Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Spiral Down


She watched him, nodding a little as he went on about his own hobbies. There was plenty of overlap which made her smile. Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad.

As he mentioned the meat was something he hunted, her expression changed. Her features dropped a little. She nodded once to herself, becoming carefully neutral. "This was hunted," she repeated. Becoming a Jedi had changed some of her perceptions about killing. The relationship between predator and prey was natural. But giving up life to feed her was a subject she wasn't sure how she felt. Vat meats were just lab-grown proteins. They were never living and didn't experience any kind of emotion.

But Anse was a predator. And technically so was she. Hunting was often a cultural thing. But also a biological drive. She needed to eat, and it was good, though the knowledge soured it a little. At the same time, she knew she couldn't allow guilt to cloud her thinking. She deserved to live and to be healthy and happy. Was it really right to end another creature's life to preserve her own?

She sat with the question for a time, turning it over in her mind, but also listening to the subtle eddies and currents of the Force. What the Jedi taught was for the gaining of knowledge and defense. Never for offense. They were to avoid taking life if they could. But in reality, combat almost always resulted in killing. She had a right to protect herself, to do whatever it took to continue living. Primarily to live in service. If she died, she couldn't help anyone else. Hunting wasn't done in aggression, or malice, or hostility. It was, for some, a necessity.

Slowly she went back to eating. "Was it quick," she asked in a very small voice after a moment. She could at least be appreciative of the sacrifice, and hopefully Anse's skill in dispatching it, and preparing it.


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Something in his gaze shifted as he thought over the kill, but then he nodded. “Yes. Sometimes there is a bit of a struggle, but not this time.” He took in a breath and sighed. “There be something ye should know about me lass. I change my skin. Was gunna crop up sooner or later, but my wolf be named Ogrimm and he be big enough tha’ ye could probably ride him with ease if he lets ye. Otherwise ye can’t miss something his size tha’ be gold on cream. Most times it be me clad in his fur, but sometimes not. Can usually tell cuz he be more aloof than I, but we took this one in our jaws instead of by other weapons. It be th’ way I prefer ta hunt as it be more natural ta our nature.

He then reached under his shirt and pulled out a plain metal ring. “If I become unconscious or badly injured and can't, put this on my finger. Can’t change my skin if I wear things unnatural or metal. Binds me ta one skin. Also if I get attacked in the seconds between change, I am unmade and killed. If I change forms injured there be no telling where th’ injury will crop up and it be dangerous for anyone trying ta fix it as he might lash out. Same goes for if he or I get injured in his form."

So far she had trusted him with something part of her, it was to his mind only fair he do the same.


She looked at him warily, once more on guard. But it was different this time. It was as though she evaluated every word for their measure of truth. But she sensed no deception, only hope that she wouldn't change her mind about him. When he finished she nodded once, slowly. This was new and uncertain territory.

"I've heard of other races being able to change their shape or form. But I've never met any of them or anyone who could," she said thoughtfully. At the same time, she cataloged all the information given. It might prove useful, tactically, later. Not that she thought she'd have any need to kill him or do him harm. But it made no sense to not take it into account. By the same turn, knowing exactly when he'd be at his most vulnerable, she factored that into her equations as well. When she absolutely must protect him, should the need arise. It would be short, but in those moments he would be extremely vulnerable. This came to her with much less pleasantness. The idea that he could so easily be killed was an uninvited raincloud in an otherwise bright and sunny moment. And worse, the idea that she might fail to protect him at that moment. That it might be her fault he died. That was more than unpleasant. It hurt. More than it should. She knew, out in the field, she might not be able to protect everyone. Civilians and such might die. But it was never something that felt particularly personal.

"I can handle whatever comes, as far as all that goes," she assured him quietly. There was no heat or threat. Instead, there was almost a note of sadness. Worse, the idea that she might hurt him, or have to hurt him. That was unthinkable. And if he did turn hostile on her, she was well over ninety percent he'd never have a chance. "Let's just hope nothing like that ever comes up. Okay?"


