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Approved Species The Techno Magorum | Ice Screamers of Verin

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  • Name: Ice Screamers of Verin
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Techno Magorum Tribe
  • Average Lifespan: 100 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description:
    • The Ice Screamers of Verin are medium to large sized flying creatures often ranging in skin color from pink to blue, although typically the majority are blue in coloration. They have five sets of eyes that allow them to see their prey in almost any direction although they lack considerable depth perception. Four large silver tusk spring from their mouths, and a large dorsal fin up on their back gives them an interesting appearance. Three legs appear on either side of their lower half, although they are mostly used to assist in flying through the atmosphere. They have a smaller dorsal fin near the end of their tail. They are mostly seen in some form of battle armor to their more vulnerable areas, such as the face. A large set of teeth protrude from their mouths with an impressive bite force to match. Although they do have their wings to fly, they have a natural repulsor organ located within their bodies that helps them take off and fly more easier and prevents them from being unable to fly by having a wing blown off, but it will slow them down considerably as a consequence. They have a small gland within their mouths that allow them to breath ice, and they are able to amit a terrifying death shriek as they descend down for their pray.
  • Breathes: Type I Atmosphere
  • Average Height of Adults: 7 ft (2.1336 meters)
  • Average Length of Adults: 9ft (2.7432) [Wingspan]
  • Skin color: Blue & Pink
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Like all creations of Arimurkhan the Defiler, the Ice Screamers of Verin all look exactly the same except for either a blue coloration of the skin or a pink one, which is reserved for the Arcane Spellcasters of the Techno Magorum Tribe. They are sometimes armored with ceremonial golden jewelry and armor to protect their weak spots on the battlefield. The Blue Ice Screamers are the most numerous and all look the same, but the Exalted Ice Screamers are pink and are the most deadly of their kind being far larger and more powerful overall. This makes them suitable to serve as flying mounts for the Arcane Spellcasters of the Techno Magorum. An early ice screamer will come out of an egg from a large queen ice screamer, those eggs are then taken and put through the mutant formula to make them hatch quicker than normal and become fully sized without a matter of days. Arimurkhan is more than confident in his fourth creation, as they serve as a deadly distraction on the battlefield so that his main force can move in quickly without suffering from heavy firepower. A young ice screamer will be unable to fly for a short period of time and must remain within the horde of sorts, around the queen ice screamer. The queen can be identified by her extremely large size, and often resides within large tunnels and caves that have been coated in ice with their frost breath ability taken from the Frost Giants of Endor. She is the most deadly of the ice screamers and will defend her territory with brute force if necessary. She is often times aroused from her nest by the promise of food for her to spawn more eggs. An older ice screamer will have larger frontal tusks to ram into enemy units on the battlefield.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Strength in Numbers: The Ice Screamers of Verin are known to engage in swarms, descending down from the skies to swoop up enemy infantry to devour. A single ice screamer can be dealt with in very little time due to their nature, but an entire pack of them is known to overwhelm even the greatest of fighters after a period of time.
  • Frost Breath: The Ice Screamers of Verin come equipped with a special gland, modified from the Frost Giants of Endor. Allowing them to freeze other beings to death if they are exposed enough on the battlefield. This makes them useful in harassing an enemy force because they can swoop down and blast them with frost to slow them down. [Side Note: PC's can determined if they are affected by the Ice Breath and its freezing power]
  • Death Shirek: The Ice Screamers of Verin can let loose a powerful death shriek from them, as they descend down from the skies to snatch up prey with their mouths. This shriek causes terror to those that hear it, because it is at such a pitch that it will make them cover their ears and flee the battlefield to avoid hearing the sound again. This makes them useful for disortineting infantry units for the Techno Magorum Tribe. [Side Note: PC's can determine if their forces are affected by this, and they themselves will determine if their actual characters are affected by it as well.]
  • Reproduction: The Ice Screamers of Verin are spawned from eggs of the queen, and as such they can be taken from the queen who herself spawns about 500 eggs or more over a period of a week. Combined with the mutant formula by the the Techno Magorum Tribe, they can accelerate the hatching process and make legions of them in a considerable short period of time. Allowing them to be used in major battles without having to wait for them to hatch and grow to maturity.
  • Single Wound: While the Ice Screamers of Verin can do many thing, a single blow to their head will cause them to instantly die. As that is a more vulnerable area because it contains their brains. As such the Techno Magorum Tribe will take the time to install metal plates or even ceremonial armor to the head of the screamers to make them more useful.
  • Ice Cooldown: While they do have frost breath, the gland must take time to recharge after it has been used. This is for a period of 8 minutes that they will be without their most useful attack, although they can either use their tusks to engage with an enemy or their pointy teeth.
  • Wing Vulnerability: While they do have a repulsor organ within their bodies, they primarily use their wings to fly into the atmosphere. Damage to their wings can slow them down enough to shoot them out of the sky without considerable effort. And in the event that an entire wing is blown off, they will be stuck on the ground without any way to withdraw.
  • A Single Screamer: While a single screamer can handle his own in a fight, they are considerably weak in personal one v one engagements and can be taken down without much effort. This is because they were designed to be hunting in swarms so that they can overwhelm their enemies on the battlefield and serve as a distraction force for the Techno Magorum.
  • Diet: Carnivore | The Ice Screamers of Verin are mainly focused on eating meat, as they have developed sharp teeth to devour meat particularly from enemies that they are sent afterwards. As such any plant that they consume is poisonous and will kill them outright. However due to having a lot of large monsters within the Techno Magorum Tribe as a whole, they are given freshly grown vat meat as a substitute for real meat.
  • Communication: The Ice Screamers of Verin communicate using shrieks and bellows to convey their meaning, although this can be hard to follow unless you have actually spent time with an ice screamer and know how they communicate. This is often left to the Awakened Handlers that are apart of the Techno Magorum Tribe.
  • Technology level: They have no technology since they are a flying monster
  • Religion/Beliefs: They have no religion since they are a flying monster
  • General behavior:
    • The Ice Screamer's of Verin are sentient but most people are not aware of this fact, as they presume that they are non-sentient monsters for the Techno Magorum. They typically live in hordes that surround the queen ice screamer, the largest and most powerful among them. They bring food back to the queen in hunting packs, as she rarely leaves the nest but on occasions when there is a threat to the entire hive will she emerge as a powerful flying monster that will defend her territory at any cost. Their entire purpose in life is to serve as a deadly distraction unit for the Awakened Warhost, the largest tribe currently within the Techno Magorum Tribe that is made up of various species absorbed into its ranks to form a diverse army unlike the other mawite tribes. Swooping down and causing terror by using their death shrieks and ice breath to harass enemy units on the battlefield, although on their own they aren't great fighters so they emerge in swarms to overwhelm the enemy force that is opposing them. They are mainly used to absorbed enemy fire away from the ground units of the Techno Magorum, this allows them to march forward without all the firepower being focused upon them. When not on the battlefield, they will live within the nest created by the queen and serve her every need. They will defend their territory from intruders, and even the Awakened Handlers within the Techno Magorum Tribe avoid causing trouble with them for fear of being eaten. Although as of yet, no reports have been filled in the case of a missing handler and Arimurkhan is confident that his newly developed creature can prove most valuable for the Tribe as a whole.

