Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The universe is neither benign nor hostile (PM for invite)


Disney's Princess
Salvaging the RSMU
w/ [member="Judah Dashiell"]

Emma dismounted her XwR and gave her Astromech a nod,

"Take her back into orbit Age. It's too moist down here for my taste. Park her in Lagrange outside of L2. I'll call you if I need anything. And watch that Solar stuff this time. I don't want another crispy intake burner like Kato V."

~/ woot weep. Deep deep! ~

That was how Astromech's say affirmative. The X-Wing took off back into the sky, leaving Emma standing a puddle of murky brown waters. Bleh. Her TR EVA Hazop V-Mk2 could take it though. Hell of a space suit. She turned and approached the Salacia departures. [member="Judah Dashiell"] amongst them. She tapped her helm to get the large visor to reset back to transparent display,

"Morning boys. Emma Prinn. Jedi Padawan. Nice to meet you all. I'm game for salvaging some old tech if you are. Lead the way."
Touching down on the planet near the other ships Ana took a few minutes to get on her envirosuit. It took her a bit of time because unlike her armor she wasn't used to wearing anything like this. It was just as big as her armor and perhaps a little bulkier as well but not heavier. Once she had managed to get it on Ana lowered her ramp so she could begin to bring out supplies.

Grabbing the first box she stepped out onto the planet to see a group of others doing basically the same thing that she was. Getting things out of ships and setting up work stations. She didn't really have a workstation to set up per say just a bunch of supplies the Master figured they could all use.

"I would be up for going with you two ," Ana replied to [member="Judah Dashiell"] and [member="Emma Prinn"] as she set down her box. She wasn't all in the whole science thing but she did like exploring. Scavenging with her brother was a fond memory of hers and something she would jump at the chance of doing again. "Let me just go get my bag," she nodded before heading back up the ramp and disappearing for a few moments before returning with said bag.

The brown shoulder bag she had brought with her really was nothing special. It was just used to hold some tools, weapons and a datapad to record findings on.
“Anyone else on research team?” Montana said walking backwards toward the facility. He was doubtful he’d be working with much more than the head scientist. There seemed to be a large amount of salvagers. That wasn’t a bad thing for the colony but it wasn’t a good thing for expediting the plan to make the planet habitable again. For that Montana found himself eyeing the salvagers before turning around. What are they going to do with what they salvage? He thought to himself before turning toward the facility. He wasn’t very familiar with the role the salvagers were to play and if he questioned it he wouldn’t be focused on his objective, which was arguably worse than a surplus of salvagers.

When Montana arrived at the facility he waltzed right on in. He was ready to get to the work. He just needed to find out what needed doing from the Head Scientist. “Dr. Cerita? I mean… I guess if you are a doctor. Anyone here?” He announced his arrival awkwardly. Montana let his bag and supplies down against one of the bare durasteel walls.
[member="Setzi Lunelle"] || [member="Judah Dashiell"] || [member="Kaia Starchaser"] || [member="Zak Dymo"] || [member="Chastity Lunelle"] || [member="Maya Whitelight"] || [member="Damian Starchaser"] || [member="Anastasia Rade"] || [member="Cerita Sarova"]​

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
"It may just be us and the Zelosian scientist," said Setzi. It did just appear that they were alone in the laboratory. The researcher wasn't anywhere in sight.

"If we are going to get to work reversing this bota mutation..." she started, but suddenly laughed. "I'm no scientist or botanist, Montana. I have no idea how we're going to do this." Setzi put her hands on her hips and eyed the lab. She began rifling through the doctor's flimsiplast records, data archives and supplies. Inspecting a set of test tubes carefully, she finally said, "Ah-ha. Here are some bota samples." Pulling on some protective gloves, she gently withdrew one of the samples and held it up to the other Silver Jedi to inspect.

"You're also a Zelosian. Does that mean you can organically help reverse this mutation?"

She hoped she wasn't being too nosy, but she was genuinely curious about what type of co-dependent relationship Montana had with his planet brethren.

