Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Game The SWRP: Chaos Hall of Fame

The Reaper of Won Shasot
Welcome! One and all to the Chaos Hall of Fame! Where we laud and applaud each other's characters, their storied lives, and their many many accomplishments.

For some of us, our stories go on. For others, they've come to an end, and their names are passed through the ages as mere legends. All the same, I thought it would be fun to recognize each other's characters and give their writers a pat on the back and congratulations for writing threads, plots, and stories that have entertained and enraptured us for years.

Feel free to 'nominate' any character (not writer) and write a brief summary of their accomplishments and what makes them so cool, or badass, or otherwise deserving of being added to the Hall of Fame (I won't actually be updating this post with people, just go read lol). The only rule is that you cannot nominate any of your own characters.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
I'll go ahead and start with a few people. Forgive the vagueness, its been a long time since I've been on site.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Our lovable Lightside crusader. The dude's taken the fight to every Dark Side faction I can think of that has ever threatened the galaxy. Regardless of where you fall on the Dark/Light spectrum, I don't think anyone could say he's ever not stood for what he's believed is right, and come to aid of countless planets and peoples the galaxy over. Oh and he can teleport.

Veino Garn Veino Garn A freedom fighter from beginning to end. Most of my memories of this character come after he joined the OPA and started the ORION network. A vast intelligence network, in which he was the spy master. If there was ever a man who knew about everything going on in the galaxy, I would bet on it being this guy.

Nate Phantoms Nate Phantoms The guy who started out as bounty hunter, captured in a gladiatorial ship, broke out with a group of people then went on to be a Dark Side herald of doom. Conquered a planet, and subsequently ascending to Godhood among the people. No one seems to know where he is now, but his people continue to worship his empty throne.

Empress Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou Taiyou: A story of reclaiming a usurped throne, Kimiko started her story as a slave believe it or not. Overtime, she came into her own as powerful Force User, a devoted mother and partner, and reclaimed her throne on her homeworld. From that time on, she served her people completely and utterly, all whilst helping elsewhere in the galaxy wherever and however she could.

Other honorable mentions only because after a year of not being on site my memory is shot. Make no mistake though, these people have all been legends in their own right, especially within TKO/ORC/OPA
Joza Perl Joza Perl
Old Man Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire
Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill
Bryce Bantam who I can't seem to tag anymore
I haven't been here for that long so I haven't had the chance to see a lot of the great stories others have alluded to, but I'll just go ahead and name a few characters that stood out to me since I joined Chaos a little over 2 years ago.

Generally speaking, I will like a character more if they are a "unique take" on the old SW stock characters. A Sith that isn't derivative of or directly inspired by Palpatine/Vader/Revan/Kreia, a Jedi that isn't a hotheaded action hero who needs to learn patience, or a smuggler who isn't a charming rogue with a heart of gold. We've seen all this before, give me something different.

For Sith, I liked Adrian Vandiir/Darth Prospero (of the account now known as AMCO AMCO ). He was a scientific materialist who wanted to use alchemy to "perfect" people, as well as creating mutated mindless drones that would do all the work and the fighting. This desire actually has a bit of benevolence to it, or at least his intentions were good, but in actual practice it was absolutely twisted. I thoroughly enjoyed hating him. His abrupt death during the invasion of Dantooine also totally fit his character. The cowardly Prospero died upon being stabbed in the back while trying to flee from a woman he had just torture-by-chagrined. Very satisfying.

So far the best Light-to-Dark conversion story I've seen was Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl . His fall to the Dark Side was precipitated by his relationship with a certain Sith girl, which seems cliché but there was more to it, and I thought it was pretty well done. Unfortunately there was no conclusion to his story, and it cut off right when things were getting really good, with him so far gone he wound up in a duel against his own family.

Auteme Auteme 's arc going from Jedi to politician was really well done and unusual. You really got the impression that leaving the Jedi was extremely difficult, but she did what she wanted to do/what she felt called to do, and that's quite admirable.

Last but not least, Laertia Io Laertia Io intrigued me from moment I first read a post by her. She started out as a misfit outcast and started to really play with that after she left the Jedi behind in disgust (and for a very good IC reason). She's since become the leader of a minor faction with its own unique ideas and stories.
So many to name! Let me start with a few.

Siobhan Kerrigan Siobhan Kerrigan

When you write with Sio you are writing with a force of nature. Every post feels strong, and intense like there is a rich story behind everything that is said or done. This is because there is, her writer is one of those people that pours creativity into shaping a living breathing history, heritage the characters come from, and entire worlds. Taking great care and thought into her writing's backstory. You can also tell Sio cares about how things develop for others and the board as a whole.

I cannot and wouldn't claim to know everything Sio has accomplished on the board. You only need to look through the huge amount of submissions in the codex to see how much she has done. Each one is like reading a page of a good book. I wanted to personally thank and acknowledge her writer for each post. Sio greatly enriched my time here. Thank you Sio.

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

There have many adventures I have written with Matsu's writer. All over the galaxy we've been. Matsu's writer has an energy that is sometimes deadpan humor and sometimes full of color and I love the contrast they can bring. They are also one of the most prolifically creative minds I've ever seen, perhaps ever in my many years of writing. Beyond that they have a work ethic I cannot in a million years match, it is admirable. Being part of a Matsu story is like buying a ticket to a ride and being blown away by where you end up. Thank you Matsu.

