Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Pleasures of Pain

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
I slipped into the dress, smiling my appreciation. The faux-fabric was much finer than my rough spun robe; still, I kept it about my shoulders, proud of my creation. Only time would tell how long it would last; I wasn't so learned enough as to create permanent constructs.

She spoke of reclaiming ancient Sith artifacts to amplify her power. I was quite curious, as I had only just begun my education as a Sith. This endeavor, should I partake in it, would only enhance said education. But I couldn't just leave the planet -- my first allegiance was to Lord Kaine. He was my master, in every way.

"I would like to help you, but I cannot do so without Lord Kaine's permission."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Come now... I only want to grow that much stronger and darker for our master. And you should too, darling. Especially if you desire to grow your strength in energy constructs and illusions." She ran her hands gently over the Epicanthix's neck wound, already beginning to scar. "Besides, would you really wish to disappoint someone who's enamored and sees so potential with you... maybe even more?"

A soft kiss would once again betray Circe's enrapturing with the gorgeous pink-haired girl. "Pain and pleasure are your cocktail, and I can provide both, darling."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
I shivered as her fingers brushed against the mark she'd made on my neck -- a mark of possession. I was hers, but... I thought of Kaine's marked, etched into the small of my back.

"I don't want to disappoint you, and I know you can provide me with everything I want, but Lord Kaine is still my master. My body is yours -- my soul is his. I will not leave without his permission; I cannot leave without his permission. You are my world," I lifted a hand and pressed her fingers down against the wound, rougher than her languid touches, "but he is my universe." Then I pulled her hand away, kissed the palm, and each knuckle; she would feel my lips moving against her skin as I spoke. "I will help you in any way that I can, here on Thule, but if you mean for me to leave and assist you on your search, I will need Lord Kaine's permission." No amount of words could change that.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Kara..." Circe moved in, shifting to where she was adequately positioned in the dominant role. "I need you at my side. If I have to search for Kaine and telepathically message him that I need you with me, I will do so. It will be the time of your life, darling." She scratched the underside of the Epicanthix's chin. "I guarantee it."

Firmly embracing Kara, she grabbed the folds of her passion's robe and began to focus, intending to disintegrate the illusion of a dress she wore. It was time to feed her again.

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
The dress she'd made for me faded into nothingness, but I hardly noticed. Circe's sweet scent filled my nose again and I moaned in pleasure, working my way back to the bed, lips claiming her flesh in ever more frequent kisses.

"That is all I ask," I managed to say, breath hot and heavy, "that you alert Lord Kaine."

I didn't manage to say anything else for a good long while.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
The next morning - as all the two women had done for the day and night was give in to their torrid, tempestuous passion - Circe sent a telepathic message to Kaine, asking him if the bubblegum-haired Epicanthix could join the plant-woman on her travels throughout the galaxy, hunting for artifacts. The response she had recieved was, to put it simply, "yes."

Under the soft embrace of the fuzzy blanket, the plant-woman ran her fingers through the soon to be awakened Kara's hair. "Mmm... Darling, I have news for you when you wake up."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
Circe's green skin and beautiful face was a welcome sight when I awoke from my slumber. I immediately thought of the night before, of her hands digging into my back, of my screams echoing in the dark chamber. I couldn't help the smile that graced my face, or the fire rekindling in my loins upon sight of her. I moistened my lips before I spoke. "What is it?"

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I contacted our master. Telepathically. He has given me permission to bring you with me on my travels to hunt for artifacts." Circe smiled, further embracing the other gorgeous woman. "We'll ship out today. I've had a... special room constructed in my ship, the Gorgon. I promise you, you'll love it. The chair, the rack... Mmm."

Slowly, the aspiring Sith sorceress slid the covers off the bed and carefully stood up. "Would you like to go, or shall we have a little more fun before we leave?"

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]​

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
"We'll leave now," I said, sliding from the bed and moving to dress myself in a light robe and black boots, "and see about 'blessing' this special room of yours."

@[member="Circe Savan"]​
In Umbris Potestas Est

And with that, the two women were off. A treasure hunt for artifacts? This would definitely be the most delectable experience Circe had in a long period of time.

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]


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