hope you like McYodas," she quipped back with an audible chuckle.

As the U-wing launched from the Starchild's main hangar bay, there was but just a wee moment of anxiety for the recent EVA pilot, but the panic went away as quickly as it came. The emotion was probably more that Goldie was a passenger and not flying the transport than PTSD. Well that's what the Rogue told herself as her hands relaxed their grip on the jump seat's armrest. At least Ava didn't dig her fingernails into [member="Dracken Pryce"]'s arm that was sharing the space.

"So what are our plans dirt side, hmm?" the blonde asked curiously as New Coronet could be seen out the transport's viewport.

There were still areas of the city that showed battle damage from the recent skirmish with the Sith, but reconstruction efforts had already taken care of the damage to major infrastructures like the starport and CorSec Headquarters it appeared. Corellia up close didn't quite look as the Ralltiiri had pictured it, but then again most of the images she'd perused were before the planet was broken. What a shame! She would have loved to have visited the Gold Beaches for a fun and romantic getaway. What?! A girl can dream.
Plans? He shrugged at the question before he sat down and strapped himself in. He hadn't much thought of what they would do down planetside. The city was still rebuilding in many parts, including his "home" sector. Though his home sector had long been destroyed from the cataclysm and so much of it was brand new. He didn't recognize any of the streets or shops there anymore so could he really call it home? Now he lived closer to City Center, at least that was his permanent address. There was more to do, the air was easier to breathe, and it was close to CorSec's main office.

These thoughts rolled through his mind as the U-Wing took off from the Starchild and made its way to his home.

The day he found went by rather quickly. They'd landed just on the cusp of afternoon and spent the day exploring. It had been as much fun for him as he thought it annoyed her, mostly because she'd wrongly assumed the man knew the first thing about a rebuilt Coronet City, and secondly because it was the first time they'd been open about any of their feelings. They linked arms, held hands, and might have even given quick pecks throughout the day. As it slowly came to a close Drack pulled Ava aside as they walked along a boardwalk overlooking the half man-made bay. They were near his apartment now, about to turn in for the night.

"Ava," he started, "I've received an offer to join the New Republic." He didn't mince his words or beat around the bush, and he needed to say it before the day was over because well...

"And I've accepted," he sighed and looked out over the dark bay and took a moment to watch the lights of Coronet City dance on the inky black surface. "And Corellia's signed over the Starchild to the New Republic too. Starting tomorrow I'll be a Battlegroup Admiral with the New Republic and will be leaving the Corellia System for Carida aboard the NRV Starchild." He'd been speaking very informally all day, and now it was if that formality had taken root again.

[member="Ava Cartwright"]
It had been a great day for the two of them, well once they got hold of a map and found out where everything was. I guess Ava hadn't fully realized that [member="Dracken Pryce"] was just as much a visitor to his homeworld as she was. A sad fact, but true. New Corellia was definitely not the old, but the world still had its charm especially when shared with another.

The walk back to his apartment along the boardwalk was bittersweet. It was a beautiful night for such a thing, romantic and all, yet it meant the day was soon coming to a close or nearly. When Dracken suddenly stopped and pulled her to the side, the Ralltiiri wasn't quiet sure if it was a good thing or bad as he was nervous from the way his jaw muscles tensed. Then, the man's words came out. Dracken was never one to beat around the bush, which she actually appreciated. There was no way to sugar coat it, the Corellian had made a decision on his future. Somehow Ava knew this would be his choice, but it still hurt to a degree.

The Rogue tried not to act so surprised yet the blonde couldn't help but let a little emotion slip out in her response.

"So soon?" Ava exclaimed softly, upset their time was cut short yet how could she not be happy for Drack. It was a great career move for the dedicated naval officer. He definitely deserved more than the Alliance could offer in their degraded state now.

"Well no wonder you're not a Commodore anymore... Congratulations, Admiral. The New Republic couldn't ask for a better man to lead their navy," she said flashing a smile of respect, and admiration.

Thoughts raced through the Ralltiiri's mind. Should she offer the man an easy out then so he could walk away clean? I mean they hadn't fully crossed the line as of yet... They could still part as friends, no harm, no foul. But, was that what Dracken really wanted after his outward showing of affection towards her today, and while she was in the medbay as well as the tension felt between them ever since Manas?

"Drack... I'll understand if you want to leave tomorrow unencumbered and start anew, but I just want you to know, well I... I've fallen in love with you," Ava offered with measured emotion while gazing up into those heavenly blue pools of his. Oh how she'd miss looking into them whether the two were still together or not.
He frowned at her as she started what sounded like an elaborate ploy to get rid of him but the frown turned into a smile and drew her in close to him as a speeder flew past them on the road. He'd always been raised to show rather than say. "Speaking is for them politicians and Jedi," his uncle would say. And so he did just that. With a single hand he cupped her cheek and gave it a soft brush with his thumb and kissed her. Did she really think she was going to get rid of him that easily? Maybe he wasn't, hadn't been forward enough before. To be honest, he wasn't sure if she was just being overly flirtatious with him until recently and while they hadn't been technically in the Alliance Navy for what felt like ages now, the Alliance Vessel still held some semblance of authority over his life.

"I love you to," came the response after a long moment. "That's the reason I wanted to tell you about the Republic. I'm sure they're always looking for exceptional pilots...But I know you have your own mission, your own code." He sighed, an arm still wrapped around her waist.

"I just figured you'd be off on your next grand adventure against Tyranny somewhere in the Galaxy before long. I didn't want you wondering where I'd when you came back to Corellia."
The kiss... Well it said everything and a whole lot more about what the Corellian truly felt for Ava. The pilot melted into [member="Dracken Pryce"] and returned his impassioned physical endearment with matched intent. Then, he uttered the verbal words that confirmed where his heart was. It made the Ralltiiri's face light up brightly. There was even a bit of moisture that might have clouded her steel blue orbs for a moment.

Goldie's arms stayed around Dracken's neck after the kiss ended, fingers playing tenderly with the naval officer's short strands of dark hair. Her heart was beating hard, steady, and fast now full of love and warmth for the man. A small grin grew at the corners of the Rogue's kiss swollen lips.

"You know me all too well by now, Drack... " Ava chuckled lightly, then the tall blonde pressed her forehead to his and gazed lovingly into those enticing blue pools his. "Yes I'm a rebel at heart, but know this I'll always come back to you. And with that promise made I'm hoping that Corellia will become my home away from home, if you'll share her with me?" she asked, then added a tick later with her standard sense of deflecting humor.

"Course that would mean I'd have to have some closet space and a drawer at your place, well maybe two."
A breath of a laugh escaped his lips. He wanted this moment to never end. He didn't want to get back to war, or maybe he did. Maybe that was what every soldier wanted, was to be in the thick of the fight. But he truly didn't want to go back at this moment, not even a little bit.

"That's a lot of space for a X-Wing pilot," he quipped, dangling a spare set of keys to the side of her head and jingled the set. "Should I get the butler give you a tour or will I do?" He gave her another quick peck. The wind picked up around them and the water chill sent a shiver up his bones. It was mid Spring on Corellia and while his new place was nice, he would have chosen a different place other than the water.

To be honest, Pryce hadn't even been in his new place so it would be new for both of them. He'd gotten the keys several days ago in the main and it had taken another few days to get another set of keys. Archaic, yes, but Corellia was all about the charm of simpler times, even if they were one of the most advanced cities in the Galaxy. He gave a nod to the tall buildings across the road.

"Shall we?"

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