The Ice Screamers of Verin were a concept thought up by Arimurkhan after meeting with a slaver within the Tower of Sorcery on Weik. The slaver presented two monsters as a gift to allow him safe passage through the region to link up with a slaving convoy heading towards the brotherhood of the maw territory. These two monsters presented before him would be a Frost Giant from Endor, whose ability to freeze people to death were well known and would serve him well as a monstrous unit, and the other was a flying Brith from Dantooine. While ariumurkhan looked over the creatures as the slaver explained their worth on the intergalactic market, he would eventually sacrifice the slaver to the great vortex of the force. Taking them deep into the tower laboratory for an experiment, putting them into two chambers connected by a single port. Arimurkhan would attempt to combine the two creatures into one creature using highly dangerous methods, and the results were exactly as expected. There was no way to merge two creatures into one that could have the ability to fly but also breath ice cold enough to freeze someone to death. A thought popped into his head as he was attempting to combine them again, grabbing the mutant formula that was used for the exalted abominations and the next line of monstrous infantry units. Taking a small slice of dna from both of the creatures, he would begin working on using his foul sorcery and the mutant formula to get the results that he wanted. Arimurkhan knew that his experiments sometimes ended in failure with his considered failure being the unstable brute that was the Exalted Monstrosities. After several days of experimentation within the laboratory, the results were a brand new species that had developed the ability to fly and breath ice at the same time due to a special gland within them. Each creation of monstrous infantry was a bit draining on the expansive power of the renegade maw sorcerer and the resulting two were created from the DNA of both monsters, having been enhanced in size and immense power with foul sorcery to become the queens of the ice screamers.

Arimurkan eventually named the creatures the "Ice Screamers of Verin" named such due to their ability to breath ice and make a terrifying shriek, they were also named after Verin a woman that had engaged in a personal relationship with arimurkhan before the exodus from the Brotherhood of the Maw. During this exodus, Arimurkhan killed her with a single swing of his jagged staff as she was sacrificed to the great vortex of the force. Although feeling no remorse for his actions as the great vortex was far more appealing than women within his mind, he named them after her as a small tribute to the man he used to be before the maw and the great vortex came into his mind. The Queen Ice Screamers would eventually spawn more ice screamers by laying eggs, as the Awakened Handlers would take them and bring them into the laboratory to be grown within vats. Hatching extremely quickly and being sent back to the queen to develop, the queen and the venerable among their species would begin the process of teaching them the basics of being an ice screamer. Within a few days, the Techno Magorum Tribe underneath the Exalted Prophet of the Great Vortex would have a small army of them to be the flying backbone of the Awakened Warhost. Arimurkhan is now ready to release the swarm upon the galaxy and sacrifice many sentient creatures for the power of the great vortex of the force.
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