Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Prodigies Of The Sword


Makashi was all about staying grounded.

Didn't mean Iris wasn't above getting above. The colors shifted with his intentions. The more she got into the groove of the battle, the more she could see. His leg came and she already jumped, grinning wide. She brought the other blade around to catch his attempt at the disarming, rolling her wrist, letting the blade freely move in her hand. Spin around it before she caught it once more and swiped with both in retaliation.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Iris had gotten so much stronger since their last meeting, the experience factor just showed as they fought. She managed to jump over his leg after he went down to one knee and even managed to block his disarming attempt. With his blade still locked, he saw the attempt to get around his defense. Quickly, he turned off his lightsaber and suddenly fell to his back to avoid the two swipes.

Igniting his saber once more he quickly began to scramble backward with his lightsaber up in defense, trying his best to find some kind of footing again.




Turning off his saber was a good move, at least to avoid getting struck. She landed not a second after, springing forward to keep her assault on Silas. Keep him on the defensive. Both blades struck out in unison now, her arms swinging in tandem to bring the power of both against his blade. Again and again. They weren't particularly powerful blows without the Force, but that wasn't the point.

Another swipe, but this time the blue saber extinguished just before contact. And while the pink would collide with his blade, she'd reignite it past his guard to try and catch him with the stunning edge.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Silas was in a tight position with Iris swinging down on top of him. He did his best to keep his saber up and dodge some of the strikes as he crawled backward. They weren't powerful, but he could see what she was trying to do. Compared to the other strikes, only one hit his saber now while the other was beginning to go somewhere else.

The teen gritted his teeth and suddenly shot a kick into her knee to make her off balance and stop the cheeky strike from coming down on him. Soon after, he'd lift the saber on top of his upwards so he could fire another kick into her lower stomach to create some space.

Kicking his feet on the floor, he flung his legs over his head to backward roll into a kneeling position

"I ain't going down so easy this time, Iris..."



His reactions were good as ever. As was his quick thinking. The kick connected, sending her surprise strike wayward as she went to regain her balance. And took the second right to the gut. She stumbled from it, narrowing her eyes as a flash of pain took over. Brief, before the Force soothed her as it always did. And she grinned. Lifted her blades again in the classic Jar'kai stance this time around.

"No, you're not. Lets allow the Force. We're Jedi, after all. Hindering ourselves is good for training some things, but we're not training basics, are we?"

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Silas had finally managed to get back up and snapped into a stance, his breath quickening from the tough battle going on. He had already lasted longer than their last duel, probably because he was more experienced and a seasoned fighter than from their previous engagement. Loosening him slightly, he decided to give in to her demands and nodded

"Fine, we can use the force from now on. I've been itching to use them throughout this duel anyway" he said with a smile as he lifted his hand up and motioned her to come at him with a raised hand.

Silas grinned back at her as she suddenly ran at him with speed, but considering how long he was waiting he was more than ready for her. With the force in play, he was able to see the feint and weave out of the way to avoid the strike. Looking to make the most of his dodge, he lunged forwards to send a quick thrust of his saber into her side. If he was going to make the most of Sorosu, he needed to be resilient and resourceful. Sooner or later, Iris was bound to give him the smallest of openings. When? that was unsure. Considering Iris was quite a skillful duelist he may have to resort to something unorthodox.



Control the distance, control the footwork. Control the back and forth. She utilized both her blades to their fullest, trying to force Silas to choose between one deflection or another. Keep him defending how she wanted. Learn his style, his choice for defense, exploit it. Not that there was really anything to exploit. Soresu, the defenders choice. She wasn't going to break through his defense herself, not with her strikes.

So, get him to make his own mistake. A misstep, an opening on her side as her blade went wide and left her looking frantic to catch herself. And if he tried to capitalize on it, he'd find her other blade snap right towards him. A trap, in a hopes to end it.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Cailen's Training I


Location: New Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani ; Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Train With Friends
Soundtrack: First Challenge


He was late.

Very late.

Cailen's boots clacked on the newly repaired flagstone floors of the Jedi Temple as he hurriedly made way for the training dojo. As he approached he could hear the unmistakable clash of lightsabers from outside the chamber, and his heart sank. Hopefully his friends would excuse his tardiness. He rounded the corner and stepped through the sliding doors. His eyes were greeted by a bright flash of sparks as Iris' sabers collided with Silas'. The Padawan cracked an excited grin, shirking off his overcoat.

"Don't have all the fun without me!" he called out to friends as he reached for his own saber and pulled it free from his belt.

As he kept taking a few steps back, Silas eyes widened slightly at an opening he saw in her defense. Snapping forwards he fell to one knee and thrust his saber towards her side. Although, at the same time he didn't see Iris bring her saber back and stop right next to his neck. Silas looked to her saber first before looking back up to her face "Damn... you caught me out again" he said with a grin, just before the sound of boots came running into the room.

Cailen, who was very late had finally arrived. Silas smirked his way when he ignited his saber and announced his participation in the duel "Hm... where were you all this time?" he said jokingly before giving a motion to Iris that they should team up against Cailen as an antidote to his late arrival.

"Well Cailen, we can't let you go unpunished shall we?" he said as he got up to his feet and raised his saber back up towards him. Silas wasn't serious with the punishment, but a 2 vs 1 against stronger opponents would be beneficial for the young padawan.



