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The Pleasures of Pain

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
-- Lord Kaine's Palace on Thule
After learning my way through the tortuous corridors of my Master's palace and familiarizing myself with the general populace -- servants and guardsmen, mostly -- I found myself returning again and again to the chambers and laboratories in the bowels of the castle. I took care to cover my nakedness on my trips, in case my Master had visitors, in robes of black or crimson or both.

In the dungeons, sith more learned than I pushed the boundaries of biology, combining ancient sith magic and science to wondrous effect. Sith Alchemy, they called it. I was no alchemist -- not yet -- but I enjoyed watching them work, seeing the pain and hopelessness in the subject's eyes, watching them break. They tried to fight the pain, to combat it, when they should've embraced it. Pain enhances -- pain transforms. These wretches... they knew nothing of pain, of conquering it. I could think of no greater pleasure than the suffering of others.

I was wrong.

In Umbris Potestas Est
Dreary. Dark. Damp.

There were a good deal of words the inhuman plant-woman known as Circe could've used to describe the atmosphere of Kaine's castle. It wasn't the appearance that made the facility feel like a reverberation of his own evil - and she had chosen to align herself with Kaine for the moment, as he had much to offer her - as much as it was his own darkness and the darkness of those within it. Circe needed to visit that Jedi Master being held captive here...

But she was more interested in another right now. The one who had come to the castle, completely naked, and pledged her all to Kaine. She believed pain was pleasure, that the best experiences were obtained through the torture and punishment of her enemies. This, to say the least, rather conflicted with Circe's methodology of manipulation and silent seduction. And as she eyed the young woman, she knew what she needed to do.

"Darkness is beautiful, isn't it?"

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
"Darkness is beautiful, isn't it?"
"Pain is beautiful," I returned, turning around to face the newcomer. She was the most pleasant shade of green, with long, luscious black hair and eyes the color of shining steel, full of suggestions. In this gallery of exquisite art, she was a masterpiece. "Though I suppose darkness does possess a certain allure." Was this one of Kaine's knights, perhaps? She felt strong in the Force, and there was a certain slant to her shoulders that suggested power. "My name is Kara," I supplied, glittering blue eyes roving her many curves. "I am Lord Kaine's newest apprentice."

In Umbris Potestas Est
Stepping towards the attractive pink-haired apprentice, she eyed the woman over. There really wasn't much to say about her - she was gorgeous from what Circe could tell. Eying her ardently, she couldn't help but smile. "I heard about when you first arrived. Perfectly natural in form and attire, utterly subservient to the wishes of one more powerful than you. I applaud your diligence and attentiveness in preparing before coming here to Thule."

But it was time to start making her own move as the smell of pheromones entered the air. "Kaine has something special planned for you. What it is, even I don't know. All I know is that there are some things I can't do with you... friend." She gave a sinister chuckle before motioning for the woman to follow her.

"But this isn't one of them."

@Kára Morrigan

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
"I heard about when you first arrived. Perfectly natural in form and attire, utterly subservient to the wishes of one more powerful than you. I applaud your diligence and attentiveness in preparing before coming here to Thule."
In truth, I had prepared nothing, merely followed the whims of the vast, malevolent entity known as the Dark Side. It had led me to Thule -- before becoming Lord Kaine's apprentice, I'd known nothing of the ways of the Sith. I meant to explain my circumstances when a scent wafted up my nose; it was everything good rolled into one, sweet smell, and it made my blood rush and my heart flutter. Before my eyes, the woman seemed to glow.

"Kaine has something special planned for you," she began. It was hard for me to concentrate on her words. "What it is, even I don't know. All I know is that there are some things I can't do with you... friend."

Her laugh made me shudder. My tongue danced lasciviously across my lips, moistening them, an unconscious show of my mounting desire. My hands twitched towards her, but I managed to suppress the urge by biting down hard on my bottom lip, drawing blood. What was happening to me? I couldn't even breathe right, and it was all I could do not to touch myself.

"But this isn't one of them," she finished, beckoning me to follow.
And follow I did.

In Umbris Potestas Est
Slowly, like a serpentine reptile, Circe slithered through the halls with her latest acquisition, coming to a room she had grown ever fond of - her own laboratory inside the twisted castle. She motioned over various medical and genetic instruments, containers of samples and other plethoras of things. "When Kaine is done with you, I intend for you to play a part in my own experiments. I promise, you'll most definitely enjoy them."

Stepping out, they walked down another hallway and reached yet another room. This one was more opulent, more... More sleep-worthy. Letting Kára in first, she gave a soft smile as the door closed behind then, her body behind the Epicanthix, her arms draped over her shoulders and beginning to remove her robe.

