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The pointy end

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

The air around here was chilled, with everything that was going on around her. New clothing, new robes and her own saber before the small Jin herself breathed out. Here on the Library they were experimenting with the construction methods and different ways that they would be able to better build what the artisan's called glass gardens. To better produce food. She had left her homeworld with a chance to well explore and visit others. Getting trained as a jedi had been a bonus and her work with the silvers well it added up to letting here be promoted by Sorel herself. The jedi grandmaster had vanished but the Jin's respect for her was there when she went back to making some of the food seeing the others all around them.

THe smells of the food as it was being cooked, the lime green outfit she was wearing practically radiated the lightside of the force as she coming to understand it and she was learnign more about the force here with all of the other jedi. Her short size making her almost seem like one fo the children these younglings but then they remembered that she was one of the jedi knights in charge of instruction for the time being. Able to teach practical skills such as cooking and cleaning while on your own personal ship. Her Saotome Diplomatic Yacht something few others had. She had the ship docked here until her custom saber was on her hip with her black hair coming all around her shoulders.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
A library a place of tranquillity from the rest of the world, a safe space to unwind and think over past experiences and do some personal study. It was a slow progress but Sukai was determined to continue carrying out her fathers task in the accumulation of knowledge to be preserved in case of a cataclysmic even, similar to the plague that ravaged the galaxy year ago. The young half blood Jin wandered the halls of the library, eye noting the odd ship docked to the side, it was not uncommon for Jedi to use their ships as home at the temple as done by Lady Ike, but the design was, different form those she had usually seen. It resembles a water fairing craft, and unlike other ships was armed, though with the constant threat of attack from the Sith it was not unnecessary.

Wandering closer to the ship Sukai sensed a potent feel of the light, like a radiating beacon that swatted away the darkness from all around, almost making Sukai's force signature seem black and pale in comparison. 'must be a Jedi master of sort around here... come to think of it I was never assigned to a master properly... that is the problem with war, people tend to forget the small details". Regardless if said assumed master was busy the young appearance continued to walk in the same direction, the wafting smell of cooking inviting her even more, like a strong current that was almost impossible to fight against.

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

She continued to cook the food with interest from the others, dishing out the stew as the scent of beef cooked in the broth with garlic and onions. with carrots, barley some other veggies before she looked out from the large pot. Holding a ladle with their bowls. "There we go now, much like with anything you have to let it simmer and build over time. Don't expect to be the best, don't expect to get all of the lessons and information right away. Practice, practice and practice while you study the older recipes or the legend sof the jedi. Try to see what they did or what they have become." She said it looking up and motioning with her hands for others. She could see over the small area where she had been cooking thanks to the step stool with a smile. "Welcome welcome we are just getting some food."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Continuing further into the library, following the smell of the sound of people, talking and laughter reached Sukai's ear, most notably the words
Wu Yeoh said:
"Welcome welcome we are just getting some food."
. Was there some sort of community cooking event going off? Come to think of it she was reasonably hungry herself, a small bite to eat right about now would do just for her.

Coming into view of the main are Sukai's eyes fell on the assumed person who said such words, their outfit being the one with a radiance of light, as well as holding a ladle and standing behind a cook top, it was probably safe to assume this was this person in question. They seemed young, but time with her master of many faces brother had taught her, never judge a book by its cover, she looked to be astrian, but something felt different, but at the same time familiar. "Umm hello there, is this an open community kitchen, I am still kind of new here".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

She looked at the voice and raised her head, letting black hair fall down to her shoulders before stepping out and motioning with her hand for one of the droids to come and continue stirring. "It is one fo the mess halls here, all are welcomed." She said it and was offering a smile while she stood to her full height which was shorter then... most of the other Jin she was around. Lots of work could go into it but she would let the droi go about it before she was standing there for now. "Welcome to the Library, I am Wu from Tiantang and one of the jedi knights who teach here.... among a few other jobs." She said it with a smile while offering a bowl.