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He laughed and nodded. “It be why I said I need ta keep on your good side eh? Ye know my secret and it be fair ye do because I know yours. Ogrimm won’t hurt ye, he just might be shy. Sometimes he wakes as I sleep and does his own thing, we share our skins so since ye be staying here ye need ta know. He has one weakness, apples. Dunno where it came from, but I woke up once in an orchard and some of th’ trees were missing fruit and branches. If I see them I buy them because he will whine in the back of my mind if I do not. If he be borrowing my skin, look ta th’ eyes, if gold it be him unless I be feeling strongly then it be both of us.

He made a joke of it to chase off the gloom. He could tell things took a turn and decided to move to more happier things. Knowing his wolf had a taste for fruit might be silly enough to chase off the somberness. “I be no fan of orange things, especially food. Don’t know why, just hate them. Peas too, except these ones that come in th’ pod, those I like.


"Do you mean you hate the color orange or the citrus fruit orange? Or generally anything colored orange," she asked. She wasn't entirely sure she followed his line of thinking. Oranges didn't grow on Arkania. They had to be imported at a significant cost.

She wasn't sure what a pea was, but by the way he talked, she wasn't sure she wanted to. She turned her attention back to the meal as he answered, crossing one thigh over the other. It was hard to sit still. She wanted to be up. She wanted to be doing something, anything. But food was ever important. If she didn't eat, didn't take care of herself, she would crash very hard very fast. She needed the fuel, the calories. The need to move began to manifest in her bouncing her free foot lightly under the table and flexing her muscled thighs now and again.

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He chuckled softly. “All lass. Food, color and what ever else, I have yet ta meet something tha’ color tha’ I like. How about you?

Idle conversation like this was something he hadn’t had in a while. He liked getting to know people and the things they like as well as don’t. Helps faces stick in his mind better, though he wasn’t at a risk of forgetting her face. Even had they met under different circumstances it would have been difficult. Something about her demanded one sit up and take notice and it was there even before you realized she was also quite attractive. He wondered if it was because of her force skills, or something that came out because of it.

He wasn’t quite sold on that thought, but even if it was so it wouldn’t change his desire to get to know her better.


Desbre pondered his question for a few moments, chewing her plush lower lip. "Well," she said slowly, "I probably don't see in the same wavelengths you do. I can see farther into the infrared spectrum than a lot of species. Hutts, for instance, can see somewhat into the infrared spectrum. So this means that I have a different perception of light or color than you do." As she spoke it was slow and measured, doling out each concept one at a time, like educating a child or uneducated person, but not talking down to them. "For instance the steaks, if I pass my hand over them so they're in shadow actually glow a deep but strong red to my eyes. What we call red anyway. But you won't see it. If you looked at it with an infrared camera you'd see the light coming off of it though. Almost like hot metal dimly glowing. Because of this, our color perception is a little skewed. Luckily, my offshoot has a sort of switch for the fourth protein that allows us to see in infrared. There've been experiments about seeing into the ultraviolet spectrum as well."

She shook her head. "I kind of hate doing it though. It's like suddenly only seeing in black and white except you know something is wrong. A whole layer of sensory information is missing. Like eating a cake without being able to taste sweet. I don't really think I have a color that I hate, but I do love more 'cool' colors. Higher up in the spectrum. Blues to purples, some teals, and greens."

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Anse listened with interest at that. “When I change I see mostly in black and white, which is strange for a breath or two as I adjust. Your vision sounds a lot more involved, bet it has plenty of downsides… Still, it just means ye got better eyes than my own in interesting ways. Pity ye can’t see colors th’ way I can right now, wonder if there was a way ye could borrow my eyes. Just in case I had ta show ye something or if ye couldn’t see something tha’ I was seeing.

It struck him as odd however how she talked about being an ‘offshoot’. “I’ve never heard someone call themselves in such a way as ta make themselves seem separate from th’ race they are. I mean, my kind were once science experiments bred ta become special soldiers for war, till there was a faster cheaper means. So I get sorta th’ genetic stuff, but just because I be born with a wolf soul doesn’t make me less than or other than what I am for what people I am.