Coci Heavenshield Coci Heavenshield | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield

The Silver Jedi legacy has been due to many writers. I wish I could name them all but we would be here forever! I keep returning and I keep finding the Silver Jedi there as a community I want to be a part of. This is no small part because of how Coci and Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield set it up and attracted people there. They were like a hand that guided and looked out for people, that's how I always felt. Coci and I wrote together really early on and I wish there had been more times we had. Thank you Coci and Thurion for the writing environment you help keep running for many, over many dedicated years. Thank you to every SSC/SJO/SJC faction leader that has come and gone.

Elara Amadis Elara Amadis

My consistency was terrible. Life has thrown me many curveballs over the years that I have had to overcome. One person that was always understanding was Elara's writer. There wasn't ever any animosity when I had to leave again. There was always just fun. I would describe writing with Elara's writer IC as well as OOC as a relaxed pleasure. Never a judgement, always so easy to just write with and have fun. Thank you Elara.

Darth Metus Darth Metus
One of the most stand-up guys I've come to meet here. Solid as a rock, plots are involved and fun. Tries to engage everyone and give them a place, and genuinely cares about his people. Always a good guy to chat with. Thanks Metus you helped define for a host of writers what made good faction leadership, and storytelling.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Daiya Daiya

These two writers are again what I look for on Chaos as a creative force. They make you feel part of a small family or community. Support you and generate creativity to help. Beautiful people. Thank you for making me feel welcome.

Jsc Jsc
For fun. You read a Jsc's post and you've got a sense of excitement, humor, and a light-hearted take on the world. For me, I am an overly serious person by nature, and over more than 12 years since I first saw him write! He's got a style all his own. It's been great medicine to read JSC posts :). Thanks Jay for making life a bit more fun.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
I remember the days when it was 10 to 1 and still a fun thread :D. Never change Caltin! Honestly like jay there is something about coming to read someone you did over ten years ago, that is indescribable. Its familiar, it gives you a wow moment and makes you grin. Although we all grow and change, that magic is still there. Thanks Caltin.

Serian Loria Serian Loria
You always were an honest, inspirational, and a beautiful writing partner. I will miss our conversations. Thank you Crow, you were there at a time in my life I was struggling and I won't forget it.

Zak Dymo Zak Dymo
Have you ever read a bounce post? You'll know if you have, they jump off the page in 3D with a life of their own. I don't know how it does it time after time, but if he doesn't have a book out by now it's a crying shame! Here is to you bounce.

GhostOfProtocol GhostOfProtocol
You took your writing to such a great height mate. When I kept coming back it was like reading an entirely new author each time. Wherever you are thank you for epic threads. I hope life is treating you well and you are having success.

Jairdain Jairdain
The first person to welcome me back was Jair. She is incredibly supportive both OOC and IC when we wrote or plotted. Tries to back you when you roleplay and work with you for greater stories. That's how I felt writing with her. I hope she's well if she reads this. I hope one day we will write again.

@Hana Kae | Darth Proeliator Darth Proeliator
You'll probably never read this and probably never get the tag with the board update :), but our plotlines I will always recall, they were intense, rich stories that I fondly remember. Shaping a lot of my writing even what now almost 13 years on since we first wrote? Both of you were fantastic writers and I tip my hat. If you are ever around, give me a bell.

Recently I've just returned to enjoy writing with Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla and Alessandra Io Alessandra Io 's writers. It's early days but both of them are very easy to plot with. Writing feels and develops naturally, it's been fun so thank you both for helping me get into a flow.

Nima Tann Nima Tann
Hope you got where you were headed in life :D. You deserved it for all the hard work. The sisters were a hell of a lot of fun and so were you.

Some other mentions of people I would like to thank either for being muses that were incredibly fun to read when they were active or important to different characters I wrote. A Andrasta Sitra | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Zonia Kalranoos Zonia Kalranoos | Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau | Isamu Baelor Isamu Baelor | Jack Sparrow Jack Sparrow | Xephirus Cloud Xephirus Cloud | Lugus Porkins Lugus Porkins happy travels to you all.

Cira Cira I'm not going to do a mention list without mentioning one of the hugest creative forces on Chaos! Always been a fan. Always the best onion! Always an inspiration to follow.

Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris For keeping their sanity! I always appreciated the down-to-earth moderation that I saw. Thanks, Valiens, and everyone that keeps this place ticking, year upon year. Writing here has great pleasure and somewhere I've always looked forward to spending time when I am able. Thank you, moderators, RPJ's, factory, and codex staff. I won't tag everyone. To the many of you that have come and gone, a universal appreciation for everything you've done behind the scenes and in front of them to make this place what it is. Bloody Magnificent.

I should thank former or current faction heads like the GA Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser for being fantastic opponents IC/OOC, the different Sith factions for being essential badguys. Though I've never written with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex damned if he doesn't do one of the best Sith I've ever seen. Without that kind of well-written villain, stories fall flat. So thanks for being the bad guys and the good guy's folks.

I could write 500 more names here and never be done. Some it was one story, some a dozen, some just great reads. There were so many great writers, and so many fun threads to read or write with. Thanks for the opportunity to name a few.

All the best to you all.
*Missed where you said writer :). Sorry some of these were writers. I think my character list would be 100 times bigger
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