There he was.

Iris paused only for a moment as she saw the colors of Cailen approach. And smiled. Her blade extinguished as she nodded towards Silas. That was a good spot as any to let their spar end, though the moment Silas turned his blade towards the padawan she couldn't help but raise a brow. Punishment?

"Jedi don't punish people, Silas."

She snickered a little. "But I am curious what kept you all the same."

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Cailen Corso Cailen Corso

Cailen grinned at Silas' challenge, igniting his cyan saber and stepping slowly down toward the pair of Jedi awaiting him.

It'd been weeks since he'd had a proper duel like this, and the thought of training against both of his peers at once was equally invigorating as it was nerve-racking. They both were far more experienced duelists than he was, but that didn't mean he should back away from an opportunity to learn.

"I can handle it, Iris," he said with confidence before answering her question.

"I got... distracted, helping a friend in need."

He approached Silas first with a firm defensive grip on his lightsaber. He'd let the older boy strike first.

And then, the spar would begin.

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"Jedi don't punish people, Silas."
"Pffft... fine" he said with a roll of his eyes. Turning back to Cailen, he couldn't help but smile from his reason. If he was helping a friend, then it was a fair excuse. After all, Silas would do the same if there was a friend in need.

"Let's see what you got Cailen" he said competitively to the boy as he began to approach him from the side of Iris. Before he decided to strike, he remembered that she wanted the force to be involved with their spar. Suddenly, with a cheeky grin, he suddenly raised a hand to force push Iris towards one of the padded walls.

"Sorry, you did want it after all Iris" Silas laughed before rushing forwards to swing a series of swift strikes toward Cailen to try and drive him backwards



Iris let out a breath before waving her hand dismissively. This wasn't exactly what she was trying to teach the two, but.. She wasn't going to stop them. Cailen seemed as excited as Silas. So, let them fight. She even turned to let them have their spar until the colors twisted. She blinked, turning to glare at Silas.


Then she was airborne. She hit the far mat with an 'oof', then groaned as she hit the ground. And glared that much more. Her blade snapped to life as a grin took over despite herself. "Alright, fine."

The tip of her blade lifted, and she lunged in a blur of motion for Silas's side. A quick thrust while he focused on Cailen.

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"Let's see what you got, Cailen!"

The younger Padawan narrowed his eyes, a determined smirk spreading across his face - until his opponent unexpectedly hit Iris with a tactful Force push, sending her back against the wall. Cailen wore his surprise for only a moment before Silas leapt forward with a flurry of saber strikes. He blocked them well, but Silas' sudden advance drove the boy back several steps before he found his footing. He held his ground, meeting each of Silas' blows with a defensive parry until his opponent ceased the advance.

The two boys stood there with lightsabers crossed, their contrasting shades of blue glowing brightly against one another. Cailen grinned as he held his saber with both hands, matching Silas' pressure to keep their weapons locked.

"Impressive!" he complimented from the other side of the burning glow. Even though Cailen shared Silas' competitive spirit, he was proud of the notable progress his brother had made since they last crossed blades.

But that thought was interrupted as Cailen noticed a swift motion in his peripheral: Iris.

Silas moved forward and pressured his fellow padawan with a series of strikes, each one being parried away nicely by the younger warrior. On his last strike, their blades crossed and forced them into a stalemate "Same goes for you, Cailen. Try and keep it up!" he said with a smile before his head snapped to a vengeful Iris who thrust her blade to his side.

Raising his leg up, he suddenly turned off his saber and used Cailen to kick himself backward away from the strike. Within moments he reignited his blade and snapped it into a Makashi stance to change things up a little "I see you're back for some revenge Iris" Silas said with a smile, his eyes changing between the two Jedi.

Approaching Iris, he returned fire and swung hard and true toward her upper body. At the same time, he hoped Cailen would take the bait and walk into a back kick when Silas was preparing for another strike



"Jedi don't do revenge."

Iris didn't pause, didn't give a moment's break or breather. When Silas slipped back she slipped forward, her blade lashing out in a quick flurry of strikes. Keep him on the defensive, keep him from being able to control the distance. That's what she'd learned how to do. And for the most part just focused on him. If Cailen came in, she'd handle it then.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Cailen Corso Cailen Corso

The sudden absence of Silas' lightsaber caused Cailen to stumble forward, his body following through with the force of the deadlock. He caught his footing just as the older Jedi dashed backward. Between them darted Iris, now on the offensive, dividing the boys and focusing on Silas.

Cailen hesitated for a moment, admittedly more than a little intimidated by Iris' mesmerizing quickness. She moved like flowing water, but he wouldn't let that stop him from showing the vetted Padawans what he could do.

Cailen paced around the pair as he watched carefully for an opening, finally arcing his cyan blade into the fray while Silas traded blows with Iris. He swung his saber in a powerful downward strike, expecting to catch the older boy off guard.

Silas's thoughts were right, Cailen did indeed try and take his chance. As he was about to deliver another strike to Iris he suddenly lifted his leg and back kicked the younger boy away from him "Maybe next time!" Silas teased rotating his body to try and swing a strike towards Iris's chest to try and catch her off guard. Silas himself hadn't done many two v one's in his time as a Jedi, but it was always a good thing to learn as you were almost guaranteed to experience it one day.

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