Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Survivors Of Thracior


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Thracior, The Core Worlds

Kestrel took her very 'last' breaths in the arms of his unwilling 'killer' as the blade had pierced her entrails, leaving a bloody pool underneath her corpose after Arekk carefully laid her on the sand. The people roared in unison celebrating their tribes win over the other and the tribesmen making their way onto the arena to congratulate their reigning champion.

Animals cheering animals, barbaric.

"Congratulations, champion!" The tribe leader spoke as he approached, proud as he was the fallen Jedi's father himself. "You've brought honor and respect to our tribe and for that you will be duly rewarded. Slaining a Rancor along with your opponent is a feat never seen in our arena, let alone our lands. Tell us what we can get you."

The honor they spoke of was false and everybody knew that, it was nothing but fake adulation to keep up appearances. Arekk felt sickened by their presence but he had to remain focused on the task at hand, Kestrel's life depended of it.

"Thank you." He firmly said while looking over at the girl's lifeless body, memories of old surfacing in a small flashback that he managed to keep in control. "I have one request: Deliver her body to me. Her belief requires me to lay her body to peace in the ways of the Jedi. I'm going to claim her belongings as well."

The tribe leader grimaced at first as if he felt the request was rather disrespectful but that expression dissipated quick enough, he was aware of what Arekk was capable.

"Very well, Champion. You may proceed to take her belongings and the body with you, she's come in a ship that's in one of our docking bays. Feel free to take that as well, one of our guards will escort you and you can go on your merry way. This will be a long day remembered, champion, and your mark will not be forgotten."

In a matter of minutes, Arekk had managed to retrieve Kestrel's and his own belongings as he carried them in a medium-sized backpack. The arena was already empty by the time Arekk had returned to take Kestrel's body, she felt cold to the touch once grabbing her from the ground. Her eyes were closed, at peace somehow, hopefully this had worked he thought.

The durasteel ramp of the Rebel Dream lowered down to invite them both within and closing once they set foot, complete silence was the only thing found on board. Arekk made sure that Kestrel rested in the medical bay of the ship before setting course to a not yet defined destination, the access codes to fire up the ship already been found in one of the datapads that she carried.

"Time to go."

Kestrel Dray

Kestrel Dray

"See The Light, Despite The Darkness."

What Arekk Arekk asked, Kestrel had no answer for. She could not give any more assurance than what she’d already told him. What she wanted to do was risky, and if he hesitated, or went too far, it would be truly over. She needed him to be confident, unwavering, acting without a second thought. If she told him that this was her weakest ability, then surely he would falter.

When this is over, you’ll need to get a message out to Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau , he’ll give you the coordinates of where to find him… Trust me. She pressed the Force upon him, sending the calm reassurance of it to assuage his fears, giving him her trademarked smirk before closing her eyes to concentrate on her part.

What happened next, was more difficult to recall.

Cerise eyes flew open, trying to remain concentrated on what she needed to accomplish, but the sharp pain that effortlessly pierced through her rosy-pink flesh, radiated throughout her core. Made her falter for half a second, before refocusing her mind, focusing on one point, sending the Force through her body. She was its vessel.

Numbness quickly followed, her eyes fluttering to try and stay open.

Judah Lesan Judah Lesan ...

It was the last thought to go through her mind before she slumped over, unconsciously sending her thoughts and fears to him from across the galaxy to wherever he was.


Was Kestrel truly dead?

To those untrained by the Force, it would appear so…

But to those who could look beyond, the faintest flicker of light remained, but for how long?

Her fate rested in the hands of her newest companion, and time was of the essence…
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The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Thracior, The Core Worlds

Kestrel's vitals were non-existant when Arekk hooked her up to the medical bay's life sensors and the intravenous drip, a long-lasting beep marking her 'death' with an incessant tone. The man closed the door to her room and made his way to the captain's cockpit, the Rebel Dream would be registering one more trip in its logs but this time with a different captain on its primary seat.