"If you are hungry, it is nearly done. We have some other food as well, the different livestock they raise in the biodomes of the library or some fo the gardens give everything you could want." She said it while moving around and getting one of the tables set up with the force before removing the overcloak for the kitchen and it felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. The heavier material for splashes and heat was important to deal with until she finished and the soup was ready. Thick with meat and potato's visible while the brother got a good amount of bread to soak it up and some drinks were being served.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Of course one of the mess halls, she was still not use to eating in them, preferring to dine outside on a grassy hill or something similar. Sukai returned a weak smile to the unusually short woman "thank you Knight Wu, I was starting to feel hungry mysel...... wait did you say Tiantang? the home planet of the Jin" Sukai had not run into another Jin before, Astrians and similar races but not one of her own, even if it was a what she assumed to be a Yu-Jin, judging from the name. She stood still a bit not sure how to react, quickly and dare say awkwardly giving a respectful bow, "forgive me for not introducing myself properly, Watashi Wa Sukai'ito Yumi, hajimimash'ite".

Her face turned a bright red, completely contrasting her usually pale skin as she continued to listen about the different food available while knight Wu set up another table, 'good going sky, make a fool of yourself on the first interaction with another Jin... what would father say about this... actually never mind, he'd just be rolling over on the ground laughing hysterically'.

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

She looked at the girl and bowed her head with a small smile appearing. "Not often you meet others, I was on the princesses ship when she first left the system. We encountered the jedi and I have spent time with them learning. It has been quite interesting to say the least." She said it with a small grin on her face when she was looking at a few of the other parts here. Offering a seat. "We have tables or there are the different biodomes where they have built some fo the temples. As a means to better understand and figure out how best to repair or even teach at them without damaging the current ones." Wu was looking at it and with all of the food there she also pointe dout the different jedi padawans and knights who were around. "So what brings you out here and away from home?"
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai quickly recovered from her embarrassment, now generally interested in Wu and how she came to be with the Silver Jedi, there were some rummors and talk about the Jin setting up diplomatic talks with the Iron Empire and other closer factions but all the way on the other side of the galaxy? (speaking Yuyanses)"It must be an interesting trip, going from one side of the galaxy to the other, thank you" she stated upon taking Wu's offer to sit down at the table, a fine spread of diverse and interesting edibles present.

"Home..... well, the thing is, I did not grow up on Tiantang, my family was that of travel, how father was able to leave the planet before hand is unknown to me, he does not like to talk about it". "My home, or the planet I have spent most of my life on was Dattooine, a planet of flat open planes, a hub for Jedi, but now under the control of the Sith". She mulled over the details a bit more in her head, "I have always wanted to visit my fathers home, but certain.. events have prevented me from doing so", Sukai made reference to the scar across her left eye, "In addition I am unsure of how they would treat outsiders, even if said outsider is one of their own".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Wu looked at her and offered a soft smile as she spoke to her in their home tongue away from the others. "Only one way to find out, I am not certain if we have had any sort like that in the past." She said it and took a bite before getting a small look. "Though the library travels around unlike other stations and most other beings even the jedi at times don't even seem to know it exists." Or they ignored it, either way she had learned that it was a great place to go. Until now though. "But Dantooine sounds like a place that would be interesting to go once the sith are handled the jedi can return and try to help people." Or any number fo things could happen before she smiled. "Though we have a biodome though for places like Dantooine, fields and some small buildings to learn what can be done."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Wu seemed to be a very kind a genital person, her soft smile being a welcome embrace each time she responded, while Sukai partook of the meal provided, "A moving Library? this sounds like an interesting place to live in, surrounded by knowledge as well as being a home, and a secret at that, must of taken a great deal of work to build".

