Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Value of Good Lesson

Darlyn nodded lightly, chuckling a bit. "Dragon Eh? Well, can't be all that bad then." He collapsed the quarterstaff and tossed it aside, moving to his possessions piled in the corner and unfolding the cloak, catching his lightsaber as it fell out. He ignited the weapon with a flourish, clearly far more comfortable with the weapon in his hand than he had been with the staff.

"I was a hunter, before Kay employed me. Made my living breaking into places like this, hunting targets across the galaxy, getting to meet new and interesting people. Killing those new and interesting people on occasion, as the job demanded of course. Nothing was quite as fun as breaking this lovely weapon out after they grow accustomed to the 'standard bounty hunting fodder' chasing them. Remember most of their reactions too, quite hilarious at times."

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
She watched him as she sat down after moving a chair to the middle close to him as she leaned back watching the saber move it his hand, she rubbed her chin as she half listened before she looked back up at him with a chuckle setting up again

I've been many things within my life, been a mechanic, pilot, solider, Jedi, dark jedi, supersoldier, and so much more that I could keep I'm simply a queen, soldier, occasionally bounty hunter....witj this war going on with the Galactic alliance I've pledge my help to the first I've been doing that

She said and held her hand out

May I see your lightsaber
Darlyn hummed, it would be stupid to toss her his weapon, yet in the middle of the castle what harm could she do? He was powerful enough even without it, and it wasn't like he didn't know how to fight an armed force user. So he shrugged a bit, and tossed her the weapon, after disengaging the yellow blade. "If we're listing our resume's I suppose it's worth noting I've been an orphan, a thief, a Sith, and a hunter before all this. Not quite as delightfully colorful as yours but certainly easier to understand the progression." He leaned back against the wall.

"So, Queen Raxis? What all can you tell about my lightsaber and me? I've heard there's much a jedi or ex jedi can pick up from merely the design."

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
She caught the blade as she activated it and gave it a spin, felt clumsy compared to her own saber...then again her saber was tailored specifically for her and she knew how to use it effectively, she listened to him and handed it back as she chuckled

colorful, yes, a long road of pain and happiness but no story is without pain and I will not deny and say life has been perfect...but it's been fun as anything I could do

She chuckled as she looked down then back up

well darlyn, depending on if you found it or made it, a lightsaber can call out to it's sabers I made myself, I laid the pieces out and let them form as I saw...then carved the designs to my liking...a saber comes in many styles and shows the fighting style the person prefers
"Well, I made that one myself. It was no small task at the time, with my then-Master hounding at me to construct it. I was fortunate to already possess the crystal by sheer luck, else I might have been sent to hunt Jedi with a rusty knife." He took the weapon back and took up his preferred opening stance, a low guard with his dominant foot slightly forward, blade angled forward and across to the left. A classic Niman position. "As it is he never really trained me himself. No better teacher than practice and experience, I'm still not certain I was meant to survive."

He chuckled and moved the weapon off into a more relaxed stance. "It's amusing to think about it sometimes. I, a mere apprentice with incomplete training, have more than once out smarted and out played experienced criminals and trained fighters. 'Course I never played fair, but that's another matter." And probably, he thought to himself, the most amusing bit.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Darlyn Excron"]

She gave a chuckle as she nodded and sat down again watching him with a calculating eye...she couldn't help it, it was a simple thing she did automatically without even noticing it at all

my master was...well odd kind guy ill say, he got me through my younger stupid years and talrained me in jarkai

She nodded to him as she stood and got her sabers out standing some away as she if it's the black and white blades as she gave them a spun practicing a bit

experience out ranks anythimg, you can learn and learn all your life but know how to react and change and you'll always win
[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"True, but it isn't often your first time wielding a blade is against someone who wants you dead." He shrugged a bit and pulled from his cloak, with the force, his DL-18 blaster as well, holding both weapons at his side with very practiced ease. "Still, something like this is unexpected and dangerous. It's amazing how much Jedi expect you to be dirty, but never pragmatic. A kick they expect, a gun..."