She gave him a smile as he explained the variation in genes and her phrasing of being an offshoot. "Well, my people are scientists, scholars, and academics. We make a lot of money from mining diamonds and other resources from Arkania. We're among the foremost leaders in medical technology in the galaxy. Including gene splicing and gene editing," she said proudly, but her expression darkened a moment later. "We've done a lot of experimentation on ourselves. And there've been some immense atrocities in the name of progress and science. Horrible things. Abominations. Pure Arkanians are paler in the skin, have pure white eyes, pure white hair. Three fingers and a thumb for each hand. And they have rounded ears."

She paused for a moment as she turned her head to one side and the other, letting him see the visible differences in her features. Part of her wanted to feel self-conscious about it, but she couldn't. She loved the way she looked, actually. She'd had some minor modifications in this regard when she was younger. And at the moment, she was teaching, instructing even, with an attentive audience. "I wasn't born with these ears. I had them changed, oh, when I was fifteen or sixteen," she said with a smile. "Made a couple other little modifications. Nothing major. I don't know if I will pass them on if I ever have kids." As she spoke she tucked her hair behind the pointed ear closest to him, letting him look it over.

"But for all the good we've had come from it, as I said there's been bad too. The non-pureblood or offshoots are often regarded like second class citizens. Or even slaves and property. Certainly not 'people'. My people might be supremely intelligent but are also supremely arrogant. And even somewhat immoral or unethical. But that's not everyone. And we've realized we've made some terrible mistakes. People like me though still are somewhat marginalized." She shifted uncomfortably once more. "So it was probably a good thing I left home. I doubt I would have ever gotten a chance to go to the upper universities and make a name for myself. Out here, I can do some good. Become somebody, and help people. Make an impact or at least a difference."

She turned her gaze back to her plate for a moment, letting her hair fall and cover her face, hiding for a few seconds before she straightened. "And I can see like you do. Like I said I can kind of turn it off or filter it. I don't like it, but I can do it," she said. "But I doubt I have better vision. I just see things you don't. You probably can track motion much better in your other form. Maybe even in this one, because of the way your brain is wired for processing visual information. Which would make you an excellent predator either way. And it's clear you would be a predator just by your build and your eye positioning," she noted.

"As for being able to see through your eyes? I don't think I have that kind of ability or control. I've heard of some Jedi being able to do it, but I-I-I don't know if I'm there yet," she said quietly.


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He gave a snort at that. “I don’t see how ye could be ‘less’ a person. Ye be who ye are and if they won’t let ye go as far as ye want, then it be for th’ best ye left them ta dust. I like th’ ears, even if they be shaped.

Her comment about being a predator made him chuckle. “It be true tha’ Ogrimm brings out th’ hunter in me, but truly I am not keen on combat. Mind ye, I will defend what is mine, but I do not go out and stuff my face where fire is flying. I’ve no stomach for the wasteland of collateral damage. Nothing haunts me more than th’ cries of those who survived beside those tha’ didn’t.

He fiddled with his fork, the food gone and sighed. “So, what is your favorite smell? Hyacinth is mine, it be a fragrant flower with this lovely scent. Once I get the hydroponics set and such I plan on adding plants all over th’ caves and those flowers be on my list. I hope you’ll be here ta get a nose full…

He stood up and gathered the dirty plats, setting them inside the auto-washer. He refilled their glasses and then sat down again. “Thank ye for this… Just sitting and chatting, it’s been a while.


She shrugged one shoulder. "Where else would I be? I'm kind of a captive audience or speaker right now. My ship's trashed, and the only way off this rock is through you right now, and I like you so I don't want to go through you," she gave him a soft smile. There was no threat in going through him and it was more of a joke.

"As to favorite smells," she mused, "I like swoop exhaust. To some people, it stinks. But to me, it reminds me of race day and streaking through the tunnels, canyons, and over the tundra at speeds so fast if you hit a bug it'll put out an eye, or if there's a big enough one, knock your shoulder out."