People seemed to be dividing up.

A lot were going with folks who were salvaging. Which, what did salvaging mean? Weren't they here to do something with boga or buta or booger or whatever the plant was called?

The Nautolan was getting very confused. Which, wasn't really all that unusual. Any nine year old on a scientific expedition was likely to be a little lost. Glancing between the group talking about salvaging and the white haired Jedi Gardener who was talking about research, the boy's short legs took off in the direction of the white-haired brah.

Plus, he was the brah that Master Setzi had said knew about Force plant stuff.

"Can I help, Master Montana?" the youngling asked, falling into step alongside the Zelosian as the man went inside of the facility.

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Chastity Lunelle"] | [member="Montana"] | [member="Kaia Starchaser"]
[member="Damian Starchaser"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Cerita Sarova"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"]​
[member="Montana"] | [member="Zak Dymo"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Emma Prinn"] | [member="Damian Starchaser"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Cerita Sarova"] | [member="Chastity Lunelle"]

It seemed salvage was winning out -- Judah was actually surprised. Jedi liked to rummage around in old facilities? He suspected the salvage crew would also be taking part in clearing out a useable building and making it habitable once again. Judah's company had a wealth of experience turning abandoned space stations into usable ones. A building should be similar, especially when one couldn't breathe the outside air.

Something to keep in mind as they stomped around today.

"The more the merrier." Judah offered a small smile to the two young ladies that had joined. "Lets get a move on, we're looking for usable technology or metals....Maybe while we're in there we can repair the scrubbers, get a foothold established."

His head inclined towards the old Republic building. The small crowd started to head off in its direction, wondering what lay hidden inside.


Disney's Princess
Emma trotted off in the direction of the old Pub buildings. It shouldn't be too difficult to get these old structures working again. Provided mother nature hadn't gotten her way just yet. Still? Prinn was unfamiliar with this crew of salvagers. [member="Judah Dashiell"] and [member="Anastasia Rade"] . So she raised a heavy glove and spoke through her helm,

"It appears I find myself in veteran company and yet? I am at a disadvantage. Salacia Consolidated. Are you very familiar with this type of operation? I'm mostly a scout myself. Never had the pleasure of re-purposing a facility before. You two wouldn't mind if I just followed your lead, would you?"

She spoke mostly to Judah. Assuming him to be the leader of the others now present. Perhaps introductions were in order.
A glove raised out of the corner of his eye and Judah turned to catch the name on the envirosuit. [member="Emma Prinn"] . Questions came about the salvage itself. Apparently the girl was a 'newcomer' of sorts to salvage, a scout or some sort. Judah was fairly certainly a scout, especially a space faring one, had salvaged before. Most folks in the black did. They just didn't put in the the frame of mind of actual salvaging.

"Extremely familiar with this type of operation Miss Prinn. Salacia Consolidated was built on salvage and remains a cornerstone of our operations. Recently we've rebuilt a space station and sold it, also rehabbed a station that its owner half brought to life. Now....I will say ground buildings...never brought one back to its glory. Presents quite a bit a challenge. Yet....who doesn't love a challenge?"

As they were speaking, Salacia crew worked on prying open the doors. They fell with a large clatter. A black square indicated their entrance now, waiting for the group to brave their way inside.
“Of course you can, Zak. And it’s Padawan Montana. You can just call me Montana though.” He put his hand on the young Nautolan’s shoulder as he walked by into the center of the lab. As he looked around what he saw was technology that was surprisingly up to date and mirrored that of the resources he’d been accustomed to studying at the Silver Temple.

He turned his attention to this expedition’s leader as she spoke. “Not to worry. That’s why I’m here.” He followed Setzi’s lead and pulled on some protective gloves of his own as to not contaminate any of the samples they were working with. He then threw a pair of gloves to Zak. This was an important mission for the AgriCorps but for the Jedi present it was also a learning experience.