With a few taps on the holoscreen, Arekk introduced the coordinates to Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau 's location and the race to save Kestrel's life had started. The girl's life depended on his prowess to reach the healer's home in record time, travelling through space was no easy feat to the non-experienced pilots however the fallen Jedi had years of experience to account for.

She'd be in good hands.

"I don't know if you can hear me, you probably can, but we're leaving." He announced via the ship's inter-com to let Kestrel know they were departing, even though it was entirely possible she couldn't hear anything at all because she was "dead". "Nothing to worry about, you're gonna be okay."

Silence governed the vessel's multiple rooms minus the roar of the engines firing up and the entirety of the ship trembling as the ascent to space had commenced. Once they made their way out of Thracior, Arekk would make his best effort to get Kestrel to the healer's location.

The clock was ticking. Tick. Tock.

Kestrel Dray
LOCATION: The Void (space)
TAG: Kestrel Dray | Arekk Arekk

Life on the run, always travelling, JJ had become as mobile as his father, and he hated it. The more he tried to not become the man who had left him in his adult years, the more he became that person. At least he did not have the women problems his father had at a younger age. JJ had been trained by his mother too well than to just run around with anyone that could promise a good time. Though there were days he wondered why he had listened to her about that one.​
He was unsettled. There was no anchor in his life. Even the Silver's could not provide that despite his attempts to work with them again. It seemed he was only useful to them for what they could get out of him, and while he had given them effort, it had still been just another group using him for what he could offer. Still, Kashyyyk was his home for now, and that was where his ship was heading.​
A feeling. It started as something in the pit of his stomach. Something was terribly wrong, but JJ could not place it. Someone he was close to, someone that he had bonded with, was in trouble. It was not Kyra. JJ knew that sensation all too well. This was someone, distant and yet intimate.​
He shrugged it off, or tried to. No matter how hard he tried, JJ could not escape the feeling that he needed to turn his ship around.​
Suddenly he was overwhelmed with a presence, her presence.​
She was afraid, hurt, desperate, dying. She wanted someone close to be with her in the end. Kes had to have meant this for his father. There was no way in her dying moments she would want JJ close, not after what had happened between them after watching his father kill a man in what seemed to be cold blood. She had been ignoring him. Still, the sensation did not go away.​
Finally JJ relented. Closing his eyes he found her through the force. There was one burning question on his mind. How had they managed to form such a bond when there had been nothing major between them. There had been no intention, not even an accident, yet somehow she found him, and he was able to find her.​
"I am coming," he pressed the reassuring thought into her mind followed by a passionate plea. "Don't you dare die on me..."
His thoughts were more revealing than he knew.​
JJ Lesan had feelings for Kestrel Dray.​
Location: Azbrian

One stop on his supply-gathering journey was a delivery of a blend of tea that was more than just nice to drink: the steam off of a hot cuppa gave great, if temporary relief, more than a normal cup would. Just some careful selection, and a touch of the Force, went into making this varietal and Braxia Vorlan was thankful for the more natural method of mitigating the effects of her anxiety, so her body could learn to navigate her triggers without wiping the girl out for hours, if not days, and eventually lead her to some freedom from the disorder.

He was heading to the modest spaceport when his comm device chimed in a way that meant only one thing - priority message. He ambled to a halt, fishing the thing from a pocket within his robes, absorbing the necessary information and replying via message with coordinates for the bay next to where his own vessel was parked, while in the same breath calling and speaking with the dockmaster to reserve it - Braxia's father, Thoras. With thanks to the man, he ended the call, and took off as only one endowed with the Force could do, to prepare for their arrival.


Location: Lookas Spaceport, Azbrian

As spaceports went, this one was set up more for the movement of supplies, than the movement of people, offering little in the way of amenities that a more densely populated planet would offer for comers and goers, but that was of no matter for his purposes; he always had everything he needed on board the Dri, a ship so named that noted his own small mote of sentimentality. Out of simplicity, he had hardly bothered to name each ship he owned in the past several centuries anything else. Not that he had gone through many ships - he did well to make sure they were properly maintained, often for reasonable favours if it wasn't a greater port of call that he pulled into, where the Order had its own technicians.

