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The Womprat Pack

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Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
"The Hip Cats of Scat. The Bad Kings of Swing"

The Basics Daddy-O:
  • Intent: To create a fun NPC group to use for IC Spaarti PR campaigns and for RPers on the site to generally reference and use in RP.
  • Affiliation: Spaarti Creations
  • Availability: Unique
  • Type: Musical Swing/Jazz Group
  • Strength: Just 5 fly cats whose bag is smokin' that stage!

The Kickin' Description

Ever since the day these five hipsters were born, they were destined to make it big on the stage. That is, as Francis Saturn would say "A fact Jack". These small town idols hail from all over the galaxy, from Coruscant to Ryloth; all come together for the valiant cause of smoking, drinking and generally jazzing it up on stage. If there were a nobler goal in this universe, I wouldn't know of it. The band itself specializes in small comedy gags and swing music; their gimmick being to appear on stage drinking Corellian Ale and pretending to be just as drunk as they usually were off-stage.

Of course, these artists only came together after a successful solo career. Among the artists we have the famous names of:

Francis Saturn

Arguably the most well know of the pack, Francis got his start in a small youth singing group on Corellia known as the "Four Lightspeeds". The Lightspeeds played at various small gatherings in his hometown just at the base of Dregan's Pike mountain; frequenting smuggler dens and spice bars that held a surprisingly receptive crowd. Francis' big break would come after a wealthy Spice Lord saw one of his shows, taking a shine to him immediately. The boy could sing. The boy could dance! Hell the boy could even slightly act! No one would expect him as a drug mule!!​
So began Francis' unwitting career as an illegal spice mule for the Zann Consortium Corellia Branch. At the age of twelve he was moving more drugs than most addicts will ever see in their lifetime; and he was blowing up the stage doing it! The Spice Lord had booked him for real concerts across the stars where he would unwittingly sneak in far too much narcotics for a small child to be holding onto. At first it was small shows and small loads, but as Francis gained popularity, the shows got bigger and the tons of drugs just got bigger.​
At the age of eighteen he had played over two-hundred shows and helped millions of tons of spice find a respectable place in the veins of addicts everywhere. That's when things took a horrible and unexpected turn for the young artist. While playing a sold out concert on Coruscant, the Coruscanti police raided his personal starship and found fifty tons of pure Kessel spice. Needless to say, Francis was pulled off the stage and taken promptly to jail where he would wait for a judge to sentence him to prison. However, taking his age into consideration and by taking a plea deal, Franics was able to score only ten years in Coruscanti prison.​
When he got out though, people had all but forgotten the young talent. With the Consortium no longer interested in him and all his fans gone, he needed somewhere to go. Francis would do anything for fame because and this was proven when he admitted to the jail officer he had befriended during his ten year incarceration that, not only did he know about the drugs that put him away, but he had known since he was fifteen and had even started slinging spice at his shows so that he could sell more seats and pocket all the extra money.​

Loyalties: Money, personal fame, Spaarti Creation's money

Role: Singer

Development Threads: N/A

Age: 28

Species: Human

Force-Sensitive: No

Appearance: Francis is always decked out in a loose fitting suit and contractually obligated Spaarti Logo tie. He is balding slightly on the top of his head and has pale white skin marked by drug-related bruising on the arms. Despite this outlandish appearance in a universe full of giants in armor, people don't stop to notice his clothing or bruises. They stop to notice his smoldering blue eyes, deep like those of a Krayt Dragon but not nearly as menacing; earning him his hated nickname "Baby Krayt Eyes".

Personality: Francis is an easily irritable man who pretends to be nice on stage but is an absolutely unbearable menace to his fans and society in his personal life. He will often insult, taunt or just plan ignore his fans while having his hands tucked away in his pockets. If they are lucky they might get a his signature tip-of-the-fedora that is a nonchalant way of saying "screw off"

Weapon of Choice: Does a Boom Microphone count?

Wealth: Francis is modestly wealthy at this point thanks to Spaarti but his amount of undeserved cash seemingly grows everyday.

Combat Function: HAHA! Francis couldn't fight a fever let alone fight a person. He would do nothing but scream and get in the way.

Skills: Singing, dancing, stage performing

Notable Possessions: He has a special shot glass he used whenever he goes drinking. It is a clear, crystal shot glass with the Zann Consortium insignia etched into the bottom.