"I like the smell of nerf hide, but especially on a guy. And fresh soap. The smell of snow scrubbing the air when it hasn't snowed in a while. Woodsmoke. There's a plant at home we call nectar rose. It has a head about the size of a plate. They come in all kinds of colors. The blossom opens up during the day and in it sits a pool of this sticky nectar some insects are attracted to. The smell kind of sweet and attracts attention for a decent distance. The plant is carnivorous as the nectar traps things that come into it and then the acids break it down over time. But it takes a while. Very slow. As near as we can tell it is used to provide extra energy besides solar radiation, especially when it's darker and colder. The interesting thing is, the acid is similar to citric acid, which actually gives it a very nice sweet, tart flavor. We process it and turn it into a form of candy. Some variants have a mild neurotoxin as well. The candy that has this in it is a little better and is kind of a novelty because it numbs your tongue some." She smiled at this. "Might make you drool a bit too, so they call it Fool's Amber. It's great for pranking your friends. We also figured out how to use the neurotoxin for anesthesia. So that's one of my favorites too."

"My grams used to have a small greenhouse and all sorts of neat botanical species," she noted after a moment. Thinking about that didn't hurt to her amazement. Instead only something good, pure, and clean, free of pain save for nostalgia.


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When she mentioned liking the smell of leather, especially on a man he grinned at that. Not including within the cave as he liked looser materials indoors. Most of what he wore out and about was leather and light linen. When she started talking about the flower his interest really got peaked. “Sounds like a plant I might want here in th’ cave. Anything tha’ will take care of pests be welcome, though if ye be not so keen ta think of home I may not run with it.

He shifted in his seat drinking his drink. “So, we know what th’ plan is for your ship, but would you be up for helping make this cave more comfortable? It will be home for ye, so I thought if ye wanted ye could leave a mark on it.


Desbre shook her head. "I don't think it would bother me. I loved my grams a lot. I think she would like to share her love of plants with somebody else. And if it helps you, I think she'd like that even more. And having a piece of her here..." Speaking of her grams made her throat tighten and her vision turn watery. The thoughts and memories of her came rushing back and the pain of losing her. It was older, but it still hurt. And of course, she was in part to blame. She'd have given anything to have her back. Clearing her throat, she wiped at one eye. "Sorry," she apologized, her voice cracking. "I guess there are still some things about that I haven't had come up around all that mess." She reached out to take his closest hand and give a reassuring squeeze. "I'm okay. It just... caught me off guard. But no, I think she'd like that. I would, too."

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He smiled and nodded. “Ye be a pot tha’ has been more than ready ta boil over lass. Good or no, it be time ta just spill and it be okay. I told ye before, ye can cry as much as ye want or rage as much as ye want, I be here for ye. So no sorries, ye be doing nothing ta apologize over.

He stood up picking up his empty glass. “Ye wanna take a poke at th’ ship and see for yourself what it looks like? Hadn’t seen any activity from those tha’ chased ye so it should be clear. Would still go with caution, but I see no reason why we can’t go.


Des looked around, as though trying to look beyond the rocky cavern. "What time is it," she asked. "I don't really know how long I was down. My body clock is a little off. I think I said that earlier." She shifted position a little then stood. "And sure, we can go take a look at it, I suppose. We can take one of the bikes or both. We might want to bring some tools. I had a toolkit on the ship. I don't know if you brought that too?"


----|---- Playlist --|-- Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan ----|----

He grinned, shaking his head. “It be just a bit past noon. I only sleep a handful of hours, usually about five or so? Th’ ship be cleaned out lass. I left nothing behind for anyone hunting ye ta pick over. We could go by speeder, but let me get better dressed and geared up. I don’t think we will have a fight, but I won’t take any chances.

Something in his eyes might give away that part of him was spoiling for a hunt. Indeed, his wolf relished the idea of taking out whoever might try to poach. However Anse himself had a grimmer take to it, he didn’t relish killing at all. A hunt between predator and prey was one thing, but hunting men? All it did was sour the soul.