"And this is my bedroom, where you'll be spending plenty of time as well." Another sinister laugh uttered from her lips. "You need to learn how to create illusory clothing. That way you can feign modesty all you wish while still being comfortably natural in my own flesh."

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
She led my to her chambers, first showing me to her personal laboratory. It contained similar equipment to the others, and yet seemed grander, more pristine even, no doubt due to her presence. I didn't spend much time surveying the facilities, sparing them little more than a few perfunctory glances -- I had eyes only for this green picture of perfection standing before me.

"When Kaine is done with you, I intend for you to play a part in my own experiments. I promise, you'll most definitely enjoy them."
That sounded so very ominous to my ears, and I couldn't help but shiver. What, exactly, did she mean to do with me? Lord Kaine had been equally tight-lipped about his plans. We left the lab behind and walked the length of a conjoining corridor to her boudoir. The room was dark, brightened only by a few braziers placed throughout the room. The bed was its most notable feature, draped in crimson fabrics and large enough for a group of several to enjoy its comforts. I felt her step up behind me, felt the warmth of her body pressed to my back. Her arms fell over my shoulders, and my robes slipped from my arms.

"And this is my bedroom, where you'll be spending plenty of time as well." She laughed sinisterly. "You need to learn how to create illusory clothing. That way you can feign modesty all you wish while still being comfortably natural in my own flesh."

"There is much I need to learn," I replied, turning around in her arms to face her. I was the taller woman, but she held all the power in this coupling. My glittering aquamarine eyes bore into hers -- we were so close, I could taste her breath. It made me even warmer, and again, my tongue snaked out to dance along my lips, seemingly of its own accord. I was losing control, and fast. "Who are you?" My hands closed around her waist, fingers exploring her flesh. "What are you?" I leaned forward, nuzzling her face with my cheek. My hands dipped lower. "And why are we still talking?"

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Yes, very much you need training, darling... If you ever hope to be like me. I can tell how enraptured you are..." she licked her own lips, realizing that so far as dejarik went, this pawn could potentially become the most useful piece in the game.

"I am Circe Savan." She brought her hands around the Epicanthix's waist.

"I am Sith." She enjoyed the feeling of the two of them being pressed together, her clothing evaporating like a cloud as the door locked and the lights went down.

"And you belong to me."

@Kára Morrigan

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
"And you belong to me."
My lips curled into a smirk. "I belong to Lord Kaine... but you may have what's left."

For some time after, thought escaped me -- there was only feeling, of skin to skin and warmth to warmth. No more words were spoken, and my breath came and went in sharp gasps and long sighs. My toes curled as my body spasmed, eyes growing too heavy to hold open. The feeling was heavenly, and I found myself reaching those heights again, and again, and again. Finally, after our coupling was over and thought returned to me, I expressed my curiosity about the history of this majestic palace.

We lay in her bed, limbs entwined, my chest slick with sweat, hair haphazard about my head. "Did you know the former Queen of Thule?" I asked, shifting to lean on my elbow. I slipped one hand beneath the covers, trailing my fingers along the length of her thigh.

In Umbris Potestas Est
Passion and the smell of lust was heavy in the air as Circe continued to embrace the beautiful Epicanthix. In her relaxed state of mind, Circe could only answer in a soothing, syrenic voice, one that she knew Kara would love. "In truth, I have no clue as to whether Kaine has ever had a queen or not. I'd assume the closest thing would be that cybernetic Zeltron toy of his."

In Circe's opinion, Belaya was more machine and silicone than natural flesh. But of course, it's not like she'd ever say such a thing to Kaine.

"She's heavily augmented. You and I are all-natural." @[member='Kára Morrigan']

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
"In truth, I have no clue as to whether Kaine has ever had a queen or not. I'd assume the closest thing would be that cybernetic Zeltron toy of his. She's heavily augmented. You and I are all-natural."
I was already shaking my head before she'd finished speaking, even as her voice sent a wave of heat washing over me. "She wasn't Lord Kaine's queen." I shifted and straddled her, grinding my hips into hers. "She ruled Thule before him -- there's a statue of her in the foyer." I leaned forward and pressed my lips to the hollow of her neck, slowly trailing kisses down her collarbone. "Her name --" I nibbled her flesh, "was Karin Dorn."

The taste of her numbed my mind, but something she'd said begged to be addressed. "Cybernetic Zeltron toy, huh?" I mumbled, mouth otherwise occupied. "You're a Zeltron too, aren't you? That's why I can't seem to control myself." Not that I was trying.