"Ah yes Dantooine, though out history it was always a home for the Jedi, had lovely natural site, not yet plagued by human technology, but as of recent months the combined forces of the Sith Ascendancy and Sith assassin Brotherhood banded together to form the Sith Empire, and rapidly expanded, now people their either live in fear of the Sith or a brain washed by propaganda into serving them"

She raised a hand slight in objection to Wu's next comment, "it is okay, true Dantooine was the place I grew up on the most, but the Stars where my true home, though a Riben-Jin it seems like my life was more accustom to that of the Kangan-Jin... he Ironic".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]x
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

"Well then thin of a place and there is likely an environment that mirrors it here, several jedi temples have been rebuilt here on the station as well." She said it but was looking around at what they had and what they could do."I was about to go and start training at one of the temples here. A recreation of the kyber temple on Jedha with some of the guardians of the Whills who aid us on here to understand the crystals our sabers use." She said it and it was a mouthful but she would and should be able to do plenty of things for all of them now. She wanted to see some of the parts for now when she brought her hands up and adjusted her robes. "Oh these things are only slightly different, could use some more clothing from home."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She was a bit awed by the mention of several Jedi temples being built in the ship, sure it was large but to go to great lengths to remake several temples, to preserve them like an open use museum, it was something Sukai could only dream of doing. This was no coincidence that she had stumbled across Wu and she would not squander this opportunity to train under another Jin and be able to explore this amazing ship further.

"Clothes from home.. I have worn a Kimono and other Jin traditional garments here and there, but they are not always easy to find", Sukai took a small breath, readying herself to propose a propositioned to Wu, "If I may , Yeoh-sama, would I be able to occupancy you to training, it would be a honor to participate, if you'd have me".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

She had a look on her face and the idea of someone coming on training... well there was something there. She wasn't certain it wasn't often done. "Of course." She wasn't certain about it, mostly because she had never actually had a student before outside of the kitchen, something this unique might help her out though, to get out of a shell and push forward so they could get to the room. leading the way through the halls that were lined with artifacts and some equipment that had been discovered. Past rooms filled with holograms and displays for different jedi who were showing their different training methods and expeirneces in records. From the nlowest padawans to the grandest masters. She led the way into the one temple and it was mirroring ossus that stood tall with the displays of the space port they had been working on near them.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
The look [member="Wu Yeoh"] had worried Sukai slightly, had proposing to participate in training stuck a wrong cord...or was it that no one had presented the Idea before. She hoped towards the latter, which might make more sense, with most Jedi padawan having masters and group classes to teach newcomers, knights did not seem to attain students as much these days, especially with the current war going on.

Sukai breathed a sigh of releaf at her words, offering a genuine smile to her as the finished up on their meals, 'oooh I can't wait'. She promptly followed Wu through the different reconstructed halls, inspecting the many artifacts present, the statues of past Jedi reminiscing with her fascination with history. Soon they entered a recreation of the Ossus temple, a sight for for sore eyes, considering the destruction of the real one due to the Sith invasion, "Even if the Sith ruined the real one, preserving its magnificence is a worth task... I could get use to this".
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Wu looked at her and at what they had here on display it was perfect in many ways now she had to agree. Rebuilding the temple also served she knew as a way to experiment with new materials to rebuild it when they got a chance. "Yes, they are trying to get all of it, if they can be successful here they can have a plan for the planet itself." She was standing in the middle now where she could see it and tapped on one of the controls from her chevron. THe libraries training tools could give all of the access for them. Where she wanted to train now, getting a training saber for herself and for the padawan along with a few drones to train and use for the force. Anything else they could call in some droids, drones or anything they needed. "Tell me padawan, what is it you have learned of the force so far."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She gave a nod to Wu at her words, "Practice makes perfect, and if they can make it here with ease, then it will thus be easier to rebuild it in it proper place". Sukai stood close behind the Jedi knight as she played around with the controls, allowing for easy assess to training tools and equipment, like the entire library was alive, able to cater to the woman's needs. Though the woman's next question was a slightly touchy subject due to her more then dark past, something that not many people knew, let alone accepted, earning her a slight reputation as a somewhat shady member of the Silver Jedi.

