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Approved Tech The Rings of the Cold Sun

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  • Intent: To create a personal and hidden weapon for the Crimelord Drakin K'latus Xolim and other people
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Classification: Blaster, EMP
  • Size: Extremely Small
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell, Rockets, Electromagnetic pulse
  • Ammunition Capacity: Small
  • Effective Range: Personal
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Low
  • Recoil: None
  • Classification: Dagger
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Light
  • EMP Pulse
  • Fires blaster bolts (Through small holes)
  • Small repulsers able to propel rings towards an enemy
  • Activate-able razor sharp edges
  • Rockets
  • Modifications can be made
  • Concealed
  • Multiple use
  • Low damage
  • Prototype
The Rings of the Cold Sun, nicknamed this by Drakin K'latus Xolim Drakin K'latus Xolim were a gift from a crimelord he had done business with, to ensure the support of Drakins family. It comes with many different functions, notably the ability to propel towards the users enemy using rockets, razor sharp edges activating before impact. This function is able to silently kill enemies in an instant. Another notable function is that it can fire blaster bolts through small holes in each ring.

The idea for this item/items are that they can perform almost any function as long as the items are modified. You can think of them as the rings featured in the marvel movie, except they are proper rings, one for each finger. It's easily concealed especially for a Crime Boss. There are little to no limitations as to what they can be used for, as long as it is appropriate for the size. All 10 together can also serve as a very powerful energy source due to massive stores of energies in all of the rings combined incase of emergencies.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Drakin K'latus Xolim Drakin K'latus Xolim

This is a very interesting peice of thechology.
  • Do you mentioned this is a blaster and EMP weapon. However in the special features do you mentioned the small rockets as well. Please specify the Classification more.
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell; if it is able to launch small rockets too, this is not enough, because the power cell is good for the blaster only. And you forget to add the "electromagnetic pulse" as ammunition type.
  • Your ratings are underpowered (-1), if you want, you can fix this.
  • Activate-able razor sharp edges; if this can be used as a melee weapon, please add the melee weapon template to this one too.
    • Classification: (Dagger, Sword, Whip, etc.)
    • Size: (Please choose a size between Extremely Large, Very Large, Large, Average, Small, Very Small, Extremely Small)
    • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extremely Heavy, Very Heavy, Heavy, Average, Light, Very Light, Extremely Light.)
That's all, please let me know if you edited them, or if you have a question, you can ask them here.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Drakin K'latus Xolim Drakin K'latus Xolim

Please next time if you made edits tag me, I'm not following the thread, so without a tag it is possible I'll not notice that you wrote here.
One problem remained, the ranged part is still overpowered (+1), please fix this.
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