Dino Mandrel

Current Age: 52​
Dino Mandrel has always been a man with a bit of a....fascination with his own appearance. Born early into the Darkness in the slums of Coruscant, Dino was left abandoned in a sub-city orphanage at the age of three. During his time there, he was the victim of frequent in orphanage mugging in which children would use broken glass formula bottles to rob him of his government mandated lunch. Unfortunately Dino would never fight back; he was afraid of them "cutting his pretty little face". You see, at the ages of three through seven, Dino was left mostly in a single person room by himself with only a single wall mounted mirror.​
Needless to say this situation isn't exactly ideal for a developing young mind who was abandoned before they could properly curse you out for doing so.​
Dino found himself talking to his own reflection and admiring his own beauty and by the time he was deemed old enough to send more time around the other kids, he had grown a narcissistic and slightly homo erotic fascination with himself. This odd relationship with...himself grew even more odd as he was outcast by the other children. Soon he found himself playing board games with his own reflection and taking a portable mirror on dates. He would even sing himself love ballads he'd write during long nights alone in his room.​
And that's where his story really begins. While walking down through the slums one day, singing to his portable mirror as he usually did, he got the ear of a swoop race manager who was in desperate search of a distraction for his audience. They were all growing restless at the fact that his most recent race had not begun at its usual time on account of his racers having forgotten to fuel their swoops before coming to the track. Grabbing the young Dino off the street, the Swoop Manager had him swing in front of the audience, albeit still to himself. The strange boy was an immediate hit, eventually landing a gig to sing every night before the races. Eventually, his concerts became more popular than the races themselves.​
After several years of small time gigs at the race track, he was finally picked up by a major Coruscanti records producer who had heard about him through his nephew. He would go onto create many galaxy topping songs such as "Ain't that a Slap in the Converter" and "You're Nobody Unless You're My Reflection". This glorious string of ballads and love songs went on...and on...and on some more.​
Eventually everyone realized he couldn't sing anything besides ballads and lost interest. So, the once mighty Dino decided to settle down in the apartments of Coruscant; growing old with his bathroom mirror. Unfortunately for Dino, growing old had not been as easy as he'd thought and with the credits drying up and his skin drying out; he needed a solution.​
Thankfully for him, Spaarti came along with a PR campaign and machine that could give back the fifty-two year old his youthful gleam...​