Desbre grimaced. "I guess I was out a little longer than expected,” she murmured. Before he could do anything, she reached out to stop him with a hand. “What is the climate like here? I plan to change clothes. Better to be prepped,” she murmured. Of course, she had some training that would allow her to adapt to various environments. But if she didn’t have to exert herself in such ways, it was better.

She took a long pull from her drink as he replied. She’d spent a couple or so days repairing. Even if she had a full belly, water was crucial to her recovery. The Arkanians treated hydration as gospel, and her third teacher was adamant about it as well. She believed it thoroughly as well, since getting clean from all the prior substance abuse. Every day was an opportunity to take better care of herself.


----|---- Playlist --|-- Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan ----|----

She’d see him turn his head and hear him inhale deeply. He did this for a couple breaths and looked back at her. “Ye had been as out as ye needed ta be, ye needed th’ healing. Might be a bit damp, I smell wetness, but the scent of the sun so it hasn’t rained in a while. Once we get in th’ trees should be cool though humid, but I would suggest ye wear eye protection till we get under them.

He then turned and strolled into where he slept to get dressed. “Don’t think ta sneak around an take a peek on th’ sly either. Ye wanna take a look, just do so, I’ve nothing ta hide and everything ta gain.

He gave her a wicked grin before he disappeared around the corner.



Des shook her head. “I never go without them when I’m on my bike,” she said. “And you assume you’ve got anything I’d go out of my way to look at.” In truth, she could have figured exactly what he looked like naked virtually instantly. She could have simply followed the eddies and flows of his life energy. Or mapped out all the mites on his skin or the bacteria. But she chose to do none of that.

Slipping into ‘her’ sleeping area, she rummaged through her things, looking for a change of clothes. She slipped out of the light leggings, and comfy top set. From there she went to pull on a breathable bodysuit consisting of thin tough fabric with a layer of tough plated polymers, allowing it to be very tough, but perfectly flexible and hugged her body like it was painted on. This was impossible to cut with a normal knife or blade and held up to vibroblades rather well. Wouldn’t do anything against a lightsaber or blaster. That wasn’t the purpose though. It was to keep her from getting shredded in a wipeout. Over this, she added more of her protective gear. Thin but reactive plates over the knees and elbows. Armor plates went over her shapely thighs and shins, then over her torso. They melded to her frame with enough gap to allow plenty of movement. All of it was madded, and made of very durable polymers. The spine itself was doubly protected, and it had a high collar that would protect and support her neck. When she put on a helmet it would be even more efficient at preventing neck injuries due to impact or whiplash. Protective gloves went with it. She strapped on her lightsaber, holdout blaster, and a vibroknife, and a backup glowrod. she picked up her small toolkit and made sure the electromagnet in it was in good working condition, then headed out, slowly making her way toward the makeshift garage.


----|---- Playlist --|-- Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan ----|----

Her comment as he drifted out of sight brought a grin to his lips. He was tempted to retort, but didn’t, he got what he wanted. He didn’t think she was the type to do anything of what he had said, but he wanted her to react. He wanted the thought to cross her mind, whether it did so he had no idea.

Since they were going by speeder he wore mostly leather. It would be a trifle warm, but with the high speed he likely wouldn’t feel it. He donned his leather jacket, this he could leave at the vehicle. He took his rifle, blasters, a pair of knives and pulled his shoulder length hair up in a tail.

The colors of his clothing were colors that could blend in with his surroundings. Most of the colors ranged from red, amber and ivory along with greens, browns and greys. He was hardly the biggest predator or even biggest creature on this world either. There were so far dozens of creatures he had seen that were as big or bigger than he was. The trees towered high and majestic, some of the ferns were taller than he was as a man with leaves even he could shelter under.

The water in the lake where she crashed was a deep rich amethyst color. The water pouring from the falls was a pale bluish lavender and the river was more royal purple. The oceans were a range of purples and almost black in deep water. The basin the falls fell into were ivory and grey stone, ringed with red leaved trees with pale amber trunks. Pair that with the color of the water and it always took his breath away.

He too had a pair of goggles, normally he used them for his work, but they would help with the wind blasting him in the face.


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