Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Primeval [Info]

Atlas Kane

Oh, I do not have any real romantic interest. I am merely excited that someone made a very Warhammer 40k-esque thing, since I'm a pretty big fan of 40k.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Corvus Caligo"],

I don't have a romantic interest either, just saying ;)

[member="Ozuvyn Sar-Sargoth"], [member="Anja Aj'Rou"],

Also on serious note, what's your position on droids? Because your faction looks pretty interesting and I too am fan of WH40k universe, to the point of making a Necron-like race few months back :p Tomb World and everything.
I find this very interesting. At some point I will, undoubtedly, find myself working amongst you lot. Perhaps even with this alt, after my holiday break. As long as you don't mind giants, of course. Kesesesesesesesesesesese!

We love droids as long as they don't mind helping commit some onslaught ;)

[member="Vhrendai Embersky"]

We don't mind giants, in fact we might even prefer them. (Not that I've roleplayed with one before, should be interesting)


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"],

I do actually mind that :p

But I would still like to RP with you guys sometimes even if just to become sworn enemies, like I said, you look pretty interesting.

Also, would you say WH40k wise, you're more Chaos Cultists, Dark Eldar, or Necrons? I saw bits of all of those here and there so I just wanted to ask.
HK-36 said:
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"],

Also, would you say WH40k wise, you're more Chaos Cultists, Dark Eldar, or Necrons? I saw bits of all of those here and there so I just wanted to ask.
I guess we're a bit more Dark Eldar with our corrupted Sephi, but we're aiming to have a bit of Tyranid influence, too. But yeah a lot of our stuff is very influenced by 40K just for the kicks of it! Although our religion was actually based a bit off of Lovecraftian mythos.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"],

Gotcha, well that's good, I've seen Space Marines done here few times with my own troops being based on them appearance wise, I know Sarge in OP has his Inquisition which is supposed to be even more like them. Then there was the Death Watch of the Horde who were Chaos Marines, Bando Gora who fought OP were Chaos Cultists and Gods basically, Eldorai also in OP have influence of Eldar on them, there is also Dark Eldorai that were exiled from the planet who are indeed Dark Eldar rip off but I haven't seen done much with them. Then there's Mecha on Mechanus in Fringe, they're basically isolationist version of Necrons I made for the purpose of my own private story lines :p

So it's cool to see more WH40K influence but yet it's kept fresh, since like I said Dark Eldar have not been really done before, and there's that Lovecraft element you mentioned ^^
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Well, perhaps I should have said 'giants'. Ember is 'only' 10.5 feet tall. Not quite giant but still well above normal.
Either way, I do believe he will find himself with this group at some point.

Dark Eldar - or rather Dark Eldorai - have been used in a number of Kaeshana Confederation plotlines. The first faction thread was about them trying to stage a revolution against the mainstream Space Elf rip-offs and overthrow the Queen, which resulted in them being suppressed and the present Star Queen, Anya Venari, taking the throne. Your Dark Eldar actually showed up in that thread. :p And they were NPC antagonists in one of OP's dominions. I may make use of them again and flesh them out more after the present faction plot is finished.

Anyhow, this seems like a fun faction. The more 40k references the better, so welcome. And the Lovecraftian vibe is fun as well. :)
Just a head's up!

The Primeval are actively accepting new members and for those who don't know we've recently began a Skirmish thread with the Imperial Remnant that will develop into a much bigger story.

So if you're looking to be part of something new, interesting, and partially inspired by 40k then look no further!


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"],

Is it restricted to only those two factions?

Like I said before, I would love to RP with your faction but I do not have anybody in either factions and I would prefer to engage my main account into RP before settling with using my secondary accounts since I have bad history of forgetting about the RP I have on my secondary accounts and failing to reply for long periods of time. It would just be easier for me to keep up with RP when done on my HK account
You could just throw the chair.

Also, on a related note, all 40k references without being actually 40k on Chaos make me happy. I'm currently working on essentially an Eldar autarch. One of my other characters could very well be a Space Marine and we know that I worship Khorne. >_>

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