Samonthus Davvis "Sammy" Jr.
Current Age: 32​

Samonthus (AKA "Sammy" to humans); got his start in showbiz in a very stereotypical fashion for Twi'leks. Born into Hutt Slavery, Samonthus always wanted to be a performer. Just not the pole sliding kind that the female personality Hutt had him performing as in her personal fortress on Nal Hutta. He just didn't feel like he was cut out for the head-tail shaking business of grinding on a slimy Hutt torso for the better half of your life. Who could blame him really? Hutts are gross.​
So, Sammy planned his escape from the Hutt palace. He was going to make something of himself out there in the great big galaxy. While the Hutt slept, Sammy through his chain around the Hutt's neck and pulled as hard as he could; using all of his might to strangle the Hutt to death. Unfortunately, malnourishment tends not to be good on the muscle structure. The Hutt burst from its sleep only to be slightly annoyed at the tickling sensation at its throat.​
Enraged, the Hutt through Sammy into the its Kath Hound dungeon beneath the fortress. Alone in the dark and surrounded by hungry Kath Hounds, Sammy thought for sure that his time was up. That was until he realized that the door used to let the hounds in and out of the dungeon was wide open and if he could be fast, he could get through and use a rock to smash the control panel; thus escaping the hounds. So, with the speed of ten very weak men, Sammy through himself through the gate, grabbing a rock and throwing it at the control panel.​
Unfortunately, he had thrown the rock too soon and the massive metal door came crashing down on his left leg. Not the most successful of escape plans, but it panned out in the end. Later that day, when the cleaner came down to empty the cages, he found Sammy and took pity on him. As grime covered hound keeper knelt over, vibroaxe in hand to amputate Sammy's leg; he noticed the distinct smell of something on the air. It was musky and had the tang of sadness and depression and, for some reason, it was coming off his breath.​
After the man had amputated his hand instead of his leg, Sammy put together that the hound keeper was probably not in the most preferable state of mind for preforming surgery. After finally getting the right limb cut off and being brought to a shady operating room, Sammy was free to go about his life with two unplanned robotic limbs! After booking passage off Nal Hutta, Sammy began to sing at bars around the outerrim; but no one seemed interested in his shows.​
That was until he accidentally began to gyrate on stage. Since then, he has reluctantly accepted that people only care about his singing when there is lots of provocative motions to go with it. Once a stripper always a stripped I guess. Eventually, the ride of fame brought him into the sights of Ethan Alde; who was planning on building a new PR platform for Spaarti using musical talent...​
Petteris Launchford "Pete"
Current Age: 24​
You aren't the only one who thought it was fishy that a zeltron was trying to be music star. In fact, almost everyone in the galaxy was skeptical. Unfortunately they were too busy falling in love with his pheromones to care that he had no musical talent. Getting his start as an actor in holovids, Petteris was known far and wide as a great acting talent for his skill alone. He starred in hit comedies and classic dramas; but this wasn't enough for the young star. No, all that fame and fortune wasn't enough for him. He wanted more and not because he was greedy, but because he couldn't stand the thought of one credit in the entertainment industry not going to him.​
Wait, I suppose that is a greedy isn't it? See it is those damn pheromones!​
When he first started his musical career, everyone was skeptical of what he could bring to the stage. Regardless, he was able to sell out a whole stadium and gain holovid coverage. As he began to sing covers of songs already made famous by the other three artists above, people at home began covering his ears. Critiques were quoted as saying "I would literally throw my cat into the blender just to block out Launchford's singing." People at the stadium, however, couldn't get enough of it. They were crazy about him and his songs, no matter how much other people tried to tell them that they'd been brainwashed by his pheromones. Tricked into thinking he was actually good.​
This pattern continued as he played more and more concerts, each one growing his fan-base by thousands at a time. This success would keep him rolling for about a year, until one day a group of angry humans decided to test the theory that he had been using his pheromones. So, while at his concert, they released heavy amounts of Falleen pheromones to counter Petteris'. The results were disastrous as people ran out of the stadium just to make their ears stop bleeding. After that, Petteris was forced to take up Spaarti's offer to change his face and give him a second chance with the Womprat Pack...​
"Joey Bith-up"
Current Age: ?
Women want him and men want to be him. Mostly just to find out what this guy's deal is. Nobody knows much of anything about Joey; except that his real name isn't Joey Bith-Up and he doesn't speak a lick of basic. Or really says much of anything at all....​
...He just sit there with those weird bug eyes of his and plays Kloo Horn....​
What are your secrets Joey? Tell us. We just want to love you.​
Spaarti hired this strange man after hearing about him and his traveling solo performances. They weren't even sure he had accepted at first because he didn't show up or call for weeks. Then, when he did show up, he wouldn't talk or answer them in regards to his playing with the band....he just kinda never left. They assumed that was a good thing.​
This gang of used-to-bes and could-have-beens were exactly what Spaarti wanted. They were a cheap talent that was good enough for the price and could e used to promote the new Spaarti name. To do this, they merged the talents into the Womprat pack; a band sponsored by Spaarti in exchange for endorsement, Many people in the galaxy were happy to see these old faces back again, now accompanied by new faces (and technically one that was the same but no one can really tell now can they?).​
The band's shows are famous for comedy gags on stage and their apparent free lifestyle of drinking, womanizing and the like. They still do occasional solo performances but it is not uncommon for other members of the band to show up unannounced to such shows to heighten the fun (or bring it to a drunk, raving halt...except these ones tend to more real than their usual gags).​
Since their grouping, The Womprat pack have become famous for a number of songs including The Imperial March Re-Jazzed and The Cantina a song recounting the journey of Luke Skywalker and the rebellion; coining the term "Star Wars" as phrase used to describe the era of conflict between the Galactic Civil War and Darth Krayt's Empire.​
[member="Ethan Alde"]

Sorry it took a little bit of time to get to this sub, been a little busy. ANYWHO, everything looks good except for a format thing.

I just need the information on the actual band members under a spoiler and styled like they are an NPC sub. Doesn't need to be five separate subs, it stays in this one. Just need that taken care of and you're good to go :)
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