“Sadly being a Zelosian, only means I have a higher aptitude for taking care of and tending to plantlife but my training in science should be more than enough to reverse this mutation. Well… depending on how complicated this mutation is.” Montana picked out a tray of the tubed bota samples and laid them out across the table at one of the lab stations. This tray is marked mutated but what does that mean? The mutation would have to be tested to verify that it was in fact the mutated bota. “Hey Setzi, Can you access that terminal and find out if the contents in these vials have already been analyzed?” He asked with kindness as if it were really a question.

“And Zak, give me a hand with gathering the tools we’ll need to measure and restore the bota.” Montana made his way across the room and opened a cabinet filled with beakers, pestles, stands, and other hard glass rigs. “Be careful with some of these. They’re delicate and definitely don’t drop them.” He instructed the youngling as Montana himself almost knocked a cylinder to the ground. He smiled. “Yeah… don’t do what I just did.”

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] || [member="Zak Dymo"]

Arms loaded with glass beakers and other assorted stuff, none of which he knew what it did or what it was for, the small Nautolan carefully made his way back toward where the sample was that Padawan Montana had set aside. He assumed these were going to be part of some experiments dealing with that. By some miracle, nothing broke and the youngling had everything arranged on the counter top.

Hands resting on the lab table, along with his chin, the boy's large black eyes moved to observe what the older Jedi were doing as he waited for someone to tell him what he could do next.

[member="Montana"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"]​

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi nearly forgot about [member="Zak Dymo"], the Nautolan boy, but since he was small, impish and occasionally under foot, that wasn't too surprising. He scampered around with the natural curiosity of the young, seeking tactile experiences. He didn't mean to be trouble - exploration was second nature to a nine-year-old - but Setzi was worried that the research facility wasn't the safest place for a child to have free reign.

"Come this way, Zak," Setzi said. "Maybe you can help us with this experiment."

[member="Montana"], being not only Zelosian but a scientist, had an impressive pedigree. The AgriCorp leader was very pleased he had come along on this trip, especially since Cerita was nowhere to be found. Hopefully the head researcher didn't mind them making use of the lab. So far, his questions about the bota appeared to be rhetorical. Even still, Setzi wouldn't have the answers, so she just listened patiently. She was even glad for the orders because she lacked the science acumen to do this on her own.

She accessed the terminals and said, "Affirmative. Those vials all contain mutated bota."

She heard her two colleagues banging around in the cabinets and after a thorough reading of the terminal data, she mused aloud, "I wonder if we should go out and take fresh samples. Those are a few months old."

OOC: Pardon Setzi's sith tags. She is still technically Silver Jedi in this thread.
[member="Montana"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"]

Giving herself a few moment of not rushing off into anything but doing something different. As she had found herself away from the others to quiet herself, before letting the force flow out of her to start to touch the very living core of all around. It had been touch in a evil way. This she knew just by the feeling all around her. Could they get the planet back to what it once where. Only time would tell, in all hope it would come to pass for now, they must work as a team to see what had been down to the planet life. Having her own experiment to put in play but for now she would wait until she met with the head guy.

Finding herself once more coming back to join the group that she had mostly would help to get to the bottom of this all. "I hope I haven't missed much, of a start so now where do you think we need to start at the very core of the plants themselves and see the root systems first."
“We should. It’s possible that the mutations changed. Even if it’s only been a couple months.” Montana announced as he picked up his bag and walked over to the live terminal where Setzi had found the information. He stepped in beside her dragging his fingers across buttons, keys, and the terminal’s screen. He brought up a map of the area, and more in depth analysis of the mutation, downloaded it to his datapad and cleared it from the terminal. “I don’t trust the emptiness of this lab. And I don’t want to leave this information unprotected.”

Montana then grabbed the sample from the workstation and stuffed them into his bag along with a couple other fresh empty sample vials. “Everyone take a couple of these. If you see Bota extract a sample.” As Montana walked out of the lab Master Whitelight had come in. “Here Master Whitelight,” He extended a hand full of empty sample vials. “We’re on our way to grab some more recent Bota samples.”

