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The Quarter's Galleon

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Merchant And Scout

  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Hyperdrive
  • Standard Ion Engines
  • Standard Hanger Bays
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Cruiser Weapons
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Standard Living Quarters
  • Standard Damage Control Systems
  • Standard Life Pods
  • Standard Crew Comforts
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Standard Security Systems
  • Many Passengers: The Quarter's Galleon is a modified control core ship, meaning that it can house up to 60,000 passengers which makes it essentially a shadow port.
  • Large Cargo Capacity: The Quarter's Galleon has a large cargo capacity, up to 66,000,000 million pounds of cargo. Making it useful for transporting large amounts of goods and supplies.
  • Large Weaponry: The Quarter's Galleon has a large amount of weapons to make it stand up to pirates and other small defense fleets.
  • Shielding: The Quarter's Galleon has a large amount of shielding to protect it from enemy fire
  • Armored Vessel: The Quarter's Galleon has large amounts of armored plating to help protect it from enemy fire
  • Power Consumer: The Quarter's Galleon requires a large amount of generators to power it. Making it an extreme weakness because of the constant need to recharge and stock up on extra generators to keep the vessel constantly operational. Power conservation is vital due to the risk of power failure in the middle of an engagement with another warship.
  • Low Hanger Space: The Quarter's Galleon has a low amount of hanger space due to most of its hangers being converted into starship hangers to accommodate guests.
  • Vulnerable Engines: The Quarter's Galleon's main engine is within the core but for extra propulsion, extra generators have been added. These can be targeted and destroyed by concentrated firepower upon them.

The Quarter's Galleon originally was a core ship of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Being used to coordinate large amounts of battle droids near the raxus system at the behest of its neimoidian crew. However after the battle of coruscant and the shutdown of the confederacy battle droids using the separatist council's command codes. The vessel was abandoned by its operators quickly because of the Imperial Fleet emerging from hyperspace during the war against the separatist holdouts. The Imperial Navy decided to dump the vessel on Raxus Prime having no need for outdated technology within their armada. The Galleon remained their during the following wars with the rebel alliance, the resistance, darth kryat's empire. It was eventually picked up by a passing hutt crew working for the Qunaalac Kajidic from Kor Qunaalac. Getting the vessel operational was paramount to showcasing the might of the qunaalac clan over the other hutt clans within the galaxy. Dragging the core ship from raxus prime would take a few weeks as the vessel was mostly just an empty hull without power.

The Quarter's Galleon would be put into storage above Kor Qunaalac until it was sold to the Northern Run Merchant Guild in exchange for a business contract to smuggle illegal weaponry through Galactic Alliance borders. George S S Kragg would take the hull to Guarja Shipyards on Nal Hutta to have it repaired. Costing a small fortune due to the age of the vessel, it would be repaired after a few months due to Trademaster Kragg having business to discuss with the shipyard manager. Naming it the Quarter's Galleon in tribute to his former pirate outpost called Quarter's Port. Trademaster Kragg would begin using the vessel as a mobile shadowport where his pirate fleet could begin launching raids into vulnerable regions overlooked by the Galactic Alliance. The Northern Run Merchant Guild still maintains that the vessel is simply being used as a merchant port and it is officially registered as such with most of the galactic powers within the region. Trademaster Kragg has carried on using it has his flagship/ shadowport ever since.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

Nicely made ship, but there is some problems with it:
  • The main problem is the ship's size. An individual cannot have a ship of this size, only 500 meters ones. So please change the ship's size, or add a faction and/or a company to the Affiliation.
  • Your ratings are underpowered (-3); if you want, you can edit it.
  • The Shield Leech Weapons link is broken, please edit or delete the link.
Submission Name: The Stormvermin
Link to Submission: The Stormvermin
Reason for Archival Request: Character this was made for is deceased.

Submission Name: The Quarter's Galleon
Link to Submission: The Quarter's Galleon
Reason for Archival Request: Character this was made for is deceased

Submission Name: The Gargantuan
Link to Submission: The Gargantuan
Reason for Archival Request: Character this was made for is deceased

Submission Name: Eye of Abonshee
Link to Submission: Eye of Abonshee
Reason for Archival Request: Character this was made for is deceased

Submission Name: Milvayne-Class Trade Warship
Link to Submission: Milvayne-Class Trade Warship
Reason for Archival Request: No longer planning to use this submission.
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