His purpose-equipped, larger medbay was ready to receive. And so was he, waiting for the ship to come in, standing at soon-to-be filled bay in the former outpost of the ancient Republic. Depending on the situation, the patient would or would not need to be stabilised before being moved. He would find out soon enough...


Kestrel Dray

"See The Light, Despite The Darkness."

The hibernation trance only did so much to delay the inevitable. The incessant and long beep that marked her death, was telling of just how long she had left before her spirit slipped away. Kestrel was trying, unconsciously, to hold on, but her life hung by a thread. Each second that ticked by, only worked to further weaken her connection to the Force. The only thing that tethered her to this Galaxy.

Further and further, she descended into the darkness of the great beyond.

Arekk Arekk | Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr. | Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Azbrian, The Core Worlds

Time was running out.

Kestrel was hanging on a string for her life but she would not part ways with the physical world to join the ethereal, not on Arekk's watch. The ship had already made the jump to hyperspace and their approach to the spaceport on Azbrian was getting closer by the minute.

"We will be there soon, Kes. Just hang there for me." The man softly spoke as he sat next to the girl's bed while his trusty astromech had already begun to transmit the ship's details to be allowed to land. "Be strong. Trust in the Force."

A static voice came through the holotransmitter in the cockpit, identifying itself as the traffic control person that would direct them to the right place to land and take Kestrel rushing to where she needed to be.

"Ship 19277-EB, you're cleared to land. Proceed to the assigned port, we'll have someone waiting for you. Out."

And with that, the descent and subsequent landing would be completed. The ramp lowered down to allow the vessel's passengers to come out, Arekk carrying Kestrel in his arms while looking for the person that was supposed to help them.

"Medic, now!"

Kestrel Dray Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau
He hadn't been referred to as 'medic' since the Clone Wars, but if it surprised him, or elicited any other reaction, it didn't show. He was instead gleaning what he could off of the girl in this man's arms from both his eyes and the Force, a cursory scan that told him more than enough, as they descended the ramp. He'd already been drawing in power in anticipation, while waiting for their arrival - now he turned and beckoned the man to follow.

" Come! In the next port - my ship's medbay is ready."

Then he picked up the pace, hoping Arekk Arekk would match and tail him into the Dri with the same urgency. Ilias took the ramp in a jump, and swiftly moved into the medbay, shrugging off his outer robes and tossing them at a chair, and pushing his sleeves up to his elbows, roughly rolling them to keep them in place, there.

"On the exam table, there," he gestured, to an unassuming island to the right of the entrance, when they entered, and he went to help situate Kestrel Dray on the surface properly, "Dri?"

A computerised interrogative tone sounded.

"Positive life notifiers only, please."

A mild warning tone replied.

"Cade Protocol, Dri," he confirmed, then reaching to help lower the girl into place, without the flatline tone to tell him what he already knew, "gently, now."
LOCATION: En route to Kes
TAG: Kestrel Dray | Arekk Arekk | Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau

JJ was not sure he was going to make it in time. Death seemed to be a feeling which hung over the mind of the woman which had reached out to his. There had been many in his life who had left. Judah, his father had, Sasha had, the ranger was missing, his mother had died, now that JJ was faced with the fact Kes, who had also left after they found his father, might die, JJ almost broke. He could not handle being alone in the galaxy. He was used to it, and done with it, all at the same time. As he raced to find her, JJ could only keep pleading the same thoughts.​
Do not die...​
Holding onto her weak signal, Judah continued until he found the place she was being helped. There were other force signatures present, ones JJ was not familiar with. He sighed, the steeled his nerves, before barging in with his demand.​
"Where is she... where is Kes... she needs me!"
Maybe the others would wonder how he knew, or perhaps they would not. The force was funny how it worked sometimes, and while Kes thought she was reaching out his father, her master, someone she should have had a stronger bond with, she had reached JJ.​
"I can save her."

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