He laughed a bit, twirling the blaster in hand. "Well, it certainly ended up paying the bills after I left. Plenty of drinks, some pretty good ones even. Decent meals, my public transit fare, plenty of funds to scrape on by. Though it was always strange walking off a bus to begin a manhunt."

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Darlyn Excron"]

She smiled and put a saber up as she drew a westar 35 and spun it in her fingers ads she held one saber out and set the blaster to stun firing and swinging before spinning in the air, of one was watching her would see probably a green beauty in the air before she landed with a gentle touch

hahaha could be worse, trying telling the person that takes care of you your going out to hunt and you'll be back before dinner

She said as she chuckled again and put her blaster up simply practicing with her blade now as she smiled
"Ever lived on the streets alone?" Well if things were turning into.. well.. certain kind of contest... he'd be sure to play hard. "On a frozen waste of a planet no less? Not particularly fun. Especially as a child." He chuckled and moved very calmly around the arena, not really making much in terms of movement with the weapons. Theatrical in behavior, but he was very pragmatic in lightsaber combat he liked to believe.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
No, but I did have to live on narshadda after my parents were killed there and I was nearly killed there as well

She said as she moved up beside him as she moved, she didn't wanna go into it, even after so many was still something she wouldn't go into..she looked out as she watched the images flags in her head then shook it as she concentrated on her movements

I can't say i know the pain but I've had similar

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"Eh, it's not quite the same. Least Nar Shadda isn't frozen." He chuckled a bit, disengaging his lightsaber and taking a few steps back. It was amusing in a way to watch [member="Stardust Raxis"] move alone. Not to mention it gave him notes on how to improve his own fighting style. "So, Imahalyan? Had some of their wine before. Pretty good, not cheap but pretty good. Used to be served at this nice little cantina i used to frequent, shame I never got the chance to return outside of paying my tab."
least I can say that place was got however

She stopped as her lekku bounced before resting, she deactivated the sabers and placed them on her side as she looked over and offered a smirk, she looked down as she chuckled

yeah well I'm sure a crate of it could uh maybe be moved off, possibly be delivered to a Mr excron, maybe said person would like to share a couple glasses with the queen of imahalyan

She shamelessly hinted looking at him

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"I wouldn't object." He chuckled and offered a slight nod. His blaster put away at his hip, he crossed his arms with a smirk. "Of course I can't drink alone. Nothing's quite as depressing as drinking alone." He continued to chuckle as he turned to walk over to his cloak. What a curious woman this was, she intrigued him greatly. A queen far unlike his own now, not the least of which being in appearance and how they hold themselves. Perhaps life in the palace wouldn't be so dull and monotonous if she was one of the frequent visitors.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Darlyn Excron"]

She gave a smirk as she leaned against a wall near him nodding her head gently humming before looking over

Well then I'm sure my next visit which is when a fresh batch shall be ready I'll personally deliver the crate of it to you along with a few glasses

She chuckled and shook her head gently at herself, felt good to actually be socializing, especially with a man like [member="Darlyn Excron"], he was a odd type she would say, definitely someone she'd hang around more often and give him lessons as well when she could...itherwsie it was another friend and...could she say student? Maybe she could
He chuckled a bit and gave a gracious nod. It didn't take much to earn his thanks when it came to alcohol, or credits, or any of those delicious subjects. And though he might not be the nicest person alive, he was quite the friend when expressing his thanks, as his debt to Kay that brought him to this juncture of his life no doubt showed. He hummed, as he walked to his cloak and clipped it on, the hood flipping up in moments.

Quite honestly he wouldn't be surprised if he looked like a sith in this. "Well then, I suppose you have business to attend to. You are a Queen after all, can't spend all day chatting with a guard, it would be unbecoming."

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Darlyn Excron"]

She gave a smile as She clipped everything back onto her, she looked more like a soldier then a queen, she looked over to him as she saw the hood come up, she chuckled

but isn't that what romantics are made of? The forbidden visits and unexpected twists?

She said and moved close as she winked and then turned walking away

I'll see you in a month

She said and left

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