Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Quest for Power

Erebos stepped aside and gestured to [member="Safiriel Bane"]. "Well then you will have the honor, this is your find after all." He said while he made sure that his power would be able to be brought to bear should they need it.
The pale woman nodded and stepped closer examining the sarcophagus. It proved simple enough to open to those that knew the proper language, as the riddle contained on the plaque at the base was merely coded, and not all that difficult in and of itself. Pressing her thumbs to two of the spikes along the upper edge to prick them, she combined them into the brutally graceful language of the sith, drawing the rune 'Open'' in the empty space in the middle

[member="Darth Erebos"]
Erebos watched as [member="Safiriel Bane"] did that but he couldn't help but feel it was a bit too easy. After all Exar Khun had been renowned for being intelligent and devious. Batting away such thoughts he simply got ready should he need to help her in anyway. "Careful now." He said calmly as many a sith had died to traps inside the sarcophagi of long dead sith.
"For the next layer, I need you to close your eyes. Try to deaden your senses as much as possible" She instructed as the outermost layer of the sarcophagus slid open. It was a large structure, with three layers. If any of them were improperly unlocked, the sarcophagus would slam shut, severing an arm, or crushing the entire body of those trapped inside of it.

She began to one again fiddle with the precise runes in the second layer. If her studies were correct, unlocking this layer would set off a force bomb. Meant to cause agony in force sensitives, one had to overcome it while continuing to unlock the runes in short order. Too long and either the bomb or the sarcophagus would kill you

[member="Darth Erebos"]
Erebos nodded and went down to his knees to meditate, or rather to retreat inside of himself. Using his own force energy he began to construct a force wall around himself to try and help against the force bomb. "I'm ready." He'd say as he braced himself for what was to come.

[member="Safiriel Bane"]

She said as she began to undo the second layer, triggering the bomb. Waves of psychic agony would wash over the two as Safiriel hurried to unlock the runes. Gritting her teeth she focused down on the patterns and finally unraveled them, revealling the third and final layer of the sarcophagus. The final layer was made of phrik, to protect it from wear and damage

[member="Darth Erebos"]
As the wave hit him Erebos grunted and had to support himself by his hand as his legs were in a kneeling position. He almost screamed but kept it at bay, he thought that he was more susceptible to this bomb due to his races more intricate relationship with the force and as such was more vulnerable to its currents. Balling his hands into fists he held them down against the ground as he brought all his power to bear to protect himself from the bomb.
He soon let out a scream though as he brought his hands up cover his head as if it would help. "Gah! Make it stop!" He screamed as he began to have red currents of force lighting around him as the agony was almost making him delirious.

[member="Safiriel Bane"]
Thinking back on this event at a later time, Safiriel realized a simple ritual to temporarily sever their connection to the force would have made this challenge far simpler. But at the time the agony racked Echani had other things in mind.

Her fingers flew over the runs, shifting the mechanisms into place to unlock the final seal. And then it jamned. Outraged she pounded her fist down on the mechanism, which served to dislodged whatever had stuck it fast.

Finally, the force powered trap faded, and the coffin lay completely open

[member="Darth Erebos"]
As the force bomb faded Erebos lay half on the ground, supporting himself on his hands, his breathing labored and heavy. "Tell me this won't happen again." He said as he stood up and felt he could breathe easier. "Next time let's go over the discovered traps and find a way to minimize the damage they do before we try to disarm them hm?" He said as he walked up to [member="Safiriel Bane"].
[member="Darth Erebos"]

"That sounds quite reasonable"

The echani woman admitted, as she peered inside the coffin. In it lay the skeleton of Exar Kun, still wearing his trademark sith armor. It looked like it was still functional, if worn with age.