"Well I have done my fair share of training here at the temple, sparing, fighter pilot practices and force lesson, but most of that was group sessions, and are only recent things, most of my actual training, that has gotten me to where I am is... not the most orthodox". She grabbed herself a training saber, testing its weight in hand before continuing, "My mother tough me a lot about fighting, both with a saber and with my fists, and my father taught me about the force, though in a more neutral way then a Jedi, later on in life I had my fair share of Sith teachers, not the most present experiences I can tell you".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Did she say sith teachers? There was a moment in her mind but she wasn't one to judge as she was learning and had learned within the silvewr jedi... well a number of them used the darkside and taught themselves special. Even more seemed to be former sith or crrent sith but they were all ready and able to not be corrupted by the darkside." With a look appearing on her face though she was walking around now. Getting some fo the equipment as she waited for a moment allowing the force to flow throughout herself, feeling it practically vibrate through her body and down to her bones before she stood there in the center of the temple speaking. "Well that can come in helpful, we all come from somewhere and the past is the past, only as strong as you want to make it. My master well she didn't do much teaching and preached understanding the darkside, saying we couldn't get along with them because we as jedi had issues. It wasn't something I liked to hear as it boiled down to wanting to be liked and popular over making a real decision." Wu stood at the ready though while she was letting some of the force radiate off of herself. Basking in the lightside as it felt warm and calming here with the synthmesh weaved into the walls inspiring the lightside itself within her. "We'll start with the basics and move along."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Maybe she should have elaborated on the Sith part a bit more, true it was a defining part of her growing up, but still only minor compared to her parents tutoring. "True it can be helpful, but my main reason for allowing myself to become a Sith student was to see the different ways people taught, to experiences the different side of the force, I was raised to not think either side was inherently good or evil, it was the way people used them that gave portrayed things in certain categories". "I now know that is only true to some extent, sure using the dark side does not make one evil but it corrupts, changes, I have seen Sith that try hard to do what right, but slowly the dark-side eat away at their moral, to the point where genocide of half a planet is considered just or not significant enough to the over all plan to bring their so called peace".

"I think your are right in your view of your master, it is not the light-side that has its problems, its the dark and the fact that those that use it seek power, and almost all the time instigate violence, countless times through history the Jedi try to make peace, only for the Sith to break it... I personally believe the only way to bring total peace is for one to learn the light first and then the dark, those that learn the dark first are almost always lost it its grip". Sukai rolled her arms around loosening up and stretching, getting the blood flowing again, after all it had been a while since her last spar, "Ready when every you are".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

The padawan was giving her a few things to think about in this and she raised some interesting ideas... dangerous but a more understandable and interesting way to look at it. That wasn't bad it was in the practice that it could become dangerous. "An interesting way to look at it but you always should be careful." Wu was looking at it and she stood there now as the padawan was ready with a nod of her head to get going. "Alright we shall begin." She didn't bring up her saber but set her hands up with different weighted drones that were around. To focus on one that weighed the less and slowly started to lift it, then another, then another and another to give the padawan an idea of what to do. The stones in the older temples were for this type of training to really work the force energies.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Yer careful, if only she had been like that, oh how her mother would slap her silly for the stupid things Sukai had done in the past, "Experience, best teacher it may be, hardest usually it is also... unfortunately I had to learn that saying the hard way, but that is in the past, I've learned all I want to know for now about the dark side, and I am more then willing to accept the embrace of the light, even if other find my presence a little strange". Sukai took position in front of Wu, carefully eye her movements and motions, noting each drone that she raised, it was similar to an exercise that her brothers master had done, but it seemed that these drones where weighted.

Following her lead Sukai reached out with the force, testing the weight of each drone, carefully and precisely lifting each on up, keeping them steady as she focused on raising the next, and the next and so on, until all the drones where hovering around her, raised in order.Most would have though such an exercise was beneath them or silly, but her mother had literately beaten into her at a young age that the basics must always be reviewed, as they form the basis for what ever it is your attempting to learn.

[member="Wu Yeoh"]

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