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The Rise of the Sith Empire

*sits back on his porch, sipping his PBR, smoking his cigarra and cleaning his gun and watching the show*

Just stay off my lawn and we won't have nothin...

[member="Isley Verd"] - Shhhh... Go sweep up the shop boy.
[member="Isley Verd"]

Silence!!!! Boom

Seriously though, it doesn't bother me in the least. I have received so much salt from this site my doctor is restricting me from this site for health reasons.

I can understand why people would think it not possible to make another Sith faction, but it is thoughts like that if I prove them wrong it will mean all that much more.

Thank you [member="Braxus Zambrano"] I appreciate your words an look forward to seeing the outcome.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Anytime someone introduces a new idea or something that people think will not work it is expected to go about like this; but that doesn't stop me from trying, in fact it only strengthens my resolve.
[member="Braith Achlys"]



Well-Known Member
Lord Sebastian said:
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Anytime someone introduces a new idea or something that people think will not work it is expected to go about like this; but that doesn't stop me from trying, in fact it only strengthens my resolve.
They are not knew, and when the one sith was minor, we had to compete with the new order. Same joke where around then, until we took coruscant and held it.
Try your idea, and good luck with it. Also never forget fortune favours the bold.
[member="Lord Sebastian"] ... [member="Sinistra"]

A long time in a galaxy far away it was mentioned that a Sith Civil War shopuld take place.....between the OS and the Black Rose. I'm still down for that so it builds momentum and activity for both factions. I'm not sure where the roses's members feel about that still....however....I think that would be awesome to play out. I'm just coming back from haitus where i needed to recharge my batteries. In truth, per rules, if two major factions are warring another faction cannot openly war with them...unless that changed.

If your still interested in that I'm game....however.....guidelines need to be set due to some bad blood that cropped up in the past. I, for one, want to end this bad blood.
[member="Darth Venefica"]

You know I value you and charity our OOC friendship, but what are you talking about and how did I fit in? My guy hasn't had contact with her since the meeting where she announced rebellion and he announced he would see to your death (to keep up appearances.) unless you want to merge ideas... If that is the case I am more than willing to listen. I did want every Soth council member to have their own personal following that always threatens inner war.

I plan to device ways Sith less can war in a way that it gutters story, but OOC doesn't hurt the faction.
Lord Sebastian said:
[member="Darth Mephirium"]

I was led to the understanding that it would remain the One Sith and their beliefs, correct me if I am wrong.

My intentions are merely to provide the board with opitions. If the Sith Empire is returning by your hand then I will not try to start my own as that sounds silly.

I've been wanting to craft a Sith character for some time. Not the overtly evil type, but the more concealed, sneaky malicious type, like Palps. That old son of a gun was the poodoo!
[member="Ali Hadrix"]

Sith coming in many forms.....shapes....sizes....colours....and genders. The best Sith is always the female variety.....we can be sexy and manipulative at the same time. a female Sith we don't have to get into that debate why our male counterparts cherish longer blades. It's not the size that's how you use it that counts. :)

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