"This...this is a great discovery"

The Shadow sage murrmurred. She was not dumb enough to reach out and touch it, instead she carefully viewed the sides and interior of the coffin, looking for any further traps and such
Looked inside and had to contain his amazement over the find. "I didn't think we'd find it this well preserved." He said as he leaned a little forwards as if taking a good look at it. "I'd like to study the gauntlet when we get it out of this sarcophagus, If you wouldn't mind." He said as he then raised himself up again and looked towards [member="Safiriel Bane"]. "You would fit right in with the reclamation service." He then joked as he moved his hand towards her in a congratulatory gesture.
"Wouldn't celebrate yet....Could be any number of pressure plates in the sarcophagus waiting to go off if we jostle the content. Let me get the precision labor droids down here to remove it then we can pat ourselves on the back"

The former assassin was all too knowledgable about traps. Tombs not so much but, based on her experience, the two kinds of traps often had a tendency of over lapping

[member="Darth Erebos"]


Well-Known Member
Spinning, one hand still on Ash, the other summoning Silt, he ended his momentum by releasing the prior, dual wielding the latter, and planting the head of the axe underneath more scales. Sliding at an angle as would a person making a fillet, Valashu flipped up at the last minute, knocking severely of the plates loose. By now the brutish beast began to fear, and so attacked back, slashing at Valashu with its powerful appendages.

Struck against the shoulder, Val dropped to a knee, drawing back on the axe in his hands, to slam in forward once again - this time though at a section free of the scaled protection. The Force empowered head went in, deep, until it breached bone. Instantly the beasts back was severed, and it fell forward with a pained whine.

Just as Valashu was about to release his hold on the Force, revealing himself once more, he sensed an approaching entity. Encompassing the felled beast into his sphere of invisibility, Val turned silently to watch as a keen soldier slunk through the brush nearby. Were it not for Val's own skills as a hunter, he likely would not have seen the man. But as it was, he did, and knew that the man was looking for the brutish animal.
Nodding to that he simply stayed at a safe distance as he looked over the ancient armor and the sith gauntlet it held. "But I must admit [member="Safiriel Bane"], you are an impressive archaeologist to have found this when so many others haven't and not to mention being able to get through all three layers of the coffin." He said congratulating her.
[member="Darth Erebos"]

"Well my Lord, that comes with experience. A bit of force sensitivity can also allow one to go above and beyond the means of those that lack it. It's certainly helped in the past" Safiriel murrmurred as she admired the armor. Before turning back to her gauntlet. Tapping it several times, she sent out the word order. The precision labor droids would arrive within the hour, hopefully
Walking along the sarcophagus Erebos knelt down to look at a passage on the coffin. "Kia edoui anas iezkon nuyak azinimas, zenoti anas mirtis sekleti buti tu'iea mita." He read aloud as he then noticed a pictograph of Exar Kun's holocron in the arms of a robed skeleton. "Hey [member="Safiriel Bane"] come here, this might be of interest to you." He said as he gestured for her to come to him. "To those that seek my knowledge, know that death shall be your obstacle." He translated as he pointed at the pictograph.
[member="Darth Erebos"]

Safiriel walked over to the Sith. "That could mean a few things....I've seen something like this before, in the team of Saedoris Harkon" She explained, glancing around "In his tomb, there was a door with a sensor, that would kill those considered alive. Even droids could not pass, do to their energy signature. To pass through it, I imbiled a form of poison, enough to give me the appearance of being dead. "
"So the same type of sensor could be here? Just instead of killing you, it might not open until you have a achieved the desired state for it to activate?" He asked as he thought it over with his hand against his chin. His mind began to expand outwards, slowly growing as he made sure that his awareness touched everything, every nook and cranny. After he felt the basic layout of the temple he stood and drew his mind back to himself as he sighed loudly. "I'm not sure I can find it, there is something about this Obsidian stone that interfere with my force senses." He then said to [member="Safiriel Bane"] as he took a few steps back.
[member="Darth Erebos"]

"I'm afraid I can't be much more help there....this could be any number of things. Something preventing us from leaving this chamber...something hidden in the temple, or, perhaps a toxin, invisble and unnoticeable. There is any number of things that it could be...I'm not sure it'll be easy to find out" She murrmurred, glancing about the temple for further writings to reveal the truth
Erebos stood still as he listened to [member="Safiriel Bane"] explain to him what she thought. "Hmm that is true." He said before he began to meditate a little, focusing his energies on curato Salva to allow him to refresh himself and regain his strength from the force bomb. Meanwhile he also thought on what she had said and tried to think on what he knew of Exar Khun to perhaps help in some way.

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