Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Resting Place

The Consensus thirsted to kill. Thirsted to cause suffering. The Muscular, yet gorgeous abomination, eager to inaugerate its return, had decided to look for a Jedi. A strong one.

It watched, wearing The Amalgam's catsuit as it meditated on the farmstead of a family it had consumed, their home burning.

How it yearned to consume more. But mostly it yearned for a challenge.

It was about to get one, alright.

When she sensed her over the horizon, the Consensus realized the Bogan indeed had a fethed sense of humor.

Maple Harte had juuuussst happened to be on Naboo, armed with her saber cane. She had been here trying to connect with nature, push out the mutterings of The Brain Demon, only to slowly realize as she felt the Consensus on Naboo, that the Brain Demon had wanted her to go here all along. She was wearing her white and black hooded armor, two white pistols slung in thigh holsters.

"You wear the garb of the one I am sworn to kill. Yet you are not her. Speak, filthy murderess..." Maple growled, pointing her active cane at her.

"That is no way to address your impromptu assessor..." The Consensus replied in faux pleasant tone.

She stood up, short white hair billowing in the wind.

"Why harm them? They did nothing to you." Maple questioned.

"The Bogan must be satisfied through cruelty and slaughter. I simply performed an act of religious devotion. I am here to propagate my faith to you."

"When you are dead, I shall purify your remains to prevent resurrection."

"You have grown stronger since The Graveyard, but still I am not satisfied..." The Consensus hissed, Muscles swelling to tremendous purportions. Maple stood back in clear alarm as The Consensus went over to a boulder, picked it up with her bare hands and hurled it at her.

Maple clenched her hand into a fist, and the boulder shattered from her fury toward the creature, sending the fragments back at her as the beast sprinted.

She only seemed to smirk as the pieces of rocks smashed against her body but with was like she was made of metal. Her own purple blade swung for Maple in a brutal frenzy...


Syd had managed to recover somewhat from the trick Tiger Mask used and was keen to stop him from attacking Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun again, engaging him as soon as she warned him. Her blades came down from all angles in a spam attack, but he deflected every single one of them.

"Tell me, Sith, would you even know what to do with such power after slaying us? Or will it become merely another piece of high tier loot you break out once in a while to feel fancy?"

"I couldn't care less about this blade if I tried..." he snarled at her in pure hatred channeling the power of The Moon.

A white beam erupted from the corrupt blade and Syd barely dodged a beam that set a tree behind her on fire.

Tiger Mask snarled and attacked her, his corrupted saber coming down on her from every angle.

(Taps triangle button rapidly to counter)

Syd parried the frenzied slashes, noticing he was becoming more and more infuriated as he attacked as she was forced backward, until he backhanded her in a rage and sent her flying, deforming her face momentarily due to the strength of the blow.

He doesn't care about the Moonglare Saber. she realized, her defense growing more frantic as she was pushed to her limit in terms of speed. But he struck relentlessly, ruthlessly, and efficiently, in spite of a now radiating fury and hatred whose nature and source she couldn't discern, but was proving powerful enough to challenge even her.

Syd knew this had to end now. Sooner or later he'd get the bright idea to fire at that beam at Loreena, knowing Syd would likely try to protect her and take the hit in the process, which would severely injure if not outright instagibb her.

"If you really wanted me dead so bad, you wouldn't have needed to go to such lengths." Syd pointed out. "There were a dozen more practical ways you could have approached this. You could've sniped me from afar. Hit me with cryonics. Yet you try to kill me with this old Relic? Why?" She asked. "I mean, its deadly, but its not a guarantee. The other methods I pointed out have much greater odds in your favor. Why go to the trouble?"

Tiger Mask blinked, saw Darth Phyre murdering his daughter all over again and snapped, letting out a shriek of rage, charging at her.

Syd deliberately cut her palm on a branch to speak the next words as he charged at her.

"Ashla, a bloody flock harrasses my foes."

Purple, flaming bird constructs erupted from the palm of her hand, in the dozens, harrassing him from everywhere.

Tiger Mask was lost in his rage as he swiped at the constructs, seeing the deaths of his entire family play out at Phyre's hands with each swing. He screamed incoherently as he swung, hearing his family's screams, hearing Phyre's cackling as she murdered them.

He stumbled back, seeing Phyre everywhere, taunting him on his weaknesses. He slashed and slashed but they wouldn't leave--

He felt the burn through his stomach, from Syd's saber. He looked up to see her frown. She clearly had no idea who she was to him. Or he was.

Tiger Mask fell backward, dropping the corrupted blade. Everything was cold now. Phyre laughed at him still in his head.

There was no light. Just the world getting blacker, and the one thing taking up his vision being the murderer of his past, his hopes, his life.

Syd kneeled over the dying Tiger Mask.

"Who are you?" Syd asked quietly and with sincerity. "Why did you attack me? No empire sent you. You're a rogue...why throw your life away?"

Tiger Mask didn't look at Syd, his silvery, reflective mask instead focusing on Loreena, who looked like his daughter.

Tiger Mask said his last words to Loreena, not to Syd.

"It would take too long to explain..."

Tiger Mask turned away from Syd's gaze entirely to look at Loreena better in his last moments, reaching out for what his rapidly failing neurons convinced him was his daughter. Then he was gone, his spirit claimed by The Dark Side and his body grew cold and lifeless, yet the boiling hatred lingered in his very bones for a few precious seconds more before The Dark Side claimed that as well.

Syd reached for his dead face, very quiet, and very uncomprehending.

She took off his mask. She didn't recognize his face. Had never seen it before. Neither version of her had. She didn't like the expression on it, and put it back on, standing up. It was so strange. Suddenly none of this felt like a victory at all.

"I don't understand..." she said, still in a curiously quiet tone, turning to Loreena with a look of genuine and total confusion. "Who was he?"

Syd turned away from her own reflection in his silvery mask, deeply disturbed and not knowing why...
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Lori watched the entire duel unfold. It was raw and powerful, unlike anything that she had ever seen before. Keeping the lightsaber handy, she kept back while Syd Celsius Syd Celsius and Tiger Mask were engaged in combat. There was a history there, yet it seemed as though it was all one sided. The Darksider must've been mistaken.

Spells, magics that she had never seen before erupted during the fight. All of it was meant to distract her opponent. And it worked. Syd's lightsaber went into him, impaling him and burning his internal organs. Lori just watched with a solemn expression. Killing wasn't something to be pleasant about. Yet there didn't seem to be a choice here.

And then the mask looked at her. Lori could almost feel a pull as he reached out to her, starting to say something. But then his life faded...

Lori dropped to her knees, extinguishing her saber as she just stared at the man once his face was revealed. "I don't know who he was....Yet I can't help but feel....sad. He was led by grief. But maybe now he'll be at peace."

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