Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Quest for Power

[member="Darth Erebos"]

"Exar Kun is known for his nontraditional thinking and actions...its what made him such a dangerous bladesman....There must be something we're missing" The former assassin murmurred "Say....Would you happen to have some ink on you? I have a bit of an idea" She asked, as she glanced at a noticably blank section of temple wall. An idea was formign in her mind


Well-Known Member
Valashu quickly reached out with the Force, utilizing Force Stasis on the beast, silencing it while also stilling it. He could hide the thing within his field or view blocking White Current, but his abilities to control the skill were not what those of Masters could achieve. He could hide his own sounds, even vibrational effect caused by his movement, with enough focus; not a beast like the Akk.

Feeling a bead of sweat drop down his temple to cheek, he groaned silently. He was never much for using more than a power at a time, he could do so, but it was taxing on the mind to be so still, yet not slip.

As the man neared, Valashu moved his hand once more to the handle of Ash, yank slowly to free the head. With it in hand, he drew back, and readied..

Releasing his hold on the Force, Val hurled the axe at the man.


Well-Known Member
The man noticed him in just enough time to raise an arm...

And have the head of his Force Imbued Alchemical weapon bounce clean off! For a split second, he thought he had seen a light shimmering field around the man's body, but he couldn't be sure.

Grabbing Silt, he vanished once more from sight, as his opponent picked the time to draw the rifle he carried to sight. Slowly fanning the area he was located in, Val knew the man was trained in many of the same techniques he himself was. But still he avoided the targeting of his newest opponent.

When the man finally noticed the Dog, he couldnt stop the hinge that is his jaw from dropping. Lowering himself, he examined examined his pet, finding it still alive.


Well-Known Member
By now, Val had silently scaled a nearby tree. Removing his Lorn'iseth Jacket, he sheathed the head of Silt once more inside it. Laying the leather covering down, he reached to his hip and gripped the Bow found there. Releasing it from its binds, Val snapped into place with a practiced single motion. While doing this, his other hand went to his opposite hip to grab for the shaft of an arrow.

Lining the end of his projectile with the cable of his bow, pulling it taut, he slowly exhaled, drew the duo up...

Then released the arrow. Watching as it flew, he saw the arrow embed itself into his opponents shoulder. Like that, he was on the move. Turning to grab the tree, he used it to swing himself around to the opposite, then slide down to the ground again. Lucky for him he was fast, as the man had began to fire on him the moment after he recognized he was hit.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't until Val moved to get a new vantage spot that he realized he had gotten himself in a predicament. Because he had removed his coat, he had effectively let his arms open to damage, since he was not wearing the Archer Armor sleeves. He bore the gauntlets but that's it.

So when he moved, and felt a deep searing pain in his right arm, Val was surprised. He was used to being unseen and untouched. To not only be found, but wounded, it was a depressing feat. Snapping his bow closed once more, he clipped it to his hip, then while favoring his wounded limb, he broke down one of his arrows to hold as a small knife.

The next problem? With his blood now freely flowing due to the slugthrower hole, his scent was caught by the Akk. He could see it looking his way when he peaked his gaze around the tree.


Well-Known Member
Sighing, Val let his wounded arm hang, then called out, "Your beast attacked me. I defended myself. You came forward, looking for it, and its perceived prey! I defended myself!" Pausing he took a breath, exhaled then stepped free of hiding, "I am hit. But I will not cower! Face me in open hand to hand." He showed he was only holding the small blade with about six inches of shaft for grip.

"Fine. You're gonna get yours for hurting Deris." The man replied, taking the strap that held his rifle from around his neck. From his boot he pulled a decent sized hunting knife.

"Let's do this then." Val said, and both men leveled their hands as they began their approaches.


Well-Known Member
Val did not put much use in his wounded arm, which led his opponent to figure soon enough. They had already traded a few decent jabs, one being from the Hunter, having slammed a fist through Val's defenses, straight into his injury.

It had been painful.

But then Val saw an opening. With Hunter now seeking to attack his wounded arm most, he had his mind in one area. Thus when a blow came that way, he pretended to miss it by slight inches. Instead though of the contact planned, his right arm clutched the mans just above the elbow, while left brought the arrow head upward along the inside into his armpit.

With the shaft as a stand, his arm fell only slightly. Though now it was utterly useless, the tendons and ball joint within completely severed.

Lashing out with his good arm, he attempted to drive his own blade into Val's stomach, simply to find no give. Had he wore another armor, it might have worked. But the leather of the Lotek'k was impenetrable.

Thus Val dropped his arm, snatched at the blade in his enemies hand. A quick motion had it released and in his own. However, going in immediately for the kill, he watched as the man blinked quickly. This might seem dumb to mention, except it also signaled the glowing of a small gem in a bracelet.

What came next was the aforementioned glowing cloak. This stopped his blow instantly.


Well-Known Member
Caught off guard again, he almost missed the kick that sought to sweep beneath his legs. A soft back step allowed the one to miss, to which he stepped forward once more, seeking a solid blow with a momentum driven elbow. It connected, and the man stumbled.

With his gaze away, as Val began to be sure that this held some significant status, the Kensûrai Archer drove the blade swiftly through his opponents thin vest and into his right lung.

Slowly lowering the man down to the ground, he reached for the bracelet. Holding it before his enemies eyes, "What is this? How does it work?"

"Its called..." the Man paused, breath coming in raggedly, "The Shard of Retaliation.. Focus on it.. it will block all... incoming attacks..."

Putting the shard away, Val rose, eyeing the man, and the nearby whimpering Akk, "I will leave you to your vices. Be smart, work with your pet, and you will live."

At that he grabbed his jacket then headed to the ship, found that Safiriel was gone, then with a sigh he spent about an hour tracking her slowly through the planets forests. Before long he was outside a tomb, "This is Matreya. I am coming in. Friendly fire averted." He said into his comlink.

[member="Safiriel Bane"]
Erebos patted down his belt and robes and then looked towards [member="Safiriel Bane"]. "Sadly I don't." He replied as he stopped his meditation and walked towards her. "What are you thinking?" He asked as he looked from her over to the sarcophagus and back to her.
[member="Darth Erebos"]

"The Inscriptions on the walls here aren't complete. From what I've read so far...the various incantations on the walls...the one missing is the death chant. Possibly, carving or writing it down here might be the solution that we're looking for at present"
Erebos thought on it and walked towards [member="Safiriel Bane"]. "Well we do have lightsabers and the beams can be lowered down to that of a pen's tip. Perhaps we can carve it in the wall?" He said as he came up next to Safiriel and looked at the wall she had noticed.

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