He turned back to Setzi holding out his datapad which was opened to the downloaded map. “The map says the nearest Bota field is north past a dense swamp, and the next closest is west. It’s a longer hike but it seems to be more open and contain less animal life. Which way will it be, Boss?”

[member="Zak Dymo"] || [member="Setzi Lunelle"] || [member="Maya Whitelight"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi turned to hear a soft, female voice in the lab and thought at first it might be Cerita, but it was, in fact, Maya Whitelight, a Zeltron healer from the Silver Jedi Order. And from the way she spoke about plant life, the AgriCorp leader thought she might also be an herbalist.

“We could definitely use your expertise, Maya,” said Setzi. “Please come in.”

Montana approached the terminal. Setzi moved slightly out of the way so he could access the data he needed. In the meantime, she looked around for Zak to make sure he wasn’t breaking anything.

Setzi also took some vials and placed them into her bag. “Unfortunately in these envirosuits our stamina will be compromised. I think we should take the shorter way through the swamp,” she said definitively. But inside, she wondered if they would encounter too many pestilent species, especially all of those stinging and biting insects she had heard so much about.

As they moved to go, she asked Montana: “Why do you think this facility is so abandoned?”

[member="Montana"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Zak Dymo"]


Disney's Princess
The door fell with a clang. Nice. Now they could adventure inside. Emma nodded to [member="Judah Dashiell"] and [member="Anastasia Rade"] . Ladies first I suppose. She clicked her HUD over and entered the weathered remains. Ugh. The air was dusty with some kind of green mold. Probably poison or some such contaminate. That the Gods for space suits.

"Getting hard to see in here. This spore fog is biological in it's mannerism. Gonna bring some light to the party. Hold on."

Prinn held up her glove and squinted against the dark. Then a gentle fire began to burn just above her palm. Emma was a natural fire shaper and held an alien affinity for fire. She could create it like a thought and control it's happy flickerings with naught but a smile. She here in the quiet dark she conjured up a small ball of flame. No bigger than a coconut fruit yet, brighter still than a iron hammer's forge. The mold it touched seemed to crumple and fall. Like feathers taking flight and fluttering out of existence. Wisps of smoke trailing up into in the trickling shadows.

She let the flame orb linger just above her palm as Judah's crew brought out their suit's headlights. Waving it about just enough to catch the air in a tumble,

"Could take awhile for me to burn this all out." she let the orb sear into the spotted air. Flashes of combustion that left the mire only a small bit lighter. "How about you miss?" Prinn looked to [member="Anastasia Rade"] . "I sense you might have something for us, yes?"

Rade was no doubt a Force User as well. Perhaps she could wave her hand and dispell this miasma? Otherwise Judah was going to have to think of something brilliant. Can't go about working in the haze not but the first two feet into their adventure, could they?
Short legs trailed behind the collected scientists and healers.

Often stopping as the child stooped down to examine the world around him. Insects crawling out from under rocks. Or even just the rocks! Then those short legs would move in a flurry of activity and movement to catch back up with the adults. He supposed that he ought to be paying attention to what they were talking about, except he only understood about every third word and even that was boring. Plus, he'd already found like three new additions for his rock collection. And he was hoping no one had noticed, or would ask, about the small, spiny, fuzzy creature he'd slipped into one of his pockets.

But then they went and talked about a swamp. And that had the boy's full attention. "Oh, can we go through the swamp!" the youngling chirped, bouncing upward as he literally hopped into the conversation at the proverbial adult table. Swamps were the thing for Nautolan's, being that they dwelt in the swamplands on Glee Anselm. It was only when he'd come back down that the boy looked down at himself, or rather, at what he was wearing and reconsidered. "Uhh, do I still need the suit under the water? 'cuz, I'm like a hundred million more faster in water, and I can breathe an' stuff with my gills."

Yep, a hundred million more faster.

No, it didn't make grammatical sense. Or even common sense.

No, don't blame his Galactic Basic Standard teacher at the Voss Academy. The poor woman was doing the best that she could and wasn't paid enough to have kids like Zak in her class.

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Montana"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"]​

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