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Mmm... She sounds truly delectable. A sorceress for the ages." Circe ran her hands firmly up and down Kara's back, running back up into her gorgeous pink hair. "I would've greatly desired to meet her. And I know you do too." A playful wink would indicate to her what she meant by that.

"Well... I used to be a Zeltron. More precisely, half-Zeltron. But a friend of mine made me a new body. One that was infinitely more beautiful and seductive than my old one. The potency of my pheromones were... Greatly increased." A new wave rose into the air as she leaned a tad forward, giving the Epicanthix another long and passionate kiss.

"And my body will last far longer than any ordinary sentient."

@[member="Kára Morrigan"]

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
"And my body will last far longer than any ordinary sentient."
I considered her with heavily-lidded eyes, lips pulled into a lazy smile. "Then let us continue."

| Some time later... |
I stood at the window, eyes riveted to the jagged mountains beyond the castle walls, studying the black lines as they rose and fell against the burnt orange sky. Nothing stirred in those mountains; neither creature nor man -- not even the wind. Only the shadows moved.

"I want to be of use to the Empire, Circe. I want to be of use to Lord Kaine... to Darth Infinitous..." I turned to face her, eyes imploring. "To you. Teach me something. You're well learned in the ways of the Dark Side; in the ways of the Sith. Teach me. I promise you won't regret it."

In Umbris Potestas Est
With feelings running high like the two of them had just experienced, Circe leaned over, snuggling up with Kara in a very loving and tender manner. "Well... I'm predominantly an illusionist. Of people in the Empire, I'm probably one of the top five most skilled at usage of illusions and energy constructs. I'd be glad to teach you some of what I know on those two subjects." She placed a hand gently on the cheek of the apprentice, smiling.

"Which do you wish to learn first?"

@Kára Morrigan

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
I leaned into her touch, considering. "Energy constructs," I said after a time. I wasn't entirely sure what they entailed, but if she was truly one of the best practitioners of the technique, I could be confident that I would learn shortly. It would be hard to concentrate -- it took considerable effort to keep my eyes from drifting down to her bare chest, but I would manage. And perhaps the strength of my passion would heighten my connection to the Dark Side? "I'm ready when you are."

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well... The simplest way to show you is this." The two of them were both naked, on top of the bedsheets, but as Circe focused, dark energy would begin to surround them, forming into the shapes of lingerie and a bedsheet. "You must channel your energy and form it into the shape of an object. The larger the object, the more difficult it is to shape. Now..."

Pointing at a nearby pebble she had gathered from a beachside a while ago, Circe motioned to Kara. "Recreate that utilizing the energy construct techniques I taught you."

@Kára Morrigan

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
Before my eyes, Circe conjured a bedsheet and lingerie, seemingly with little effort involved. I reached out a hand to grip the sheet in my fingers; it felt real. She gestured to a pebble sitting on the bedside table.

"Recreate that utilizing the energy construct techniques I taught you."

She'd made it sound exceedingly simple, but I had only just begun learning how to manipulate the vast Dark Side energies available to me. A flickering shape formed in my hand, but lost its cohesion almost instantly. Grasping hold of my power was like trying to hold water, and my first two attempts were unsuccessful. In my defense, my mind kept flickering back to the highlights of our time together, ruining my concentration. Irritation flared as a result of my failure; when I reached into the Force, I demanded it heed my call and obey my whims --

In my outstretched palm, a replica of the pebble -- almost identical down to the merest grain -- formed, and my irritation became triumph. A self-satisfied grin spread across my face. "What are the limits of this power -- what else could you create, given the right impetus?"

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Theoretically, anything. The most common things would be weapons - lightsaber resistant, of course, though other tools and constructs can be formed as well. Shields, barriers... whatever your imagination can artifice and your will can allow you to formulate. I do warn you: if you haven't been training in their formulation for a long period of time, there's a good chance larger and more complicated illusions will be harder to form."

She smiled, forming a small dagger in her hands as the previous constructs disappeared. "Hold out your hand, Kara."

@Kára Morrigan

Kára Morrigan

Angel of Deception
A dagger formed in Circe's palm, small and unassuming despite its jagged tip. Without hesitation, I held out my hand, palm up. I anticipated that she would cut it. I could think of no other reason she'd need my hand. My other hand curled against her hip, thumbs tracing circles in the skin.

In Umbris Potestas Est
But Circe didn't cut it. She merely pricked one of Kara's fingers with it, a small droplet of blood flowing that the plant-woman bent down and licked off.

"Kara, I want you to always remember. Despite superweapons, despite advanced swords and lightsabers, you will always have a weapon capable of harming others. And let's not forget all the other things that this technique can be used for.."

She smiled, snuggling up tighter to the young woman.

@Kára Morrigan

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